The Brussels Post, 1961-01-12, Page 5„..„ ....• • Pg9Plea WE KNOW GRAN ROOK • Miss Marilyn 1C.Ilight spent a.few (lays in Otelph, Mrs, Stanley 'Fischer, MVO. Gordon.. Knight and Mrs.,.Mao 11-1401 wore An, Winglram on Tuesday, January attending the annual meeting •or. Maitland Presbyterial, Mrs, Gordon Knight visited her daughter, Mrs, llobt, Caryl, Cedar Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight in Toronto, recently; • FOR SALE — liegiatere4 ,Shorthorn Bell, Lot 2.0, 1:m, 3, Morris Twe, Russell Bone phone 816 Mr. and Mrs. 'Tames S. Aratat,Taag. '•spent, the Christmas holiday with M. and Mrs. Robert Joyce anti .borne Park. •'1; Mr„ 'Steven Matieluilt of Bergees, Seale., hes been visiting with his father-in-law, Mlite Stratychuit, and • bother-in-law, Wm, Stratychult, of Brussels; also his daughter in Hamilton end Other 'relatives in Listowel and other centres. t' 4••• •,rt FOR RENT 7-room. Bells) :furnace and •3`• Apply to Calnercin •Cochrane Phone $5r). piece bath, FOR SALE Snowblewers; tested gad proven 'George Burgess Gorrie, Ont. Phone Fordwich 130.1 •—••••••,,,,.. FOR RENT A farm house for rent located near 13russels, Per more information apply at Ole Brussels Post. WANTED TO RENT One hundred acre farm, reatiott- able buildings, hydro preferred but not necessary. Rent with option to buy, Apply to Box 50 Brussels. MAN WANTED FOR RAWL4EIGH BUSINESS — start day old four months, to WANTED — Plookowners to chicks in the next supply us with hatching, eggs. Extremely large premium paid. Eggs from some breeds taken every week in year. Also wanted: Flocks to supply us with eggs now. Apply, Tweedle ',Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Baptism Service At the morning serivce on January SthL. in Knox Presbyterian, Mura, Cynthia Margaretta, infant daughter of Mr. anti 'Nye. Edwin. Nelson was baptised by the Rev. R. C. MeMillan„ Goderich, Mr. Glen. Lodge accompanied Mr. MeMillan and contrilmted. a. very fine solo "The Cad Rugged Cross”, during the service. Mr. and Mrs Roy Hudson, Goder- ich, attended the service of Baptism and visited at the manse with their son-iniaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. We are pleased to see Glenn Huethor home from his stay in Listowel Memorial Hospital, / ATTENTION CATTLE FEDDERS Pulverized oat bulls alt $20,00 per ton with baigs exchanged. Loads over 5 tons at 118.00 per ton, F.O.B, .011.1' mill at Wingham. Phone 4f.5 John 13amstead & Son N /ICE /1 Fireman's Ball will be held In 'Brussels Town hall on February 3rd. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M. S. of. Brussels United Church met in the Church parlor with a good attends/nee. 'The call to worship by Mrs. Nichol; singing of hymn 5, after ;which psalm 711 was read in unison. ,The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Bell followed by prayer by Mrs. A. Mann, and hymn 15. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Rowland; the treasurer's. report by Mrs. McLauchlin. Mrs. Cousins reported on Christian SteWardship and Ekupplies. Mrs. T. Strachan gave a paper on Com- munity friendship. Twenty calls had been Made on sick 'and shut-ins. A comittee was appointed to make preparations for. the :World Day of Praiyer, Peln-24th. Roll call wars taken and payment of yearly Sees made. Rev. L. Brown installed the following officers 'for 1961: Past President *Mrs. M, Dennis President Mrs. H. Thomas 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. L. Nichol 2nd Vice IPres. Mrs. Gaillaber 3rd Vice Pres. Mrs. F. Michel Rec. Sec. Mrs. R. Walker Assistant Mrs. Rowland Treasuer Mrs. McLattchlin Secretaries Christian Stewardship Mrs. R. Cousins Citizenship Mrs. C. Supp'y Mrs. Assocciate ,Helpers....Mrs, Ar Missionary Monthly McFadden Community Friendship Strachan Knox. Church W. M. S. Miss Alice J. Forrest was hostess for the. January meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Earl Dunn was leader in the absence of Mrs. Witred Strickler. Several fine thoughts for the New Year were riven,, ways to use our time. Particularly leisure time. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison and Psalm 123 was read by Mrs. John Poole. Mrs. Stanley Fischer gave the New Year topic based on Psalm 91. Mrs. Stuart Evans led in Prayer, The president Mrs. Stanley Fischer, conducted the business. Plan wore made to attend the annual ineetine of Maitland Prebyterial in. Winghaim on January 10th. .A, New Year's ver,se, was given In response 1 to the roll call. Ten members were II in n ttend an ce, The Ferbruary meet- inn will he held in the home of Mrs. John Petrie. Following the closing nemn all reneated the Mizpair l'^eerliction. Mrs. Itirl Dunn assisted the hostess in serving a delicious lunch and a social time WAS enjoyed. , McCutcheon Motors Ltd. Brussels F,••••./ ••.•.•..,•••••••.••.•••...•.r tnstrong Cousins Mrs. Watson WEEKLY SALE. Brussels Livestock Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. a Your home market where you are welcome so %letter !:!,onelgner or Buyer IIRUSUL1, Orr I. Mts. !.,AY Mrs. Rowland Press Sec, Mrs. Michel Supt. Mission Band ,, Mrs, C. Parker Asst. 'Mrs. Oldtteld Supt. Baby Band Mrs. O. Stephenson Pianist ...... Mrs, Armstrong; Mrs. Gallaher Finance CoMMittee .... Mrs, Cousins, Mrs.Downing, Mrs. McLauchlin, 'Mrs. Michel Good Cheer Mrs, Wi 1l lain son Rep, on Missions Mrs. A. Mann Lnnch was served, after which Rev. L. Brown closed with prayer. I PHONE 4e Downing, Mrs, 'Yoa and our togetherness... boy, weirelntroubleo: At tin:id 11.1cC thim, unattitt best friend la certainly no friend of mother's .11.114 when mother is modern she needn't worry about the mess, because she has the efficient help of electricity—and that magic patt. Y the modern automatic electric washer and dryer'. For built-In insulation against washday Wearinesej install it Modern automatic ClCctriC 4Washei. arid'dryer. You'll find they pay, For themselves Many times ottt ih happier easy-going Whig To get Mort out of likt 't' -e most out of eiddtricity, tr .„, Sell to15000 faMilfeST-Goodprofits for hustlers. Write to-day. Rawleigh I for hustlers.' Write to-daY. Re wleigh's, Dept, A-152-S, 4005 i• Richelleup Montreal. THE BRUSSELS POST Thursday, January 12th, 204 .4, ,,,,,•••••••,,, • A LUXURIOUS STEP oe...u. • %AZ • '• • • ::::AWFASts\V S. 1.` 10>zasezesw?..1.: Whitewall tires optional at extra cost. Distinctive Ninety-Eight Holiday Coups 4 AHEAD OF ITS PLUS THE TOTALLY NEW 4.077,74,..t• 0.7•A ..x.U7477737,% A NEW OLDSMOBILE RIDEILIve rubber cushions yOu—smooths your ride — at over 90 locations. kMage . ...z.•;,w.•,....M.• 2.4 0 • em.,.,:.: A NEW SKYROCKET INDEPENDENT 4-LINK ENGINE for great new COIL SPRINGS keep olgor,coepled with Olds' • your Olds' ride level at traditional economy, corners, stops and starts, ailaittin NEASPACIOUS INTER!. ORS. More headroom, legroom, more comfort- able seats. ACCEt-A-ROTOR AC- TION on Olds' all-new Hydra -Matte Drive. Faster, smoother, more economical! NEW in every way you want. 0-661-C , ' JANUARY SESSION .,of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ' will open on `„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1961 "tR ; at 2:00 p.m. rAll communications in connection, jherewith must be in the hands of the Clerk, not later than Friday' -January 13th, at 12:00 noon. • JOHN C. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., ;County of Huron, Goderi oh, Ontario. FRED- DAVIS Fred DaVis, host Of the DoPulai' CAC-TV Troutront ‘Vaget ritialtouge Seen eatsTiteklay night oil the Tralte-Ctinti;cie, Network, ost.nowarmorzemarovalimmin• frit A FACT! /With a pioneer SerieS 400 Model 400 chili* ,• • saWj new iriSto-primer lets you See the bet going into the engine before you pull the cord YOU know it's ready to staff end ono pull does it._ PiciNgEk semit.4tki $1' 59.5i) complete with atkielirrierift lit MIME • - 'BOY A MONIKER CHAP LIVE BETTER. • ELECTRICALLY OF ITS Ahead of its field! Ahead .of its time! And you can prove it with a look— with a ride—with a comparison of Olds and any other car, in its class. Your first glance tells you here's a style that's new but unmistakably Old.5— a "ready-set-go” stance that anticipates your desire to be off, and gliding. But it's not until you enter (through the wider-than-ever doors) that you realize just how superior Oldsmobile really is. That magnificent Oldsmobile ride! Smooth, quiet, relaxing—those are a few of the words we use to describe it. You'll add your own—and they'il mean that the '61 Olds is a delight to drive! Drive it soon—real soon—at your Oldsmobile quality Dealer's. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE IrD yours