The Brussels Post, 1961-04-13, Page 7POT LUCK — Skill and patience pay off as Martin Ljunggren, of Stockholm (Sweden) Govern- ment Museum of History, nears the end of his reconstruction of this ancient Viking pot. The tiny vessel was found in tiny fragments in a graveyard. 230.,000 pa •eis evtry bet- eels .tleee tv.',111 32,000 4 t the peals hoer. Veree .ildeeentegee are as. cribed 'to it, First: The subway eased - stir. face traffic-congestion overnight, removing streetcars on busiest roads and giving the .city teens- eortation equivalent to. a ttigh- way 20 lanes' Wide, • Second: The subway save time, It converted ear drivers into. transit riders,. It kept an .ebti- mated. 10,000 . automobiles off doWhtiewn streets every ini,'.ness • .day, • Third: Millions of dollars were addedto assessment rolls by new commercial and oTZice builoings along the entire route. It. saved: the centre of the city and made suburbs ceceFsible. Assessed values in the• • 14, subdivisions served by the eubway jumped 37 per cent,. contrasted to only 20 per cent elsewhere. One esti- mate says the tax increase tram. this valuation jump was enevieh to liquidate the subway cost, The public likes the subway, According to the magazine, "It has proved to be the anchor of the community. It has assured the permanence and stability of the downtown area, whit:41 is the foundation for growth and pros- perity of any city." This judgment .may he unduly optimistic, but at least Toronto likes what it has, well ..eneuee to launch another 10-mile new sub- way. How was it financed? Ccsl was borne by the Toronto Trensit Commission and..by Metro, which issued. bonds repayable by the Transit commission out of cur- rent revenues. That's what Toronto did If you litre in one of the big sub- Way-less cities. soutiraf the bor- der think about it when your car stalls in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic, or as you hang to a rail on a homeward. bound bus that tights traffic lights, trucks, and cobbled streets! — By Richard L. Strout in the ,Christian Science Monitor, WANTED TO DE LION'S DINNER Feeling considerably annoyed after a battle of words with her husband, a native woman of Manyara, Tanganyika, tried to commit suicide by offering her- self to a lion. The offer was spurned by the lion,- which after disdainfully looking at the woman for a time, resumed its feed on the freshly- slain zebra which it had brought down. toga TEA • ifEitil very good Or Arthritis, Nettritie, lees of pep end .apPetite, builds rich red bleed, .One month sup, $3 ,00. Peettee„ •caretieheee rennoyivAp14. INSTRUCTION DARN Morel Bookkeeping, Hatesmap, ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 500, Ask for free circular NO, 33. Canadian Correspondence CeurSeS. 5200 Bay Street, Toronto. LANDSCAPING TAKES and plants for home and gar. den. Write or phone for free cetaleigue or visit Windoyer Nurseries, Yetroutt, Ontario. PM 0 • „ MEDICAL Crackdown -On• Price Fixers. • Along with safecrackers and Ilene smugglers, the goverp;, trOCIWS list of "'most, wanted!' cll. ...spinals had a surprising new en- try last month, The heat was en -the price fixer, wheeeVeie he Emight be found in the board ;MOM., en the golf course, .Or in. smoky suites at .the trade con- vention. The news was broken by At- • iorney General Hobert, Kernie4, 'NY'ho. announced that the Great Price Fix ease Whieh sent seven. electric company executives to jail last Month was just the start of a "nationwide" Justice De- partment eampaign to unrig pricing conspiracies. In a TV in- terview with New York's publican . See, Kenneth 'Keating, Kennedy said that price-fixing investigations were under way in "almost every important me- tropolitan area in the United States," Among the eases, he cited, w hi eh have already brought indictments this month: State pharmaceutical a.ssocia- flans in Utah and Idaho have been charged with setting "arbi- trary and • non-competitive prices" since 1957. The Utah as- eocitetion, say the trust busters, went so far as to set up a "eonle mittee for prescription pricing, lenges, and hours," Five bakeries were charged with rigging sales of baked goods in northern Florida and south- eastern Georgia. Eight milk companies were charged with conspiring to rig. prices of milk sold to Baltimore school boards. The conspirators allegedly met a month before bids were due, parceled out geo- graphic areas, and set a "break price" for each area,bel.o.w which only one would bid. Kennedy also revealed that his investigators are pressing for indictments in the meat-packing and electrical-equipment indus- tries. And last week it • was ru- mored that still another probe was under way in the building- materials industry. Why the sudden drive on price fixers and how far • and deep. ds the Justice Department likely to go? The biggest impetus - comes from the electric case, with its dramatic overtones of jailed exe- cutives and connivance among the blue chips. The headlines it' made drove home the point than price fixing is a serious crime under Federal law; and stepped up the complaints which give trust busters their initial leads; "The publicity made people aware that there is a way to do something about these old and established rigging operations," says one Justice official. Camera-Men Told Off Rome's prowling wolf pack of free-lance news photographers ran into dramatic rebuffs from a pair of privacy-prizing females. American actress Katharine Hep- burn, fruitlessly incognito in khaki slacks and jacket, took to her flat heels and led the leech- like lensmen a bizarre chase around brand-new Leonardo da Vinci Airport before they could snap her picture, In a separate airport encounter, film star Ing- rid Bergman turned on the cameramen and pleaded tearful- ly: "I am not a rare beast! Please let the alone. I cannot eat or walk or live like a human being without you trailing me like an animal. Isn't there any dignity left in the world?" R.SONAI, ro liGnaErni csSatelPear 1:34nV:elstx'FilstiNtrek;irylven9sis,lis Pataenrniegii rite- Why, 'sleep eaten your nerves with "Napps", 10 for $1; 50 for $4. Lyen's Drugs, Dept. 20. 471 Danforth, Toronto. KNOW YOURSELF 1 Complete Grapho Analysis. Send several lines of own handwriting and $1, for Scientific Analysis, Dandy, ilex 337 C, Lethbridge, Alberta. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, evarenteed, Matted in plain parcel, men-Rang cataiegite and sex book free with trial assortment. 10 for $1,00 (Finest quality) Western pioNnu. tors, Bo 24 TPF, ,Regina, Sask, PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB 49X 31, GALT oNT. Films developed and 3 magna prints 400 12 magna prints efle Reprints 50 each. KODACQLOR Developing roll 90o Mot including prints Color prints 300 each extra-Ansco and Dittachrome a5 m m 20 °X. posures mounted In slides $1.20 Color prints from slides 32e each. Money re-funded in full for imprinted negatives. PREDICT THE WEATHER MOST closely guarded Secrets in the World! Never revealed before: "50 Ways to Predict 'Rein In advatiee," Willit rain tomorrow? Tells you to. morrow's weather today! Send for these Rain Secrets, only $1.001 Weather Secrets, P.O. Box 472, AYInler East, P Q„ Canada, PROPERTIES FOR SALE , - $7,500: LOW taxes, Mee Groom bungs-iows, treed lot, 15 mins. Peterboro; also 10 acres garden land, terms. 3 Kins, man, nal, 1, Fraserville, Phone 214321 Milibrook. SALESMEN WANTED FULL time and part-time salesmen re- qUired at once to sell exclusive formu- lations of the well known ,Agricide Insecticides, Challenger Sprayers Die- infeetants, etc., direct to Dairy Ferms, Exclusive territory arranged. Liberal commission on first and repeat orders. Must be known in area and have a Sood record. Apply by letter to Mr. K. Feldkamp, B, Sc„ Provincial. Maeager, Red Line Chem-teals of Canada. Ltd., Mimico, Toronto 18, Ontario. STAMPS 200 CANADA stamps; all dlfferent, used, el. Interesting set, 1 each, $1. M., J. Wilsen, 1269 Canterbury Rd., Port Credit, Ont. SIX beautiful Korea stamps, catalogue value 510 - only 100 to new approval, applicants, Maurice Moore, Box 572, Fort Bragg, California. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA COTTAGES 2 or 3 bedroom housekeeping cottages. city convenience, open April 15 to Oct. 15. Reasonable. Phone Wasaga 456 or write Robert Brown, R.R.1,, Wasaga Beach, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED EXPERIENCED teacher required by Tupperville School U.S.S. No. 30 Rhatharn and Camden Townships, Kent County, for Sept, 1961 - 4 grades, Ap- ply stating qualifications, salary ex- pected and name and address of last inspector to Mrs. Fuchsia Brown, Sec- retary, B. No. 3, Tupperville, Ont. VILLAGE OF RO'SSEAU REQUIRES teacher, Grades 1 to 4 for term commencing in September. State qualifications, experience and salary expected to, C. S. Raymond, Secy.- Treas., Rosseau, Ont. WANTED - FOSTER PARENTS AND DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTED UNDERSTANDING Foster Patents, Cap- able of Supervising Girls Of School Age, These girls have personality problems and will be under boarding care. Do- mestic employment also required for girls 16 to 18 in a good family setting, Reasonable 'Wages, Apply Superintend- ent, P.O. Box 307, Galt, Ont. WHOLESALE CATALOG SAVE Money Buy at less then whole- eale, from shoe laces to televisions, Free catalog, Unlimited Sales Co., Box 9250-C, Chicago 90, Illinois, ISSUE 15 — 1161 MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE Loans. Funds available on suitable farms, honies, stores, apart• merits, hotels, motels. Pleasant, cour- teous service. For information write, phone, or drop in. United County In- vestments Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St , Tor- onto 19, Ont, RU. 9-2125. MUSIC YOU too can make money writing songs, You too can release your own talent on records, Complete details and four months subscription to the Song- Leader Magazine for only $1.00. Song- Leader, Bield, Manitoba, Canada. NURSES .WANTED REGISTERED NURSE ONTARIO Homes For Mentally Retard- ed Infants, Inc., Plainfield, Ontario, (7 miles north of Belleville) requires im- mediately, additional trained staff, 8 hour duty, Night or Day. Salary $3,600 to $4,500 with car allowance and fringe benefits. Apply in writing with refer- ences to Mrs. Leonora Velleman, P.O. Box 100, Plainfield, Ontario. THREE REGISTERED OR. GRADUATE NURSES Required For 15 bed hospital, situated on the beau- tiful ARROW LAKES, B.C. Standard salaries, holidays and semi-annual in- creases, 40 hour week and living in accommodations at low cost. APPLY TO ADMINISTRATOR ARROW LAKES HOSPITAL NAKUSP, B.C. NAME LISTS NAME Lists of Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Restaurants ! 500 for $5.00 or 1000 for $10.00. Florence Wellmeyer, 917 Baden Avenue, St. Louis 15, Mis. sour!, NUTRIA NO DIFFERENT Rfcrided hliixdh plain Mr. these days, takes ' delfVery' on }lice new-car he 'mentioned On fits tritival in Cali- - Mehl& He knows the American tustoms eited i 'ffeef thing, kicked BEWARE! VICIOUS DOG! 0 MORE LEISURE. l rr r hh J W. W. .MORE -PLEASURE... MORE MEMORIES TO TREASURE that's. Europe in on: Cuhard..First.Sailingt. from Mohirea Quebec SEE YOUR LOCAL AotNt — NO ONE CAN WERNIA April 13, Ma y 5 SAXONIA • April 22, .May 1.2 CMUNTRIA *April 28, May 19' 4.0itOM OUEfitd OOLLoWiNd' DAY SERVE YOU BETTER; t/ Corner Bay & We Iirtiglon tft,, Toronto, tont telt EMpire 2-2911 • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FEMALE NELP .WANYI4P, . -- $1.7.NO.Q11,APIIEtt, shorthand: at ,e4100, Also good plain eerie, exclusive yacht club, North - Channel, Lake gum. Ap-ply in writing. with full beceereurto peotogrepte highest wages; Her. bow' 'Island. Yacht MA. Flehiee Club, ,Kagowong, Island, Ontario. A9ENTS WANTED STEADY PROFITS SELLING node to measure elethee rect to wearer. Firm eetabliShed 104 Attractive cloths easily sold, Generous; Commissions, low prices, freeSOB bonuees. Full or part. time. EXPerienee not necessary, Tremendous opportunity. Write for .samples. Rodney' Teilerieg. ('n Dept,. X10, 139X, .3010, Montreal, • BABY CHIC K S' ARE you ready foe peak season? Order now from good assortment Bray started pullete, various breeds Including Ames In Cross. Dayolds hatched to order: also some for prompt sbiPMent- Order May-June broilers now, See Mete :agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John. North, Hamilton, 001 BATTERIES BATTERIES. REPAIRED liflOWEN came poele, covers. cells re placed, ate. Free Ineii..ttP and delivery within 75 mile reelus, E. Lich ti. 11.1t. 1, Stretford. 'There S!1: (seeare ,. . BERRY & 'ROOT PLANTS FARM iigt.e WANTED 0. ,....-: . MAltitlED men for 1:111111, purebred beef cattle. Good wages. Separate house wite an emiveoleneca. Apply With ref- erences to Box, 233, 523.10th Street, New Toronto, Ont. FARME FOR SALE ATTENTION farm buyers. One of the most up-to•dete farms along the Ottawa valley route from Sault Ste. Made for eale. Heavy soil, Bright future for dairying. 450 acres, 180 Under celtive• tem conielete line of power Operated ntW machinery, 60 head dairy cattle, tiote,e, 5 barns, Millthouse, garage, poultry house, hydro, telephone. Price e55,000, For information write Box 232, lea -18th Street, New 'foveae, Oat. 50 ACRES, 25 under cultivation, seeded to hay, balance bush and pasture. Good two-storm, house, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, 4 rooms downstairs, nice idt- ellen, large sunporell, good Well and cistern, 2 pressure systems, hard and soft water on tap, House partly furri- lehed if desired. Nice lawn with trees, ehrubs, flowers, etc., good garden, seine fruit trees, good barn, large new driving shed. Electricity. On No. 10 Highway, in small village with stores, eburchcs, etc. Bus passes gate. Close to railway station. Immediate possession, good terms. W. M, Sutton, Berkeley, Ont, — , — FARM EQUIPMENT 1900 LANGEMAN asparagus harvester, used less than 10 hours. Reasonable. Lot Smith, 3285 Watkins Rd., Columbus, BElmont 5-0749, h DEXTRA Eerd inesel, used 185 hours, e.2100.00 Holland 58 baler, slightly used, 1100,00. Spring tooth drag 3 point itch, new. 015u 00. Ray Sider, 56 bell, St., Welland, Ont. Phone 2-5302. . _ POULTRY Equipment and Farm Sup- plies. Write now for your free cata- logue. Rideau Specialty Co., Box 277, Smiths Falls, Ontario, 20 CAN Woods bulk cooler, chore• boy milking machine. John Gibson 11112. Caledonia, 110 5.2172. QNTARIO'S LAIG,”T STRAWBERRY p2Qw.us ALL COMMERCIAL VARIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Returns of up to $2,500 per acre under our new growing system. For, complete information and price list, write; Bale BOSTON BERRY FARMS (REG) Rel. No, I, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE; WATERFORD HICKORY: 3-5807 ..,„ ---„ BOOKS • - .- MAGAZINES 100, l',13,00 orders prepaid, Western, romance, detective, w a r, mechanics, humor, sport, educational, movie, French, medieel, men's, home, sclenee. "pate wants. Freemens, Corn- tw ail, Out- BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITIES BIEN OR WOMEN' (Thence of a life- lime! Toeet into a i,ell paying bust- stamp. :Vollmer, Medieon 3, Wisconsin. ness with little eepitel. Details for MOTELS MOTELS MOTELS INQUIRIES invited from operators in- terested in Chain Operation Motel, 23 Units with Gasoline Ras, and Coffee Bar, Locations' available Ontario and Quebec on 25 yeare net lease basis. Capital to furnish required. Lease se- curity, excellent banking references, A good opportunity for security of oper- ation in All Canadian Motel Chain. Write: Bousquet Construction Inc., 2 Gouln Blvd. East, Montreal, P Q. Tel. DO7.8859 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE „.. HERE they are! Be an early bird I Heavy duty wagons with 15-incli tires. $1.25, A. Venderitcoi, General Repair Shop, Beachville. FARMALL 11.D, new condition, high clearance adjustable front axle, also narrow front end, belly pump, two- way remote control valve, Model 257- I-II-C, cultivators, good tires. 400 hrs. since complete rebuild. $1995.00. Con- sider trade and deliver in 300 mile radius. EARL DEAMUDE R.R. No. 6 DUNNVILLE, PHONE 777M2 PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $I.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. itching scalding, and burning ecze. I ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS `* SPECIAL Offer! 1,000 embossed bust. ness, appointment, or personal cards, only 53,99 postpaid. Fast! Aceurate! Free literature and samples. Mutchler, Box 254, Lincoln, Illinois, U.S.A. GEORGE Washington's Cousin's Gold. Poem Manuscript autographed, 10e. Free children's animal story by author included. 1028 N. Kenmore, Hollywood 29, California, U.S.A. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR Sale, well established retail coal, fuel oil and ice business in South. West- ern Ontario, Good earnings, Minimum cash required $15,000 plus inventories, Write to Martin and Antliff, Auditors, 153 King St. W., Chatham, Ont, NEW Holland Crop-Chopper, Model 33, used one season, John Deere Cultivator, Model CC-147, used one season. 28" LH. 'Thresher, completely equipped. Used four seasons. Contact G. Ferguson, 1298 Tepper Road, Burlington, Ontario, NE. 4.0712. An American View Of Toronto's Subway In 1928, Senator George Norris went to Toronto, Canada, and found that a family using 334 kw of electricity a month paid $3.35 for what would have cost $32 in Birmingb.am, Ala., and $40 in Nashville, Tenn., another town in the then undeveloped Muscle Shoals area. The example of Toronto helped produce the fe- derally constructed TVA, now a model of regional development in emerging countries round the world, In 1953, Toronto created the "Metropolitan Council," known to city planners all over the United States because it brought into a single, unified government downtown Toronto and its sub- urbs. Sooner or later something of this sort must be done in United States cities to end the crazy anarchy of rival jurisdic- tions now prevailing. A third feature should be noted in Toronto: It has its own subway. Begun in 1949, it Was opened in 1954; it is 41/2 miles long (three miles underground) end has 12 stations. The Febru- ary issue of "Metropolitan Transportation" calls it "probab- ly the most successful postwar rapid transit installation on the continent." It says: "Toronto is the only important city on the North American con- tinent which appears to find. a rational solution to the transpor- tation problem." Toronto is about the size of Washington, D.C. Its clowntown population in 1956 was 700,000 and the new population now em- braced by "Metropolitan Coulee cil" (Metro) is about 1,400,000. Seven years of cperating the highspeed public subway has been sa, successful that a hew 10-mile subway is being built. Ontario's Prime Minister Leslie Frost broke ground for this Nov. 16, 1959, The 10-year project will have 25 stations and carry an estimated 345,000 riders a day. The Present subway carries COMPLETE cement block manufactur. ing plant for vibrated steam cured blocks. Close to new hydro atomic en- ergy project, full price e10„000. Apply William II. Roos, Pt. Elgin, Ont Phone 136-Wee.-41, -eee RESTAURANT-service station, Highway 11, soutl1 of Grayenhurst, both fully equipped{ doing good business. Low dowre.payment, balance open mortgage. Applye-Well Motors, Kilworthy.. Mus. koka. WD9 DIESEL INTERNATIONAL tractor, top condi- tion. Good cash buy. Ernie Duckett. concession 3, Leamington. Phone FA • 6-6425, CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS tree seedlings. Austrian and Scotch pines, Best possible stock, $15 per 1,000. D. A. Tiffin, Cookstown, Ont. CANADIAN exclusive available, patent. ed wave and curl comb, wanted by every woman. A proven $1 mail order item in U.S. Write Royal Scot. Water- bury, Conn. COLLECTION AGENCIES GREEN THUMB (MUMFORDS Nationwide Collection) Ali creditors having back bills, and notes that have not been pald, copy down all names and mail them to: 2925 Haw, thorne Avenue, Richmond 27, Virginia, 37 COMIC Books $2.00. Hard Cover Book disposals, 4 different $1.00. State wants. Gold coloured necklet crosses, rhine- stone centre, $2.00 dozen, sample 350. Cash Postpaid. Off-price merchandise bulletins 100. Freemans, Cornwall, Ont. DOGS FOR SALE usi If yee have a shady spot in the garden, or live in e mild, sunny climate and have a lath house, you can raise those love- liest of shade-loving flowers — tuberous begonias. These lush tropical plants with their huge, abundant blooms can fill those shady places with rich colors all summer long. There are so many forms that you can have a variety of flow- ers in •an all-begonia planting. The camellia-flowered are per- haps most popular, the big satiny blooms so like their namesakes you can scarcely tell the differ- ence. They look like roses, too, some of them five inches across with a perfect rosebud in the center. There is also a carnation-flow- ered, with frilled, ruffled petals. Frosty is new this year, with deep rose flowers, each petal tipped in white. Other types are big singles, the petals frilled, and singles With tufts or crests on each petal, called Crested, the centers a fluff of gold. There are varie- ties that look like daffodils, and . there are several variations of the camellia type, particularly the Picotees, familiar in cor- sages, PUREBRED Scotch Collie Pups. Born February 10. Beautifully marked. Sired by imported grandson of Lochinvar of. Ladypark, English champion. ' Dam's. Sire: Kelnigrove Duke 2nd, champion. At eight weeks: males $40.00; females $30.00. Papers $2,00 extra. John C. Moore, R.R. 1, Richmond, Ontario, HUNTERS FISHERMEN! CAMPERS ! THE sportsman's best friend - safe, economical. Don't be caught in the wet or cold with nothing to start a camp fire. Carry one of our resinous wood blocks in your jacket or tackle box, Will light and burn instantly, even when wet! Four (4) blocks -. 10 ounces, e1.00 postpaid. Results guaranteed or imumonbeiya. refunded. Cariboo Pitch Chips, Box 672, Williams Lake, British. Co. EAVESTROUGHING ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the following points which this organiza- tion offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended, 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. insurance against replace. ment, should they not live or in the event of sterility tall fully explained In our certificate of merit.) 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand' for fur garments. 5. You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6. Membership in o u r exclusive breeders' association, whereby only purchasers of this stock may partici. pate in the benefits so offered. 7, Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200. a mar. Special offer to thole who qualify: earn your Nutrria on our cooperative basis Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R,"No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. ATTENTION TINSMITHS YOU ought to know that half round eavestrough in 28 gauge can he bought at less than current prices. Write Enos S. Martin, R.3 Wallenstein, Ont. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS sprout, increasing the moisture as the plants grow. In a month or so the tubers should have good root systems and can be transplanted into in- dividual pots. By May in mild climates they can be put out- doors, directly in the ground or their pots set into the ground. In the North this should not be done until June. Large plants may need staking. Begonias must be sheltered from wind and hot sun. They are heavy feeders and will ap- preciate liquid plant food at in- tervals during the summer, Keep them well watered, The tubers of most kinds need tb be dug up at the end of the season, dried, and stored. MERRY MENAGERIE YOUR record requirements are as close at your own mailbox! Safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents in coin or stamps today for our up-to-date cata- logue listing everything, recorded In Popular Hits, Country and Western, Latin American, Polkas, Classical, Folk and Foreign Language Music, Bob Destry's Music Centre, Dept. W,L.10, P.O. Box 747, Montreal, P.Q. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN violets. Write for list offer. ing all the finest varieties and coldurs, Aiken Nursery, Chute Panet, Que, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor 'St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideati Street, Ottawa HORTICULTURE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER FLOWER BLOOM all summer, ettb-zero hardy - last a lifetiMe. Rush name and addreee for coloured catalogue of these amaze ing floveeke, Flotidel Gatdent, Port Stanley, Ontario. ee, no! That ;efart4 inet PVt" As foe colors, the range is wide, from deep red velvet through the reds, the pinks, in. eluding rich rose, coral, salmon, to gold and daffodil yellow and ivory into pure white, The leevee, with their thick, often reddish stems, are a beautiful shape, A collection of potted tuberous begonias in a lath house is a sight to remember. Park platit- ing$ I have admired in Canada have never been forgotten, either., But wherever they are grown: they make a beautiful splash, writes leliilitetat Taylor In the Christian Setelice Monitor. The tubers are rotund with the top concave. For early blooms In the northern hemisphere start theme indoors in March or alailY April, (Seine dealers sell starter seta With tubers already plant- d.) Set the ttlibere into soil at peat Mese, the oehoatte elite 0, stmt dOtei, them net eittd half. it! WI. They need gooa light, and tenVekattiati &OM 00 to 70"di- itteeic Wittee *Atli** tteitil they