The Brussels Post, 1961-08-31, Page 2ity Lau, Witt& For Half-Sizes PRINTED PATTERN 4618 12V2-221/2 ititY44.16 -4444 gra TOPPING IT OFF It takes a second look to see that Greek actress Evi Marandi is not modeling the latest — or oldest — in fashions. Evi posed be- hind the headless statue on the Appian Way near Rome, J - Getting Junior it's about a French prince Ills uncle n.yrders his father and inarrie3 his mother. His girl friend goes crazy, his mother dies from poison, and he kills his step, father , Fynke: Sounds 121. Does the hero have t4.. be French? , France is a: big market, You 403 want to offend them, They're still steaming. about .Joan., ICS all set, l'm calling him "The Proincholy French, man," Fynke; Listen, why look for trouble? Remember all that mail from Verona? Make the locale Denmark W,s,: We'll *et I've got to run, (He leaves, aiMPat bumping into Sir Francis Bacon „ ,) Fynke: Francis, 'baby! How'd you like to work on a series? Q. Although I was invited to a bridal shower recently, I did not receive au invitation to the wedding, Don't you think this was rude? A. Yes, Since an invitation to a shower is, in a way, a request for a gift, you most certainly should have been included in the guest list, Scrap-Savers! To Pose For Snaps In the time it takes you to read this column, possibly sev- eral thousand doting parents are pointing cameras at their offspring and beseeching the little tykes to smile, .4 And quite a few are going 'to be eTdie littlesappoin 'fellowtedwi just w with theresuoklltsi The smile, He stands there stiffly, squinting Into the lens, Techni- cally, the picture is perfect but it just doesn't look like Daddy's laughing, bouncing boy at all. What happened? Here are a few hints, from one amateur to another, that might help to brighten up the family snapshot album for future Amuse- ment and nostalgic reminiscence. First, don't let Mom "fix him up," for the camera. Chances are be rarely looks like that for more than five minutes at a time. Slicked-down hair, face scrub- bed shiny, wrinkle-free clothes. Hardly the way you'll want to remember him after he grows up. Don't try to pose him. He won't pose the way you want him to anyway. Let him do what he wants. Let him wander, Pre-focus the camera at, say, five or six feet and follow him, keeping the preset distance away, Patience is a necessity. If Junior is a little ham, let him ham it up. He'll grow tired of it 'after a while and you can snap him as he really is. If he's shy, let him hide. He'll warm up to the camera shortly. Once he has come to see •the camera as just another part of Dad, like a finger or an ear, you can induce him to do things. Talk to .him. Make noises that interest and amuse him, Give him something to play with, a ball or a book. Normally, pictures of other people's children tend to have a "ho-hum" effect 'upon outsiders. You can brighten up your dis- play by shuffling the pictures into, a sequence with, captions. The. little tyke might be a politician explaining away charges against his administra- tion, or a -salesman telling the boss why he lost the last sale, or a rock—'n'—roll singer, or a host of other people. Perhaps it's corny •but, let's face it, it's fun. REBUFFED — Little Sylvia Strickler of Ann)%ille, Pa., apparently wants nothing to do with her sad-eyed, cold-nosed boxer friend. The expressions on both of them suggest the meeting just didn't come off. Price Of Beauty Comes. High. Here "You might call this the Mayo Clinic of Beauty," said brisk, balding, plastic surgeon Dr,. Bob. ert Franklyn, surveying the splendors of his new establish' meat. The official name for Pr, Franklyn's temple of vanity, which opened to the general pub- lie recently on 26 acres of wooded hills overlooking Los Affgeles, is the Athena Marquesa, A luxur, ious $2 million "beauty hospital" dedicated, to solving overweight, sagging, muscles, wrinkles, and other dire maladies, it is a tri- bute to the American woman's unflagging quest for the foun- tain of youth. And any resem- blance to a clinic is purely coin- cidental. The waiting room has 3-inch- deep .gold carpets. A radiantly smiling "hostess" signs in the Pa- tients (many arrive at midnight); 28 lavishly appointed efficiency apartments overlook a 100-foot swimming pool and bridle paths; patients enjoy a cocktail before their candlelit dinner which — providing they have no dietary problems — features the special- ties of a $35-a-day French chef, All the nurses are pretty. "We like everybody here to look nice," said Dr, Franklyn. "We don't want any bedpan biddies." Each would-be Athena gets a complete physical exam from Dr, Franklyn, a highly success- ful plastic surgeon who has re- juvenated many a fading film star. His patients receive the full beauty-salon treatment — includ- ing a "glowing aromatic vapor oil" bath. To this, Dr. Franklyn may add a nose reconstruction, surgical or chemical facelifting, injection of plastic foam to boost bosoms, or — the house specialty — injections of fruit-derived liqUids. Dr. Franklyn claims these help replace collapsed, shrunken tissues under sagging skin. Av- erage bill for one week: $1,500. "It becomes increasingly ap- parent that we can define beauty in medical. terms,!' Dr. Franklyn maintains. "We believe it is un- natural and abnormal for the human body to be ugly. There'S- nothing more devastating to a woman than the knowledge that she doesn't look good enough to compete with other women. It that happens, we're here to re- juvenate her." On such claims are fortunes founded! estuaries. When all the concliticos for successful growth are satis, fled coral is a groat and powerful builder, and many beautiful, structures — beautiful in. archi., • tectural form: as well as in the fine filigree detail,7,—can be found, 'Darwin. observed many types of coral island in his journey 40- ross the Pacific in the Beagle. Some islands like Rotuma con- slated of a. rocky central portion with an apron of fringing reef growing out from it. At laora-. Bora a volcanic island rises out of a lagoon which in turn is en, circled by a narrow reef, just as if a mountain had been placed in the lagoon of a true coral atoll. The atoll itself is merely a ring. Of long, straggling Islands which enclose the lagoon, The islands rise a few feet only above sea level; the lagoon can be anything up to a hundred feet in depth„... It seemed obvious to Darwin that these three types were all natural process. In the beginning a volcanic island grew up out of the sea, and a reef of coral grew all round it. But the island slow-. ly subsided — at a rate which allowed the coral polyps to build up and keep their heads above water, The coral grew badly • near the shore because of fresh water and mud brought down by rain from the volcanic island, On the other hand the growth at the outer edge of the reef was strong and healthy, so that gradually, as the island sank and diminished in size, a stretch of lagoon appeared between the island and the up- ward-growing outer rim of the reef. Eventually the whole vol- canic island disappeared beneath. the sea, but the coral still con- tinued to grow, keeping pace with the sinking island. —From "Un- der the Deep Oceans," by T. F. Gaskell, 'OW The ,C9.01.14. Make An Ateti Tile Pacific Ocean is the borne Of many coral atolls those re- mantie necklaces of.islands Which surround their lagoons with a fringe .of .graceful palm trees.. The structure of the atolls sug, gests the reason for the flat= topped sea-mounts and shows the .cyclic history of these features of deep oceans, ,The beautiful colours and the ;fantastic shapes of coral are the outward.'elothing 'of a small mar. $ne animal. The coral polyp is most efficient at assimilating the raw materials necessary to pro- duce calcium carbonate, which is the chemical compound that is .the basis of chalk and of lime- stone as well as of many sea But the coral polyps only thrive in warm water, and if all. the places where coral is growing today are marked on a chart they will be found to lie- approximate- ly within the tropics, , , , More- over, the coral animal likes light, .and those kinds that form reefs and atolls can only grow in water which. is less than 200 feet deep, because at greater depths the life-giving rays of light are too much filtered out. The really strong coral rock that forms haz- ardous reefs consists of colonies of coral polyps which are cem- ented together by further sup- plies of calcium carbonate, Coral Polyps dislike mud — part- ly because muddy water ob- scures the light, hut mainly be, cause the animals like a firm base on which to grow and propagate, Being marine animals, the polyps need salt .water, and so will not be found in fresh water Making Men More Like. Women Most girls take a job either to meet expenses or a man who can. Knit up a storm -- knit cozy, merry-as-a-carousel mitten f o r all the tots in the family! No more mitfen mix-ups! Use knitting worsted leftovers — give each child a different color scheme. Pattern 945: knitting di- rections, sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note. for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteeu.th St., New Toronto, Ont. 'Print alainly 'PATTER N NUMBER, rout NAME and AD- DRESS. Eend now for our exciting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. Over 125 designs 44. crochet, knit, sew, 'embroider, qr ilt, weave — fash- ions, hornefht aishings, toys, gifts, bazaar, hits. I lus FREE—instruc- tions for s:::1 smart veil caps. Hurry, sent- :,5 rim! Johnny And ,Frank ' Kid Show Business Johnny Wayne and Frank 'Shuster, the irrepressible Can- adian comics who turned out to be entirely repressible when they lent their services this summer to a' situation comedy called "Holi- day Lodge" .a"r"e evidently fighting .for air as 'Plants strain —for the sunlight. Although their show stays as sniffy as ever, the •Can- adMns popped up one day last month with, something redolent of the old, pre-Hollywood days, a syndicated column for vacation- ing John Crosby of The New York Herald Tribune. It was de- voted to a dialogue between Sir Melvyn Fynke, an Elizabethan writer's agent, and Will Shakes- peare (author .of London's latest smash, "Macbeth"). Excerpts: Fynke: Bard, baby! Great to see you! Sit down, sweetie . . . Five Ernmys! Billy boy, you got the whole town talking. W.S.: Well, the next will be greater. Fynke: You got a new play? Sensational. What's it about? sympathetic attitude towards each other's problems. However, farming problems are not what they used-to be. Haying and harvesting, with 'balers and combines doing Most of the har— vest work, doesn't make the ex- tra chores for the farmer's wife that it used to. Feeding and bak- ing for extra help was bad enough but in addition Mrs. Far- mer was often pressed into ser- vice to drive the horses or trac- tor on the hayfork. And the same when grain was being loaded into the barn. Then came thresh-. ing — taking up anywhere from one to four days, according tb the size of the crop and the threshing capacity of the ma- chine. Hours were long — from five-thirty to" sundown — and barn chores to do after that. Looking back to those early threshing days ahnost makes me wilt, even now. Pie's and more. pies; great dishes ,of applesauce, vegetables, hot biscuits and huge roasts_ of good, red beef — to Iced from eight to twelve men twice a day. Before the advent of hydro that meant hours and hours over a hot kitchen range. Water for the men to wash was also quite a problem. They liked it hot but of course very few farm homes had water on tap. It had to be heated on the stove and then taken out to a wash tub, placed in the yard or the back kitchen. So, Mrs. Modern Farmer, be- lieve me when I tell you farm women never had it so good! I know because we lived without conveniences and with them; from wood to electric stoves; from hand pumps to taps; from pitch forks to balers and com- bines. And yet this much I will admit. Every type of farming has its problems — even now. Like a country fair — what you make on the swings you lose on the roundabouts! But now we have other things to worry about — Berlin and ' East Germany. By comparison other problems are insignificant. ISSUE 35 — 1961 When a man has a heart attack, he may simply be paying "the penalty of being a male." This is the opinion of Dr. George C. Grif- fith, a University of Southern. California cardiologist who cites the fact that twice as many men as women aged 40 to 74 suffer heart attacks. In an article in the current Annals ofInternal Medi- cine, Dr. Griffith suggested a pos- sible solution:: Make men chemi- cally more like women. According to Dr. Griffith, stud- ies have .shown that men are far more likely to accumulate choles- terol, a fatty substance which clogs the arteries and irbelieved to be a major cause of heart at- tacks. Among women, says Dr. Griffith, the condition is much less common. This biplogical in- equity, says the USC cardiologist, has been traced to the fact that the female sex hormone, estrogen, shields arterial walls from fat (Women past the menopause, lacking estrogen, are more liable to heart disease), while the male hormone, testosterone, seems to promoteqhe fat depcisits (eunuchs are less likely to develop ather- osclerosis). Putting this to practical use, re- searchers at USC (notably, Dr. Jessie Marmorston) have given 354 male heart patients doses of the female sex hormone.— in am-• ounts too small to feminize — daily for at least two and a half months. The results were encour- aging: The death rate for these men was cut from the usual 15 per cent after a heart attack to a mere 5 per cent. Dr. Griffith's recommendation: "The administration of estrogen in a small dose that does not pro- duce breast changes or loss of libido should be considered for every male patient found to have an abnormal distribution of the (blood) fat pattern plus early clinical findings of atheroscler- osis, Men must borrow the protec- tive factor that is the normal birthright of the so-called weaker sex." "Most people's financial prob lems are very simple," sap: an economist. Yes, they're short of money. Frankie Really Turns It On I From Sy Devore, the hippest Of Hollywood haberdashers, clan Chieftain Fiat* Sinatra ordered nine business. suits — all with oisiest,nhed jackets, collars, and vests four apOrtS jatkets, a dozen dre88 Sieek8, a dozen beat- ing slackS,:-tWo black Mohair dinner jackets, and a ilouble breasted White blaiet did Sinatra suit up tor— a Riviera drUise. on which lie Was tO bark With such fellow clansmen as Dean Martin, ad. Or Peter LaWfOrd; and,:LaWford'S Patricia .iteniiedy Lawford, sister of the PreSiderit. The buoyant boatload Planned! tO.CAII on Monaco's Princess Grace, pet , hapt at her charity' gala starring . the eia ciWit taintitY Davis Jr,, And on Pat :LaWtord'i daP d'Antibes vacationing tiaretitS, ex-Ambassador and Mrs, Joseph P. IterifiedY:. Papa Joe said: r'i'll he•happyid see theiri but they will haver • to go to A hotel cause I lest dOia 110.- Alt* soon fit MY, place." Well, what do you know? Af- ter four weeks .of intense heat and humidity our furnace came into operation last night — the thermostat was set at sixty-four. But I'm not grumbling — no in- deed! Cool weather is preferable to the heat we have been endur- ing just lately. However, I did get up and set the thermostat gets everyone 'down' — except maybe children at summer cot- tages.. I know .our eldest grand- . son, David, was in his glory a week ago as he was in, a regatta swimming race at Crowe's Land- ing — for seven years and under. There were 83 entrants. Dave came. first in both heats and sec- ond in the finals. He was pres- ented with a ribbon and a flash- back to sixty. I think humidity light. There couldn't have been a prouder bOy anywhere, than - our Dave! I was very glad be- cause Dave is, a little inclined to- wards 'an inferiority complex and doing so well in his first swim- ming race may , help boost his his morable. Every child should, if:possible, be encouraged to ex- cel in something. It does a lot to boost his ego. Last Sunday we took a little trip• with Bob, Joy and our other two grandsons. We got ahead of the crowds and went to .see the flowers 'at the C:N.E. grounds. The wasteland where the Manu- facturer's Building used to be is now a mass of flowers. It is ex, traordinary how quickly a trans- forination can take place. But it must have taken thousands and thousands of bedding plants to do the job. It almost makes* me wilt to think of the financial out- lay, judging by what it costs to set out an ordinary home flOWer garden. And what can some, times happen when flowers are at their best is often tragic. We had a brief but terrific rain and Wind- storm last week and many of our gorgeous gladioli were beaten in- to the &mind. So discouraging. HoWever, that'S nothing to problems that farmers are fac- ing this summer. Hay already to eta; baler moves in but before one round of the field is com- pleted, down comes the rain, That was the distressing news dontain- ed in a recent letter from ferin- Mg friends. We could visualise the situation so well because of our own past experiences: Many is the time we had the same thing happen. And yet, now we have' been away ,frorn the farm a few years We find it unbelievably easy to forget. And we don't really Want to forget. I mention trigs because When we were on the farm we were often provoked by city friends who had se, little understanding of Our problems at that tithe. Now we can appre,' elate both sides of the matter, To farm folk wet, stormy weather' means extra work, Often tempted' with financial lesa, To urban folk it: a Matter of rioyanee ,t744 upsetting plans ler a long week end -,- for a faMilY picnic; a round of golf or attend, ande at a baseball game. It is I fact that One half of 'our popular ton deetra know linty the Other half lives—, sometimes because We don't eVeri Care. 'S'urely it Would be well to take a inert Step into this scooped, back- zipped sheath—step out happily all Summer! Easy-sew in breeze- light cotton or shantung with jacket to contrast or match. Printed Pattern 4618; half Sizes 121/2 , 141/2 , 161/2 , 181/2 , 201/2 , 221/2 . Size 161/2 dress takes 31/2 yards 35-inch; jacket, 12/4 yards. Send. F1FITY CENTS (stamps cannot be acceped, Use postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please print plainly S I Z E, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ' Send order to ANNE ADAMS, B 1, 123 Eighteenth St., blew 'to,' Ont. The biggest fashion show of Sumnier ' 1561 — pages, pages, pages of Patterns in our lliew Color Catalog. Hurry, send 350. REVERSAL'- LUky, suffered a setback as he lid from a 614 bully of a dig. As he oiekici tirOUnd from freer kydrialif to see whom his foe voihie ilny' irkki" of water ispiashed over }sir `kiead *JUKE PiATURIS Mee; Ronald Satok wets to resist a piaster head. Sha Nifsieid rho look right down si the ptickerid Him at an' 'att &how ht tororitO.