The Brussels Post, 1961-03-02, Page 5Sealed app %-4•0! e receiv- ed by the undoiregred if the posi tion of Verk-Stenegrapher, at the Huron County Home, Clinton Dutic:4 to cclumilce April 1, 1961 Application forms mutt be secured from the undersigned and submitted in envelope supplied. Salary based on experience and in accord- „mace with County salary schedule. APPLICATIOn TO CLOSE MARCH 16, 1961 at 5:00 p.m. Business cards DR. R. W. STEPHENS rilvt t Graduate University us Toronto 1 ” 'PHYSIViriaN and SURG'EON 5riliteciame 45 iris. Cts6.. ('Formerly Brussels Mobile Feed Service) FAST FARM-TO-FARM FEED SERVICE. • • UNIFORMLY MIXED AND BLENDED FEEDS. ... MOLASSES MIXING WITHOUT LUMPINESS. . . CUSTOM MIXING OF YOUR GRAIN RIGHT ON YOUR FARM. . COMPLETE FEED SERVICE. FOR YOUR EVERY FEEDING NEED CALL — Joint Longstaff, 'Optometrist OPTICIAN OF S. EAFORTH- , antkonticen e. change of oitice loctttitui to floderich, St. IV:, adideent Reafeirth 011nIc attait.d Floor` Parking FricintleS Oettlitita preSeriptiOna tilled entities you tO it1l giibijeqi18ttt iidlitstrasetite 'Phone Brussels 386.)6 TM?? BRUSSELS POST aa. Thi p ode.i , 104.t ''..^."**7.-mAeTerera41144 rr if yeit try last week'e recipe, try, It right away; And here's .anether treat fop your family, COTTAGE APPL.E. PtE., a special suprise dessert,. COTTAGE APPLE PIE '-- evp table cream etlp telgi4 ete.rup sugar dish.nr salt I teaspoon vanilla .1.1'111) CO`,VTAGE• OffleBsie eops thick sweetened sauce 'teaspoon cinnamon lc e'1f poon nutmeg le nnbaked pasty shell 1. Scald cream and milk,. Beat (eve add sugar, salt. milk and cream, vanilla, ands cottage emete. Blend well together. Mix nutmeg and 14 teaspoon cinnamon with .airPlesalico and. iipread over bottom, of Pastry shell Cover with cottage cheese mixture and Sprinkle with remaining n "ell On, Raee ;n a Ito_ oven (4.25. F.) for 10 minutes, Reduce heat to :1.00 F. and bake about 50 minutes or until eestard is set, • Makes ,6 servings.. Many other .11pill 0111 (tkel'S Rays crude appetising dishes. with 'CBOTTGE CefEESID so why don't you, You can get a ' or % package of •COUSINS COTTAGE 1HEESE toclay from the milkman at your door, or order from OXr many .deatere,-or our office, phone 22, Treat your •family. to some good ,cild-fashionect pancakes trade with Cousins (tendons, PAUTTERMTLE. COUSINS DAIRY MANITQSA SPEAKER AT FARM UNION MEETING At 4 Vnrgii.Ts' thmA urvting, held in Clinton Wednesday,- ti etnnr mitten comprised of Mrs. Robert 1'41, r, Gomailei:5 Mrs, Frank Potter and Mrs. Gerdon we- appointed In errerige tor the emmel Variety Night, la be held in the Easter holitlaye, BOW Taylor' ini,coduced the guest speakur, Rudy tisick, presi- dent lsylanit: Fa simmers' Union, who has been speaking at a ser- lee, of meetiug in Ontario, Mr. 1.1sick, a Lriner from Erickson, in his _opening remarks, told briefly of his recent -activities in, his home, province, Ire had attended over, 130 meetings, in Manitoba during November and December,. with an average ettentlance of 90.. There are 350 active locals in Manitoba. "Weeterners tent: to think of Ontario as being a strictly indus- trial province, as. well as being headquarters for many large cot- porations, cor- porations,'"he said, "while East- erners view Westerners as all grain farmers„ Manitoba has less than one per cent straight grain. farmers," Mr. Usielc said, "with income from livestock exceeding that of grain." He predicted that it will be in- creasingly difficult for Eastern farmers to stay in the beef busi- ness, saying that the West has large acreages for grazing, an abundance of feed, and a supply of feeders readily available. "West- ern farmers are being forced into a more mixed type of farming," Mr. •Usick continued, . "because 'they are unable to sell their grain. This will increase production and nn doubt Ontario farmers will be affected and will have to pay in- creased prices for feeders." Mr, Usick strongly- condemned the Government for its action in ex- empting western • feed mills from the regulations of the Wheat Board-. TbiS- can only weaken the . Wheat Board, he- said, It will sist the commercial operator but will be deterimental to the aver- age' farmer. Grain farmers, hard pressed for, money, are accepting lower prices for .their grain from' feed mills, who in. turn. have the opportunity of going into livestock or poultry business with a decided. advantage." Mr. Usick. said that it was-his belief that wheat bought in this manner is being channel- led into flour mills,. and the situa- • tion was being exploited, e. Mr, Usick explained that this condition, had been- brought about.. by these western feed mill opera- tors bringing pressure- on the Gov- ernment, and he urged Ontario farmers to contact their MP's to assist the west in its drive to have this remedied. He said he could foresee. a closer liasion be- tween east and west in farm pol7 icy, as there is an increase in problems affecting both. The speaker took issue with the idea Made prevalent by the press,. TV, radio, and some- -farm leaders," that the solution, to the farmers' REGEJI AR A' 5 Twice v. year you 15, ill recuiVO .your interest cliequos Cam you invest, In .0, ;Br WO Mortgage. ;,.)luaranteed -Certificate. interest for nay period fro vi 3, to Int years paid from. The day your Investment in received in our effice, 4 To invest see your local agent or send u.S your cheque.. British Mortgage Certificates Are ..approved Tar •:trust, funds. BINITISEVIORTGAGE &MIST MIMI l 4 I 4 I Founded in 1877 Head Office : STRATFORD 13ritieb, Mortgage . Trust Company, Stratford. years. t enclose my cheque for $ ,,,,,,,,, for investment for --- Please send me a. free folder giving full information. NAME AUDRESS • JOHN G. ,BERRY, Cleric-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont rio 4 ,,,,,, tt. *PM it ,,,, • ,, I I I I I I problem was- to become larger and mere Wildcat.- He said farm spe- cialists shy away from discussing "price", when in reality this is the basic problem. Mr. Usick told of a study made by his province which revealed that 97 per cent of agricultural spending for re- search by the Federal and Pro- vincial Governments was directed towards greater efficiency meth- ods, and three per cent to mar- keting and pricing. "Governments talk farm credit, crop insurance, conservation, and marginal land use: When are they going to talk on price?" he asked. "Any overall agricultural program without pricing is useless." In closing, Mr. Usick reminded the individual members of their responsibility in building a strong Farm Union. He urged them to send in their memberships or help collect their neighbors. "The offi- cers of your organization have many other duties and you must make this contribution," he said. I 4 4 4 INCOME ,f AX COMPUTED F O R Farmers Businessmen Individual* REASONABLE RATES I d 4 4 I Glenn M. Ronrkenberg INSURANCE IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY ?find FRIDAY PHONE 65 Phone Today for Appointment WEED CONTROL PROGRAM SUPPORT YOUR,, LOCAL EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN T E LESLIE E. McKAY INSURANCE AGENCY All Kinds of Insurance PncludInp SUPBRIOR M A I N T E N A N O E SERVICE SEAFORTH -- PHONE 182 * Window Washing *Wall Washing * Small Repairs * Floor Maintenance * Changing Storms and Screens * General Janitor Work * Housecleaning * Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Alm RAY SOME BOX 335 SEAFORTH -; 4 4 1 4 1'EN DERS WILL RE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL Aensx., 7, 1051, FOR Tr-ry, SUPPLY OP THE FOL.. L OWING Approximately '75 gallons 2.4.D Ester (128 oz. acid) Approximately 100 -gallons 2 .1 ..D*2 .15 T lumsh Kill (120 oz. acid) tin low volatile and regular) Delivered in 5-gallon. Iota as required, to Mr, Alex Chesney. Huron County Weed Inspector, R.R.. 0'6 sessoetis. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender must be submitted on forma supplied by undersigned. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-'rressuror COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE GODERICH, ONTARIO File . Early 4 4 Mr. Usick answered many time- ly and pertinent questions from an interested audience. Mrs, George Clifton thanked the speaker. 4 4 I `0414-1,11.11:11.1.4104WIMINIIIMIIM. =NM iszazz La • TO SERVE FARMER BETTER WALTON FEED NELL EXTENDS THEIR S'L'Uh. GAIN FLED SERVICE' WITH WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP - QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING HURON COUNTY FEDERATION NEWS (J. Carl Hemingwgy) Huron 'County Wheat Producers held their annual meeting in the agricultural board rooms, Clinton, February 21, with the usual very small attendance. There were 988 farmers in Huron who sold wheat in the past year for something over $24,000. This, we admit, does not compare with either hogs or cattle, but it is still a fair amount of money. It is surprising that so few farmers are interested enough to come to one meeting a year. Let us see what this urganization ac- complished. In the first f.iticiration by using 4 cents cf the equalization fund, a large surplus was moved into export and the price to the producer, while low, was easily 10 cents higher than it would oth- erwise have been and considerab- ly above the support price. More important, however, was the fact that this surplus did not remain, here to depress the price the next year which rose to $1.90 per busbel, with the whole 9 cents equalization levy .returned to the producers. This past year has also seen somewhat better prices than the first year, but it has been nec- essary to export a fair amount at the expense of the board. What of the future? After three years' experience, some important needs have been noted to make your producer marketing more ef- fective, E. NI. Carroll, first vice- president, pointed out the urgent need for storage in the hands of the board. Too many times the Board is forced to sell when the wheat is being harvested, rather than be- 5ng able to supply the buyer when he needs- it.,There is an opening for one milion bushel sales to Britain, provided that it is of. top finality and available in steady supply. In -order to guarantee this, producers must have the wheat tinder their control. • Russell Bolton, Bob, Welsh and Mot, Chesney were returned as county delegates. On February 22 the Hu-ten County Beef Producers held their annual meeting in Clinton with,a good attendance, J. D. Bair-, Canada Department of Ag, liculture, Ottawa, gave an inter- esting account of his tout of eat- tral European countries iii search of markets for Canadian cattle. These countries are now getting to the niece where they can afford to plan better food supply for their people. Since they have no beef eattle to compare with our qual- ity, there is a real opportunity for the sale of a forge number of foundation, stock over a long per- iod of time. Since we are free of foot and mouth disease, We are in a preferred position. However. our main market moat remain in Con- ada and the 'United States. Since there are several countries where the consumption of meat is much higher than either Canada or the United States. a real opportunity to expand in this direction still ,r-- Your Guarantee Ter Over 35 Years of ,Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON • ORVAL 'HARRISON ALE FE RVI TV A010 ELECTRIC 01011410: Brussels 3290 R. R. 1 Monkton Ontifle ELECTRICAL CON4RACTINS RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SERVICE 411111111144111411111144..14 R. S. Hetherington, K. C. AT IS ` KU33ELS Mast 2116 4- eittl INothlit rend 3ninreinY -- Clittiton doessi "HO 00414 ON—GRAM1 end 541FUSEirarr -aiAlAierilt4;-.74l4Ak1747;4•Ii.C1044,4 4.17.11me t.?4A4,44,44,- .44 OWNER OPERATOR ,H. S. TRAVIS . ALLAN Niqi011.4 If we are to take advant..ge of masts— WS European market to the full, tAtent, we will need to- pro- mobq the idea of specialization. At Present their cattle supply both milk and beef. and do a poor job in each department. bologatos Bob MeGregot„Tack Ann-strong, Bob. Campbell, Stan .TaCksoil aitd Elmer ti0b61i80ii wore elected, DA. DARN altiii4‘ielieeiiaiie..4•446.41iaii.a44444444.44614' 04i * •AtlellitliANCE *Extvi•Or WI" pitsisiimil louviorni btreq,..tot, Rep4 Etaitothinipi it rim* so nO Seaforth 751.11 "Pli title gittAtag • 14-2W