The Brussels Post, 1963-07-11, Page 5NOTICE The Clerk's Office Will be closed from July 23nd. 1963,, to July 29th, 1963. Wm. KPag FOR. SALE -- 11,Vex) wing in cedar. 1-`iess MADE BY DAM- JULY 11th EVENT:- ROY. 'SNYDER WIC= PLAACE : WATER LOOr CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION At the north east edge of the eity of Waterloo on Lexington Road (the northernmost street intersecting Weber St.) Vitf 'MY iii(iiatillgtA map-4M 44404,004v, A vtiV .441.i..e ••••K.-••••;•pro.•••r,; ••• • ••••••••:. - ,,,,,,,, ."414W1.:1,7'4.44,'" 4 .44 4 .4 4..4 44'4,4 ;.1 S.4 I...4 - • • t Yr 1- THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mipister; Rev. A. K, Griffiths Organist: Mr. F. C. Parker ARCT Sunday School 9:45 Divine Worship 11:00 Amu TURNKEY FOR HURON COUNTY JAIL ‘Applications for the position of Turnkey must be submitted. on forms provided and may be secured from the Governor of the Jail or the undersigned. Applications to close at .5;00 pan. D.S,T., Wednesday, Jul)? iAth, 1963. Salary range —' $2;600 - $3.400 per annum. Lowest or any application not .neLessarily accepted. JUNK Q, BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, county of Huron, court House, Dederick Ont. now. kenee posts anchors $1,25 Phone Art Henry 244J TENDERS WANTED `lenders will be received by the undersigned up to July 15 for transporting 6 pupils in Grade 7 and 8 from SS No, 9 to SS No. 8 Grey Towiihip School Area' No. 1, commencing September 3, 1963. Applicants to supply own vehicle and meet requirements og. the Board , of Transport. For further information contact the chairman of the Board, Mr. John Cox,,RR 2, Brussels, Ont. Norman S. Hoover, Secy. Grey T. S. A. No, 1, RR 8, Brussels, Ont RESIIVTgatAiii CHURCH IN CANADA MELV ILLE URCI". Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison MA C:i.rgwilst: Mts. Frank Thompson AB.CT • During the mouth of July in the absence of Rev. Morrison. Melville 'Church will loin. with the United Church for public worship each Sunday at 11 ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector; Rev, ii, 4. Jennings BA, 1./17H. Organist: Mrs. B. Jabott ST. JOHN'S a.m. Morning Prayer and Nursery and Primary School. ST. DAVID'S, Henfryn 9 a.rn,. Bible. Clesii 9.30 a.iu, Holy Communion and Church IScliool and family, Mrs. Jig. Pearson, 4oe Pearson, and Mr. and t Mrs. George Pearson and family attended the Trnimpson reunion in London on SUnday. Mr. Nerman. lieirnes visited. :Sunday in. Kincardine with Wt. Mrs. Don Rock, Mrs. Dorothy Brown and family have moved into the house on the .George Pearson. farm. Miss Myrtle Dunbar of TOrOuto visited with Mrs. liazie Gun niugham over the week end. and Mrs. W. Krauter and. Jane were in Toronto ou Sattiv. Mrs. Krauter's nephew. Mr :Ken- neth Tenkinson. lane ic.rauter was one of the bridesmaids. WALTON G7i0UP ;PRESENTS SKIT ON TOPIC The regular meeting of the United Church Women of Duff's ',Church wos held at the church -with Mrs, Alvin McDonald Presid- dug. Mrs. 1L Travit. Mrs. T. Learning, Mrs. .C. Wey and MT% MacDonald were in charge of the topic and presented a skit. Mrs. Ron Bennett read the Minutes of the last Meeting( and called the roll Which wan a.tiswered by a place In the study book. .Plane. Were made for the chiiith picnic which is to be held it. the UM-mutiny Park, this month. LitANbit004 AL the regular moreing service on Sunday conducted by Mr. Edwin. (i..Nelsen a duet was sung by Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Doug Evans. • Air. and Airs. Roy lludsen, Goaerich visited. at Lite manse. Iii. anti Mrs. Jim Canaan- W01.0 week eau visitors, ,Pith friends. W.M.S„Meeting The July meeting tn. the Women's. Missionary Society was held in the hpine of Mrs. Mac Angel, The ;leader, Mrs. Wilfred Strickler opened, the meeting, with a prayer for -Dominion' Day. The ,Glad Tidings Prayer was given by Mrs. Mac Scripture reading, Psalm 51 was read in unison, Mrs. E. G. l'Ielson. sang a solo, accom- Darned ea the piano by Miss A. J. 1: orrest. Eleven responded to" um roll call. Mrs. Elarl Dunn was in charge of the topic and gave the last hall of the study on Korea. As in former years there will not be a meeting ha August :Mrs. Stuart McNair will be hostess for the meeting on September 4 at 8.30 p.m; The meeting closed with the Mizpan Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. John Perrie., Miss. A, J. Vorrest and the hostess. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting Styi pip Cod WavinS •A Specialty Phone 140 Brussels BRIDGE ieriONE 249 daeitt,:rracligaimdygifiitavogialliormiardiagraillbresigaftwamausataratamoging BEST Used Car BUYS 1962 Chew. Beiair 8, cylinder radio 1960 (Meteor Rideau 500 8 cylinder automatic radii 1960 Ford 6 cylinder radio 1960 'Meteor 6 cylinder 1958 Meteor Rideau 500 8 cylinder automatic radio 1957 Chev. radio 1956 Chew 1956. Olds Hardtop Other Older Models To Cla Frogs MOTORS BRUSSELS, ONT. Ites.einsiiiitteueogfileneaalinermeelliammellilaiertallilaseett• FRESH ',TRAWBERRY ICE CREAM WILL BE A TASTE TREAT YOU'RE SURE TO ENJOY ASK FOR EITHER STRAWBERRY RIPPLE or FRUIT OR TRY ONE OF SEVERAL FLAVOURS • • NEXT TIME YOU SHOP LTHEL Mr. and iVai-s. A. B. LounSbury. J. •C..Lamont and Grace Lamont: spent the holiday week end at \\ neatley. They also attended the funeral of Ns. Leunsbury's daughter-in-law. Mrs. Alten Lounsbury, who passed away, suddenly in St. Joseph's Hopi- 114, London. t/i.1114W e-siz. and Mrs. Alen Pearson ROY G. SNYDER 4130.Wq::, After 17 years of devoted service to the members of Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, Roy G. Snyder has resiOned from his position as Manager. The W. C. B, A. Board of ,Directors has therefore taken' this opportunity to designate the annual open house for 1963 "Roy Snyder Night" with a special programme including * remarks by W. C. B, A, officers, past and present • * comments by the President, Ontario Association of Artificial Breeders * presentation on behalf of the member * special entertainment The headquarters building With its new additionit will be open for inspection at 6:00 p.m. The programme begins at 7:30. There will be a free draw, and lunch will be provide following the programme. W.C.B,A, ineMbers and the many friends and associates of Mr. Snyder are invited to come and bring their families. When in Listowel, make sure you ,V S w • • - Jain Linden b FORE Men's vvea,r 1...aciies' wear Furs At-IGY Lt. AVU,NUE. For Quality or. 6atistaction Around the Corner trom the Bank ur Montreal A404411 From the Pobt UttIce Listowei Phone 285