The Brussels Post, 1963-05-09, Page 1V
$2.00 A Year In Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. Thursday, May 9th, 1963 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Capacity Audience In Attendance At
Majestic Institute Cooking School
George IVeutter was tee fortnn.
„ate winner of the "Bond of the
Month" draw sponsored by
Western Star lodge,
Goad news for softball fans!
It appears 13russels will have a
:Ladies' intermediate team enter-
ed in Use Huron, Clotinty 'League,
thanks to a sports minded couple
in Brussels. With our fine park
facilities it would be a shiaMe not
to have a team.
• •
Get out your shiovels house-
holders! We may have to bury
our garbage, or otleerwise dispose
of it ourselves, 'Ernie 73eIrnee hes
discontinued garbage: collection
hecattse of th'e dissatisfaction of
some householders in regatd to
collection charges, We leope that
other arrangements will be mane
as soon as possible.
* * •
Congratulations. to Cadet Lieut,
Bronson, son of Mr, and Mrs, Rae
Bronson of Brussels, whP wen the
99th Battery Trophy for "Best
Shot" at title Cadet Inspection at
WDSTS on Tuesday,
• *
The warm Weather leas brought
the merchants out putting up
thieir awnings, Baekers Butcher
chop is sporting a brand new one,
The animal Chicken Barbecite
and Dance sponeoted by the
East iron Agricultural &inlets'
will he held oh Tune 12th. Temp
this event in Mind', Plan to attend.
The Cub Packs withi their
leaders, ,mode a 'fine apneerenee
when out in force, with banners'
flying, on Wednesday evening.
Apparently the lads _were being
inetrUcted in marell discipline.
Their leader's are to be corn-,
mended for thleit devoted interest
in Scouting,
We must. soar to reap, hut this
year el-011ie Thrinins reaped oil
nnexpected tai' nit. while prepar-
ing e field for planting, Lest
tali. while ploughing, ho lost a,
-WOW containitig Personal papers
and 3123 hi 'caws. Recently whine
Working field . print to planting,
be Wore the wallet. resting atop
thy) newly ferried enrth, On' exatn-
n 11 on of the contents ho
found the Seinen ruitad bite the
monere Wes Wads pge my . .
HllrlYilttllS Anii11wA
Mrs, May Taylor passed away
in the Wingham General Hospital
on April 27th, 1963 in leer 63rd
Year, after a lengthy illness,
She was formerly Martha May
Snell of Londesbore, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mre, George
Site was married to John Elwin
Taylor in August 1921 who
ordecensed her in 1955,
Surviving are one son, Ed., of
lbetssels, two daughters, 'Norma,
(Mrs, Wm. Behrne) and Ila,-(Mrs
Mae Newton) and six grand-
children, one sister Elizabeth
McDowell, Beigrave, and one.
brother, James of Clinton,
Rev, Kenneth'. Griffiths of
Brussels United. Church, assisted,
hi Rev. T-Tarold Snell of London,
conducted funeral services from
the Arthur funeral home, Auburn,
on April 30th at 2 o'clock
Burial took place in Ball's
eeinetery, Auburn,
James A. Bryans died in
Wingham General Hospital on
Saturday, May 4th, following a
lengthy illness,
Re farmed on, the 4th line of
Morris township 'until his retire-
ment to' Brussels three and one
halt years ago,
Mr, Bryans was the son of the
late Willialn Bryane find Ellett
Francis Bryansl
He is survived by his wife,
the former Mae Hopper, whom
lie married :Tannery first 1919
Ono son, Charles, of Orillia, one
daughter, Mrs. Idella Wilson, and
'three grandchildren, Brussels;
one sister Mfrs, :Eleanor Ames,
Ethel; five brothers, Edward and
Harvey, Morris Twp.; Chhades of
Whitby: Robert, Florida and
Fseek of Hamilton,
1\47 IlrYans Was a meinber of
Brussels Milted .Church and had
'served on the. Session for ever
twenty-eight years
Funeral service was held at the
Ti A. Bonn funeral home
on. Tuesday, May 7th, With Rev,
K. Griffiths officiating,
te rib ent was in • Brandon
Velll.P terry. Belgrave.
Pallbearete Were; rtny Cottsins,
Win. Reed, Wtank Carter, Wee.
Kerr. Wm Cardiff and. Thos.
Floral tributes were carried by
Stanley Wheeler and ,Tames
Special thanks for the wonder-
! fel (ore and understanding given.
. by the nursing staff of Wingram;
„I Geneenl Hospital end ,Dr.
-seerellemn. Sone:lel thn.nlet also
trj Rev. K Griffiths,
WO, PIATITifill 0.111.11,1
Brussels Lions
Club Activities
Rea Cross Drive
The annual Red Cross Drive
sponsored by Brussels. Lions
Club was carried out toward the
cna of March, and realized the
stthstantial sum of $271, The
success of this annual drive le
mainly due to the help of various
ladies of the town who are
members of the churches, The,
Lions Club of Brussels wish to
record theit thanks and gratitude
to those good ladies of the four
churehes in Brussels whoa gave
so willingly of their time to
further the interests of the Red
Attend District Council Meeting
'Oec Parker and Doug Callender
attended the Spring Meeting of
District Council No. 5 Of The
Ontario Society for Crippled:
Children held in Clinton on
Thursday, May 2, 1963. reptesent-
ing the Brussels Lions gm.
Easter Seal .Fund
Cee Banker reports the do-
nations to the Easter Seal Fund
. to date amount to $657,2;11',
Anyone net having sent in their
donation toward the Easter Seal
Fund are reminded the fund is
still open,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd. Michel,
wish to announce the forthcoming
marriage of their elder daughter
Marianne Elaine. to John Gary
Gibson Schaefer Of Toronto,
elder son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Schaefer of Listowel.
The marriage will he solene
ized at 4;00 p.m. on Saturday,
Stine 1st, 1963, in Melville,
Presbyterian Church, Brussels,
The family of the late Mrs.
Mae Taylor wish to thank friends
and relatives 'for the many acts
of kindness and floral tributes,
and messages of sympathy, during
their recent bereavement
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Odell
thinnk all those who, so kindly
remembeted him, With cards,
flowers and gifts, *Nile he was
a patient in Victoria Hospital,:
A special thanks to Mr. 17, B.
Cznsins and Mr. Cordon Werk-
mail for their kindness and help,
All your thoughtfulness was
deeply appreciated,
Mly sincere thanks is extended
eo all those who reanembered
in so innny kindly ways while T
was a. patient in Frilmilton
A special thanks 1.c pr neigh,
hours who gave me such a warm
welcome, .and .th-enIrclItrnl
AllentfOn, Than f'rrittivrIro hnmr.
4tiff 141*
Family Gathering
A family gathering at the home
of George and Helen Wesenberg
on. Sunday included seven sisters,,
Mrs, Rachel. Ahrens, Mrs. Caro-
line Elligsen, BrOdhagen; Mr. and
Miss, Clayton_ and Louise. Oarlton
Wilson, N,Ya Mrs. Marie Ryan,
Niagara Falls; Mrs . Barbara.
Mf:SLeod, liamiton; Mr, and MTN.
C. and Emma Leonheedt,
Montrose; Mrs. J. Irene Hinz,
Guelph; also the immediate
family including grandauglater
Debra Ann front Seaforth, Mrs.
Wenenbergs mother, Mrs. Smith
of Brussels, and sister, Mrs. L.
Dale and family of Seaforth
were also present,
ft was a surprise birthday
party for George also, a re-
membrance of their father, Henry
Weeeneberg„ who was horn on
May 6th, 1863. and died approxi-
mately `2...5 years ago.
Dr, and Mfrs. R„ W. Stephens
have returned trete their trip to
Mr. and Mrs. fineries Cole,
London, and Mr. Abert S. Cole
ilaitaener. were Sunday visitors
with(' James and aere, Michie, 5th
line of Morris.
'Mr. and Mrs. James Moichie
Mrs, R. Cole, - with George
Michie as chauffer. Motored to N,
Branch, Mech,, to visit an uncle,
Mr, Alex Hood, on Wednesday.
MeS Hood will bo 32 en his
birthday, May 30th
Mrs. Edwin Martha Mae. W.
S. ,Perris and Mr. Santee Petrie
B. A., attended the one hundred
and nineteenth annual ebtivedats
ion, of Knox College in gotatti
cation Hall, University of
Mr. and Mrs, George SiieNser,
Mr.' and Mrs. Deice Barge and..
Me Donald MesNair of np,MiltOn
spent last weekend at, the home
of Mt, and Mrs, W. J. Petrie and
Ool;es Toronto is a
guest with her sister-in-law Mrs.
Jas, Isaishie 'and visiting with
Other relatives in I3elgrave.
Miss Shirley jaieltlin, danghtet
of Mr. anti 'Mrs. Carl, Jacklin.
R.R. I, Ethel, Ont., is a patient
in St. Mary's Genetal Hospital,
I wish to thank all these Who
sent nue flowers. gifts end rards
and those who vintted me while
I was, e patient In Lige-we!
Iespltel. A sp4eirli thanks to
Tl't, 1411M] PIO thIs 11111-011;
The Brussels Public School
auditorium was tilled to capacity
on Thursday, Moy 2nd, to attend.
the Cooking School sponsored by
;Mielestic W. I, and featuring.
Mfrs, V. Scriever of °KC°,
her own very capable way
ats, Scriever kept everyone's
interest the whole time showing
interesting ways to keep GMT,
families well fed and happy.
At the conclusion of each part
a ticket was drawn and some
leaky lady was the the winner of
a tasty treat, The winners
Walton —
Biscuit Mix
Miss, Sohn Alcock, Briissele —
'Veg. Jellied Salad
F ls Brul'stsoen Nva James
Irrnft, Salad
etrics lies. N 'M
Mrs. Tom Strachan, 33rilt .Salad
Lucky Chair Prize
Mrs, Stan Alexander, Ethel --
Squares and Tarts
/Raymond, Brussels — Mts.
Door Prize
s. Ed. aIlard, Brussels —
Oldest Lady Present
Mts. A. Toll, Blyth
Pot the Husband Left At. Rome
Mrs. 0.,Hemingway opened the
meeting and attended to the
draws, MeS. Walter Kerr presided
at the piano.
Mrs. Doug.. Hemingway, con•
venor of the committee presented
Scriever with a gift and
thonited her on behalf C.f alt
Guests;were in atteedance from
Plyth, Walton, Cranbtook, Mon.
crieff, Ethel, Blu'evale, Belgrave
and the ,surrounding, district.
"The ()deers" closed a most
Pleasant estening. The committee
in charge did .a wonderful Soh
and to these ladies and their
helperS goes the thanks of the
Institute„ Mrs. 1111.-leiningsvaY,
convenor, Mts. A. Engel, ;Mrs.
George'Davis and Mrs..
IO'OF To Hold:
Church Service
The annual IOOP Churol,
Service will be' held on Sunday.
Mew 19th at the United' Church.
A cordial. levitation extended
to all.
at Briiseels park
at,errsego-rotind. Petrie
On Jane 2Citit
end 21.8t. HOOP this date open.
Doett, target rptIr Vnthop
sets. Saok Gordon