The Brussels Post, 1963-06-06, Page 112,00 A Year In. Advance To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST TIVJRSDAY, TriNE POti'i' PUBLISHING HOUSE
•-$H.OT S :Baskets of white mu ins and
* * •
Don't forgot the Hockey Club
rStrniyal at Brussels Park on tun&
2Ist and 22nd. Good clean midWay
with fun for the Whole family,
and for good cause tOo. Bring the
whole family and enjoy your-
self. Monster dance on Friday
We hear, there is good fishing
in the Maitland river here, A
young angler can tell a true fish
story about. the big one that
got away, While attempting to
land a 15" redfin his line broke
and the Pinney fellow swam away
with hook and line, They didn't ail
away however for We passed;
young lad .1th a, Wide grin and
later saw, slung over his
sboulder, a whopping big redfin,.
There hand been a number of
these beauties, caught from the
bridge recently.
Our merchants continue to
spruce up their store fronts, with
new awnings. the latest *being
H. :Dent and Ned Rutiege. Quite
• * *
The annual Deoration Sunday
will be observed et Brussels
cemetery this Sunday,
• * •
Prior to the School Board
meeting on Monday night the
board menbers pitched in and
helped Principal Ashton and.
Ceorge Davidson erect goal posts
for the soccer field on the school
• •
We hope to see Brussels: well
represented at Western Pair
Raceway, London. on Monday'
Tune 10th, when the second
Brussels night will he belch The'
feature event being "Brussels
Driving Park Pace" with a $1500
• * • *
Mrs. Wm. J. Stephenson, Queen
Street, Brnssels, who has been
a snbcriber of the Brussels.
Post for '53 years. ,and now be-
cattse of failing eyesight is
unable, to enloy it, did not this
week -cancel her Subscription but
transferred lit to her son 'Norman.
Thanks to you Mrs. Stephenson
for your many years of loyalty
to your "homethWn paper."
Horticultural Society
Plan Trip To Elora
The Tirussels T-Tortleulturat
Society are- planning a Ms trip
to Elora Peony end Iris gardens
on Time 15th. The bus will be
leaving the Brussels Library at
12:30 porn Anyone interested,
contact Mrs. W. James Arinstrong,
177r, or Mrs. Frank Shaw, 22,
before ,:brio 15th,. Brit* it Piertle
hitch, Fee 81,0
ntink gladioli made a milord sett-
log n 11slyille., Presbyterian
Church, Brussels, Ontario, on
Saturday, June let, 1953. when
• Marianne Maine Michel and
,Torn Carry Gibson Schaefer eN-
chitnged wedding" 'yaws in a
double ring . ceremony.
The - the naugnter of
Mr.. and Mrs. 1.10yd. Cs
of. Brussels and the groom is the ,
son or 31r. and MrS. Charles
r". Schaefer, of Listowes form- I
Qtly of Mayne Corners.
Rev. 1. D. ittacTver of Maxwell,
Ont., returned to the Brussels
area to perform the four o'clock
MrS, Nies-Ever ,•played
traditional, organ Music:. as the
bride entered the . church en the
arm of her father. • Het gown
of blush. tint pear d9 sole, was
fashioned on princess lines, with
bustle effect beck extending into
a. chapal irriin. The full length.
sleeves were lily pointed, Appli-
ones or Alencon lace enthanced
the rounded. neckline and were
fe l lured on the buStle,
Blush tint peen de sole petals
held her ringer-tin Frencb illus-
ion yell. Sbecarried a cascade
of white roses and stephanotis
Attending the bride as maid of
h.onottr, was her sister, MisS
Sandra. Michel, Mrs Robert
Viichniond •Was ,the
They were geWtied alike in-white
Rwiss leno . with fitted bodice.
short aleevea and full skirts.
Their_ gowns featured wide. cum=
Merbunds of the bridal dress
material. Their headdresses were
'Styled sittillarly' to dliat„ of the
bride, With 'shoulder • length'
veils. They 'serried cascade •
bouttetR:lf pink roses and White
Shasta daisies and Wore single
strand pearls. gifts of the bride,
'rho rower girl, little Ilenniel4e0
eh ra on (I. 'wore an • original
frock of the bridal gown. Material
•styled with full skirt and butter-
fly' how. She carried a. basket. of
rosebuds and • baby white
Mr.. Brian Schaefer Was
rrroonismen for 'his brother and.
111r.. Robert Richmond was the
}sliest usher.
Mrs. Drank Thompson. Brute-
' sels, soloist. sang The Wedding
Prayer prior to the ceremony
and . 0 Promise Me while the
register was being signed,
A reception was ne,d at. the
Tune, Barn Banquet. Hall, List.
owel Mrs.' Miebel received the
gu ests wearing a P.henth gewat of
ocean blue chiffon, nisteh.
picture hat end romplithentina-
secessories. Her norastge 'was of
pink tones. MrS, C, t'Sr...hanfor
nssisting, chose. a. sheath of beige
linen with elennon lace topper and
Metching accesserles end were a
tishrscso of cirrinr'e fee roses,
The family of the late Leslie
C. Odell thank everyone for
their kindness during his illness
and at the time of his death.
It Was all, deeply appreciated.
We Would like to sinerely
thank the triendS and neighbours
of the late Miss Eva IVSOCtrackeni,
who 04n:eased their syMPathst;
and to those who contribttted, in
ifiett of flowers,. for "Save the
Children" or helped in any Way.
'Your thoughtfulness was great
Betty and. Allan ssoCall
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas fietningway,
who graduated recently from into
Canadian Memorial Chiropraetic
College, Toronto, as Doctor of
• Students' Observe'.
Milk 'Procesang
At Cousins .Dairy
'The boys and' girls or Mr. Hen
Ashton's room at the Brussels
Public School, who have recently
been- studying the processing or
mild products, received, first hand.
information when they toured' the'
Plant of Cousins Dairy and;
Creamery- last Week. • •
They saw' .about 1100 pounds
Of butter . in the .• stainless steel
Churn' and were told of its Matta- .
factitre by' Mr. George Cousins.
The milk PastetirNatiort, and
• bottling procedure Was exPlained.
by Mr. Laurie •Cousins, as Was
.also the manufacture •,of ice
cream .mix (recipe) and freezing •
it into ereamy smooth - ice cream.
Everyone . was especially de-
lighted to he Served a free sample
ice cream cone. fresh from the
continuous freezer.
Hours — 2 - 5, 7 to 8.30, 6 de.
2 - 5 Sundays
For nine Weeks frotn
Tuly let to Aug, 31,
Salary $3.0,00 per Week
Apply to WM. Klug
Notice is hereby rives that His
Honour, Judge F. .
:fudge of the County Court of the
Cionnty of T-Turon, Will attend at.
the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ontario,
on the 1311 day of Tune, 1.963
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
for hearing all complaints made
against tho. Voters' 74ist for the
Plebiscite. for Orey Township
School Ares No. 1 to be held on
Santrday, June 15th, T9f2.
Dated nt Ethel, ()nitwit+,
4111 day of :Time. 1905.
North Huron Annual
Masonic Church u
Service Held Here
tie re than, WO Mkt,s91, gather,
cd for the annual North, Huron,
district Masonic church. service
On Sunday morning at Melville
presbyteries' Church, AcnoMP•
allying the lodges was the Speed'
lodge (Guelph) men's choir, who,
with their organist, A. R. Hearst,
and. choir-leader Ernest Scott,
gave leadership to the service of
Captain Stanley Newwan of the
Salvetion Army, Wingham, die.
riot ehaplain, gave the address,
which wag entitled "Christ the
S'ornerstone." Rev, W. J, /Tor-
rison, minister of the church was
in charge of the service and
welcomed the Masons, The
scripture lesson was read by 1•
C. Kreuter, DI-n1111, of Brnssels.
Anthems were sung by' the men's
choir, and a solo, by Sames
Following the service, a social
hour 'was hold is the schoolroom.
of the church, when lunch was
served to the visiting Masons and
their friends by the 'Members of
the Brussels lodge. Several
of the visitors Were introduced
by S. C', Krattter after he had
expressed a welcome on, behalf
of St. John's lodge of Brussels.
They were: Charles Smith,
London, I1T)G1Vii of London
district and Mrs. Smith: Clare
Rettli, Seaforth, and Mrs.
;folio Ferguson, Clifford, DDGIVI of
Bruce; Wellington Smith, Fort
Trances, PGS, board of general
purposes of Grand, Lodge, and
Mi's. Smith: and Robert 'Gunning-
ham. master of St. sTolin's— lodge,
who vise welcomed the visitors,
Friday June 14
Luoknow at Belgrate
Brussels at Teeswater
Monday June 17
Beigrave at BrisSsels
Teeswater at LuCknoW
Thursday June 20
Brussels at. InicknoW
Beigrave at Teeswater
Monday June 24
Lueknow at Brussels
Tecswater s,t Belgrave
Tuesday July
Lucknow nt Teeswater
Bru ssels ;11 BelgT(INE':
Thursday July 4
Ile! rave at LitaltnoW
Teeswater at Brussels
I wish to express my Sincere
thanks to all those Who visited
are and sent cards during ray
recent stay in the hospital
sneein thanks to the Odd-
fellows, and all those Who provid-
ed ridt•ts, daily for my wife-
telt rissthisisill
' Brussels Area
Dart League
A social evening leas held on.
Friday May 24th, in the Legion
Rooms to nresent trophies to the
various winuerS.
Receiving the trophy for the
most games finished in the
regular schedule was presented to
, Hilton Ward, who led the league
all season,
Receiving trophies rex' Most
POinl with three darts were Sa m
Workman and Russeg. Hall, Both
Players had 180 points, the highest
that can be attained with 3
darts, These two players 'will also
receive a Labatt 180 Ores( fbr
this achievement.
The Odd Fellows Lodge was
the team winning the final play-
offs and was composed of the
following Players,: Lou r'oel
(Chptain), Tack Lowe, Ray
Bronson, Allan Mattel, Vick
Stephenson and Elvin 'MOrhirter
each receiving a trophy.
Trophies were presented to
Reeve "Cal Kreuter assisted_ by
the Legion president Herb
lire ViSS.
Teams in the league were as
follows: Odd Fellow Lodge, 12th
line of Grey, 3rd line of Morths
5th live of Morris, Legion Hams,
Legion Aristocrats, Loyal Orange
Lodc'e and Brussels Tfireimen.
Thia !league has been going
on for the past two winters With
S teams participating, and it is,
hoped that there will be more
entries for next yeat'.: It is hoped
that a ladies league can be term-
ed, if not, perhaps a Mixed
were entertained by Miss Nancy
Mc Caig of Tyrant°, Ron Leonard
and the Paul 'Wes. and Shirley.
For a. wedding trip to Wash-
ington and the Southern States,
the bride wore a; skipper blue
linen suit, while organza hat
and white accessories, Her cor-
sage was Of -cameo roses enter-
tiwned with pale 'blue petalS.
their return the couple will
resrifin in. Toronto.
Cutest s were prOSent trent
Detroit: Windsor:, Brantford.
London, Ottawit,r,,Niagait
;Tomtit°, 17.1r6:6s,,ess,r Jlifisswfsbr i :
001'1'101 (In ;,1tirt.i Pt tos$T rim tfeitn0401:.