The Brussels Post, 1961-11-16, Page 3OF INTEREST TO WOMEN 10 INCH MEIILITE Fry ,Pan; The non- stick skillet. Dupont teflon coating .lets You .cook without shortening, or tals.. Easy to clean, specially treated. surfitee. Postpaid $5.00. Antadio, Mit East 14th. Street, .Brooklyn '29, New York.' OPPORTUNITIES _ . BECOME AN ENTERTAiNER FUN .- PROFIT DISTINCTION. Two books show you how to overcome stagefriglit, Joke-telling, imitations, using a microphone. song u. citing. Learn the real secrets of Ventriiomu.sm and how to make your ONVI) Dummies. tO(1's of facts and techniques. SPECIAF., OFFER $1.00 for both books Fortune Publications, 12334 - 77th Street. IOU. mouton, Alberta, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN ----- BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greaten System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PET STOCK TROPICAL and European Finches. Can. aries, Budgies, other cagebirds. Mon-' keys, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs. Chame-leons, Literature, Detailed pricelist 15c. Thousands Birds Farm, Delta, Ontario. PERSONAL ALL Cash for bush lands. unimproved lands. Advise township, acreage lot, concession price, by letter Zeisman, 130 Shaftesbury St., Downsview Ont. STAMPS STAMPS of Canada Album, 23 pages, spaces for 370 stcmus Send Fifty Cents to: Wightman. Box 328. Smith's Cove Nova Scotia WANTED - EGGS _-- FLOCIKOWNERS WANTED to supply eggs Weekly on a yearly basis Large Premium paid over mseket price, AP-ply, 13ux Number 213, 123 18th St.. New TorOnto, Ontario HYGENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, mailed in plain parcel, including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment, 18 for $L00 (Finest quality) Western Distribu-tors, Box 24-TPF, Regina, sask. PROPERTIES FOR SALE A FALL special: Select your lot now -be ready for spring. Hundreds to choose from on Ontario's best lakes and rivers- Chemong, Pigeon, Stur-geon, Rice, Lake St. John; also Buck Lake and others in the Huntsville area; Otonabee. Trent, Fenelon Rivers, etc. As low as $1,0 down, balance monthly, no interest charged until June 1st, FREE literature on request. PITTS Homes and Cottages Ltd., Co-bourg, Ont., or ehone Toronto AM. 7-3474, day or night, REAL ESTATE WANTED LOVERS OF GOD; Learn His declared purposes - fear not - but rejoice in confident hope. Write Bible Truth Mis. sion, Box 811 Brantford, Ont. IF you like to read join our Novel Club! Information for self-addressed stamped envelope, Novel Club, P.O. Box 4207.CZL, Bakersfield, California. with alterations' it was 50 per cent lower for the 4-P Sults than for ordinary ones, writes IL G. Ifranks in the Christian Science Monitor. But even that did not satisfy the clothing industry, It next set up a sales test of 8,000 4-D suits in a restricted number of shops all over the country, but without any form of publicity or advertising. This showed that 56 per cent of the suits were sold without any alterations at all, and the remainder needed only minor changes, at small cost. Backed by, these results, the whole Dutch ready-made cloth- ing industry has started the changeover to the 4-D system, beginning this spring and sum- mer with suits, sports jackets and pants, and following in the fall with topcoats. Interest outside Holland has also been fostered because the system is truly international. The new tape measures use neither centimeters nor inches; or are any words required. The entire system is operated in letters and numbers, with basic sizes read- ing like 22-4,V0 or 22-8-00. Tailors in other European countries have already started their own private measuring polls among their customers, and preliminary figures show that men in other countries are little different, on the average, from those in Holland, So before long this new deal introduced, by the Dutch to en- sure that men are dressed bet- ter at less cost, with a minimum of trouble and a complete ab- sence of that sloppiness which so often goes with ready-mades, is almost certain to be offered to the men of other countries. Yet another example, perhaps, of European integration and unifi- cation! Bird Smuggling Thrives Down Under Australian Customs chiefs fear they. are "getting the bird" in a big way today. Seamen, mainly of European nationalities, have built up a prosperous traffic in smuggled birds, Their returns are more lucrative since last year Australia banned exports of all her home-bred birds. Now species like laughing jackasses, lyre birds and gala parrots fetch from sixty to 180 times their proper value when sold outside Australia. During a recent drive in Syd- ney docks Customs men discov- ered dozens of large, empty bird cages hidden in the crews' quar- ters of ocean-going vessels. They also found samples of dope and alcohol which seamen use to quieten the birds. When drunk, the birds are car- , ried ashore, concealed in a man's clothing or luggage. This traffic is dangerous because parasitic diseases can be introduced in this way. So far, large-scale 'internation- al smuggling rings are not sus- pected. But small syndicates, operating on individual ships, are, the Customs believe, getting a good rake-off as bird smug- glers. Q. How can I clean a zinc sur- face? A. Regular washing with hot soapsuds will keep a zinc surface clean. If required, a mild scour- ing powder can be used. Tar- nished zinc can be brightened by rubbing with vinegar or lemon juice, diluted with a little water. Let the acid remain on the sur- face for several minutes, then rinse with clear water, and polish, CHANGE YOUR LUCK COME TO TORONTO SELL REAL ESTATE Age-Education No Barrier Many real estate men earn $8,5 0 0 a year and more selling houses, apart- ment buildings, land and businesses. PETERS AND WILES LTD. REAL ESTATE BROKERS 8 Toronto Area Offices Oval 30,000 Properties Sold Immediately Require For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 5 SALES MANAGERS For details of qualifications, pay training programme, Write — "EMPLOYMENT MANAGER" PETERS AND WILES LTD. 119G WESTON ROAD TORONTO ONTARIO ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing nutria consider the following points which the organiza-tion offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which Is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers, 3, Full insurance against replacement should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certifitate of merit), 4. We give you only mutations which are In demand,,for fur garments, 5, You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6. Membership in our exclusive breed-ers' association whereby only pur-chasers of this stria may participate in the benefits so offered. 7, Prices for Breeding Stock Start at Special$20 0a offerpr to those who qualify, earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write:. Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. ISSUE 46 — 1901 FARMS FOR. SALE 100 ACRE FARM for sale on 10th con-cession of Huntingdon Twp. 65 acres workable with spring and good well. All seeded. For further information contact Mr, Leonard G. Trotter, RR2 MADOC Ontario. This advertisement is published free as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. Box 1029, LONDON, Ontario FARM MACHINERY WANTED ALLIS Chalmers Combine wanted also one to wreck with Bin. Fordson Major tractor. 49.51 wanted. W. Scott, R 6 Owen Sound. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS DIAMOND Drilling machine, $1500.00, 2 inch core, drill pipe, 2S foot mast, 3x4 duplex pump, 6x6 truck. H. E. Thur-man. No 6377451, Rochester, Illinois. HORSES SHETLAND PONIES FILLIES and stud colts for sale, $100.00 and up. Registered, best of blood lines. Blyth Acres Pony Farms, Birth, On. -tario. Phones 140 and 191. NUTRIA MOUSE THAT SOARED--Gussio Shepherd—the Mouse in the spade capsule--will b Very happy'if themoon' is really made of green cheese HaWeVete the umbuSettOriciat" finds little comfort as she is carried into the sky over Sunny. Calif. Bill Mithaelt, lly watches from the street. GUstie rediched1 I 0 700. feet, hi twa previous flights, MERRY fritiklAGERIE d(114V io • Makes His Customers Bullet-Proof! If you want to know tee world's next trouble spot in ad- vance, just ask master tailor Leonard Barratt at his basement office hi London's sedate Pall Mall. Not that Mr, Barratt is a secret agent, an agitator or a statesman —although his business, too, can be a matter of life or death . He makes bullet-proof waist- coats and sporrans for frightened Men and women! His orders' list is an astonish- ingly accurate guide to revolu- tions and political upheavals. For instance, weeks before the Bra- zilian political upheaval, an im- portant resident in that country made a special journey to the London showroom to get himself measured for a bullet-proof out- fit. "I can tell you he was- rich," said Mr. Barratt, "but he must remain nameless. People who wear protective armour do not like the fact to be known. "Perhaps they fear their would- be murderer will decide to shoot at the head instead! "My Brazilian customer told me that several people were gun- ning for him. He wanted to be snugly fitted, without spoiling the look of his clothes. In his case, I shortened the waistcoat and lengthened the sporran — which ties round the waist and protects the lower abdomen--so that there was less weight on the shoulders. "As they were to be worn un- der a shirt in a hot climate, I insulated both garments for cool- ness. We are always experiment- ing to give comfort with maxi- mum safety," Berlin, Algiers, Beirut, Angola, the Congo—they all mean work for Mr. Barratt, who has been employed . for nearly forty-five years by Wilkinson Sword Limit- ed, manufacturers of steel goods. Sometimes, as during the fight- ing in Korea, he will get as many as 10,000 rush orders—a lot of them from parents whose sons are going. overseas. And during the 1939-45 war the heavily- armoured flak suits, used by British and American airmen, saved very many lives. Usual yearly output of bullet- proof vests is about 250, but this figure soars when big trouble Is in the offing, Quite a while before the march on the Egyptian royal palace and the deposing of King Farouk, frantic orders fox protective ar- mour poured in. The same thing happened in Iraq just before the assassination of, King Feisal, Then, there were urgent calls from Cuba two months before Fidel Castro overthrew the Batt- sta dictatorship. During the trou- bles in Cyprus, the firm was also kept .very busy. The Mau Mau outbreak brought rush orders by post from white settlers threatened by ter- rorists. Indeed, Africa as a whole provides many customers these clays , Soon after the, murder of Pa- trice tumumba last 'February, Mr. Barratt received a shoal of letters tram white men in the Congo and other African states who realized the crime would add new fuel to the flames of revolt being fanned by the "wind of change." buring the Spanish Civil War, the firm actually had a London representative collecting orders on the spot, It is hot known whether he was suspected of be- ing a s spyy or said something in- discreet . , but one night his body Was found iri a Madrid side street, Ironically„ he had elseti shot in the back of the. neck!' There ie no italgilci on the vt11)15137" of steel' waistcoats, Marty foreign polite- foecte buy therie freed Mr. Harratt's firtie. dottlitedly the vests have pre-, vented the death of gentlatines Waging a bitter war againel'atitte eel gangsters across the ClieinieL Went Without Lunch To Buy A Book 'Snti.rinr, the University in Oc- ber, 1676, he (Conan Doyle) commenced the "long weary grind at botany, chemistry, anat- omy, physiology, and a whole list Of eempelsory subjects. ." We need not follow him on his dreary course, which, however', was brightened by books that had nothing whatever to do with the tedious themes of his profes- sional study, for the medical tomes on his shelves were not nearly so well thumbed as Thackeray's Bernoncl, Meredith's Richard Feverel, and Washington Irving's Conquest of Granada. He gradually collected a small librery of his own, each volume of which stood for a sacrificed lunch, Every day on the way to his classes, he gazed into one of those fascinating second - hand bookshops which no one with literary leanings can pass with- out a pause or a pang. Outside the door was a large tub cram- med with tattered volumes at threpence apiece. Now three- pence was the precise sum that Doyle was able to spend on his midday sandwich , . . so he had to choose between literature and lunch. Whenever he approached that tub a combat raged between the appetite of a youthful body and the hunger of a busy mind. The body won five times out of six, but when the mind was in the ascendant he spent a delightful five minutes choosing his volume from amongst a littre of alman- acs, textbooks, and works of Scottish theology. In this way he picked up Gordon's translation of Tacitus, Pope's translation of Homer, Addison's works, Claren- don's History, Swift's Tale of a Tub, Gil Blas, Temple's essays, the poems of Churchill and Buck- ingham, and other stores for mental dissipation, —From "Con- an Doyle," by Hesketh Pearson. STAMP LISZT— Solemn, the. Austrian giant of music, Franz Liszt, almost fills the new three-schilling postage stamp issued in Vienna, It commem- orates his birthday. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. Is there any way I can reno- vate sonic old, hardened glue? A. You can usually do this by placing a few drops of vinegar in the glue container, 2. How can I make a neat hole in a leather belt? A. Use a heated steel needle for this, holding the belt firmly on a wooden board. This will result in a neat, perfectly round hole, Q. What is the covering area. of a gallon of whitewash? A. A gallon of whitewash. will usually cover about 225 square feet of wood, 180 square feet of brick, and about 270 square feet of plaster, Q. How can I remedy some scratches on my furniture? • A. An old, but still good, meth- od is to dip a walnut Meat into salt and then rub this on the scratches, The oil of the walnut will color the scratches so they will fade into oblivion. Cl, How tan a stamp collector remove choice stamps from envelopes neatly and. with less danger of tearing? A, By applying some lighter fluid to the inside of the envelope under the stamp, If the envelope happens to be of very heavy paper, roughen the surface with an eraser before swabbing on the lighter fluid, Cl. What can I do about cloudy- or streaky mirrors? Add three tablespoons of ammonia to a bucket of water, dip a clean chamois into this, and swab the mirror. Then wring the chamois v .11 out, and wipe the. Water off. Or, inix cold water with starch and apply to the Mir- ror. Wheri this is perfectly dry, wipe the powdery starch off with a dry cloth. If the streaks show signs of ettleborritee, you ean sometimes remedy them with a little oil-type of furniture polish, No indica ship can Match the pace At Which oitr son fie* *hide, belbiting in outer space Since lie iiikoVerod kirk. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN, DEALERS, AGENTS, WAN-TED to sell merchandise, Hundreds of outstanding lines Voir details, apply' Box No. 242, 115 - lath street, New rforOnto, Ont,, MEDICAL ARTHRITIS can he coneeere(1. Send for address of Vector nerest Yon West virgiwa- practlein 3 way geterno Science.. Fn, seep 4c. P.0, pox MeWhetter. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry ec2enta rashes end veiming :Ma 'troubles, Pest's Eczema salve will not, disappoint eczema will respond readily to the you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze, ma, Ilene, ringworm, pirepl.es and foot stainless, odorless ointment regardless of Is stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER "JAR POST'S REMEDIES • 186$ St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO PIXON'S REMEDY--FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MON.Ro'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25. Express Collect TRUMAN ESCORTS — Attorney General Robert Kennedy enjoys a laugh with ex-President Harry Truman. Kennedy, who appeared in Missouri on government business, received a guided tour by the former Chief Executive around the Truman Library in Independence. A New -Peal in Men's .Clothing After measuring 4,000 Dutch-. Melt from head to toe in all the 11 provinces of the Netherlands, and then trying out an experi- ment with 2,000 more by .offer- ing them free suits, the Dutch men's clothing industry has evolved a Dew clothing measure- ment system that is being rapid- ly taken up by other European countries. It is called 4-D, the P standing for "'dimensions," and it works entirely on letters and figures, so thate it is universal in chart- ing and naming, The sole idea of the eight-year research has been to devise a system which will reduce to the minimum the amount of ahem- tion necessary when buying clothes, for men and. boys "off the peg," Moreover, it seems to have succeeded, as preliminary results show that it has more than halved the normal shorten- ings and lettings-out when coats, pants, or overcoats are bought ready-made, It does not, however, imply standardization of style or fash- ion, but only of sizes and meae- urements.. It is baeed on four basic 'di- mensions: waist girth and height, broadness of hips, and slope of shoulder, The waist. measure- ments have led to 18 basic sizes' and the other two dimensions to 16, giving a total of, 34 different sizes covering all except really outsized individuals. The 18 waist standards provide for four different lengths for each of four of the girths and two lengths for the largest one. Although the number of men in- cluded in each of these basic sizes is widely varied, the eight .most important basics cover -about four-fifths of the male pop- ulation, compared with the small number of sizes included in the traditional system which en- compassed less then one-half of the male customers. • -.. Carefully tested and checked investigation has shown that this system will provide well-fitting ready-mades for practically all the men in Holland with almost no alterations. It has also shown that until this plan was started there was no statistical data available about -the measure- ments of the Dutch male—or even of men and boys in other European countries, Well over 500,000 measure- ments were then made and as- sembled; and later analyzed by punched cards in an electronic computer. From there the 34 basic sizes were produced. To design the suits for these 34 types of men another scienti- fic investigation was made to translate the size chart of body measurements into a size chart that could be used by the tailors, N e x t, extensive verification tests were carried out with a full series of trial suits given to men selected at random, And because the average man is "easy to please" in off-the-peg buying, 2,000 were arbitrarily chosen each to wear the suit that best fitted him and then to appear before a jury composed of tail- ors, salesmen, and housewives for an opinion on the fit. These men, incidentally, also wore suits bought in the traditional style, without the jury being given any indication as to which were 4-D suits. The verdict was unanimously in favor of the "new deal" for men. For suits "saleable without alterations" the verdict was 65 per cent greater for the 4-D types, while for "unsalable even oav early egg production with 540 Week old Ames pullets pray has other varieties also available. Dayolds to order. hook your next lot of broilers now. See local arm, or write Bray Hatchery 12.0 John North, Hamilton, Ont, . . „. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE . . DAIRY business and dwelling for sale: Processing, 1200 quarts daily. Price $55,000,00 with $20,000 Oil down. Apply to Box 245, 128-- 1801 Street, Toronto 14, Out. VARIETY Store in the centre of North, ern Ontario 'thriving tourist and him Inning area Full asking price 520.000, 515.000 down, terms. Phone or write J A Waterhouse, Elk Lake, Ontario. — BUSINESS oPpoftTLINITIES PEOPLE wanting extra, money find wonderful opportunity with Catholic religious Jewellery at wholesale, Mini, intim order $10.00 Details and full color catalog 50e. Dept. W, Catholic Religious Art, 770 MaeDonell, Post I3oX 626, Port Arthur, Ontario, BABY CHICKS LEARN WELING NO TIME LIMIT Also Certificate Courses in SUPERVISION - INSP110TION QUALITY CONTROL A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. N., Hamilton JA. 9-7427. JA, 7-9681 ''The last time I saw poet Iteriry, he wee heading into a tehtllator bit the see. United 'COPTER CARRIER The new French he idopter ..carnet, Resolue," lies irf dOck Ctt Brest, Prance, undergoing tests, The 10,000-ton VetS81,. a converted cruiser, will h* able to carty eight helicopters when it joins the fleet. They could become necessary over here if our crime wave gets much more violent. These unobtrusive, flexible waistcoats might also suit bank m.essergers and nightwatehmen in danger of being held up by thugs. Prices range from $60 to $90, and a sporran costs about $15. Mind you, there is no favouri- tism in 'the steel vest business. Both sides of the law can benefit, Customers need not ,givee their names or say why they expect to be shot at—or stabbed, But, for obvious reasons, it is usual -to ask for payment on delivery! Not long ago an Italian-look- ing gentleman visited the show- room and demanded a bullet- proof waistcoat "off the peg," He said he was catching a 'plane in an hour, paid cash and walked out duly protected, writes Basil. Bailey in. "Tit-Bits". Was he a sort of James Bond off on a new perilous assign- ment? Or the leader of a' gang whose henchmen were contem- plating a take-over bid? Although the f!-'m's name is carried inside each waistcoat, it cannot, naturally, offer purchas- ers a guarantee. So far there have been no complaints, but, as. Mr. Barratt points out: "It is -frustrating never to know for certain whether you still have a satisfied customer—or not!" Depending on their weight — between twelve to twenty-two —pounds the waistcoats will keep out revolver shots and knife thrusts, and even a rifle or ma- chine-gun bullet is quite likely to be deflected. They are inconspicuous. In fact, worn under a shirt, the vests can be satorily effective ... they give a man added width and depth of chest. This may explain the girth of the lafe Aga Khan, who was a Wilkinson client, and why power politics and portliness often seem to go together. Two other famous figures who bought their armour in London were Hermann Goering and Ben- ito Mussolini. Guns had brought them to power, but assassination was an ever-present dread! Other customers include men with reason to fear jealous hue, bands, big game hunters and ex- plorers. Two, who ventured into the reaches of the upper Amazon, had armoured skirts made for them as well as waistcoats. The bullet-proof business was started by Mr. Barratt's father in 1915, Officers buying swords and dress uniforms from Wilkin- son's also wanted. armoured jack- ets, weighing forty pounds or more- After the war, the present Mr. Barratt produced the new light- weight, unobtrusive, flexible pro- tectors consisting of hundreds of two-inch square plates of tem- pered steel. Rarely has Mr. Barrett been asked to bullet, or knife-proof, a woman, One was Madam Chiang Kai-shek, wife of the Chinese Nationalist leader. Another was a pretty blonde who was afraid of a jealous boy friend, Fitting the blonde, who did not wish to spoil her excellent lines, presented Mr. Barratt with a problem, However, she left the showroom bulging to perfection , . as hard-hearted a wench as you could Meet.