The Brussels Post, 1961-01-26, Page 5of "'• -WINGHAM MEMORIAL, SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarante flr Over 35 Years 4 lb, 7240 Satin Bound Made from 100.% pure virgin. Luxurious Fro Quality Canadian • Wool $9,50. Each Regular $16,00 Value Choose from our selection of decorative colors, Flamingo Red, White, Green, Marjgold, Rose and Bine ALSO. FEATURED AT W-.1.10LEEAKE PRICES QUALITY' GLOVES Men's Pigskin Leather, llned gloves $1.50 a Palr Liadies's Pigskin Leather, unlined gloves 0001. ...... $2.00 a pair Children's lined Loather Mitts .750 a pair These offers available from January 27th to February 11th. at the office of Bainton Limited formerly Blyth Wollen Mills Blyth, Ont. Telephone 6 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Gaviller, McIntosh and Ward Boll Telephone Walkerton 7sisphonos - Business gal; rossiesriss ,; J. S. KENNEDY, U. Ed., E. A., O. A., Resident Manager. REAL ESTATE 100 Acres high rolling 'and suitable for cash crop or pasture. goOli water supply. 99 acres clear. $7000.0 110 acre farm with good house and barn. On paved highway. Werutee sad 3 piece bath. esoes.oe APPIY to: WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL, 1.4istowel, Ont, Phone 556W usiness cards DR. R. W. STEPHENS - Graaf:de thriveraity of Toronto PHYS"CIAN Lod SURGEON Tainpittioe 45 - kgrumpiaks, ()a, 060tOtAL Atti Atitt*EAtettit tItl (Aft 11610191iiiad Ftesoikil Oireeettie MOM all o* tokt..1143.. es". tuetttelair Pio 15. ulid battertial, 40. 4-*o• oltscl oPetli *SO. fie WINGfrIAM and EtitlUtritib • Mane Ku - CL.CritIcl Moved by Lawson Ward eecond- ed by Glenn Huether that all lapproYed accounts 'paid - Carried Molted. by Kenneth Bray Seecitided by Memo Mann that we do tiOW lidionit Until February 4th or at the of the Reeve Carried The fent:OAP& .ttedotinta were paid: Good Roads AsaciciatiOn. Merribershin fee The Salvation Army, grant iSt„TOhn's Arabillaiice, • grant County of Enron, tax. ecillectien .ellargea Selwyn Baker, treasurer's bond Tlio• Vo-ld„ stib- Sox:Wiens 111,1. Aupt1110.;51 Can. Nat. Railways, rental Ethel COMM, .Centre, nrnlin- ellen InePting • 3,06 Nolson Hanna, fox boutot 4,0a Farmer DitiOn - on tax roll 19.61 We' lev TlackWoll, inti'ntenaliPe. Wciton Street 1.4.-11,!' 10;4.1 ' r. Village' of JltriSfielS. Share Ditigiciti: stove till offied Skid fire hall 06,53 readrgd 15,00 50.00 10.00 219;59 20.00 ECON0111126 CET THE ON SPRING ..e You save money! Because from now up to January 28th, your CO-OP Early Delivery Dis- count is $2,00 per ton; and, to February 25th-$1.50. That's not all either. For Cash Payment before March 18th, there's an extra 5% Discount. You'll save costs too! Because your early delivery dollar savings can pay the interest on storage facilities. Yes, and you'll save valuable hours by avoiding that seeding-time rush at every plant, when you order your CO-OP Fertilizer now! Early delivery also means that you'ie assured of the correct analysis you require. ORDER CO-OP BETTER FERTILIZER NOW! THE RIGHT IDEA AND THE RIGHT PLACE A glance at her bank book and there's a smile of satisfaction and reassurance-the money is there when she needs it. Like so many others, she has learned the value of regular saving ... the safety, con- venience and usefulness of a bank account. There are millions of Canadians like her. They maintain 12 million deposit accounts in the chartered banks, 10 million of them personal savings accounts. But a chartered bank is more than the best place to keep your savings. It's the only place offering a full range of banking services. It's the right place to do all your banking. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ;:kliariA44u- "TIM 13111,1$$,ELS, POST ,Sda 24t11, Sale of Blankets i Grey Twp. Council nreP spool;,, p..,, *liana 256, Wingham H. A. SPOTTON ORVAL HARRISON TV Aril) BL.SCTRIC Num: Brussels 329.1 R. R. 1 • Monkton Ontario ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEE 1) seavoce R. S. Hetherington' K. Ct AT B1i1J5SELS John Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH announces : a Change Of Oftlea location to oodoidb, st: W., tidittenitt -Seafettli Clinic Floof Pittkingi readlatea tjaalikts prbaotftitiats entitles yod all Obeeittithat 1itilti"ettnAiifa ft A. RANN: The 1/14$3.44.1 .'meeting of the gm TOW8114. Council 'WM: held en INTO. dayj January 0th, at 1), 4,14. ;Rev, lW, J. S. McClurg of 'boles• worth Presbyterian Church con. ductcd a short .4eVetielial period. 1 ReeYe and •Counciilonp subscribed to the declaration of office before. the, Clerk, "wave and Mrs. Dunbar enter- tained the Council, Clerk and Rev, McClure at dinner at the noon, hour,. Moved by Glenn Huether seconded by Lawson Ward that the minutes of thp last meeting be adopted as road -- Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded seconded 'by Archie Mann that we finally pass By.law No. 1.1961 'authorizing the Reeve and Treasur- er to borrow $90,000.00 from The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels until th e taxes are collect- ed Pustbane carried, The fClOWing: 114001/11ts. Were pre, sented:. Glean nonnenherg, ins. fErep. 06,00 Lettering for Outside School, 192.00 .rt,p,micineters 10.50. Telephone Tolls 4.05 11lcOuteheen Motors, Arch. gas. 13.55 Cioni 360.65 MOved by Frnalt Kitchell end seconded by G, Stephenson; theca accounts be paid -.2 Carried Moved -by L. Ebel and seconded by F. Mitchell Bernard, Ten Paa be conttaetel to move blackboards Carrled, The secretary was instructed to purchase castor Mans for pianos. I Acommittee. consisting of Chair- n'T'an Brown, F. Kitchell and 7.i, met to draw up working committees for 1961 Moved by G, Stephenson and L, PLel, the next regular meeting be r:eld Feb. 6th Carried All business being concluded the meeting then adlourned, Mrs, E, Elliott, Sec.-Treas, tr.air SUPERVISED SKATING c-„""vi,,,,a skating uor pre-school , and school children to grade 4 will hp hpld TI1PgrInVq from 6:36 to 5 73 m. and Thursdays from. 7 to 3 p.m. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH - PHONE 192 * Window Washing *wan Washing * Small Repairs * Floor Maintenance * Changing Storms and Screens * General Janitor Work * Housecleaning * Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our AIm RAY SQUIRE SOX 335 SEAFORTH extinniaher .5.00 Dietowel Transport, fright 2.00. Wm, D. firown, ox prose 1„g5. Deo, Rowland, gas, fixo 'tf!40 4 3'.70 Firemen to ArMetrnag'ff 1040 'wp, cif Arthur, relief 14.7; Relief 72,43. Roads and Bridges 'Edythe. At Cardiff -, - Clerk Clifford B, Dunbar - Reeve SCHOOL. BOARD MEETING The .L1114417 meeting of Brussels School Board, was held. in the new school with ail 'members. present. To begin the meeting the secre,7 tau presided and, called for nomin- ations for fora chkirman for the eom- lag. year. Gordon, Stephenson nom- iated Rev. L. Brown be re-elected !as Chairman for another year. As there were no further nominations. Rev,. Brown accepted the chairman- ship...for another year. • Rev. Brown then called for the reading' or the minutes of the last inaugural meeting and last regular meeting.. These minutes were read. and ad.onte41 on motion by L. Ebel and 'R, Kennedy. Tt. was, moved by .T. McWhirter and G. Stephenson that Roy Ken. .n.edy he re-appointed as Vice-Chair- - Carried Moved by L. Ebel and seconded by Jack MoWbirter that Mrs, Elliott lie appointed Sec.-Treas. - C,arried Moved by R., Keimorly and second- ; if by L, 1Dhel that G.0, Davidson he truant officer for 1901 r,ir,TrA.1 movr41 1w 11, TrnrmoilI, and sanend- Pri by Tirn 1{ coirmliro. hn preIrmrs1 lvt,Arevl by 7' 17."..-1 carried Moved by Kenneth Dray seconded -by Lawson Ward- that we, appoint Clifford Rowland as member of the Middle IVfaitland Valley Conser- vation Authority Carried Moved by Glenn Huether seconded hy Kenneth Bray that we appoint the following named persons to the Ethel Commuity Centre Board: Clifford Dunbar and Lawosn Ward from Grey .TOwnship: Bruce iSpoiran, Robt. Cunningham and Alex Pearson from Ethel Mrs. Walter McFarlane and Mrs. Geo. Pearson from. Ethel Women's • instistute - CArried .Moved by Glenn. Huether seconded. by 141,Wson, Ward • that we appoint Kenneth Bray to the Brussels Morris and Grey Recreational Committee - Carried Moved by Lawson Ward second- ed by Archie Mann that we appoint Clifford Dunibar and Glenn Huether to ' C'ranbrook Community Hall Board Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Archie Mann that we pay our our membership fees of $15.00 to the Good Roads Association and Association of Rural Municipalities - Carried Moved by Glenn Huether seconded by Dawson Ward that we give a grant of $50.00 to the Salvation Army, and a grant of $10.00 to-the St. John Ambulance - Carried Moved by Glenn Huether second ed by Lawson' Ward that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to apply for the balance of the 1960 Road Subsidy from the Department Of Highways - Carried Moved by Glenn. Huether seconded, 'by Kenneth Bray that we pass By- T "No. 2-:'601. to pay Township 'Officers McweA. by Archie Ma-nn secon6pa by Glennn. Huether that we appoint •Clearge Hutchinson to the Ethel Ceinetery Board for a two year. terin I - Remember! You get bigger value with the better Fertilizerf CO-OP Fertilizer definitely lies a higher percentage of . water soluble phosphate, so important on low-phosphate soils-a higher lime content -low moisture and uniform particle-size-less seed burning characteristics. SEE YOUR LOCAL C04......:00)0P BELGRAVE CO-OP BELGRAVE PHONE 1NINGHAM14 1091; BRUSOELa 888w10