The Brussels Post, 1963-10-03, Page 1• ae—a-----
$2.00 A Year In Advance •-- $2,50 To U.S.A. TIM ....BRUSSELS. POST, faiIIIRSDAY, •OCT. 3rdi 1968
!Lions Honor Local 'Donations To The I 'Melville Church
Artificial Ice Fund ' 108th Anniversary Fair Features Record
Entries, New Exhitors
Rehiring Scout Leaders
At the regular meeting of
Brussels Lions Club, it was
decided that the dates of the
next two 'meetings , should
7th and 28th October in order
to avoid Thanksgiving Holiday
on October 14th. The guessing
contest was Won by Lion Cecil
MicFadden. During Ron Call two
guest were introduced. Lion
Selwyn Baker introduced G.
McGavin of Walton as his guest,
Lion George 'Mutter introduced
his guest, Lion Calvin Smith,.
formerly of the Atwood Lions
'gifts to retiring leaders, Cecil
'*Fadden and Susie and Chuck
Arnold in appreciation of their
work tin, and contribution to,
Lion president Cecil Parker
reported on the •highlights of the
zone advisory meeting and
school for presidents end score-
tories 'held an Clinton. 'Wednes
day, 18th September, which was
attended by the president and
After the minutes of the re-
gular Club meeting of 9th Sept-
ember were read and adopted,
the :Secretary reported receiving
a letter from the Ontario Society
for Crippled Children, welcomes
Jug Brussels Lions Club as a
participant in the 1964 Easter
Seal ca,mpaign. 'and summariz-
ing this club's 'contributions
during the past eight years to ho
an amount of $4897.80.
The business was then light-
ened by a welcome entertain-
Iment act, by the fine group of
singers the "Alabama Sextet."
With their appealing style,
gestures and good costuming,
they created a realistic atmos-
phere of the "Old South", and
Scored a great hit with the
. Lions,
A motion to hold Farmers'
Night on 28th October was car-
ried, each Lion to bring a !am-
en as guest On the same nieat,
the (Tub will have a visit from.
Otion [Pete ,Bissonette of 'Ripley,
the Deputy District Governor.
Special Speaker Coming
Tho speaker at the next
regular meeting of the Brussels
Lions Club to be held Monday,
Oct. '7th will be .Tohn Laycock,
son of Maurice Laycock, a former
principal of the Brussels Con-
tinuation Schixit, I-Te will show
Pictures and diStnitV souvenirs of
bria trifi litteii4
APiii H4111 iiglif04.1P9
RoySanderson , ,, . ....... „... 10.00 '
Henry Wheeler 2.00
Graham Campbell 4.00
Dan Cassidy 2,00
Fraser Mustard 5.00
Bala Turvey 5.00
Ross Turvey 10.00
Carl, Friburger 6.00
Lloyd Wheeler ...... . .... ,.„, 10.00
Harris Campbell 2,00
Allan MaKercher 5.00
Carl (lowing 25.0€
Mrs, Nora Moffat
Bill Gamble
Will Thorton.
Jim Adams
Mr. and ink's. Norman Smith of
Borden, Sask., have been visitors
with his brother, F. R, Smithr
Mr. and' Mrs. G•arain Smith of
Timmins, visited relatives here
last week,
Wesley. Stephenson hsts been a
patient in Seaforth, hospital.
Mrs. R. Ferguson broke a bone
in her arm and 'suffered facial
Outs and bruises, when she had.
the misfortune to fall in the F.
R. Srnith Pharmacy. Miss Beth
Hoover Its taking ,her• place as
clerk there while she is recuper-
The, Bunny Hub Rabbitry
Made st good showing at the
Waterloo-Kitchener rabbit
one of the largest in Ontario,
with "entriets from all parts of
W elfare OntraiO They were
awarded three firsts, three
seconds and tL fourth and a fifth.
The Guild of St John's Anglir-
can Church wilt :held a' Bazaar
and Bake Sale on Saturday, Nov,
16th. Watch for further an-
ti ohtitement,
Watch this date — Saturday,
November 0th, Variety Fair —
,sponsored by Morning Star
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge,
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
my friends, relatives and neigh.
ours for their kindness and
sympathy during my recent sad
berea.Vement. Also for the beauti-
ful , floral tributes, Special
thanks 'to Dr, R. W. Stephens
the: nurses and staff of the
ion-Wealth anti Districit
fWalPg 401TIV!•
of service to the
was celebrated in
anniversary services on Sun-
aay, September 29, • in Melville
Presbyterian Chareh. Rev.
Douglas 0, Fry, minister of.
First Presbyterian Church, Sea-
forth, war the guest speaker
and Preached two fine sermons
'stressing tire obligation of the
present generation to maintain
the Cihristian ideals and plan et
pels which, were given to them
at such cost in hardship and
toil. The morning sermon was
entitled "I will build my Church"
and in the evening he asked
"Does. God Really aihatter? At
the evening service Rev. W, .T.
IVO:wrist:in joined Mr. Fry in the
pulpit and assisted in
Special 'music by the choir
under the leadership of Mfrs.
Prank Thompson, included
men's nizartette, "That Beautiful
Land" and an anthem "0 won
ship the Kring" by the choir.
In the evening a. men's chorus
sang "Strong Arm of God" and.
'the choir ieo illndin hoe• "7.,a,vtiour, now tiff T) ()
At the close of the evening
'service. the Ladies Aid invited
the choir and their friends to
the school room of the church
;where they served a delicious
arpper, William TT. King ex.
pressed the thanks of the choir
for their friendly gesture and'
Mrs. Robert Gemmell replied in
appreciation of the congregation
fa- 'the services of the chOir,
Mr. and Mrs, Earl 'Dann wish
to announce the engagement of
their, daughter, Linda Jean, 'to
Mr. Don Richard .Tacklin, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ,lacklin,
The wedding to take: place in
Knox Presbyterian • Church,
Cranbrook, on SaturdaY; •Octaber-
5th, at 3:00 .p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacklin of
Brussels, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
'Patricia Anne to Mr Edward R.
Hand of St. Jean, Quebec, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Hand of
itIrhitechurch. The wedding
:will take 'place on October 26th,
1963, at the United Church in
The Home and School Assoc-
iation meeting will he held at
the Brussels Pablin School on
Wednesday evening. October 9th,
at 8 p.m. Special 'Speaker will be
Lloyd Ackert of Kolyrotal who
was a representative .1,f, Ehe Boy`
Scout Sainboree in t4teS'ice, Fla
}init./die* idid4 ef4!allia"trip,•Alli
140 :410011.
The sun shone, the bands
played and the people came to
Brussels on Friday. The Zest
Huron Agricultural Society had
a successful 1963• fair.
The fair was officially opened
'by Jarmes Mair, past president
Of the 'Ontario Alsociadon of
Agricultural Societies, at 2 pm,
Robt Grasby, president of the
fair, and Reeves Calvin Kreuter
of Brussels. C. R. Dunbar of
Grey Township and S. Procter
of Morris spoke briefly.
A monster 'school. parade, one
of the best, proceeded from the
park to the fair grounds, with
:banners flying, led by the Sea-
forth High Sabo] Band and the
'official car. Pupils and teachers
of 13 schools of the area march-
ed In, the parade, many in c,olora
ful costumes, while other schools,
were represented by floats
which featured a Dutch scene
etomplete With Dutch
Indians ; the Canadian prov-
inces; the Beverly Hill Billies,
the mechanical age; a, T-Ti-T float
of guitar players and singers.
Also, riding is a decorated ear,
Was the current Queen,
Mess Gale Wilson, They were
accompanied by the • T3russels
Talon Pine Band and vs:rimier
refer., on acirsehark,
Thursday Evening
The Crystal Palace was open-
ed to the ,public on Thursday
evening when a large number
of people availed themselves of
the opportunity to view the
indoor exhibits and enjoy the
program given, by the Hi-T.
The Palace , presented an
array of attractive exhibits. 'The
ladies work had Crisp, new look.
Exhibits in the baking classes
wore abundant. School entries
were extensive.- Grain hay and
Vegetables were plentiful, early
;frost resulted in light entries:
in, flower classies but they were
of excellent quality:
Friday feattn.ecl a light and
heavy horse shear, 4•R Club
School Parade Winners
Grey No, 8; Jr. Room No. 11,
(Ethel); Sr. Room No. 11 Grey
(Ethel); Walton School; No. 6
Float Winners
No. 9 Grey; No. 1 Grey; No.
5 Morris; No. 6 Grey; ' Brussels:
Special Prize Winners
Simpson Sears •a-, Mrs. LOUIS
Robinhood (White Bread)
Mrs. StOrmlirmse
— Mrs. Sibe lloll ls
:la Mirsit M esta
Magic Baking Powder (Cake) --
Mrs. Geo. Mutter, Mrs.
Allan Searle, Mrs. NV.
Broughton, Monkton
Fleischmans Yeast
(White Bread) Mrs.
Stonehouse; Mrs. Urban
Ducharm; Mri. Howatt
(Brown Bread) — Mrs.
Carl Heraingway, Mrs.
Stonehouse, 'Miss Ethr'
(Rolls) -- alas. Stonebou'
Mrs. Chas. Johnston, Blyth,
Ws. Mutter
(Cinnamon Buns) — Ws.
Stonehouse, Mrs, Mutter,
Mrs. Johnston
Dornestia, Shortening (Pie) --
Mrs, Herb. Stretton, Mrs,
atonehouse, Mfrs. Howatt,
,(,Cake) — Mrs. Broughton,
Mrs. Searle, • Mrs. ,Johnston
Bake Queen — Mrs. Mutter, Mrs.
Ducharme, -. Miss Dennis
A.Grewer — Mrs. Broughton,
Molesworth Cheese Factory
Mrs, Ticnvatt, Mrs. 381,
Keys, Mrs. Cadroore
ITDPC — Mrs. Cudmore
Mary Maxim — Mrs. Broughton,
Miss, Taary Scott, Mrst
Chair Draw — Mrs. Inffac Mac-
Harness Race Results
Norman Williamson, George
Caldwell, Glen Baton, George
Ounce, John E. Little
Pony Race Results
(Over 12 hands)
Terry Rutledge, Donnie Pletch,
Greg Wilson, • Lou Duncan,
Brian Workman
(Under la bands) •
Pram Workman,• Paul alto-
Final Results Of Field
Crop Competition
(Awards based on field crop
and exhibit at Brustels Fair)
Russet Oats
Harvey Craig, Clarence Lac
Outcheon, 'Chas. Bray, Jas.
Bolger, Goldwyn Knight and
Wm. Dennis (tied), Clarence
Thos. Miller; Lloyd
pientgomeryr. Janis. Armstrong,
Harry Bolger, Letlie Bolt
Grain Corn
Stewart Procter, Chas. Thomas,
Donald McDtinald, George Proct-
er, .Tas. Knight, Robt. Grasby,
Graham Work, Leslie Bolt, Dick
Procter, Jack Knight, Jas, Arm-
strong, Robt. Procter
Ensilage Corn
Bill Turnbull, Ronnie Coulees,
Chas. Bray, Harvey Roht
Grasby, ' Jas. Knight, Lloyd
Montgomery, tniff Bray, Bea-
ll) #64/01O titter Yelliti hie
1011if4; 01,111411:
Lion Max Oldfield on behalf of
the Boy Scout Group Committee Johnston ,
and the Brussels ' Lions Club, Ken Barber
sponsoring body for the liVolf (Further donations next)
('ups and Boy Scouts, presented
E laer Somers 25..00 108 y'ears
Jack Pitcher 5.00 , community