The Brussels Post, 1961-11-02, Page 7World-Telegram arid Stine Wright, a former Ebony Maga- zine associate editor who has been with The World-Telly for two years, was on his first major assignment-an eyewitness story on the plight of migrant laborers. Last month, as the ten-part series began to appear, he recalled the Hastings incident as "about my lowest ebb, personally, Like elr- erYbcclY else there I was depress- ed, tired, and hungry, The only difference was, I could walk out of RI the rest of them couldn't.' Wright volunteered for the as- signment last March "to see from the inside if there had really been any improvements" in the migrant workers' plight since 1955, when World-Telegram re- porter Allan Keller did a scorch- ing expose that led to passage of some corrective legislation. Ill April, Wright set off for south- ern Florida with some old cloth- es, a money belt containing $25, and managing editor W ea I e y First's home phone number in case of emergency. Until Aug, 30, with one break fox a trip back to New York to see his wife, Dolores ("she was awfully decent about this thing"), and to check in with the office, 36-year-old reporter Wright har- vested his way through Florida tomatoes,.Carolina corn, New Jersey peas, and Long Island potatoes, mailing his notes home regularly. In September he re- turned to The World-Telegram's drab downtown city room to write the series-a chronicle of drudgery and despair. He told of one migrant tuber- culosis victim who couldn't quit because his family would starve if he did; of a baby born in an insect-infested shack. Of squalor and hardship, he wrote: "I saw it with my eyes, I felt it in my blistered hands," He cited ex- periences such as earning $4.32 for the dawn-to-dark tomato picking, all-night rides in crowd- ed, rickety buses, $1.50 a night charges for filthy ehacks, break- fast - furnished by labor con- tractors-of "one chicken wing, a spoonful of watery rice, and a slice of bread"-for 75 cents. The World-Telegram began running the series before the last article was even completed. "I just hope it does some good," said reporter Wright. "These people have got nobody to speak for them. Nobody gives a damn. Allan Keller went over a lot of this ground eight years ago and, as near as I can tell, things haven't improved a bit." From NEWSWEEK A whisper gets about much faster than a shout, Kay= Rev. B. Barclay Warren B,A., MB. Growth Through Stewardship Matthew gt,".:1440 What a thrill it is to realize that we are stewards of OW( Our time. our talents, our mOneY'a pouosral.,nelirgeyr,e"isr laiallp,pisinaestsHfl os ucingLi3* Then it is natural for us to ful4 fill the exhortation of Paul, ,( Corinthians 10:31), "W e t h , therefore ye eat, or drink, of glory owhatsoeverf Gody,,,e do, do all to the People who live for them.selver are miserable, They may live IA the most beautiful house on 0)4 street, drive the biggest car and, have the largest bank account. But if they haven't entrusted themselves and their all to God, through faith in Jesus Christ, they are missing life's best. It isn't how much. we have that matters, but have we committed it to. God? God said to Moses, "What is that in thine hand?" It was only ae rod, But as Moses gave himself to carry out God`e purpose, how that rod become the symbol of God's power! The men who used their talents soon had more. Here is one area of life where use makes for in- crease. Next month, it will be twenty years, since, in obedience to God's directive, I wrote a short devotional message for the Christmas issue of the local newspaper. Doors began to open. Now I write -two weekly columns for more than a hundred news- papers, edit a religious magazine and write for others, and for some books, including one of my own which has been published. t give God thanks. So it has been in other phases of ministering to others. Do the best you can with the little you have and your talents increase and opportunities for using them to the glory of God will multiply. The man who lazily conceals his gift, soon leses it. He lives an empty life and contributes little or nothing to help his fellowmen, The way to get started to grow, through stewardship is set forth in the memory selection, (Ro- mans 12:1, "I beseech ye there- fore, brethern, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodice a living sacrifice, holy, accepta- ble unto God, which is your rea- sonable service." We must give our all. Nothing less will do. Amazing Career Of Great inventor It is fun to read about men whose genius makes two ears of corn grow where one grew befoxe, or factory wheels spin at a faster pace, or whose in- ventiveness produces a new pro- duct to benefit mankind. Such a man was Charles F, Kettering, and the story of his career is told in "Boss Ket" by Rosamond McPherson Young. The story of Mr. Kettering, better known as "Boss Ket," de- picts the amazing career of an Ohio farm boy whose super- abundance of inquisitiveness and patience benefitted the world with such developments as the automobile self-starter, knock- less gasoline, and lightweight diesel engine. His badge of of- fice was a pair of pliers and a screwdriver, which he consider- ed more valuable than the mil- lions his inventions amassed. Never looking backward to goals achieved, he tackled new problems with zest even long after he retired from General Motors. His philosophy is ex- pressed in the sentence: "We should all be concerned about the future because we have to spend the rest of our lives there." Mr. Kettering's youth gave hints of a brilliant future. At eight he dismantled his mother's sewing machine and reassembled it better than before. He walked miles to school, eagerly absorb- ing all the learning available. Twice forced by physical diffi- culties to leave college, he re- turned and graduated when others might have given up. Trom boyhood on, if anyone in his vicinity had a sticky prob- lem, his inquisitive nose was sure to be in it, and usually sniffed a solution. Problems which interested him most were those the experts declared could not be solved. Tireless energy matched his ima- gination -- it took 14,990 tests to eliminate the knock from gasoline! When Cadillac sent a model for installation of the sensational self-starter he had just perfected, but failed to al- low enough space for it, he worked 24 hours a day for five successive days to meet a pro- mised deadline. Mrs, Young has written an excellent biography of "Boss Ket." In portraying his earlier years she skillfully carries the 'reader with him into the depths of near defeat and up to the peaks of ultimate success, She pictures his energy and confi- dence when he had little to go on except faith and courage and his deep humility when the world sang his praises. Drudgery,Despair In Sunny Florida Some '50 migrant workers mill- ed uncertainly about their bar- racks at a huge potato farm hear Hastings, Fla: They had just learned that, despite promises, there was no work for them- the 0015 Was not ready for har- vest, Ahead lay the prospect of no jobs, no food, hot even -enough Money to move on. One husky, light-skinned N` e detached himself from the group and headed for the highway but stop, "Boy, t wouldn't do that," the farm liege Called, "The police down here will work you over pod if you go hanging around town and making trouble. And If they don't get I fry- self," Silently, the picker pled. ded an toward the toad, 'The threat of a 'beating worried him less than the chatted that seine- :One Might discover his tetillden- tlty-,-repOrter Dale ,Wright of Scripps lieWafttit Wright, isstt--941. Majority of the registered egg producers in Canada are small operators producing less than 4,000 dozen grade A large or Extra large eggs each year. A handful, or only 0,2 per cent of the estimated 100,000 registered producers market more than 40,000 dozen such eggs annually. According to •figures compiled by the Canada Department of Agriculture's data processing section, 93 per cent of all egg producers in Canada are cov- ered 100 per cent by the Agri- culture Stabilization Board which provides for a deficiency payment on all Grade A Large eggs marketed up to a maxi- mum of 4,000 dozen annually. The other 7 per cent also are covered by the Board but only up to the 4,000 dozen level. The figures indicate that 66.5 per cent of the registered egg producers produce 799 dozen or less annually or only 12.5 per cent of Canada's total egg pro- duction. On the other hand, 0.8 per cent of the producers mar- ket between 16,000 - 39,999 dozen eggs annually or 14.1 per cent of the total egg production. • . • Further proof that majority of Canada egg producers are small operators, a Board spokes- man said, is the fact that 80 per cent of the producers accounted for only 23 per cent of all grade A Large eggs marketed at reg- istered egg grading stations in 1960. Grade A Large eggs are sup- ported by the Agricultural Sta- bilization Board at 33 cents per dozen. If the national average weighted price for the year is below this figude the farmer can expect this price and the gov- ernment's pre-set national weighted average support price on a maximum of 4,000 dozen. The ' total number of eggs during the first half of 1961 amounted to 3.6 million cases, or 107,2 million dozen. This, it was reported, represented a drop of 4.1 per cent corn pared with the first six months' pro- duction in 1960, • . In milder regions of Canada it may be economical to feed market pigs in an open-front pole barn, says R. J. Curtis of the Canada. Departtnent of Agri- culture's research station at -Fredericton, N.B. He found it produced 50 per cent more Grade A's than the closed-in building did. * , He described testa, Over a 14 month period with four groups of pigs in a piggery of usual construction and an Opernfinitit bath the latter 39 feet square With an althinintirte roof. Half the test pigs were transferred to the pole barn when weighing 40 to 60 pounds and all remain,. ed on test until marketed at 190 to 210 pounds'. - Those ih the pole barn did better in saintlier but not as well in the Winter as the gery tots, 'however, the saving ifi housing and labor Costs fats., erect the pole barn operation, CoMpared With the test groups id the piggery those it the pole barn, had an average gain for summer and winter-fed pigs of ,07 pounds less, and they re, clUired 80 patinas more feed pet 100 pounds : gain, ,atid: three dayi longer to reach, market weight, On the Other hand 76 per cent of the pole barn test rgroups graded A compared with 56 per tent graded A from the pigs gerY: The balande Of costs War" lit favor of the pole barn 0)01, Viruses are the wain datlat degeneration of garden chrysan- themums, reports W. G. Kemp, an expert in ornamental plant diseases at the Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture's Research. Laboratory, Vineland, Ont. Of 74 varieties of chrysanthe- mums he tested in 1960-61, he said, 63 had one or more types of virus infection. Six distinct viruses, some not previously re- ported,in Canada, were detected. * * * Mr. Kemp's studies indicated the effect of viruses on chrys- anthemums varies considerably. When a plant is affected with the stunt virus its flowers are sometimes bleached to lighter shades. Plants infected with the aster yellows virus may have green blooms. Some of the virus symptoms persist ,throughout the season while others are transi- tory. Many varieties carry vir- uses without showing any rec- ognizable symptoms. * * Certain virus types cause lit- tle damage in some varieties and severe damage in others, and a particular combination of vir- uses can be very severe. He believes that once a Virile infects a plant it beconies a per-, ma,nent inhabitant of it and of all its vegetative progeny. Prop- agating virus-infected chrysan- themums has caused much of the present trouble although viruses are sometimes spread by handling and by insects. * * Grafting with chrysantherntim varieties susceptible to speci- fic viruses is Useful in detecting infection but has not yet been fully exploited to oveetottie the problem in hardy varieties. Mr. Kemp believes that it home gardener continually root , out and destroy their worst plants, select and propagate only :from the mast vigorous ones, and cliseard. varieties that are total- ly itifeeted, a noticeable hue proVeinent will be apparent in a few seasons. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking THERE ARE SMILES • With CI broad smile that ihdicatei knows Whoa dbciterieiS, hunter MukciDai peepare "son go htihiltij iri the forests of the Altai Mountains Sin= Kiang, Chirtd.. NDAYSCt1001 SSON When Punkin Pie Wp$ The .Rpul Thing Now :tomes the punkin eerieon to the yenning factories of Maine, and its the orange and, yellow loads move over the roads the factorise are obscured by the piles (if grist. The . canned pie punkin, who is really a .squash noie, is a handsome crittue, and it is pleasant to contemplate . the great activity, of the mills and. refiQct on the pleasure this will bring to millions out yonder who can no longer have the punkin. pie of tradition, and must rely on the grocer. It takes a real old-timer any more to tell you the difference between a squash and punkin pie. The biological variance be- tween the two breeds boils down, in the garden, to a bard stem and tk soft stem. The squash ..has a • sett stem, and as you wander about the corn patch and cut your harvest you can tell easily enough. When made into a pie, they seem now to have no dis- tinction. The can in which squash is packed now has a recipe on the label for punkin pie, which they spell . pumpkin, But there always was a dif- ference, At our famous public suppers the waitresses always offered squash OR punkin, and. saw nothing wrong with a pref- DAM SPECTACULAR - BurSting through the floodgates of the Serre-Poncon Darn in. France, a huge geyser of water, 300 feet high, boils furiously into the valley below. The display was the result of a test of the dam's ability to release its waters quickly if a flood should build up behind it. 111E FARM FRONT okutialsseit MAID OF MILK - Barbara Jo Finley, .19, uses the lactic lucre her eight Jerseys pro- duce to pay for her education at Drury College. She's milk- ing a 'Holstein at Missouri Agriculture College where she was chosen Missouri's Maid of Milk. HOBGOBLIN FRUIT - These five giant pumpkins are des- tined to become impressive Jack-o'-lanterns, Mike Christ, 12, looks over the quintet which grew from a single seed. CROSSWORD PUZZLE B. Fatty fruit 9. Soothed 10. Curve 11. Very small 17. Congers 1D. Italian resort 92. Trickles 24. Orifice 25. Pitcher 26, Conduit 27, Stentorian 28. Inopportune RD. Poisonous snakes 88. Study 2. Ostrich-like bird S. Hire 4. National flag 5. Despairing . The kayo. T. Long delayed little pie punkin, which wouldn't get much bigger than. maybe 10 or 12 inches across and had less water in it. It was drier, This stewed up into a better pie mix- ture, although the flavor of both, was about the same. But a perfectly good pie could be made from the cow-punkin and since it was bigger you fre- Ationtly got a bigger pie, which was a fine idea; It was a great day in the household when some- body staggered in with the first ripe punkin and the clamor Went up for a pie, :You'd get about a half-peck et seeds from one of these cow-punkins, .and they had to be washed and dried and laid away for next year. It was always wise to select your seeds from the early-ripening fruits, the idea being that this precocity was communicated, Our growing season was always too shert, and the quicker we could get production the better. Then with a good knife the punkin was cut into "junks," the peel taken off, and the result This could give you a very moist product if the punkin was watery, and the cook had to judge this matter with skill. The punkin, pie of tradition, and I have often wondered if the Pilgrim "mothers really made the round pies you see in the draw- ings, was rectangular. 'The pan would be a cake tin, not a pie plate. Most families had a big one nearly the full size of the oven, for there were several things in farm life you needed a big pan for, Trying out lard, far instance, (This, incidentally, is the first meaning-of "try" - the other ways we use this word are derivative.) Such pans .would be used for roasting, . too, and corn breads. They might be 20 inches, 'even more. Into it the cook would ,fit a good lining - of piecrust, -and no matter what new ideas prevail there has never been anything better for piecrust than old-fashioned leaf lard, The filling was as variable as weather - so much punkin, eggs, milk, molasses, cinnamon, • nut- meg, ginger, and maybe a little cornstarch. With punkin and squash pies you don't pre-bake the shell as you do with a lemon or chocolate pie. .And one of these old square •punkin pies got a superstructure design by the little trick of adding some more juice after the top part of the shell had firmed a little in the heat: True, you got crust if you had an outside piece - a corner piece gave you twice as much. The inside cuts were all pun- kin, with only the skin of crust underneath, This was generous- ly believed by the- younger set to- be a good thing, and as pun- kin pie was believed to be -nour- ishing as well as tasty, there was seldom. any objection from. Mother about a second or third piece, Besides, punkin pie made no great drain on resources', for punkins grew by the ton, Once, I remember; when the kitchen crew neglected this won- derful subject overlong, Grand- father made a sarcastic crack about how the hogs lived better than we did, After that he got punkin pies until they ran out of his ears, and he was the hap- pieet man in town. - By John Gould in the Christian Science Monitor. 88. Pierce 88. Zeal (British spelling) 4D. Blockade 48. Prevaricator 45. Eskimo hut (van,) 46. Sea birds 47. Location 40. Bluegrass 49. Gertrude Atherton's pen nanyi --17A 50. Turd p lc 7 4 10 ii '4 rF to 3 3 3$ The foliage of houseplants should be given a regular bath to restore freshness. A piece of polythene film - or an empty plastic grocery bag may be wrapped over the top of the pot to keep the soil from wash- ing away. Then the plant can be washed under the kitchen tap or, better still under the bathroom shower. The quick way is to set all pots (poly- thene covered) under the shower at once and give them a gentle spray. ,erence. When they'd bring a slab and start to set it before a pay- ing customer the customer would sometinnes say, "Is it squash or punkin?" And a waitress could lift it to her nose, inspect it in- timately and tell. Now, this IS not to say that you couldn't make a squash pie from 'punkin, or punkin pie from squash, and no doubt it was done, but it does mean that one had spices and sweet'nin' the other didn't, and custom kept the two as careful- ly distinct as they kept blueber- ry and apple. The canning factories long ago found a certain globular orange squash made a better punkin than punkin. Mercenary motives' caused this, and the eating hab- its of the nation conformed. It is a matter of yield per acre, per cent of solids," reaction to retort heat, and persistence of flavor. Years ago, around here, the lead- ing squash was the old green Ilubbard, and this was said to be the direct descendant of the Indian's favorite.. The pumpkin came in two kinds - the old cow-punkin which was huge and could build up to 60 pounds. or so if it had a chancel and the m Mai kilidIUMMERINtimume 111111111NIMMIIMMIN 11111111MUMNIPMENIM ACROSS 1. In this place 5. Nimbus 9. Crow's note 12. In very truth 13. Athletic field 19. Seaweed 5. Camera's eye 16, Forbearance 18. Ineffectual 20. Preceding nights _A. ti. 01-eselly 'Igth gold 28. Abscond 26. Ransacks V si Dilatory . Electric Particle-, wino* . 4, Sooner than 86, Places 87, Device for . 1.P.itering 89, Redattel 41. Box '42, Chain %liner 44. Whir1¢5011 48, Lowborn ' 51, Mythical monster 52. Anoint 56. Manner of walking 64. Arm bone 95. Single one, of many 56, Makes a mistake 67, Iron corrosion DOWN' 1. Moiety Answer elsewhere on this page A good politician is a• man who says nothing in aS many words as possible. ./,9nb 5kl2131 tkailer .1 VNIp ye 1.O 3 d 9 a V Id 9 O N 3 d 3 00 9 21 V J. 0 3 3 o 1 M id d 0 Mill S A n a MY 2 1101Y WWI& Zi d d V 3 9 9 9 a a O N 0 a N n 3 0 13 1 HOLDING HER OWN Mrs, Fay Champlain holds her owh, "Craty Cat," who holds her own, a kitten named "76th." the kiffeh is so named because she hos seven toes on both front feet cind six ari both hind feet: 3 3A 3N Y.ri 6-td -I w ill v A V AN a V,* J. a a