The Brussels Post, 1962-03-29, Page 9MERRY MENAGERIE Ord o3 44.1 ALL THIS and Europe too. 10% ItEblictiOtsr ON, ROUND TRIP *IN SEASON II FROM THE MOMENT YOU STEP ABOARD hi • FUN; PLEASURE, RELAXATION 11 • MEMORABLE MENUS I • DANCING, FIRST 'RUN MOVIES • SUPERB' CUNARD SERVICE • 2/5 LBS. BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE PAY' LATER IF YOU WISH III See Yaw- tedvel Agent Coe 'Bay & Wellington Sts alo Termite, Onto fib le Tel: 362-1011 li 14 11,1 1 ?EARLY MONTREAL AILIKIGt IVERNIA APRIL 0,.MAY 4, 8 'VAN, FIAVRP, 30QTNAAIPtoN SAItONIA APRIL h, MAY I i HAVRE, SOUtIMAtirt00 s ..„ AftINtillA APRIL. 27, MAY 18 GREENOCK, tiVERPOOt tAl2til•it MAY 4, MR$'IA CALLS At t ON ALL UR:114ot Alse "regular tailings Nei Nov Vet* by she 40E04 ELIZABETH and QUEEN MARY, 'digest Orient 14 iorommottm FLY CUNARD EAGLE TO t3EkMubA, NASSAU AND-- tUllt6t4 14 4.1.1•••••!...•Me N E WAY ll 111 111 a 1•1191M.M., rretPre. .• e. VERT RING tt.• 0 '41 1 1 MUSIC With tnt 11 ,fgN v.:At r ,..0}ras were wine. f-re that title-,-:and never :::ins'.', h a ve we horn tunate ealOtin' '-.ii' uditory event on '' to. c.oroing tape,—From and Sonar.!' by Winthrop N. Kel- lum! a a SttiSlc to three 1)000(5, all tape-record7 •coplas sent 10 you, $12, Alt oo.,14 •,,omiocrea for Pledge accords. 1,.;„ nrewer, liorA 51011Pillsr Tenn- a 0.44.0Y .ctitcgt ,HATcH.INO h Shads nk eggs, Crlar' phole W, 5-341/1 CET ',tier ace t it I ',:, I. rilni , to ti:./M11 bt'St 111011,1'; r Old to ready-toley. rte -1 ‘,.1 ter; varieties, :Ind Lee hew-. to nne rout reek- ', • tee Wein !Tie No e bee!' ;Weill, (,r-e,,',',HatcherY 1?' John. Noe. ft, Hamilton, Ont., n4,1014E45. OPPORTuNtTI65. 11.1 sod ri j, litrr I 01 ; !IOW' 1,101.fir. 1+! 1'u'',• Own r(tenri.: 14(1 Semi ail rar. ticul.-re and pliant, rrionlier to Bex. 21111. 123. ifith eetrei.t. Toroeti. (Mt, NURSES WANTRP . , , _ — • ""MUSTERED Nurse required for the intim Lakes Hospital, Nalcosp, B.C., fifteen heti, hi:inctiml wage rates, boll, tin' s, semi-annual increases, etc , 40 110 ,4• v,e,.3 Room and hoard available at llospti.d. Administrator, Arrow 1.0ke6 Hospital Nakusp, EX. ".1 . • NIGH CLASS leAllii$TYLIN.G SALON .0whcr (beet oridortruntr, tor. :Allied 'thirst! 1;s" Equiptnerit ;it de. preelete • value • te( :0 rest. Batten 5 Third Line S,, Oakville, Ont. A 4 1 A 1 MUSIC CRITICS? — No, they are members of Britain's famed Coldstream Guards rehearsing for a concert. They are firing blanks from box in London's Albert Hall prepar- ing for their part in Beethoven's "Battle Symphony," during which various realistic military sound effects will be used, ei OMENA P PORTUNNDITI WOESMEN PoR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity earn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Gall Marvel Hairdressing School 359 abooe St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W Hamilton 72 Rideau Istrcot Ottawa PARTY GAMES vAtcrx Games: Adult's, Children's' Both (34.pege hooks postpaid 60c. Ar- cane Book Mart, Riverdale Station tioX :dn.(' Dayton 5. Ohio. Aim far High Profits With frigid,', laiest in the ;Tinier-meth machine business, lteeently advertised an '1' V., Ratite anal Newspaper-', Mr. • Qw ili Drew Is" a niechenical life . sim gtrullehter comp' with live action and electronically euntrolled. Ile talkS -Ile shoots just like real. Ideally to. cated by us In Super Markets. Shopping Centres. Bowling Lanes, Amusement Parka end Travel 'Terminals. This I., a high profit business which requites a very minimum of time and supervision and vim be handled as an additional. business- The low investment of $1,500 may he financed on liberal terms. For a per- Sorial invitation io the first Toronto Shoe lee (0' :Vt., (Nil( Draw of Canada, interested panties . contact the National Merkeiing Director, Mr qwik Draw of Cauade. >rectifies* &Ike', 71 tient( St.. Ottawe. Ont. PERSONAL • . tit • GIENIC RUBBER GOODS Tested, rviarantecci, mailed in plain eareei eluding catalog free (v it h trial- assort. meet 36 for 52.011 rthiest quality). Western Distributers hex e4 Tie he- psis. ....... OV-ERWEIGHT?. A sate. reducing Wan MVP -1.5;t1, Lea" Trade's Alettleally approved. menthe- sapid) 57 WA Lyon's Drugs, Dim •11 • Denser" ir I ',rent e. i.IlEISER STAMPS For urhy . 1;1' You can n • • Wit 3.11wr persortziazed •rubber stem:' .4vnd order tr. ltelMer . SNOW SCULPTRESS—Secre- tary Margaret Taylor forgoes her tea break to fashion a miniature snowman on win- dow sill outside her office in very wintry London, England. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL STORE LOCATED in Village South of City of Barrie, near Lake Simeoe. Solid brick building 40 x 60 with modern living quarters above. Illness forces owner to sacrifice this thriving business for $22,000.00 plus stock at cost. Down pay- ment $5,000.00 plus stock,. Yearly turn. over $51,000.00, Phone or write for fur. ther particulars. This is a wonderful buy. SERVICE STATION, G1iRAGE WITH GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT & CAB(NS THIS fully equipped business including living quarters located north of - OR' ILLIA on No. 11 Highway. Owner wishes to retire, Full pricce $80,000.00 plus stock at cost Down payment $25,000.00 with 1st mortgage for bal. once at 6% with fair principal pay. ments. Yearly turnover 990,000.00 and all records to confirm. Phone or write for further particulars. See this bust. ness first heron! ever eonsidcring new venture. On evenlnes for the above call Wm. Adams, Severn Bridge, MU. 9-1341 .1 ie "Joe" MacDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Broker 38 Peter St South ORILLIA, ONTARIO PhOne PAirview 5,5070 ANY'rimE ...;`AMPS 100 DIFFEREN1 stumps Rie To Collectors Retteesting ',uprose's. Winston Philpott BotwoueNx11.3r, Canart. pliOJEre MERCURY s.::nip on souve: nir rose 111:411141•Ited cap.‘ CanaVera. date and hours of Johu Glenn's recov. •ery 15e each:. With engraved cachet .35e -- 3 for it. St Mills. 211 Dunning 't., bandits, Ontario $1.00 56,1111 cat. MIXTURE American and Canadian Commemoratives A few good foreign, One order only, plem,e. SMALL FRY STAMP O Trenton nt aria CATALOGUES :FARM HELP WAN•TEP.-MAt.E" 1WANT411 • • IV. II men to 1'• 1.441a - VI, If .71111% 1);15 Nei:Et-4115e. uutia y.a.we tilt No, 1, t4t Ontmlo rtal-LY teipverenced• wiriteck. Watt foi purebrect Holstein Dares Farm, SETA rare Write 'datum aims and letter; ;ilea refer 4.-nce "Hn a. porypets emplowr W WesieN Were - Mt 1 ilumpton. fhlt FARMS FOR SA1,0 • • voititiotton 4 itet PS in ineple Ie;t1.. *Trine reed:, ritiod limn,. bank barn 60%60, nee pen. hen pim z)bovr. 3ex5ii, water. liydrii thremehe !I .,17.(er , ,•,,errly Irene Gil nee Illt e_or Milted Deivithr. re! Pk l i, Mour.t. Forest 1•.1 1'11 Foe aeres tinder' eel. tnatem Rome rind buildings ere In ;mild shape: Apply • Ii,'. Clay ton Belch- eirl. Inc No t, south Cayuga, /arm near us.intwit. Inlet Mane. piodern kitchen 2- .bathr oornt, II,' living rosin with broad. jowl:, 1119 acros ot relied; medium ela loam, trout stream running through ceder bush Contact Hove and. Peters. Bealiore, -67 King tit. E., Oshawa, •725I 4741. • FARM, 145 acres complete with eteelt end (.M111)11101/, 2 'louses. 5 barns. 2 silos, spring water, Mostly new power machinery with 2 tractors,. 20 milk el ,ws and 10 heifers, mainly Jer.sev 4 sovs and purebred Landthee Health reasou for selling. Government approved farm Leonard. Parker, 'Sled. ford • SALE due to illness, 1011 acres guild land. self drained. Modern 7 rooms and bath. halt me! 4 )'ei'r,s. all new alumin- • urn siding, and .Storemore storms and screens Bank barn 15x75, upper Part new, -I ers... other buildings Scheel buses snail • milli routes past door In Warwick Twp., Lumbton Co mile No 7 11 Immediate possesaiOn Owner wm. WL%nael.. •43 Wl.cle St., Leernine1,011. -Oil Reasonable clown payment, FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS • S1.411 TABLE Bowling Alleys on alum- inum bases. Five halls in cups ino•pinsi. Orbit, 211 Est:ore Drive, Toronto 12, Ont. GOATS & LAMBS WANTED PALETTA TIROS . MEAT PACKERS LTD. 'tvANTED Baby goats and spring lambs Highest prices according to qual- ity Write 600 MOUNTAIN BROW BLVD.. HAMILTON till CALL I'U 7,7474. . • . GRASS •sEED• GREEN PASTURE SCARCE? SORGHUM GRASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nine foot growth In sand and gravel soil. Farmer at Enderby,. B C. pastured stock calves in Sorghum until snow fall, Dairy farmer pastured his cows on Sorghum when his other pasture failed, through drought. Prove to your• self what this grass may do in your area This annual grass is good for pasture or hay. Easy to bale and cure. Ten pounds delivered. for 515.50; Twenty4lve pounds, for $37 50 deity. erect, Requires about We to three pounds per acre for row crop- Place your order now. All No 1 seed. C. E, KINGSTON DIST. CO. LTD. Box 424, Kamloops, B.C. LISTENING DEVICES iNVESTIGATORSI Write for free bro. chore on latest subminiature electron- ic listening devices. Clifton Electronic Devices, 11500 NW 7th Avenue. Miami 50, Florida. MALE HELP WANTED GYPROC Lathers & Roofer for new houses & experiereeed farm hand for deity farm. Goresla Roofing & Lathing, Port Perry, Ont. a a 4 I 1 1 1 Al a a 'a • • a I I • • • CANADA'S MOST WANTED NURSERY CATALOGUE Over 1,000 guaranteed selections 80 page all-color catalog teetering the newest and the best In roses shrubs, trees, flowers, evergreens, fruits, bulbs - Mini Canada's largest grower.to.you nursery Write today; McCONNELL NURSERY CO. LTD. 65 Nova Sewn( St., Port Burwell, Ontario How They Try To Hoodwink Pollee, Although hit-and-run drivers frequently try to hoodwink po- ike with a \ I,r1Uly of ru.w.• a losing propsition. Police are on to all the tricks, and all the errant motorist ran expect to u r t h e r inerirninale - himself. Here are some of thy ploys and ruses, and why they- don't .work. Driver .p.ht,niu.: jn and wp )rt- Ing 'his car 'been - stolen. But if police are-: looking for a -hit- and-run car re:-.embling s "stolen" car, they w:11 i•Alt tor every minute detail of the "theft". The driver who begins contradicting himself or "can't remember" crucial details- will be warned -that giving a false report to the police is an ofit.mse (public mischief) carrying a $50. fine. Few drivers persist in lying beyond this point. Daliberately gelling into a mid minor accident to cover up. the dam-age from the first. Wa- lice on the lookout for a certain hit-and-run car keep cross- checking the descriptions of cars involved in other accidents.) • Claiming that somebody had borrowed the car and must have been driving at the time. (This calirb.: becomes shaky when pollee demand a list of all the people who might have borrowed the a "Forgetting" who was at the wheel during the accident. (At best, this is only a stalling tac- tic.) Admitting knowing who was driving, but refusing to say. (Police - parry this ohe `by' quot- ing a little-known amendment to the Criminal Code• that-makes a passenger in -a hit-and-run car just as culpable asAlie•tirlyer4 Freely admitting full knowl- edge of the accident but insisting: that -all the proper exchanges of names and addresses took place — with -a person whose name has now been forgotten' or mis- placed. (This is a tough story to- shake when all the other circum- stances make it feasible — but they seldom do.) Reporting in as a victim of a hit-anderun, (This one is the ul- timate in nerve and gall. It must sound plausible, must be con- firmed by Ovidence police find around the fictitious scene, must seem to negate evidence gath- ered at the --ITO scene, and must account in detail for the damage to be found on the phony com- plainant's car. But rarely does.) 1 COINS WANTED ( YOUR old coins may bo valuable. High. est prices for Canadian and American. Illustrated Catalogue 50c, Coronet Coins, 1611 Church St., Toronto 2, Ont. . . . . ^ v. MECHANIC An excellent opportunity exists for em- ployment of a mechanic or automotive machinist in Hamilton, Ontario, Our shop operates 52 weeks per year, we have tt pension plan, 2 group insurance plans and excellent wage scale. Apply with full details to: P.O. Box 89, Sta- tion "C". Hamilton, Ontario. MEDICAL NATURE'S HELP — DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect How Cart I? KS gouts Ler Q. How can I save the paint that invariably collects in the in- dented rim of a paint can, flows down the- outside of the can, and is wasted? A. Punch a couple of nail holes in the bottom of this indented rim, and the paint will run hack into the can again. SHEEP FOR SALE • KARAKUL FOR SALE' Karakul iBlack Persian; lambs nd ewes Edward E. Dickey, R.6, Brempton, Ontario. SWINE FOR SALE „— TBE Ontario Landrace SW111 Associa. Don's 1001 Consignment Sale will be held on the 14th April at the Brampton Livestock Exchange, Snelgrove. All ern. male government inspected Bred gilts, open gilts and boars will be offered. Mrs. Dorothy Simmons, Secretary...treas. urer. It R. No. 1, 'London Telephone 052-3507. TRACTORS FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearing a completely rebuilt 194(1 In. ternational Farman Tractor, complete with side cutting mower attachment - Sacrifice Price 039500. Standard En. eines, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 516 Parkdale Ave, N.. Hamilton, On- taLio, TRADE SCHOOLS • 'ACETYLENE electric welding and Argon courses Canada Welding Can- n L o In it 2 ,ind IlesLl N ; Ha -6283 milton Shop 04 5 WELDING MACHINES FOR . SALE 200 AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We ere (dealing our full stock of Lin. coin & Hobart Portable Welding Mach. Ines All overhauled. 9401.W each and Ur. Standerd Engines, Equipment & tsuelilica Limited, Pertattii., Avenue N . YOUNG OTTERS WANTED WILD IMALS Society tor Promotion of Wildlife. imd Fervid Conservation Inc , tt.n. 2, Stev- ensville, Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rash's mid weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm. pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless. Odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn et hopeless thee seem Sent Post Free on Recelpi of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S 1365 St, Clair Avenue East Toronto ES MONEY TO LOAN DOGS FOR SALE. SAMOYEDS, St. Bernards, Scotch Col, Lies. German Shepherds, Fox Terriers, etc All purebred and registered. Agents for all breeds Terms to 20 months available,. Jerdon Kennels, 47 St Paul Street, Brockville, 1)1-2.3441. LAB. RETRIEVER PUPPIES CM' Registered Excellent show and field stock Pedigree furnished. Health guaranteed. Whelped 17 Dee., '01 The world's best Retriever and (.0m• panion clog. Also some trained pups, 9 months old. from champion stock. • STUD SERVICE HAWKRIDGE KENNELS Rey'd '1110 Lakeshore Rd, Sarnia, Ont. - KI 2-5270 Sterling's Car Always Breaks Down "If you want to interview me," British race driver Stirling Moss told a reporter the day before the twelve-hour Sebring (Fla.) Grand Prix of Endurance last month, "see me a few .hours after the race starts, After my car breaks up, It will break' up, you know." - Moss was wrong, His red No. 26 Ferrari, a three-year-old, front-engine model, held up well enough for Moss and his team- mate, .ones Ireland of Scotland, -to lead the race after seven hours, Then their hopes ended abruptly. No. 26 was disqualified for refueling without completing. the- required twenty laps be- . tWeen. pit stops. "That wasn't very fair," said Moss, "We had come in for brakes and tires.. When the pit steward opened the tanks, the mechanics put in gas." With Moss out, the Ferrari driven by 'To Bonnier of Sweden and Lucien Bianchi of Belgium won the race. Once again, Moss, physically, technically, and psy- dhologically the best driver alive, had been thWarted, The previous clay, in a three- hour race for Grand Touring cars under 1,000 cc., Moss had another unhappy experience. Early' in the race, on a wet course, where skill meant more than power, Moss's superior han- dling kept his Austin-Healey Sprite ahead of the faster Fiat- Ahaeths. But once the course dried, no amount of skill could comBensate _for a .lack nt horse-- power. Moss finished third; New Zealand's Bruce McLaren, in. an Abarth, won. "Oh, Well," said Moss, "It was fun while it last- ed." Moss, has grown accustom- ed to disappointment, His failure to get the best cars hurt him most in Grand Prix competition, the matches among purebred racing machines which determine the' world driving championshipe. Moss refuses to sign with a fac- tory team; the factories, in turn, refuse to sell him their latest and heat cars: So he often competes in one- or two-year-old models. Despite this, he has been runner- up to the world driving champ- ionships four times. "It doesn't frustrate me any more," he said, "After all, suppose I won the Championship, What would be left? I'd have to retire," Invisibie Poor in the Wilted States wag; 25 years ago tha t Frank- lin Peoeovelt looked out and saw one-third of his nation "ill. botisefl, ill clad, and ill ,nourisli- ed.," May., in an America vele- tirated for history's highest standard of living, few would argue th•at the Conditions depict- ed iri Roosevelt'e second inau, prat have not vastly improved. And yet in an eye-opening new book ("The Other eknierica,u Macmillan), a young .social critic naineel Michael Harrington. has tumid up an "economic under- world" in the U.S. with no fewer than 40 million to 30 million inhahitante, Harrington's claim to be heard is based on two years with a Roman Catholic social- service group on New York's Bowery and past studies of American poverty for such mag- azince as Commentary and the Partisan Review. The U,S, Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics figures that about $6,100 is en "adequate" annual budget for an urban family of four. Har- rington takes half of this figure as his standard of poverty, and arrives at the staggering numbers above, Over-all, however, he says that "the new poverty . „ cannot be defined in simple statistical terms," Harrington tries to do it through revealing detail; "Poverty is often off the beaten track. The ordinary tourist , rides interstate turnpikes. He does not go into the valleys of Pennsylvania where the towns look like movie sets of Wales in the '30s." • "Death plays a peculiar role in the life of (Harlem) . . Under- , takers are among the most re- specter) members of the Negro, middle class . . . Dying is a mo- ment of style and status, at least in the impoverished world. of the racial ghetto." "Clothes make the poor invis- ible • . . America has the best- dressed poverty th'e world has ever known .e.. It is much easier in the United States to be decent- ly dressed than it is. to be decent- ly housed, fed, or doctored, Even people with terribly depressed Incomes can look prosperous." "Once depression hits an area,. its very life seems to leave . And then the vicious circle be- gins to work. Because a place is poor and dispirited, manufactur- ers don't want to locate there; because of this, the area becomes even poorer." "For most middle-class Ameri- cans, aid to 'farmers' is a gigan- tic giveaWay, a technique for robbing the urban millions and giving to the countryside. Yet the poor farmers do not, for the most part, receive a cent as a- result of these laws." According 'to •Harrington, political and . eacigleeteLS, e`' utctdte 'that only the Federal government is capable of acting to .abolish poverty. ("in saying this, I do not rejoice . ,") But he is leeilthan • hopeful, that it will be done, For while there is information. enough for action, Harrington says that political will is lacking. Whether' or not readers agree with Harrington's answer, his presentation of the problem is impressive. It is a shame that "".1.he Other America" will prob- ably not sell very well, The cam- forteble majority isn't interested. enough, and the people who are can't afford $4 for a 191-page book. From NEWSWEEK Rhinos breed only once in ev- ery two or three years and ustial- ty have a single calf. Hope is the desirable and valu- able quality which spurs the baseball fan into a new season with the idea his home team may come out of the cellar and into the sunlight of the first division in league standings. rurirosomaarrorronvoreemorarry IT'S NEW: The Aqub pen is a new concept in writing instruments. Sub. merge the 14K gold point in ordinary tap water (diluting the highly concert- trated ink in the cartridge) presto you're ready to write with genoin4 Ink. Cartridge lasts about two year( (refills 3 for $1.), Manufacturer's time service guarantee for free re* Pairs. Black, grey, maroon, red, men, blue, 52.98. BETTY SMITH ENTERPRISES Dept. 6. 29 Brightside ,Avenue East Northport, New York ISSUE. 15 — 1965 MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immediate loan OD First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for sale, on vacant and improved property, residential, tedus, trial, city, suburban and country, And summer cottages, Forty years expert. once, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Sirecee Street North OSHAWA, 'Ontario Phone) 725.3568 wiqghttr, "I'll thank you to stop refer- ring to our place• as your ROOFS" Listening To A Porpoise Chorus We were 2 miles off the north coast of Florida on the blue waters of the Gulf 'of Mexico. The. white sands of the beach gleamed in the distance. A few 'Heathery clouds were scattered here and there across the other- wise clear sky. I had just shut off the motor, and our boat — a gray Navy speedboat known technically as a "24-foot plane personnel boat" — was drifting inethe -light swell!. We had stopped because we had sighted a school of dolphins or porpoises playing or fishing about half a mile away. Our mis- sion was to listen to the under- water noises made by free or wild porpoises in their natural state and if passible to obtain tape recordings of their sounds... There must have been nearly twenty in the group — a rather large number for this locality, When within 50 or 75 feet of our craft, they all submerged and swam directly beneath us. Look- ing down through the water, we coast see dark shapes streaking swiftly past. During all this time, the only noise we heard them make in the air was the "whoosh" of exhaling breath as their blowholes were modientarily out of water at the top of each arc and even this was audible only when they were close to the boat. But the underwater listening gear told a very different story. The intermittent tapping or sput- tering which had been barely discernible from the speaker when the animals first turned in our direction grew in intensity and in continuity as they ap- proached. When emitted by a single porpoise alone, this noise —as we had learned beforele a concatenation of clicks or 01acks such es might be produced by a rusty hinge if it were open- ed slowly, It was soon apparent, however, that a number of the animals were making the sounds together, and more seemed to join the chorus as they came nearer, Superimposed upon this increasing clatter was an occa- sional birdlike whistle resembl- ing the "cheep" of a canary, As they came Still closer, the sputtering noises continued to grow louder and still louder. Taken together, they suggested the rear of an approaching rail- road train, except perhape that they Were more irregular. By the time the group was about ready to niche its final dive, the ere scendo froth the speaker iii our boat had become a clattering din which amidst drafted out the human voice, Then abruptly, ee if by prear- ranged signal, it stopped whole.- tely and left us in ehockirig site erite, At that ilienient, they SWAM' beneath the bbat, A single'bark- like Sfittild was now repeated . Once or twice, - and the porpoises LAST BLOW OF WINTER' This may be the last time that jihirny, and berth* 6, get id' wallop their dad, .kobeit kerthedy With d SnoWball, They May hot recd but if, but spirihd is oh its way, in many plates if has arrived. They iRPerisihce the last blow of winter:,