The Brussels Post, 1962-03-29, Page 1The United Church OF CANADA Minister; Rev. K. Griffiths Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M. March School 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship 414.t , 40. Presbyteriaa cb. IN CANADA Melville Church Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison, 13.A. Organist: Mr, G. Surgeln 10 A. M. ()harsh Scheel it A. M, Morning 'Worship Anglican CI - OF CANADA ST. JOHN'S neaten.: Rev. H. L. Jorardroe NA., I..111. Organist: NIrs, B, Elliott 11 a.- m, Hely CoMmtnion. Chnrch School 7.30 p.m. Lenten Service Monday A,pril 2nd 7.30 pan., ConfirMation Klass 8.80 Part. A, 4, P, A. 40.0tryis CREAMERY BUTTER You'll enjoy it's Freshness and Flavour on Bread, Buns and Rolls tool Vegetables will take on a fresh, new taste afore when you use COUSINS CREAMERY surrsn T •‘: Pre-' n"1,1M,,,.!•,,WPr ,S0 1444 14.2.00 ,)cr you BRUSS nanpnol okos ttowt toLtcew. ThillESC143r, March 29th, 196 „igNs cLus HOCKEY DRAW Winner tor game .satutdoy, March 24, was Gordon-'Worlanall, holding ticilet• it has been decided by the draw eoininittee that during the play art games when all tie scores Must be Melon, that if the score IS tied at the end of regulation time the Person holding -that ticket will receive $10 Prise. The final wirruer will 'receive $0 as usual, BRUSSELS STORE HOURS Brussels stores will be open on Friday nightS, atartinC .APRIL 6th,, and on the TburSday night before "Good P'rid4y4"- 4ntli further notice, STORES CLOSE AT 10 P. 04, Melville Young Women's Guild BAKE SALE n d TEA Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, MARCH, 31st AT 2 P, M. JVIount Royal Toniatoes, 28oz, 5 for ------ ' .. .. $1,00 Mount Royal Choice Peas, 20 oz. or Mount Royal Choice'Cream Corn. 20 oz. 2 for 37c Bright-s Peaches, 20 roz. 4 for .. $1.00 LIONS VISIT tAMKNOW COM lirussels Lieas were guoute of the 4-uckriow .4i47114 erah an Monday %o w!, thor n conwaniNI the 'Pam Chairman, Lion jack McDonald of Brussels, op his oifLGial v#S1k there. 'rile president of the 1.411.0ltnoW Club presided over the meeting and , welcomed the guests, The Zone Cliairman addressd the large • gathering. Lion. President George j McOntobecrn and Lion. Cardlft of the Brussels Club, both spoke The Brussels Lions were capably transported 'by bus by Lion B,alph Pearson, and conducted 'their reg. Idar business meeting, Lion pm- sIdent George MeCuteheon In charge, while enroute, Wil“;1 !altos W- Iteseareli and eurront cwentii was the IlletTle -of Walton for 'the Igarah meeting held Vilureday evening". in the •eenimilit7 ay hall. 0.7lie president, Mrs. as, Nolo% presided for 'intsinese and Mrs. 7I. Craig read the inimites, also the financial report was given by Mrs. •Wm, Humphries.. It was decided to. accept 'the Invitation tq lattend 'the cookiing utlemen.stTation in 731Yth memorial 'hall tinder the auspices of Blytli•-W.. T, on Friday. evening, April 6 at 8 Pant, Mrs. 1.S.crVier "Of 'oKoo-Tr will he • Present. NicCUTCRON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver 1111111111.11 111M41.1. NOTICE TO LADIES Anyone wanting a copy of the ; I Prize List ,for the Ladies' Division of 'theE rat Huron Agricultural can A get gricut oiitrnael s6ty 1962 by asking for it at the office of lhe Brussels Post. This list has been revised and offers new classes and, increased prize money. Pick up Mt' cony now and see for yourself. I-11-T DANCE FRIDAY The regular 111.-T dance will, be held Friday 1%liatth :30th at '8.39 •In the public school auditorium. All 1249 year olds come and bring your friends. 25c per !person; 3.6c a couple, The April 'meeting will have the official visit 'cif 'the -district president con'suencing with a pot hick supper at 7 'p.m. sharp, Roil call will be payment of fees and gift for your, sunshine sister, A penny auction wilt also beheld at this meeting. A discussion followed on the adoption of their refugee child for ICE GONE Our Informant, S. FOx, said the ice above the dam broke up and. 1, went down stream at approximately three thirty Wednesday afternoon. i While 'the river below the dam is high, there is not the ice jam at the ' bridge, or flooding of the flats, that i was a common, and interesting sight of spring break-ugi before the present bridge replaced the old iron one. 'IN MEMORIAM ANDERSON — in loving inetnoprof I Alexander Quintin .Anderson, who passed away March 31,1952. 'thank 'thee Lord, that grief can't always last. 'That there's an end to sorrow's darkest' day, 'Then give'me gratitude gratitude'for Pleasures pest, 'The joys 'thou rawest fit to 'take away. The 'treasures that were lent -me for awhile — And then recalled, oh 'help me 'Lord -to smile And say Thy will be done sincere, 'and true. Sadly missed by his wife Katherine SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT: WES. BUDNARK BRUSSELS, ONT. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Cox, Brussels, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mabel Helen, to .Toseph, Adrien Porier, Wingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Porier, Berry Mills, New *Brunswick. The marriage to lake place Saturday, April 21st, 1962. PHONE 5$,? Meat was chosen: from the different courses for the local leaders senior training school to "he 'held 'in the fall of 1962. The committee to look after the euchre for ,March '23 was Mrs. A, McDonald, 'Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs, Shortireed and ,Mrs. McDonald. NOTICE. Baeker's Butcher Shop will be close& Monday and Tuesday for reddecorating. Open Wednesday morning as usual, FREE 200 GALS. TRACTOR FUEL plus 5 GALS. CASTROL DIESEL OIL - With Every Purchase of 880 and 990 DAVIT? BROWN TRACTORS MONTH OF APRIL ONLY TAKE ADVANTAGE or THIS OFFER 100F JEWELS PRESENTED ' r Istria Deputy Grand. Master Win, Caldwell of Brdeefield, paid an official visit to Western Star Toor lodge here on. Tuesday night, March 22nd, r!,1ring the course of the evening's cermonies the D.D.G.M. presented a 55 year jewel to John M. McNair 'of Brussels and a 50 year jewel to tier rge Caldwell of Blyth, WALTON SOCIAL EVENING TO HONOR COUPLE A social evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis on the occas- ion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary, is being held in the I Walton Conlinlinity Hall on Saturday, April 7th, at 8.15 pm.. the coming -year and it was decid- I • -. • ed to ask other sonnies 'to join us 1 CARD OF THANKS- would like to express my thanks. to my friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered ins with cards and visits while I was in, the hospital, { it was all very much Oppreciated, Carl Tapklin ;, • I 1. The evening will be spent playing mericzn Hotel, euchre, All friends and neighbours are welcome. Ladies please bring brussels, Oat. sandwiches. CARD OF THANKS and. if possible have the same child to support. " The district annual will be held I in Walton in May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the W.T. Tickets for dinner meal will be $1 and ,arrangements will be made to have a cake made and iced for the 'LIBERAL NOMINATION IN CLINTON, APRIL 6th Officials of the Huron Liberal Association announced this week that a nominating convention. to select a T-tiberal candidate to contest the riding of Heron In the forth- von.i.-.1g federal election, will be held in Clinton Legion Hall, Friday evening, April 6. The meeting will be addressd by lion. Paul lyt.P., for Trinity, •V A 8 'BEAUTY SHOP SPECIAL 'FOR EASTER MONDAYS and' TUESDAYS from now until Easter COLD WAVES $4.95 " Phone 140 Brussels RESERVATIONS PHONE 26 Bring the f SUNDAY DINNER IN THE BEAUTIFU... FLAMINGO ROOM SERVED 5 — 8 P, M. CONGRATULATIONS! On March •31st, our beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Exel, hope to celebrate their 2-0th Wedding Anniversary, ! It is the wish of 'their thankful children that they may he spared. many years for each other and for .„.. Henry, Tdverdena and Kenneth, F.',4•1c, Ada; Anne, Gerd.a, Charles and Frances. occasion. Mr, and Mrs. L. Waxman, Toronto, t and family, sincerely thank their I Brussels friends for the many expressions of sympathY, letters, cards and telephone messages, received by 'them, at the time of the death of their dauglitqr, Marlene. Your. thoughtfulness,,$as deeply apPreciated, Changing of the meeting date left till the next meeting. The roveners of the meeting, Mrs, Jan van Vliet Jr. and Mrs. m. Turnbull then took over the mooting. Mrs. Turnbull was of -;:in which were won by; adult, Mrs. James Clark*, - children's Stephen Tlibhert, Mrs. Tan van Viet impersonated as Miss Joyce, asssenlbled the children in a circle and played action games, .also a candy scramble. Mrs. C. 'Matheson of Brussels, told a story to the children and other games followed with Miss Joyce and a twist session. Baboons were pre:Sent- ed to the children. Lunen committee was Mrs, T. Dimdas, Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs, G. T-Tihbert, Mrs, A. Ander-a-On, Mrs. P. McDonald, Mrs. N. Reld, Mrs. Herb LETTER TO THE ,EIDITOR. 1240 Oxford St. Victoria, B. 0. March S, 1062 This Sunday 6 and under Children rec Call Us Any Time for Those Tasty Takeout Spareribs 5,0c Piping Hof ALL YrIOR BAKING WILL PASTE BETTER MADE WITH'. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who sent, cards, or showed their sympathy in so many ways, at our time of bereavement. Mr, and Mrs. Bevan Elliott CARD OF THANKS We would like to sincerely thank our relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for their kind expressions of sympathy, cards, floral tributes, and acts of kindness shown us at the time of our bereavement. Mrs Walter Savage and Family REPRESENTATIVE OF BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Selwyn Baker has been appointed representative of the British Mortgage & Trust Company. He is the man to- see if you are ! interested in investments. Guarant. eed Investment Certificates earn 5% interest. , Ma's Martin brought in the slate of officers as follows: Past. PreSident 'eresiclent ....... „„, Is+. Vice Pres. . Po/ Vice Pres.—. Mrs. Jas. Nolan Mrs. X. McDonald Mrs, Cr, Corlett Mrs. Ed. McCreath CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbours -who visited us and sent us cards and treats when we were patients in Seaforib Hospital and since we came home, and especially to Earl and Mrs. Somers, It was all much appreciated. Wes and Mary Stephenson. Editor, Brussels Post, Dear Sir: I am compiling a genealogy of my family and T am searching for descendants of my great-grand- parents who may be able to furnish me With further information. My groat-grandfather, Samuel Barr; born in. Scotland. known 'to have lived in or near. Brussels, Ontario from 1868 till Tossibly 1880 -90, Elizabeth Elliott, born in Ireland, about 1821, married William Young and was known to have lived in or near Brussels from 1861 to 1869. I would appreciate anyone con- nected with these families to please contact, Mrs. Andrev I,„ 1240, Oxford" St., Victoria, '8, C. Years Sineerel;t,'. Audrey L. Shaw (Mrs,) Secretary Mrs. It Craig Treasilrer Mrs. 1V, Huittphrlet District Director MrS. Jas. Nolan' Director Mrs. iton, Bennett I Efranch Directers ...... Mrs, S. frumphries, API's. A, McDonald, Mrs. Wilbur Ttirlibtill, Mrs. Margaret a daughter — Donna; May, ''Pianist ......... eee Mrs. Jaclt lirYans Asst. Pra,nist 'Ora. Herb. Travis- Press Reporter Mrs, E. DIM 'S Auditors „ . . „...„„.. Mrs. US. Clan, MPS. Geo, Williamson Conveners — Agri. and Canadian TtuThstrieS ..„„„ Mrs. Roy tilltirrinson, Mrs,: Donald thialmtati )CitNenslitti arid Fihteation',,,„.... Mrs. I Marks, Mrs..., T. Dtindas IIfst. ties, & Current Events Mrs'. N. Mt. Ir Walters Home rd, and irealth, Mar:4404u, G. Ii" Resolutionsritt,FL Ci. Watson, tfite,*. Sliortreed Relation's .„ ....... POS. Dennis', Ntrs. Gen. tote,. ,ritos. trairts, -SteVena' Sat:Shine idonitnitteu Mrs, A. donits Mar BORN , To, Mr, and Mrs, Barry. Machan, in. LiatoWel Memorial. Hospital, on Sunday, March 24th, Use It rerutarty from your Grocer% or Delivery DAIRY Brussels, Ont. COUSINS Phone 22 CAP TOL THEATRE os-rowEE. ONT. fripaeipernsoto4rselin.--",W0eMetePloml~fielaMoloTgat raellia= .t:g0. Ott FRESH SNEAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All flares THURS. FRI. SAT. ' 'MARCH 26 JOHN WAY'aisTil and STtlAAT Atinil*,AN "Staii in "THE CDMANCHE0060 Ward boiled 'Tetras Ranger John Wayne and Snatie gernbler John' ShoW hoW to deal' bed gicinS and Renegade iSt Show t,t15, 2nd thavii SAO itvening Prayer and Chstrch School Wednesday, Al0. 4th 8,80 pm. 'young People's Meetinv miatELE AND HOWARD KEEP VOLli40 Itt14 TiVolire-yest Michele Pinney (ieit) and Howard the- itolkirit hittle are 'two personalities who Made k marl,~ with yeithg r't this season did. '01J11-;iNN• Rattle Dazste, Letters are ibtit rig in to the kt the rate of itc,olt than 5,000` a ritontli. tto*ittd loves niait, The criiyr 'date doesn't hire is tlti0 *no*. of turtle 'Senn qinti k Ont"'041. MAO' tilo, tiokihgtnitia*ith4iti* into his sired: Ainitt, 4 tvd,f4St* ft4 *AM - uPivt ',tiOANDEb WOMEN' ()WON tateksiSiseritj WeinAti hUif to MO to titray WEEK ,END SPECIALg Green 'Giant Niblets 2 for 35M Carnation Milk, 16 oz. 3 for 43e: Maxwell House Coffee, A lh. hag Hot Crost Butts doz. Alfros t.ti,tissets- directors Mrs. trig "Mobonald. Mrs. ti, itor4t*i#40t i*s. Leslie rititei' is h. tie.ilerif in Ikeiciria os iItaa , T driderir, !after' i roll In her rate en, resulting Sri n litchcit P'hone /1, •