The Brussels Post, 1963-12-19, Page 112410 A Tear la Ad $2.50 To MS* THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, DEC. 19th, 1963 ?OPT KTELISIIIINO MOVES
Wjoyous.14:ohday Season To one and 1111
• •• . The fourth general niletleg PEO, MEETING
117:(1 •YpS are holding their
armlet carol and candle-lighting
• service on Sunday, Dec. 22, at
S.30 p.m.
Miss Alice J. 'likirrest is assit-
1M in the Brussels 5c to $1
store during the Christmas rush.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dunn and.
Tamily of Kitchener spent the
week end with his parents, Mr,
, and Mrs. Earl Dunn.
Cranbrook W'. I.
• The Cranhrook W. I. held its
December meeting in the Cram
brook iCommunity Centre with
Walton. W. I as guest.
Mrs Bill Bremner conducted the
,opening eXereises and presided.
''over the business part of the
meeting. Tt was decided to donate
.6.5 toward the Santa parade in
Prassels and two turkeys to tam-.
dies in. the community. pruce .
McIntosh of Listowel favored the
ladies with several pieces .on his
necordian, Mary Huether gave the
..tonics.. She' dealt with customs of
Christmas 'in Many ports of the
World. Guest speaker was Mrs.
• McBride of .PP ordwich who ex-
plained her duties on thd Ontatio
Food .qouncil and how it was
working to help Canadian people.
The roll call was answered with a
Christmas custom in our house.
, Mrs. Ducharme demonstrated
how to ma,10',...several fancy cook-
ies: A penny auction was held
and a draw for the 12 tea. aprons.
Those winning the tea aprons
• wore Mrs. Jack Cox, Barbara
Bray, Mrs. Herman 'Whitfield,
Ws. Emerson Mitchell, Joyce
'Lake, Velma Stephenson. Mar-
garet Duel-lame, lean Evens.
Joyce van Vliet, Mrs. Ross. Cun-
ningham, Grace Evans and Doris
McDonald. The meeting concluded
with a delicious lunch mid social
• hour.
• The YPS are holding their
annual 'Candlelight service on
Sunday evening, Dec. 22, in the:
• church
Knox WMS
Mrs. E. is, NelSon was heistess
Tot the Christtnas • meeting of the
Women's MisSionaty Society,
Witte Engel was leader. and opened
the meeting with the call to
.wotahip and a 'CihriStaits. poem.
Miss Alice J. Forrest and Mrs.
Earl Dunn also took Part. The
scripture was read and Mrs. Alex
Steiss gave the meditation. Mrs.
Schnook led in prayer from the
Glad. Tidings. Mrs. Roy H.udSon,
Goderich, gave the Christmas
topic.. The president, Mrs, Stasiley
Fischer, dotiducted - the busineSs.
A Christmas verse was given in
response to roll call. Ten memb-
ers and oils visitor were present.
The secretaries gave their re-
ports, Christmas hymns were
Sting With Mai' tortest ist the
0.TO, 0 011$0,
To Whom It Slay Concern:
Now that winter is here and
the main street business section
of Brussels will be narrower
than usual on account of the
snow banks, wouldn't it be
wonderful If the ..fanners and
resTents, who come to
shop in our local stores, or tran-
sact business in ..offiCes could
find a. handy parking spot on the
main street? •
The way it has been for
several years,. .• both in summer
as well as in SVInterSmest of the
storekeepers, the employees in,
the .stores and .offiees or gar-
ages, and the 'upstairs apart-
Ment residents park their cars
or trucks on the' main street for
all day long (except for noon
hour maybe)..
Tt is high time that these
thoughtless( and inconsiderate
'people parked their cars away
back at least one or two blocks
off the main street, • so that the
ShOrt time shopper can find...a
plac,:, to Park.. •
Lately we've seen . the signs
Posted on ,the. main street advis,
Mescal- owners not' to leave their .
cars on the main street from,
S a.m. to S a.m. so that snow
nlougbin.g or removal can he
,oarried out effectively. This also
means all the other streets asi
well. So, all -village resid,enteis
please: remember this.
T think, and ••I'm sure that most
shoppers will agree that a two
hour parkinglithit SI3plaw should
become a local regulation, 'strict-
lv enforced by our local police-
man. This will benefit the short
time shoppers and the • business
neople On, the main street too,
so, don't let Me heat any local
istorekeeprs or office workers
complain about having to walk
to work. Most of them would be
better elf for the constitutional,
walk in the fresh air anyway.
Such a. by-law should prevent
(continued on page 5)
with the Benediction.
Miss Alice J. Forrest Was
noininated to preside PM* the
election Of officers and. Alex
Stoiss acted as secretary: The
following are the officers for
141 G 4.
President — Mrs. Earl Dunn
Vice Pros. — Mrs. Mac Engel,
Soorotary — Mrs. Alex Steiss
Treasurer Mrs. John Pdrrie
Supply Sec. — MrS. ,Tno Schnocu.
Welcome & Welfare — Miss A.
:Literature (S,- Library See; —
'Mrs.Dick BtatishasS
Gind Tidings Sec, Mrs, Mac
Auditors — Mrs. gelatin, Mrs.
hnd t,tvitles% 1lriPrat fltitmAti.
tit#0 :149#114 N4100,
of the IJCW was held Dec. 11th
in the church parlour.
Tile president, Mrs. Thomas,
was in charge. Following the
worship a Christmas story was
read by Mrs. C. Hemingway,
Rev. Johnston was Present to
present the executive for 1964 as
presented by the nomination.
committee es follows:
Tres, Mrs. Harold Thomas
1st Vice Pres. Mrs. C, Watson
2tid Vice Pres. Mrs. C, Hem-
Rec, Sec. Mrs, Ian McDonald,
Asst. Rec. Sec, Mrs, 0, Wheeler
Corr. Sec. ..... . Mrs, Leonard
• Mtachan
Treasurer. Mrs. Win. Miller.
President ,of the Afternoon
Group Mfrs. ,Tno. Rowland
Pres. of the Evening Auxiliary
Mrs Dick Stephenson,
The. installation of officera to
take place. Simday; Dee. 27th at
the morning service.
The business, meeting followed
and the meeting closed with the
The deatn occ,ar•ed in Lansing,
Mich., Dec. 4th, 1963, of Mrs,
Alice Mi. Oliver wifa. of the late
Jitlifes L. Oliver. formerly of
She was in her 6Gth year. •
Surviving are two sons, Arthur,
Farrand and Jatnes L. Oliver,
both. of Lansing.
Services were held Saturday,
December 7th at 1 p.m. from the
Gorsline - Runciman Funeral
Home with her minister Rev.
David P. McLean of West-
Iminater Presbyterian Church.
Interment in Evergreen Cemo
tery, Lansing, Mich.
My sincere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbours, for their
many acts of kindness while I was
is, hospital and after returning
honi e.
A special thanks to the Legion
fot their thought-
Tt was all much app-reciated.
Mrs. R, Hall
To The Residents Of Brussels
There will be NO Milk delivarY
en December 25th, 2.6th or Jan-
nary 1st. So pleaSe be sure to
get enough fresh dairy products
a few tlitSis ahead, fat the Foil-
TO All Ftom
The December Majestic In-
Stitinte meeting was held in the
Brussels Public Library on Dec-
ember 1,2 with 24 members and.
live visitors present. Mrs Ciarl:
lIomingway opened the meeting
with the Ode and Mary Stewart
Collect. Mrs. Hemingway wel-
coMed the ladies, the minutes
and b nsinesS followed. It was
moved by Mrs. L. Nichol, sec-
onded by Mrs. Speir we hold a
card party Jan. 3rd with the
committee that was to have cos-
v ieze.din the December one,
c The annual gift of 725.00 was
voted to the Library Board. A
motion to pay the bills followed.
Mrs John Wheeler, leader of
Girls' club "Milky Why" with
the assistance of Miss Rosemary
Rinke set up a skit shown at the
Achievement Day. Rosemary
gave the commentary very ably.
The spring project is to be
"What Shall I Wear?" with Mrs.
Wheeler offering to be assistant
leader. As yet no one has offered,
her services for Leader. This
course starts in la.nnary. Mrs.
Wheeler asked if the , Institute
would advertise letting girls
know and have them telephone
Roll call was' donations to
shut-ins s and narnfe' a carol. Clara
singing followed. Committee to
pack shut-in boxes; Mrs. R.
'StePhens, Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs.
TurVey, Mrs. H. Spelt, Mrs. D.
Hemingway, Boxes to be packed
Mienday„ ,Dec. 16th. A vote of
thanks, was moved to Mr. and
Mrs. Ned Rutledge for their
assistance in selling tickets on
and displaying the W. I, Christ-
Mas cake, Mrs.- Tom Strachan
held the lucky ticket. Net pro-
ceeds were $40.00
Mrs. It. Stephens spoke on the
Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Wes
Kerr gave a Christmas reading
and Mrs. Jai. Smith reported on
District Exeelitive at Molesworth.
MrS. Wits 'Petrie pteSented Mrs.
D. Heriiingway and Mrs. Jas.
Srilith with a Thank YOu gift
T,ront the ladies who took the
Dessert course, Mrs. E. Cudniore
dettionstratdd cookies these were
satepled by the ladies at,. lunch.
The Queen and W.I. Grace closed
the Meeting with a delicious
lunch following.
Ken. Tyeritian was the winner
of the Turkey et the Huether
Produce Santa Claus Day
(silty,- on Saturday.
fl 91109Y 006 0962
J. H. Lock & Sons
Ltd„ Ice Plant .... $15,400.00
J. McDonald (Lumber,
steel and labour 3,338.99
Iledi Mix, Ross McCAll
cement . 2,199.00
Gordon Workman, (Electrical
wiring, hot water tank
and electric heater) 850.00
Mowbray Construction
(labour heater) 324.90
'rem Pletels labOnr 288.87
Cerald Exel, labour 247.20
Bernard TenPas,
labour 204.00
Jack Brollo, cemeting 180.00,
G, Pollard, backholing 68.05
Oldfield Hardware 64.91
McDonald Electrie 56.21
Geo. Mutter, oil 50.12
Craftway Equipment, (sand-
ing cement floor) ' 30.90
Total 123,303.22
Bank balance as at
Sept. 1, 1063 $3,061.07
Ontario: Govt. Grants .... 4,048.48
Cash donations to
Dec. '1(1", 1963 7,763.89
—Balance owing on new
Artificial Tee Plant,
oament floor and
new hoards 48.459,78
Watch for the Grand Opening
Recreational Committee
Hugh Pearson. Chairman,
The Brussels Wolf Cub Pack
would like to sincerely thank
all those who did their 'part to
support Cubbing and Scouting
in Brussels through the annual
Peanut Drive held last Saturday..
With your help this drive was a
tremendous success. At this: time
the Cubs and Scouts and thee('
Leaders wish all their ;many
friends and supporters a very
merry Christmas and a happy.
New year.
1 would like to take this Oppor-
tunity in wishing all my custom-
ers a very Merry Christmas and -
a Happy and Prospermis: New.
Murray's Barber Shop.
Office re-opens Jan. 6
6V teens het I