The Brussels Post, 1961-04-13, Page 5ron, 0 HYDRO is yours BRUsSEIS POST TitursdlI. r* A' fret' A.,!+ FOR SAd,-.E , 10. York Piga, Qbaet..a. cvin. .Spell' Pito CRANBOOOk ,,*.,l tk9r; M(.11.1L.; younger 40101001404.4101.0.111. 20zupe, Rev. Verg,liMen; mission, 1V111111111N10 1111111111111PSOMMEIMIlli FOR SALE Tinlothy and Alfalfa Seed, Lou Armstrong Phone .68r6 1, • • Rey, I. 131,0,m lite1•o4re, 14r10, S. J. Lewis: treasurer ,and Chridtian George Guest of WingllaM was solo- 1st. for the meeting, Joyestelft• • Morris Twp. Council HURON PRESBYTERIAL, 2304 aabraok W. M. NAMES OFFICERS Avis. .1,„,,tiwin .Noim 1.,n14 Mrs, G. W. Tiffin of Wiughank was •t(' r4 Alt Ow1lHe for tho API% 1;(4,;1111,1e,C1 .18 Pr"14(43 of Ifum" Pr". eet'ng of the W.M.S, Mrs, Alex 0P-oria4 YY0111.4118 Mitisitnlary fileclety was leader and followed the tar thr' Tutted. Church when more Easter in ograM, for worship from the than 3" 01('grstre's nod visitors"wad 'Tidings-' Mrs, nuria rogiso ,red for the 35111 annual. and ' last meeting, in Wingbam United gavo a reading "Why Weepest Thou.'"I'he scripture Was rereadChurch.a FOR SALE Sebago. Potatoes suitable for seed $2 per 75 the. John Merle Phone 750,5 FOR SALE --., Cedar Posts and. also kindling 'weed, Hen ShoMice Cancer research has come a long way toward g one Of our generation's most baffling diseases. We're on the threshold of victory hilt we Must not ease VD, Fence Stakes, d i. Phone 287J Huron., citizens have given strong Sn'OPort to the cancer fight in tine Past, L,et's give even more to reaeh, our Increased objective of .$16,000 in the coming April campaign. Ifilii1111110211111111111111111111111111111111111111111MINIE moN Eamilipiptup jamiN.Mim FOR SALE —•. Building Lot, Excellent location, 'Good neighbours, Tack Thynne CRASS FARM FOR SALE OR 'RENT 100 acres, lot 7, eon. 3. Grey twp.; Tanning water, plenty shade. For further particulars phone 39 i Brussels. Live Better Electrically FOR SALE — 2 Wheel Trailer, good tires, steel tongue and ball hitch and a good Mg box. Would 'make a good cabin. M. A, Frnsnr Phone. 392W3 MAN WANTED — Top income for top man. Protected Necking kcality • available. No Investment required just ambition and a ear. Write Box 50, Brussels. The Connell Met in the Township Hail on April 3rd, With All the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Wm. Elston and Ross Smith, The following petition signed by the ratepayers Of 11,5.5, No, 12, was received by the Council; We, the ratepayers of School Section No. 12, Morris and NulIet, are opposed to building a new centralized school at Walton, and In the event that dohentatires are being issued for such request a vote on the question of withdrawing from the Township. School Area. - Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded. by Jas, lVfair that the Munici- pal. Liability, Spray Liability, Non- OWned., Auto, Liability ..on -Graders and Equipment Policies be renewed with the Frank Cowan Agency Company. — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec. ended by Wm, Elston that we charge ten cents per head per spray for warble fly spraying and sixty cents per pound for one pound bags for scrubbing ;'esnonsively, "The Oldest Easter • Other officers are: Honorary preP, Message', was road by Mrs. Engel : ident, Mrs. W. H. Green, WIngliam; • an al tiele on '"FormnsaP was j past President, Mrs. William Me• elven by the leader. The Easter tOple ArtItie, Myth; •vice,prosident, MVO. wa s in (diargo or Miss Forrest, Mrs. Orval Harrison, West MorlIttorli Strickler gave a reading Sectional presidents: Centre, Mrs. "The Lord Ts Risen Indeed.'' The Robert McMichael, Walton; West, 'Ph —)rpOient , Mrs, Stan. Fischer, Mrs. Bert Alton, Luelmow; South, tirr tried over the ims!neas part. Mrs. I Mrs. Wm. Routly, Exeter; North, Gordon Knight, secrotary, read the Mrs, Rosa Winstam• record- 1.•,,Ilantes and called the roll which ing secretary, ,;alias, J, E. Roavie,; was answered with an Easter verse, Winghatn'; corresponding secretarT,; Twelve were in attendance. A Mrs, Gilbert, Beecrort, Bele:rave: committee was appointed to plan the treasurer, Mrs, J. Sutter, Clinton: c,,inner fo" Presbytery in May, Mrs. , 'Christian Stewardshin, Mrs. Elgin Wifred. Strickler, Mrs. Bar! Dunn and McKinley, Zurich; Mission Circles, Mrs. Alex Stoics. Mrs, Stoiss gave a Mrs. M. Jackson; Anlywn; afriunted clor;no...." Refreshments COTT, Mrs, Grant McLean, Hensall; porved by the hostess, assisted Mission, Bands, Mrs. Robert South. hv Mrs, Cordon Knight and Mrs, coat, Exeter; literature, Mrs, E. ; ' 1 r'nrdon. Engel. PridNaft, Onderich: supply, Mrs. r". end Mrs. ,D. DelaOre, Paris, Clarence Walden, Seaforth; com- .,.:ttetpd MTS. Gordon mulnity friendship, Mrs. Williaul E1;.g !TTopnen, Goderich; Missi-mary nr+,1 v'slt.rs, at the manse Monthly, 107,*.i., ThIscro Da.tl,~vill, included Mr. prol Mrs, Mon Nelson. i 'Exeter; Christian citi7onshin. Mrs.t Rens, Rai' and Wavericy, Coderich, oppii Iliraltri ,Apronpv, Mrs., 11, 5. 1111f,s, nvlhar: JAMr-i-S1`04,,4dN. .,,rd11 n nnil Danforth, Rev, T, 'Garnett Hussey assisted by elders or the church conducted a 'communion service, Mrs. S. A. Moote of Goderich conducted a memorial 'service for 50 members who had 1 ! died during the year, — Carried, Mail', seconded by the road accounts tbe Road. Superin- Moved by Jas, Roes Smith that 'a s presented by tendent be paid iii s gertrude Payne was .guest the North-Quinn wedding ;in. Oakville on April Sth. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. A', A, Fowler of Port Elgin were visitors with the latter's brother, C. B. !Payne last last week. WELL • DRILLING There is no. need to be without 'water, For fast 'efficient Service Experience where Experience counts. Contact Nrham Drillers 'Box 209 Durham, Phone 6-R-5 ALAN PARK FOR SALE — Bray helps yop get rdady for your markets, Order from good assort- ment breeds, It started pullets, prompt shipment D,aYolds, including Ames In-Cross, some for prompt delivery, and hatched to order, Book .Iune-July broilers now. Agent — Mrs. R. Barrett, Brussels better ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ,,,.Our Low. Cost Financing and In- surance Plan „will help you make a deal. BEFORE you buy talk to LI a. GLENN M. RONNENBERG Monkton — Phone 347-224J Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday ATTENTION MR. AND MR. FARMER I CONSTRUCT UPRIGHT CONCRETE SILOS • Up— To 50 Feet Contact ARNOLD HUGILL 92 Cambria Road, GoderIch Phone JA 4-9437, Collect "She thinks she's so great just'cause she lives in a Medallion Electric Home" heater, ready to supply an abundance of hot water at all times . the low-cost, flameless way. And as you would expect in a truly modern home, the lighting in Medallion Homes is planned for extra beauty and safety both indoors and out. Before you buy or build a new home— find out howyou can enjoy the wonderful advantages of Medallion electric living... call your electrical contractor or your local Hydro Office. - Carried. Moved by Walter .Shortreed, sec- onded by Wm. Elston that the gen- eral accounts as presented be paid — Carried. Moved by ROss Smith, seconded by Walter Shortreed that the, Engineer's report on the Bryant Drain be provisionally adopted and that the Clerk be instructed to pre- pare By-Laws and that the Court of Revision on the Bryant Drain be held on May 1,1961 at 2:30 p.m. — Carried Moved by Jas. Mail', seconded by Walter Shortreed that the meeting adjourn to meet again on May 1, 1061 at. 1 p.m, The foliowoing accounts were paid: Frank 'Cowan Co., Insiurance $365,62 Relief account 100.00 Town of Winuham, fires and„ repairs to fire truck 4.54.44. S. H. Blake, Muinicipal Officers Association 20.00 Brookhaven Nill'Sing Homo 185,50 T. B. 'Marshall, Wa".ble Fly Powder 251..55 Callender NIn;rsing 'Home 185.50 Stewart Procter Geo. C. Martin Reeve Clerk BE SURE TO SEE THE MEDALLION HOME EXHIBIT AT THE NATIONAL HOME SHOW MAR. 31 - APR. 11 Not 'really! It's just that pride of ownership is part of the pleasure of living in a Medallion Home. So many things are "great" about it The Medallion Stand- ard gives you a great deal of home com- fort, convenience and safety, and protects your home investment through power, light and appliance conditioning. These features include a full capacity service and housepower panel—plenty of appliance circuits, outlets and switches to take care of your present and future elec- trical needs. And completely installed in every Medallion Home is a new fast- recovery, two-element electric water DEAD STOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DISABLED HORSES or CATTIA For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal Day or Night Call Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 (No Toll Maras) Plant License No. 1O-RP-ii oallectba Moose No. WON CHESTERFIELDS — „..Includinq "Kroehlert, and other aultes: also .shonworn , and , used chesterfield suites in, ahnett Furniture Convenient terms. Miss 'Mildred Mathewson, on fur: lough from Japan, as guest speaker, told of the 'growth Of Japanese Christian leadership in their own chuirch, and in the political field and of the -developments for the for- mation of 'the United Church .of, Japan. The treasurer reported the 1.960 allocation of $25,000 was exceeded Eby 1341_00, The allocation of $2.6,000 was accepted. Two 'resolutions were endorsed the first dealing with an increase of Iintiar warehouses and aftlets -in 'Huron County with resulting in- creased consumption in the home 'and a lowering of Christian stand- ards for young people. WMS mem- bers resolved to strive for a. higher standard of •morality as an example Ito others and to protest whenever possible the Increasing amount of advertising of. alcoholic beverages. The second, resoluition endorsed' was: Whereas the • WMS • youth . leaders promote young • pe,m1 recreation for which there is ample time sIX days of the week that the Huron Presbyterial .WMS vote against organized Su'inday sport at every opportunity. A new feature of the il,,eting was the holding of departMental con- ferences when grottos were formed. for sfalldy as follows! PrPsirl ,"0 4 ti ,11 and leaders. Mrs. .0, iiTarrISon; secretaries, Mrs. W. B. Crnikthank„ REP L ESTATE Wilfred McIntee Broker — LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sturnmer Properties, 200 acres — Blyth 3 miles, school close, bank barn, asphalt Covered 100 acres — Hullet township, 1/4 mile to village, 2 barns, 7 room insul brick house, everything modern, good price and terms. 2 storey brick house In Blyth, :modern, large lot in connection. GORDON GRANT Phone 289 !trusses Ont. Local Representative Of NILFRED McINTEE — Realtor Walkerton, Ontario 5 Offices and Z5 Salesmen to serve you. ELAINE. ANC .KAY COME BACK' Blaine Math° and Misr Stokes are 'back on dila radio With their own show. The POMilitt stars of the fratliy ttaiht can be heard "Or, their ire* ShoWl, tar mid Blaine,Monday afternoons on Oki trans-Mod& network. they,11 lt8 flaying the 'fatitiliat' songs and tones mrlit6ti Won them inatiyfrierida across Canada days* Or 'COMMERCE BAN cild Yours at TKE 'CANADIA