The Brussels Post, 1961-03-16, Page 8Sup Pienamins., Canada's Largest Selling VITAMIN TABLET 9 Important Vitamins plus Liver and Iron One tablet daily helps to Maintain Good Health and build resistance against colds. No other Vitamin Product gives more for the money. 72. Day Treatment $4,98 oswommr.scos el•10011•1111i "OW Sli,t5 (At.5°, Rexall Infants' Wear ear•••••••••••••••••• 00000 Lingerie Bulky Sweaters o o timmano. ••••••••?...••1••• Foundation Garments ONE-STOP SERVICE This is the way she likes to do her marks*. ing: filling her list of needs in one place, from well-stocked shelves. She likes to do her banking the same easy, convenient way. At her local bank, all under one roof, a trained and courteous staff provides every- thing in the way of banking service. Here she can cash a cheque, arrange a loan, open a deposit account, rent a safety deposit box, buy money orders or travellers cheques:--the list of banking services goes on and on. All over Canada, the chartered banks make this same convenient, one-atop service available to millions of customers. THE CHARTERED BANKS. SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY you?! prize nothing on your farm more than MODEL 400 $13950 complete with 12 Inch attachments 60-x•1 REMEMBER, YOU NEEIB MORE itOOMI leave Of room between your dir and the one ahead you'll need extra stopping spate undo winter conditions. Wintertime uY the finieWherr road courtesy is most essential—give the other drivers d break! Snowbanks or drifting now may conceal Railed vehicles, hidden driveways, iritersectioni, and pedal. Tintraday, 'Naval, :144,199 Tifirt ftRUS.,5F44 POST 24 (1) 7s ,000000r 0.41111 rwirsd Brand New Envoy Special Sped his eek Sedan with .Heater, License; full of GAS and Prestone O N L Y- • 'U95.00 D O W $51,03, per month. 1960 Chev Belair Sedan V-S with Radio and. Automatic 1959 Chev Belair Sedan V-8 with Auto. tnatic 1958 Chev Biscayne Sedan 6 cyl., Radial Automatic 1958 Olds 2 Door Hard Top fully equipped' 1956 Chev. 4 Door Hard Top, with Automatic Trans. Many Other Models CRANBROOK CoAmtukItion. tv. Mr, AO Mo. " Alex 'Cameron. on tho. ar1`iy41 Qi the it daughter, Barbara„Jeati,. on Friday, March nth, Winghant Tiosp Kat, Friends of Mrs, Allan Cameron, former 'resident, WY residing .in Imndon, pre sorry to hear that she Is 11, patient in .-Nrietoria 'Hospital with pneumonia, pranhrook. Evening The March meeting of the Cran-• brook Evening Auxiliary was held, at the hums of MM. Gordon Engel. • •• with nine members. present, The leader, Betty. Knight, opened the meeting taking "Prayer" as her • 'theme, The first two verses of hymn 495. was sung, Helen Smith Ied. to prayer. The seriptum Mathew verses 1-21 were read in unison. The first two verses . of hymn 40S were sung', A St, Patiek's story was read by M14. nu, Knight, The meeting was imbed over to the president. mat r1;m1tect of the last meeting were read and anProved. The collect, mqg taken bv the treasurer. The. S,,,,nshine collection was 41-1,1011 by De-is McDonald. The roll call was ots,'Yered by a verse 'with the word '`tree" in it. It was decided to make a rtnilt fry,• the bale. .rrbe !rn rrfick Ps.rtbp.0-, DInQrs In's, wag r(1•1 Helen Smith, The first end last verses of 'hymn 4741 were sung. elnqed by renentthe .m:4,,ot henerli,tte, ”ntsett. SPRING COATS Etc. Ladies and. Chillirens Good Variety in Stock or to Your Special Order Men's Sport Jackets — in the new checks .1!....!''...V.r"r.o".•tsr•......•eo.•,••,m, Men's Windbreakers -- spring shades. Boys' Sport. Jackets and Slacks Specials 25c off on Bufferin Tabs. Reg, 51,23 for 98c This Week Noxzerna Regular 63c size for 49c CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Large Listerine 98c has, free pkg, enclosed of Anahist Cold Tablets Eno's Fruit Salts Gaviller, McIntosh and Ward Bell Teleplifne Walkerton Tid•pnanim !Mina), US; Molten*, Large 21c off for 98c otors hcCtocheen Cherry Bark Cough Syrup An Old Favourite which we hadn't been able to get for some time Phone Your Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer Supertest Prortism Brussels, Ont. J. I. KENNEDY, B. EC B.. M G. A., Resident Wunder. Silvikrin Shampoo Reg. 75c Value for 59c g•IMMIIII•Mbae. I; MEMORIA,,,, McQUARRIE —In loving memory of a dear Husband, Father ankl. Grandfather, William ThOmas McQuarrie, who passed away March Slst, 1949. The world change year by year And friends day by day, DR never will the one we love Froth memory pass away. SNOW-WHITE Cousins Cottage Cheese is rich in. most of the fine food essentials of milk, especially protein and ribo- flavin. So, this dairy food offers novel ways to help ourselves to health, via recipes such as•this: COTTAGE CHEESE CUP CAKES Makes 2 Dozeil 1/2 cup soft BUTTER cups brown sugar grated rind of 1 lemon 1 egg 5 cups creamed COTTAGE CHEESE 1 tbps, lemon juice I 2 cups sifted Plod'. (cake) ' 1 tsp, salt , tps. soda 1 cu') small seedless raisins or eklirrants. Butter Muffin tins. Cream hatter and sugar well until light and fluffy.. Add lemon rind and egg; beat well. Mix in tottag6 cheese and lemon juice. 1. Z. Sift together fldur, salt and-soda; stir in raisins. Blend with cott- age cheese mixture. Spoon 'into- treliTin tins. 4. Bake in moderate even (350 t • degrees. about 50 minutes. Yrin can order a. 'package of nutritious COUSINS COTTAGE curEspl right now by phoning BitiSsell's 'SS, or get it from the milk- /min at vont' door or at, ywr fav- ourite grocers. COUSINS 'DAIRY John Fulton Shannon John Fulton Shannon, 80, of Walton, died Tuesday at Clinton Public Hospital, He was a retired farmer He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Rogerson; 'two sons, Wallace, r.0 Sarnia, and Ivan', of WIcKillop Township; one brother, ' Saul, of Blyth; and two sisters, Mrs, Elizabeth Habkirk and Mrs. J'eati Harrison. both of London., Tri.meral service is being con- ducted Irani the 1). 4. Rana" funeral home, Brussels, to-day, (Thtirsd6Y) at S p,M, Interment in 11rassei ,. cemplery, FOR SALE Paled Hay and Straw Tack Thynne 8 U Err t b Ft M A r N T t NA N C t S'ER V'iCE tEA#6141-ti-i — PHONE 192 Window WashIiig *Walt Watiiin4 f‘n6ti Repairs . * Freer Maintenance ' ''oriatialfrO Stormy and Screen' Dendrat -JatiltOn Work" * i-retrieereantriet 004 PraatOrtriC treParrine SUPPRIOR ho Name 'ow, Ain* RAY SQUIRE 1 66i( .04 SMITH'S Phone 62 "net flr 17-niPlyt conducted a flower contest. P ,s1WP.a. by the. hostess I ,,,,qict,=”1"by Helen, Smith and. Eloonor I Stevenson. FOR SALE — Two young Durham; Cows, 5 Years old; due to freshen shortly. Lynn Evan Phone 52r9 RE ALL DRUG STORE Brussels -.— 7:47= " • WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarantee 'er Aver 35 Years of (54'-'—f, M.MMAt R4VM phone 256, WIncham Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family. R. A. SPOTTY chain saw pictured above--the PIONEER 600 $212 5° complete with 16 inch attachments Not only is your Pioneer a wood- cutting money-maker, but also a valued friend to ease the normal work load on farm maintenance and outbuilding construction, R. MARKS & SON WALTON, ONTARIO