The Brussels Post, 1963-05-16, Page 132;e4) A Year In AdVane° — $2.50 To U.S.A. THIe POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1963 PITTISSelf, CQUIlicjj The regular meeting of the • Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on the May 7, !till members being present Moved by CeS, F711tott, eeeotuf- ed by J, W. Fischer that the minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1963 be adopted ae read (t4 Moved by W1,4) , Stratychuk,ied seconded by L. R„ Machail that Roy Turvey be granted a build- ing permit as Per application — Carried Moved by 0.S,. Mott, second- ed by Wm, Stretyeleuk that the I-Torticulturel Society be giVen grant of 350.00 and the Agri- cultural Society a grant of .8150.00 for the year 1963 Carried Moved by L. R. IVIachori. seconded by.J. W, Fischer that tile accounts ae presented for payment be paid elerried PIXT, street Relies 4,6.821 C. J. Cleediff, licence. for Iran 2.60 W. S. Scott, insurance en truck 30.00 S. Blake, HCMOA 20.00 Wayne Lowe, labour 11.00 Brewer, truck, rental Gordonl o LoUls Blake, pumping 7ol.kmaTh nr a septic °Wield Iedwe.„ suppliee .. , . Bridge Motors, gas Jno. Alcock, fox bounty Cellender Nursing Home April nursing care Glenn Rormenbeeg, in- surance of fire truck ... liieKiliop T me, charge back for relief Post Office, HIS Receiver eleneral, tax deductions 70z0 7.06 25,90 11.83 4,45 3.00 339.`e5 32.50 25.2e 16.10 28.5e Moved j.ly L. it. Meehan, seconded hy Stratycliuk that the /fleeting' adjoire, to Meet OW PIK 8, 1.061 ar pt fire tilS !WM Grey Twp. School Area No. 1 Music Festival Winners Highly Praised MRS, ALEC COLEMAN Mrs, Allee. Coleman passed away in Kiteleener Waterloo Hospital, on Wed/wedgy, leeiey 8th, 1963, in her 05th year, after a lengthy Born IA DnIgand, she came to to Canada and married Alee, Coleman June 14th, 1922, MeS, Cole/nen was a resident of of Brussels since her arrival in Canada and with her blusbeed, owned and Operated a restaurant since 1938 until their retirement in 1960. Surviving arc her husband, three sons, William of Wawa, 'Donald of Elmira, Jack of Chathe}in and seven grand- children. She was predeceased by ens ,son, -Kenneth, in 1953. Funeral service was held at the D. A. Itann Funeral Home on Friday, May 10th, with the Rev, FT. L. Jennings of. St. John's' Anglican Church, Brussele, offici- ating. Interment was in Bruseele cemetery, Pallbearers were Calvin Krantee Ned Rutledge, Gordon Stepheneon: Ray Bronson, Gas Eder and Dr, John Kelly. Floral tributes were carried by Wilfred Willis,- and Devitt Hastings Sr. Pre-Nuptual 'Shower Honors 'Bride-Elect A misceillaneoue shower Was held for Mitelatre'dElaine Michel on ; Tetielaye • May .10tie in the Brussels Library, Approximately fortyetive' itifenddie library was decorated with. Innilve and white streamers. The bride-to-he cline- was decorated and behind her was en uenbrelta decorated also in me net.' and white. Mar- ianne. Mrs. Lloyd Michel and Mrs, (baarles Schheter were pre- sented with lovely,. corsages of White mums. The evening was spent ., with an egg contest done by Mary T. we, a story of "Mr. Tela.ginsel et. the. Wedding'! done by Aileen Mutter. .Several ',other contests *ere held, and. were explained by Barbara Meru t chee Irene Richmond fetid the. ad- dress. and Bennie Lee Richmond presented the gifts to Marianne in a. decorated wagon.- following this Bonnie Lee sang Bicycle 'Built For Twee Many lovely gifts Werre received. from: her friends. for which. Marianne ON ilves.s'oci 'brit. thanks, Lunch: consisting of sandwiches and tarts was correct. by Gr00.0 teibu n A, Tell zabe pi. Teerna.glen, Nance eincLear. Sturale Stephen- eon', Boeherri TrileClutteheen, and trim!, T1 kb mond. Marriage of Mariaune to. John Sel-e-iefer is to take plaid Attic let!. at 1. P. Iii, in Melville rr?e,t) If reffiin eh 10.0th Moved by ite It, Meehan, seconded by Wm. Stratyckuk that By-law No, 44963 as read a first aria second time be passed. — Carried • Moved by J e Vie Tischer, sec- onded by .0. S. Elliott that. By- •law • No, 4-1963 as read a third time be peened and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and the seal of• the Corporation attached: This being a By-law setting the mill rate at 82.3 for Residential and 90 mills for Cobenetelal in Moved, by 0.8, Elliott, "second- ed. by W. Fischer that the the/ Villege of T3reesels for 1963 Village purchase e...1959 truck with trade ' foe' $1050.00 from McCetchnon Motors Clerried GREY .TWP, STUDENT GOES TO TO= ALBERTA Mr, James Petrie B. A., elder son. of Mir, and Mra. W. J, Petrie has completed atis 2nd year at Knox College, Toronto. He left this week for the two-point imissien narge of Brownvale and. DixonYille in the Peace River Presbytery. 4.-J•erree"Ita---et IlFeeenkia: ,...At the reguo evectignevvff deed-) ....Mr. Warren of Goderieh he the guest speaker at the re- gular meeting of the Hortictilterte Society to be held in the Brine eels .Public Library on Monday el/reline et S.30 le tee HEY KIDS! DOMING Mierieego-ronnd, Ferris' Wheel, Ot 41111i eate .0) oltit 1610).1 Mueic Festival of Grey Township 'Scalpel Area Po, 1, was a very succeseul event On Friday in spite of the incle- ment weether„ Dr, G. R, -Fenwick, wino was the adjudiCator for the festival; with tnerning, afternoen and evening classes; in his remarks said that family affair in a rural area and that a. music festival Is a festival of music. Dr. Fenwiek had 'high praise for Mize Campbell. Music Supervisor,' for her work In the feetival, which he said was an, excellent •'7", Festival" Winners. Gredes 1 & 2 Girls — eee "Little Yeilcm BiriPP Nancy Knight' 85 - "Judy Armstrong 84 - Cathy Morrow 83 & 2 Boys "Sammy, erowm Donnie Michell 85 Clayton Faser 84 3 Dilworth & 4 Girls --- Roger "Spring'83 Bonnie Pennington 85 Dianne Fraser 84 Sharon Ducharme 83 &"4 By& "A Boy's Song" 'IVarren Knight 86 • ' "Paul MleIntosh 85 John Stephenson and Kenneth Cox (tied) 84 & 6 1 f G‘lirls1 Were A Rose” Marian Ziegler 86 ele.riart McLean 85 Carolyn FraSer 84 5 &'6 Boys` , "The Jolly Plough/3er' Scott Pearson 86 Leslie Duchaeme 84 Bradley Speiran 83 Chorus — PO Lord Of Heaven” ITSS No. 4 —37 SS No, 8 — 36 Quell/rook Setae], --- 85 Duet — "Santa Lucia, Gail MgTaggart and • Nancy Strickler 86 Donald McDonald and. Ruertime McDonald 35 Judy Maclean and -Brenda. 'Ward 84 7 & 8E;hYs1 Boys — David Meson 85 Amos Martie 83 'Robert .erefeitesb. 32 7 & 8 Girls — "The Angel,' eelenna TenuSton $6 Lois Rohertson to Arm Dunn 84 leoeblo Trio — -"A Spring Serie,' SS Mo. 8 — trt SHORT SHOT S * S Ned Rutledge has been busy „eiving his store front a refreshes coat of paint. Don't forget to stook up on food over the week-end, Monday is "Victoria, Dar' and a holi- day. * * * It is nice to hear 'from so many readers that they enjoy the "Gentleman's News", by T. K. le, A. number of renewal letters 'received here 'stated they get a ;Itiok out of it. I 0 We are pleased to say there -is going to be regular garbage collection again starting this Saturday. So put away. your Shovels and put out the garbage _pails on Saturday morning at 8. * * Mrs, W. G. Leach has been 'busy converting their second building into a Beauty Salon and moving equipment from her former 'Iodation, * s 41 Hurrah for the HieT spOrte. Tim BritAseleljeT :Members ere bard et limeade these evenings for they are fielding a mixed ball team, perinips two teams, this season, Ted McLean Is their aniich onereciated coach, They with ether Teen Town teams,. anticipate entering competition. * The annual ;Chicken Barbecue and Dance sPonsored by the Fast Huron Agricultural Society will be held on Wednesday, June 19th, instead, of June 12th. as indicated in thin column last -week. The reason for the change ;is that• the expert who does the barbecuing was unable to 'come 'en the fernier date. Keep this event in mind ,and, plan to attend. ....- ENGAGleMENT Mir e end Mee. Fredrick Glanville, Walton, wish fe announce the engagement of their daughter Pernice Isabel to Donlyrk Carl IleheingWay, son of Mr; and Mrs. Carl Hemingway, Bressels. The inarrit.ige will take place at Oivan United Cinfrole. Winthrop, on Julie 1st. 1963 et 3 pee.. JOOF To, !-!old ' (Ch urch Service The annual Toor chore Service 'will he held on Stincley. IVIley 19th at the United Church. A cordial invitetlen exiTinFlitil. Man Esacpes Death By Narrow Margin Nineteen -of 'the "Walton area luckily escaped with a cold ducking in the Mahan& riVer in - Drueseis on Seturday • afternoon, in a tractor accident Whin could- have cost him, his life, elle Nicholson had driven a tractor from Walton for David Therepson who was returning the rented machine to Wee Budn,aek, It appeared that after turning into the Budnark parking area he lost control of • the veeelele and it Plugged deW11. the 12 foot into the river where it landed upside down with time drivel. in the cab. Mr, Nineteen escaped without injury except for a bad shaking up. He was ithanediately Whisked away' to 'poem tip titter hie enexpeeted Old bath, epletitiq The bridge was the .gathering place for a large riunibee of peeIple who. althoteele they did. not wittiese* the accident, toned the removal of tli.e trg dor teem the river by Mernitehebe Motors an interesting spectacle.