The Brussels Post, 1961-04-27, Page 4THE BRUSSELS eon Thurallny: Apatll 27th, 1961.
E Y • -S
311454'0s Uygloc`k. *54141
Vat r • F DAA
V9L;r 1."01T14 market t^rl 4 1.,74
Visitor *,:i-ontilgri9r otlis
looacH40.4 VZ.1`1..
For A First Class and Satisfactory Job. Call
F 0 R
Farmers Businessmen Individuali
CO.,CY.111 Ronnenberg
1 N. U N
Ell-iUraE.1.3 TU17.7 3,DAY and .FRiDAY
Ladies' Division
of the East Huron
-.Agricultural Society
SECTION N Home Crafts
All Articles To Be Hand Knit
36. Child'S' sweater, 2-10. years ........... .... ....... 1.50 1,00
37, Child's fancy socks .
38. Infants' set, sweater, bootees,,,apd bonnet
.75 .50 ...
39, Ladies' stele or shrug .
1.00 .75
1.00 .75
40. Men's fine socks, fancy, wool ................... ......... .75 .50
41, Men's fine seeks, fancy, nylon ,315 5
5 :500
42. Men's work socks, 3-ply yarn . • H
43,. Men's mitts. .. 11> .75 .50
44. Boys' pullover sweater, fancy, 6-12 years ..... 1.00 .75
45. MARY MAXIM WOOL, of Paris, gives the following prizes-1st,
$5,00; 2nd. $3.00; 3rd, $2.00, best knitted garment from Mary
Maxim wool; labels or sales slip from authorized dealer to accom-
pany each entry,
46, Child's smocked dress-lst, $1.25; '2nd, 75c; prize money donated
by Mrs. J. Lowe..
47. Three aprons, 1 hostess apron, 1 practical half apron, 1 child's
apron. Please mount these aprons-First prize, $125; 2nd, 75c.
Prize money donated by Mrs. William Evans.
CRANBROOK WI. donates $5.00 to newest exhibitor winning the
most points in Section N.
SECTION 0 Flowers and Plants
DIRECTORS-Miss 'Beth Hoover, Mrs. C, Steffler.
Pilate Tegay ATcalatt tt
Get Your Order In NOW
.0u. All Kind.
Masonary and Cement Work
Call ,or See Us
Bernard Ten Pas Sons
64HONE 384W13
- Carried
Moved by Gordon Stephenson
seconded by R. W. Kennedy Brussels
•School BGarel r•et $10,805 as their
estimated expenses for 1051
- Carried.
Moved by Louis. Ebel seconded
by Gordon Stephensfon that the.
accounts be paid
1.tAT,%,TENT104:::)VIR..AND MR.
,;• :f.
Centennial Specials
DIRECTORS - Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs Jas. McDonald
This is our Centennial 'Year and these Specials ar e for this year
Please p,it Centennial Special on your exhibit ticket, as well as no.
1. Pencil Sketch (shaded) of our new Centennial gates 2.00 1.00
First prize donated by Stainton Hardware, Wingham, Ont.
2. Four household utensils (antiques) not used on the
dinner table 1.50 1.00
3. Best preserved. butter bowl, butter print, butter ladle 1;50 1.0°
Fria° money donated by Ned Rutledge
4. Three antique tools used on e. pioneer farm (to be
displayed in palace 1.50 1,00
5 A toy or game used by the pionelr -thildren 1.00 .75 .50 25
Open to school Children Only
6, A doll used by a pioneer child 1.00 .75 .50 .25
Open to School Children Only -.
$5.00 Prize donated by Selwyn Baker
GROUP DISPLAY (No entry fee)
Open to all organiaations in honor of our Centennial Year.
Please have articles on hangers or a table for small items, This elites
to have 8 articles.
These are Suggested Items, others may be shown, State year or age
of the article where possible.
1. Lady's dress on hanger or tom
2. Man's suit on hanger or form
3. Lady's hat or bonnet
4. Man's hat or cap
5. Baby's dress
O. Baby's bonnet
7, Antique jewellry
8. Dishes or picture
All entries to receive $5.00
Gay N's 'Queen: Lady or Girl dressed in -the costume of
the 1860's 410.09
PriSe donated by Clem 'Steiner.
Miss left! Lady or Girl dresSed in fashion of 1961 ,$10.410
Prise donated by, Jack Wheeler
School Atteelt] lay girl attending public school in Brussels,
Morriss. Grey Or McKIllop sti.s•
Up TS:': 50 Feet
Please ,out Section Letter and Class Number on each exhibit.
Quality and arrangement: 75-25, Please state if in Special
Where basket is called for, it must have handle.
Class 1st 2nd Srd
1. Novelty arrangement for console table 35 ,50 .25
2. Coffee table. centrepiece „ .75 .50 ,25
5, Petunias, Single, 7 stems
.75 .50 .25
.75 .50 .25
:15 .50 .25
3. Display of cut flowers in container
4. Display of pansies
6. Petunias, Double, 5. sterns .75 .50 .25
7, Petunias, Frilled, 5 stems .75 .50 25
8, Collection of Cacti, 6 varieties
.75 .50 .25
9, Asters, White. 7 ,
.75 .50 .25
10. Asters. Pink or Rose, 7
75 .50 .25
11. Astdrs, Mauve or Purple, 7
12. Asters, Red, 7 .......... ..„ ....... . ..... ......, ,.
.75 .50 .25
.75 .50 .25 ........ •,, .........
13. Asters, display, 4 colors. not more than 15..,.,, .75 .50 .25
14. Best Gladioli, display, 7 different 1.00 .75 ,50
15. Floral arrangement to illustrate a song title 1.50 1.00 .75
16. Best basket suitable for church decoration 1.00 .75 .50
17. Best basket chrysanthemums 1.00 .75 .50
18. African Marigolds, 6 large 75 50 .25
19, Nasturtiums, 12, with foliage
.. .
.75 .50 .25
20. Golden Wedding dining table centre, using
French Marigolds 1.00 .75 .50
21. Dahlia display, pompom, miniature .75 ,50' .25
22. Dahlia, large, not more than 7 different ,,,•,,.„ 35 .54) :25'
23, Dahlia, honey comb or ball, in a display ar-
rangement .... . ........ „.‘„,„„„.„.,„. ....... .„.„.„.„,..„,„, . . .... „. .75 .50 .25
24. Zinnias, best display, porn-poin .75 .50 .25
25, Zinnia, best display, large .75 .50 .25
26, Zinnias, best display, Cactus or Fantasy - .75 .50 .25
27. Lucky Seven arrangement, using 7 Zinnias,
other foliage allowed .75 .50 .25
28. Cosmos, basket .75 ,50 .25
29. Calendula, 6 .75 .50 .25
30, Arrangement for a formal dinner, container to
1,00 .75 .50 ,
31. Arrangement, using Red and White flowers in
a white container .75 .50 .25
32, A new or rare plant <in clay pot), correctly
named .75 .50 .25
33, African Violet, double flower, single crown .75 .50 .25
34. African Violet, single flower, single. crown ..... .75 .50 .25
35. Winter bouquet dried flowers, weeds, grass or
seed pods .75 .50 .25
36. Driftwood floral arrangement „ 1.00 ,75 .50
37. Dish Garden ,75 .50 .25
38. Corsage for evening wear, in plastic bag .75 .50 .25
39. Arrangement in a tea pot .75 .50 25
40. Floral mat, not more than 15" in length .75 .50 .25
41. Miniature arrangement of miniature flowers in
miniature container, not over-3" each way. . 7'1 ,$,„25
42. Best arrangement of cut flowers in a b:;,,,ket, mixed varieties-
$2.50. $1.50, $1.00; prize money donated by Richard Proctor.
43. Most original autumn arrangement for living room-$10O, 65c,
35c; prize donated by Mrs. K. Shurrie.
44. H-Tea Roses, 3 blooms, 3 colors, with name ..
attached 1.50 1.00 .50
45. H-Tea Rose, 1 bloom, any color 1.00 .50
46. H-Tea Rose, 1 bloom, Peace 1.00 .50
The Rose prize money donated by Brussels
Horticultural Society,
To the winner of the highest number of points in Classes 1 to 46,
Section 0, $3.00 of flower or garden seeds, to be selected from George
Keith' & -Sons catalogue. The prize will be doubled if empty seed
envelopes are displayed'-on entry. Prize donated by George Keith' &
Sons.-. . .
SECTION P - Hobby Crofts .
Aarnbr14 ,i,c.:Road, GoderIch
JA..4-9437, Collect
:Expanding school enrohnents :stn Ontario for the future, indicate
groWing demand for elementary and secondary school teachers.
110 PliPOrtunity, to become a teacher is open every High
Baoat Student. Make your decision ;now.
teaching. profession prOfessiOn. providea great personal satisfaction
. rarely fond .in•ioKlier 'areas of elrePleytnent. It presenta a chat
-*Igo to ttOlik interedPek„ in sonteliatiot to our onitinthity. and
1-ta,tigng traktns hard work, but it also means many benefite
such as OPportiliiitiee . for, adYancernetit`,„ ridetiate
Nrity of tenure, sick leave prateCtiOn and -tii%'1O; traTel.
creation and professional linproVernent,
"'Teachers' salaries have .'Improved materially in reeent. years,
Ilia folio-Wing are the salary seated "paid in. 1,00 .75
,ft,ther.e ti
,0.,cpn:, ii. ..., prioy, donated iv,. ROY Kennedy
Queens to ride, li(the '
There WM he efts Of Cosmetics from Eder's Store and !liter
Brush also flowers for each :Queen.
This contest will take place Thursday evening at nine o'cloei in
the.. Palace. ,The chosen
parade on Friday
tennial Committee w6iiild like to know lf.anyona WOrild
care to-'.doiiate Iiiiticnte articles for a'centenntai display. .. There Will.
be no prize in thiS"claria.' If interested contact the COMMittee or. ...-.. . ,..
pre§littnit; 'Mrs': E,',' Ciutitiore..
,., ....,,. „ J..4+1.0,RLs, cLuti comovittoilj,, ...,
"-An Ebillihit on either "Cottane May be . Sinitie'-'or HMO
OA Girl Entertains."
Open to all Girls' Clubs ,;,-- DaChelnb ,eichtb,iting to receive $8A0'
-1•1:. ''- ,r`..,...,,_:*teti;ei-diibit millet be of Standard Value.
Prizes to be donated bylWoittentsAtitHiltie.,
DIRECTORS-Mrs. Jack Lowe, Mrs. James Mair
All pictures must be framed.
1st Snd
1, Original painting, landscape or marine .... . . $2.00 $1.00
2. Copied painting, landscape or marine .... . . . ...... 2.00 1.00
3. Original painting, fruit or Rowers .a, 2.00 1110
4. Copied painting, fruit , or flowers '2.00 "1,00 rr
5;. Black and white miscellaneous subject, :8 :mounted 1.00 .75
.6. Colored flowers and Scene, 87ounted 1A9 .75
7, Cushion
8. Three doilieS
9. Doll from plastic foam 1.00
10: Table centre .1.00 .75
11 Corsage 75 .50 -
12. Billfold or wallet. . „ ......... ..... ...„„.... ....... . . '1,00 " .75
13. GloveS •
14. Slippers ... .. 1.00 .75
1.00 .15
group 1 '4600
)ret.tja It S 006'
'Stoup III , 5200
Stoup IV $ 5500
Annual lorernent
Allowance for Department Heads
Allowance for Extra Dcuree
Allowance for 'Suhiect Supervisors
$ 8800
$ 9000
$ 9200
$ 9500
Maxirrw ft- Principal and Vice-Principal sot by the
IViaxiroust for PrincIpll $13,000
Maximum for "Vice-Principal 83I CY-0
Etenumitty ;.e.tual Tritel,fN ca Ame youf's profeSSIonat
past 12 a Al t• r. ,10.1 rentir, 12 for •Elie basic
teconclarySchool T,?.actIP•s requirc a University degree and one
Tear of professional training past tirade 13,
Zi5,001t,',. NOW . . to c.,!ntiritie Your
:stratify for a career as an r leen e nt,lry or Seco nda Ty
School Teacher.
15," Aluminum tray, 14 to 18"
19, Copper tooled picture, any subject
17: Copper' enamelled, any subject LOO .75
18. Article from driftwood 1A0 .75
19. Article from wood fibre ... .,..,..„„ 1A0 .75
20. ArtifiCial table centre, ......... party 1,00 .75
21. Three stuffed toys, stlitabla for bazaar, cotton Or- relt 1,00 .75
Lainpshade, Must be displayed on lamp (not over
15 inches) ........... ...... .... ..„ ....... 1,06- .15
23. Thank giving table centre (Fresh Fruit, $9..00, donated
by 141aplell Shoppe.
24, Oil painting (by millibars). any sUbject, i5 ye•rg and
under .. , .... .... . ........ 9.05 2.95
25. Oil painting '(hy .. open to- ..ail
prize donated by Max Oidieid.
(Thesp. pittatts Must be,frarited),
1-ION, Ett ti, otAktort,
Leader of the Liberal Party,. Who ,
will address the annual dinner' i
meeting of the Huron Liberal
AsSOPiqtioll in the Legion that
al!nton, on Thursday. May 4. it j.
Oiglit years since Mr. Pearson
arldresand audience in
echtcation and
QUALITY, . SERVICE, dilAt'itiVIANItAllii.'
°Peri Every Week 'Day
cEMKTEII.17 LErfElitigt
Your :Guarantee *tit Over 35 Yeara of
it, A. scibTtoti
The Bible's Nattonal Megitto
Re helleiie that the d"eito-S-tiken 0E414
Ate the deSeeridanta of: God's set**
irate' arid nation Israel. that our
thtatie ie the eoritinttatioii of the titre*
ett David; • and, in view' of present worlit
itenditiOtta, that a general recognition at
Bib identity- AND. iinpliCations ie j
&letter: of vital and urgent imoartaetii
001.:6 1 '0 YOU Al"tb 8
Fix Your dOpybf0; FREE lookiet
inteadtatiOn lo the British-Israel &ahoy
Write to the SetretOry
In Calorie
P4)'Boa SfallsrA 0.•
Phone 06, Wittliem
Wingham Dist rictiligh School Board
o. Boa,"4. 11 qa 1,0:1'
April inee.ting Eolday Aiwa
10th, The miuntes of proVulits
meeting were read. and adept-
k,d, no motion of B. W. Kennedy
and ctercior •",ept'etiotni.
- Carried
fly sevoude(),
b,)„-, sa ck "AfeWbirter the -motion fende
ih e pneotint 'buy
ortive 'ea.acelled
Moved by J,iels AL.Wlurter second.
ed by Ft. W. Kennedy the proForty
committee purchase fence materials.
and hire suuiv ,onstr;',ete‘,1
posts of •ur0for1n size to he pointed
following construction
- Carried
Moved by R. Kennedy second-
ed by Gordan Stephenson that a
(diem:0 for $1,000 be sent to Arch!.
test Templki
- Carried
Moved by 1.4ouis Ebel .seconded
by Jack ILCWhirter the rental fee
for school auditorium be $20 from
May to October via $25 from Nov. to
pr l
- Carried
Moved by Louis Ebel and. seconded
by Gordon Stephenson the Majestic
Institute be given 'permission to
Tent, auditorium for all open meet-
ing to hear a special speaker from
0. A. C.
- Carried,
McCutcheon Motors, Arch.
expenses 11.75
Municipal World
contract forms .99 ,
'Cleo: Davidson, Labour
at old 'school 15.00
Rutledge Elrocer;v,
Caretaker's r.upplies 3.44
Huron County Library,
book-rental 3.75
C. & Krauter, Supplies
for Irwin. 15."kal Profit 171.75
Eddcator's Supplies,
IGestetner Ink 7.47
ll-rdw're, Floor
Polisher and extra brush 305.00
'Moved by Louis Ebel seconded by
Jack McMeWhirter -ilt;e, get. pianos
tuned a.,, c' possible
-- Carried.
Moved u s Jack , McWhirter
seconded by Louic Ebel the neces-
sary teachers' supplies and brown
for caretaker be purchaSed '
- Carried
rutFtn•s being t.c collided the.
meeting adjourned to meet again
Friday, May 5t1 , or at the call of
the. Chairman On, motion, of: Louis
Ebel and JaCk McWhirter
' • E. Elliott