The Brussels Post, 1963-07-11, Page 7I'll be over- after I do my banking!"
Nowadays it's natural for the lady of the house to
do much of the family banking, because it's so
convenient to look after money matters at one place
—the local chartered bank, an all-round banking
This busy homemaker is on her way to deposit
part of her husband's salary in their savings
account, cash a cheque on their joint chequing
account, and pay the monthly instalment on a
personal loan. All this taken care of under one
roof --quickly, easily, simply.
Any bank service you use is an introduction to
many others. And the chartered 'banks are always
on the lookout for new ways to be helpful to more
people. Good reason why the number of deposit
accounts has doubled to 14 million in just 10 years,
and 3,500 new accounts are, being opened every
banking day.
through full-range banking responsive to growing, changing needs
jai:1444 kin BitIISSIDLS, ONTA...1310
Mortis Township Council met
on July and, 1963, with all the
members present and the Reeve
The minutes or the last regular
Mid of the special meeting were
road and adopted on motion oil
William Elston and Ross Smith
— Carried
There WaS a delegation and
petition from Eluevale re: 6
street lights,
Moved by RoAs Smith
by William Elston that we in-
M.rilOt t be Clerk to natty the
Rural Hydro at Wingharo to
PrOceed to install G. street lights
in that 'part, of. Dlucvale in Mores
— Carried
aloved by James Mair second-
ed by Roes Smith that we endorse
liVfornis Federation, of Agriculture
1Iesolutioa re: condition of the
Middle Moitland River
— Carried
Moved by 'William 'Elston sec-
onded by . Samos Mair that Walter
Shortreed lie Commissioner on the
Rlirkby Drain
— Carried.
Moved by James Mair second-
ed by Walter Shortreed that VT-
liaw No. 8, 1963 setting the Muni-
:cipal mill rate at{ 14 mills for
(Residential and Farm property
and 15.5 mills on Business and,
Cornimercial property be passed
-- Carried
Moved by Walter Shortreed
seconded by James 1VPair that
By-Law No. 9, 1961 be passed as
read first and second times
— Carried
Moved by William Elston sec-
onded by Ross Smith that BY-
Law No, 9, 1963 he finally passed,
as read a third. time
— Carried
Moved by James Main second-
ed by Ross Smith that By-Law;
No. 10, 1963 be passed as read
first and. second time
— Carried,
Moved by Walter Shortreed I
Seconded by William Elston that
By-Law No, 1.'0, 1963 as read a
third time be finally passed
— Carried
,Moved by Walter Shortreed
seconded by lames Mair that
'the Clerk receive $300.00 for
.extra work re: mailing Tax
notices and bookeeping
-- Carried
Moved by VVilliaM. Elston. sec-
onded by James Moir that UV-
Np. 11, 1968 being a sup-
plementary road appropriation
(By-Law for $50,000,00 as read,
first and second times be passed
subject to the approval of the
District. Municipal Engineer
— Carried
Moved by Walter Shortreed
by Ross Smith that 'By-law No.
d1, 14i63 be read a third time and
finally passed
— Carried
Moved by Ross Smith seconded
seconded by Walter Shortreed
that Illy-Law No. 12, •1963 author-
ising the Treasurer to borrow up.
By-Law for $80,000.00 as read
By-Law be passed
- Clarried
Moved by William Elston sec-
onded by Walter Shortreed that
h grant of $500.00 be given to the
Belgrave Arena:
Moved by James Mair second-
ed by Elston that road
accounts as presented by the
Road Superintendent be, paid.
1ViSaVed by Walter Shortreed
.4seconded by Ross Smith that
%61-1.04l accounts as presented be
raid. • .
It oVed by Walter Shortreed,
sacorided by JaMbs ;Whir that we
adjourn to meet again AuguSt
5th, 1963 '0'8.00 pan: Or at the
call of the Reeve
Accounts paid:
'Wingliton Advauce-Tlinek
Advertiaing 131.39
Huron, Expositor
Town of .Clinton, debenture
Clinton !Collegiate
City of Brantford 33.65
Post 'Publishing HouSe
•fidvertisine; 21,00 Co-Operative
Association, warbielde.— 192.00'
Callander Nursing Nome 79.75
Allies C. Martin; tile for
I-Iiiggitns Drain 977.50
Helen 'Martin. part sal:ITT...65.0e
.65.00 Relief
Pieter borsch, for
bounty 4,00
Lawrence Vannan, Velgrave
p.reria 500.00
Stewart Procter, Mayors
and Reeves
Convention 36.00
Road Accounts
Wm. MeArter, wages,
bookeeping,, mileage,
licenses 179.09
.loa. Smith, wages 60.90
Mel Craig, wages 143.76'
'Ken White, wages 67.00
Mel Pradburn wages 28,00
(leo. Radford, crashing &
hau'ling gra.vel 1,512.30
Deily Commercial NeWs,
tenders Campbell
Bridge • , 47.701
Thos. ('PrniSS, Welding
bridge I. t3.00
Men MeKercher i ballet
)and loader 493.09
Ideal Supply Co., master
cylinder kit 2.39
Struthers Transport,
hauling & spreading
,chloride 41.00
Gordon Workman, light
bulbs 11,1
Alex fuel oil tt
tax 197.001
(Canada 'Culvert Co.,
Allied Chemical iCo.
Canada, Calcium
Jim Elston. ebain saw
rentals' 6.00
Stewart Proetnr &WO
trelen D. 1Vitirtin