The Brussels Post, 1964-02-06, Page 1$2.00 A Year in Advanae - Tc THE BRUSSELS POST, TIEURSDAY,, FF4B. 6th, 1964
Brussels Council. Revise Building
By-Lamtv At February Meeting
Mrs. Gus Eder was winner Of
the Lions ;NHL HocKey Draw
on Saturday night,
Jack McIntyre of Listowel, has
been appointed !coach. Of- the
Guelph Regala. Jack joined the
Regals as a player early in Jan-
Money IS being taken from
clothes left in the dressing
rooms at the arena. Parents,
Chould warn their cnitdren not
to leave money in the dressing
rooms while they are on the ice.
A good many adults availed
themselves of the opportunity
of enjoying an evening of skating
at the local arena on Sunday. The
ice was crowded with young
skaters en Sunday afternoon.
The Rev. H. L. Jennings, who
has long been an avid observer of
weather, even to keeping ex-
ensive records, was right in his.
prediction when he told us, early
in December, that based on the
law of averages, we would have
a mild winter.
Candelmas Day, Sunday Febr-
uary 2nd, commonly known as
"groundhog day" was bright and
sunny and the groundhog would
have had. no trouote seeing his
shadow. If the legend be true or
not, six more weeks• of our pre
sent weather weather would not be too
unpleasant and we should be
grateful if it gets no worse.
It was a pleasure to learn that
over four hundred persons,
showed an interest in minor
hockey and our young players by
their attendance at the arena on
Thursday night. Four games, were
played to mark Minor -Hockey
Week. 'We hope the parents of
.these boys continue to come to
see their sons in action on the
ice. Their parents Interest means
a lot to these YoUngsters.
The reghlar Meeting of the
Home and School Association
will be held in the BruaSels Public
School on 'Wednesday , February
IStis t at SAO 0.tu. Meeting Will be
O'er by 10.30,
The people of Brussels and
area will be particularly in-
terested in the OBC-TV's Camera
Canada series on Wednesday
night, February 12th. You will
see described the fabulous early
years of mining in Northern Ont-
ario. What will he of special in-
terest is that the research on
which the script for this' is based
was done by Lester Machan, the
elder son of Mr, and. Mrs. Leonard.
Macban, of Brussels, who is now
on the (IBC staff in Toronto.
He spent'many weeks in various
'coimnunities in Northern Ontarloi
talking to old timers, listening to
tales of those days; going through
dusty old newspaper files, digging
out facts and interesting items.
Still photos you will see were un-
earthed by him. in his research
he also located some rare old, film
of those days.
When, talking to Mr. Ma.chan heo
told us. it was an interesting
assignment IC somewhat ex-
hattSting at times. In seine centres.
he received everyone's co-oper-
ation while in others he was
strictly on his own.
Don't miss this historic Camera
Rock WR011 Hop was
held on Friday, January 31st at
the Public!, ,School, About 111
teenagers danced to the music. of
the Cavaliers. Prizes Were given
for a Spot Dance and an Miran-,
Often. Dance. The. Cavaliers will
return on March 13th,
iii-T crests are, available froth
John Watson to members and
ucmenembers for 30c each.
Tice.. membership io the Beatle
Fan club may he obtained by
seeing Doug F4iliott or John
Watson as goon as possible.
Who Ran Off With A
Side Of Baeker's Beef?
Serneone is eating free beef
( hese days,.
A side of beef was stolen fro:MI
Baeker's slaughter house on. Sat-
urday or Sunday night,
The outer door and the door of
Ole cooler storage room were
forced with a crow bar and the
side of beef removed.
The break-in and theft are
under police investigation,
:Aar-oiling Mothers
Well Received
• The Marching Mothers
of the Home and School
Association would like to thank
the people of Brussels for their
generous contribution to the
March of Dimes.
$184,40 . was collected on the
door to door blitz Monday night.
If you were away from home
when they called and would like
to contribute to this worthy,
cause, you may' leave. donotions
in the business places where you
see the March of Dimes collect-
ion boxes.
Donations To The
Artificial Ice Fund
Hockey Pool 25.00
Gerald Watson 2.00
Walter Bewley 10.00
Tan Wilbee 2.00
Wilfred Shortreed „ 10.00
Thomas Shortreed
Win. T'hainer 1.00.
George Mutter 25.00
1.0.0.F. Lodge 100.00
Clarence VoCtitcheon 5.00
Mfrs. Susie Mae Robertson
passed away suddenly at her
borne in Meldland : on January
22nd in her 58th year.
She was the beloved wife of
Theodore A. Robertson formerly of
Wingham. The eldest daughter of.
the late Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gun-
nigham of the 7th line of l‘ifiorriS
Left to mourn their loss beside
her husband, one son, William
(Bill) of WillOWdale; two sisters,
Mrs. Leonard (Rosetta) Rooney of
Mrs: Frank (fsaabell) Hunt, See,
'forth, and three broialers, Marl%
of Clinton: George of Stmnfsh-
and parold of Kitchener.
The funeral was held on Friday
from the Funeral Patient in
li'Gi drand.
terffieht was in Midland
My sincere thati 7 ks is extended
to all my friends who so kindly
remembered with. cards, treats
and flowers while A was a 'patient
•;ri Wrin gh am Ho t I
Your thoegleletea .ss pas been
t ' McKinnon
The regular meeting of the-1
Village Council was held in the
Mull:dual 'Office „ on February'
:,'rd, 1964, all members being
Moved by Win. Stratychuk, sec-
ouded. by C, McFadden that the,.
minutes of the meeting of Jan-
uary 601.1964 be adopted as read
- Carried
Moved by C. D. McFadden, sec
'ended 'by C. L. Consins that the
Clerk be authorized to hire a
-woman to clean the Office at
$1'5.00 per year
- Carried!
Moved by H. J. TenP'as, second-
ed by C. L. Cousins tthat, the
accounts as presented for pay-
ment be paid
Yard. snow
United Stationery,
dog tags 11.64
MoCutcheon Motors, repairs
an d gas 89.27
MelKillop Township, relief
J. M. McDonald Lumber.
Oldfield Hardware
supplies `40.78 I'
Maitland Redi-Mi,x snow
retrieval 114:00
County of Huron, 1;163 tax.
arrears .collected 101.45
IliP•kson s 5 1.(l0, cheese
***** ..........
that I37-Law No, 8 1963 be read
a third time and passed, and the
Reeve and Clerl be authorized to
sign and the seal of the Cprpor-
ation attached
Moved by H. J, TenPas, second-
ed by Q. L. Cousins that By-Law
No. 9-1963 be read a third time
and passed, and the Reeve and
Clerk be authorized to sign and,
the seal of the Corporation
- Carried
Moved by Wm. Stratychuk, sec-
onded by C. L. Cousins, that By-
Law No. 2-1964 be introduced
and read a first and second time
and passed
This being a By-Law providing
for the 1964 expenditures on
roads and streets In the Village
of Brussels
Moved by H. J. TenPas, second-
ed by a D. McFadden that the
Properties mentioned in By-Law
No. 9-1963 be turned over to the
respective members concerned
.MOved by C. L. Cousins, second-
ed by Wm. Stratychuk that a
clause be added to Building
By-Law No. 5-1947 stating that
Vuilding permits be valid for a
period of six months 'from the
date. of issue
- Carried
Moved by Win. Stratychuk,
seconded by C. D. McFadden. that
the meeting adjourn, to meet
again March 2, 1964 or at the call
of the Reeve.
-- Carried
J. C. Kreuter 11,m, R. Ring
Reeve Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Kirkby,
13rtisSels, wish to announce the
engagement Of their only
daughter, Dorothy Dianne to'
James Gene McNeil, son of Mr.
and Jetties
The Marriage Will take place
February 29th, 1964, It Brussels
united Church,
Brussels Motors, towing
and storage old truck
PIG streetlights and
Callander Nursing Home,
January nursing care
Brussels Motors, gas
Glenn Somers, labour
on streets
Glenn McKercher, Snow
Bridge Motors, snow
Hi. L'cirnes, snow plowing
and snow removal
Pete Cardiff, labour on
Wayne Lowe, labour on
'Gordon Stiles, January
garbage collection
R. W. Kennedy, printing
Bernard TenPas, erecting
the ll
Brussels Cloal
Alvie Higgins, snow
Percy fllark. ra,diftV.0 62.40
Mowvint y Construction,
erepting bell 30.00
TrAt&-(", 'relephont,, nhone
rentals and tolls . 133.85
Receiver General, tax
deductions 28.90
Post office, T-ls ,. 15.80
Gan. Mutter, fuel 70.56•
by Wm. Stratychuk
by ID McFadden,
Moved by C, D. McFadden,
179.59 seconded by Wm. Stratychuk
that By-Law No. 2-1964 as read a,
3165.75 third time be 'passed and the
7.56 'Reeve and Clerk be authorized
to sign and the seal of the Corpor-
ation attached
- Carried
157.50 Moved by C. L. Cousins, second-
ed by H. J. TenPas that By-Law
5.50 No. 3.1964 be introduced and read
a. first and second, time and passed
160.25 This being a By-Law
ing the borrowing of $8000.00 for
1.50 the purpose of enlarging and im-
proving the Village Waterworks
18.00 system
120,00 I