The Brussels Post, 1960-11-10, Page 3BART CRICK. PROMP'r shipment on 16-111 week pule lets and started chicks, Dayold chicks, deal purpose, specialty egg producers, to order. Order January-February broilers now. Contact local slant, or write BraY Witcher", 191 JoIM Nerte, Hemmen, ofte BUSINISS OPPORTUNITIES G S W EASY Self-SerVrlaandries are growing in populerity all over the country, Steady customers are rapidly increais ,1ng because of the exclusive Spiralstor washing action. Easy 'Self-Serve Limn-dries are, owner operated and are Serve Like to own an. Easy Self. Serve Laundry? If you have 16,000 or More to Invest we can set you up in business that has great profit potful-tion, requires little supervision' with no payroll Involved. Telephone or writ* for full details, Easy Self•Serve lauM dry Division, General Steel Wares Ltd., 71 Miranda ave., Toronto• 10. RU. 74471- RUSIN'S" PROPERTY FOR SALO OR MINT • fro milea,, m Metro, good business,GROCERY store, thriving Tillagea roam apt, above! 17,600. Building , Cr rent, Write Box 248 Erin, Ont, EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION EARN up to $100 weekly as &parttime seeded. Pleasant work., No sewa,g. AP• Dusiness Associate. No enet' pllcation information $2.00.very, 920 Reservoir, Cranston 10, Rhode his land. CATTLE /ALB 'BEEF Cattle, Aberdeen-Angus, 69 head, 14 Bulls, 118 , Females, purebred end registered breeding animals sell- Mg at public auction, October 7th, at London, Ontario. Send for free eat& logue to A. C. MeTeggart, Sale Mars, &ger, Box 308, Aurora, Ontario. PARMS FOR SALE FARM. for sale. 100 acres, good build-ings, all workable land, 20 acres newly seeded pasture, 28 acres fall wheat. Will sell with crop, implements and livestock. Write Peter Van, Wychen, R.& 1, Southwold, Ont. FARM, 60 acres sandy loam, all work-able. Rock well; all modern convent-ences, large house and barn. Earl Gingerich, Zurich, Ont., EX 8. Phone 9041.7, • t "FARM EQUIPMENT" ' "DEPENDALITEr gasoline and propane driven lighting 'plants for farm end home standby. Also separate genera-tors for tractor belt or power take-oft drive. Bettger Industries, Stratford, 119100104.0efee,VIefieelle.. ACTIVE partner wanted by Inalitilaia Grey, for concrete building materiel to MVO, Counties, Should have some experience in concrete work, Invest- , lent minimum $0,000, Write to Role o. 221, 123-18th Street, New Termite, nt, ' 4 4 4 '0 4 1 „ FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and 8 miens prints 404 12 manna prints 604 •-- • Reprints 54 each' „ ,KODACOLOR 'Developing roll •90e , mot including prints). Color .prints 304 each extra. Ansco. and •Ektachrome 35 m.m. 20 ex-posures mounted •In'slides $1.20 C.001 prints from slides 324 each. Money re-funded in full for unprinted negatives. • PONY BALI BOY NEXT, DOOR Tab Hunter • his all tbut - forsaken his 'boy'• next door!' roles as 'he swings Into a new movle,,The-Pleasure of His Company, ,sand his weekly, Tab Hunter' Show - en TV. He's shown above his. rotesin "Meet Me in St. Louis." Give Octobar. Fishing a Trial, - There are two real fishing sea- `sons each year, during which 'an angler could easily •Catch plenty of good fish. These are ,spring and in October, and the month of October, I consider the best. -So when I say 'October is 'the best fishing month 'by far, I• have plenty of firsthand facts with which to back ,up my, state:, ment. If you want to get 'bass In October fishing, you must work your •luee. fairly deep ,and very slowly: The bass are sleggish now, take a luie in slew-motion• and ?they fight, in -iloW-motion. No,' they • won't ; give you much fight now or much sport — what they do give yeti is a very excellent chance to catch the largest bass of your lifetime. But walleyes and members of ,the pike.family --,- pike,. pickerel, muskellunge — are as Sactive and as'ever 'now; fadt, they maintain full activity under the ice all' *inter. And' I'd' say, tied yoUr chahces 'of • getting a true pionetei. of "these species 'are, at least after about the 'middle of October, -net .lese•thans50 times better than' in midsummer, and AO Sends better than in spring. The teally large members 'of these species can be quite lacka- daisical about their feeding'in spring, rind they -- especially the pike arid- meskies — seem to feed, little indeed through the midsummer months, And you can't catch` 5, fish when he's riot .feeding. But for a short time in fall, the huge brine that had been lying seroi-dorniant gill STARTED 'turkey' poults at half ;Price while they last,' only limited number. Broad Breasted Bronze; A.' O. Smith, 3 weeks' old• 490: weeks old 594; 5 weeks old 694:8 weeks old 794, all sub- ject to prior sale. Also well started pulletd-and cockerels at bargain prices. Catalogue. 4 TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS. ONTARIO RASPBERRY' PLANTS Raspberries. Latham- $4.50, Madawaska 1 00,, $35.00 .- 1,000,.^$45.00 1,000 guaranteed. Percy Simonds. Elora, a,, Ont: SALESMEN WANTED "Salesmen' Wanted • TO REPRESENT* TRE QUI RELIABLE" ' FONT,H.ILL NURSERIES', TERRITORIES OPEN IN BOTH- TOWN AND RURAL DISTRICTS COMMISSIONS PAID WEEKLY _ NOWO BOOKING ORDERS FOR'FAL L. IMO. AND SPRING 11141 Write Stone and • Wellington Ltd. P.O. BOX 48.. PONTNILL ONT. SeRd Her To. School Then Marry Her One of the most remarkable urtships on record began when airliner in which a middle- edged businessman was travelling, 1a s forced to make an emergen- landing ht a barren part of ina. No, one was injured and, with* t. a few hours, the passengers ere rescued by jeep. But OA gusinessman's life - was changed; ‘ Among the Chinese villagers who hurried to the scene of the gsesh was a fifteen-year-old girl. Although she spoke - no English, f nacci. the businessman no Chinese ey were instantly attracted to h other. A few days later the business-, Stan revisited the remote village. 'With the consent of her parents s sent the girl to school in kin, where she learned some Ilitglish. He employed a •gover- gem to teach her the Western way of life and, six mopths later, the couple were married. Stranger love stories have oc- Orred. Near Baelockhithe, in xfordshire, an undergraduate, eon of 'a peer, happened one day Jo see the pretty daughter of the lock-keeper. Again it was a case eit love at first sight, and again She rich suitor paid for hie new love to go to school to become a lady. In that instance the schooling was even more Prolonged: The. girl was taught how to eat pro- perly, how to speak standard. Mulish, how to tell one wine ?rem another—all the things, in eget, that would be necessary *hen she became Her Ladyship. Records in the neighbouring *lurch show that the couple *ere, in facts married, and the r'vede diary, 'proved lint %bey , happily for a long time item:weeds: - - To-day one sometimes hears of princes—or at least baronet.— *he marry real-life: "Cinderel. Us.," but perhaps none can equal tie storysof the parson who, sent lkla finance* to sehool for two ayears. The parson's name was shine Baring-Gould, „composer "Onward, Christian Soldiers." ing-Gould owe of. an ancient ' it family.' H. Wag' a squire ileowell as a person. When, In , he went es curate to the orkshlre village of Horbury, p• ens-would have imagined that lie would marry one of the local mill girls. ' . Among hit Congregation :was a race sixteen - Yeer -old giel, race Taylor, who worked at oppleton's Mill hot far away. The .curate fell in love with her, but she realized that she 'could hot become a parson's wife—and certainly not the. lady of his manor of Lew Trenchard in Devon. After discussion with the. girl's; parents, Baring-Gould agreed to pay them her full weekly wages while he sent her to York to.be educated. 'For two years, this young mill-girl lived' the life of a pupil 'at a smart school for girls. Besides learning-Latin and other subjects, she had special tuition in running 'a large house- hold. - Naturally, the village tongues: Wagged a good deal; and --some said no good would come of it.. ' • They were wrong; Saiineeleis ring-Gould was married to Grace' Taylor, in his own' chtireb; one May' 28th, 1868. • Their happy,. 'marriage baited for forte-seven, years. - t . • THAT ,SEASON AGAIN .A *tip; weathse again le: Pointed' ue by Me-Stager On trio. Window I Stare A them. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified Profession: feed wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call , MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 354 Meer St. W., Termite • Branches: : 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL LAD118-- DUMAS Female Pills, WOO. Lyon's Drugs, Dept. 12. 471 Danforth, Toronto. • DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL Needs. Inquiries Invited. - Lyon's Drugs, Dept. 11, 471 Danforth, Toronto. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 35 assortment for 42.00.. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus •free Birth Control booklet a n d catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors. Box-24-TF, gins, Sask. GET 'I HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of 's icknes s. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calm your nerves with "Napps", 10 for $1.00, BO for $4.00. Lyon's Drugs, ,Dept. 10. 471 Danforth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY ' CARROT JUICE EXTRACTORS ELECTRIC stainless steel construction, (capacity I full quarts before empty- Mg basket). For full information writ. Health For All. Box 133 Station K., Toronto 12, et phone HU. 1.7150. sesessemsees. MARTIN AND MITCHELL IN MOSCOW: Can others like be spotted? Somebody Goofed In Security Check But Nobody Will Admit It ! Maybe Henry Had The Bight Idea The late lienry Ford is saluted as a produetioPs genius, as the man who brought the assembly line to Detroit: and put America on the wheels of the model T. . Actually:though, volume pro- duction of automobiles was net -Ford's primary concern:' Xndeed, it was the result of his other pollcles, Consider what he wrote in 1923: "Our policy ,is, to reduce the priceL extend the oPerations and improve the 'article. You will ` notice that' the reduction of: price comes, first. We haVe never considered any costs as 'fisted. Thereforene first, eeeuce the price to the' point where we be.: live more sales will result. Then we go ahead and,, try to 'make the prices. We 'do 'not 'bother abOut the costs.' The new price „forces the costs ,dewn . . . The low price peaked, everybodY dig for profits. We Make more dis- Coverter concerning reanufactur- beg and selling Sunder this fore- method thensby any Method ,of leisurely investigation." Well, Americit outgrew the model T.' Motorcars over the years 'grew bigger, flashier, cest. lier. 'Now," however, Detroit is discovering that all .buyers `don't want bigfiess.' The .compacts have captured seizable chunk of the' .market and. are due to take over. 'still 'more. So perhaps the time is also ripe for' a return to Henry l'ord's first•principle; "Our poy- cy is to reduce the price. . . .4 , --- Milwaukee Journal." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . EVERY boy should have Sonny Boy Harmonica, lovely tone, easy to learn $1.00..4 Buffalo Bill bull whip, band braided by Cherokee Indians,enuine cowhide $4.26. Allied Import Agency, Box 384, Station H, MontreaL "DESTROYER" for use, In outdoor toi-lets. Eats down to the earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast. Price 51,00 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products, 822 York Road, Guelph, Ontario. PEED MILLS SURPLUS stock of new Tornado No. 19 feed mills, ball bearing with hopper. Must sell $49 00. Send for circular. Fed- eral, 188 King East, Toronto. "FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WILL NUTRIA BB YOUR FUTURE! .All the signs point to a bright Pie limit market for this luxury rur. success will come only through prop breeding methods, quality foundatio :dock, plus a.prograro baser/ on spun business methods. We offer all of t to you as a pincher, using our exclti• sive breeders plan. Special offer to those who qualify, "earn your nutrie tinder our co•operatIve ranchers' plan*. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd,,` Richmond Hill, Ontario, JOSEPH BRANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Qntari• Appikathms ,are invited trove • Registered Nurses. Nursing Aseeitents • • Apply director of nursing Joseph Brant Museum Merin Shore Blvd, NURSES AND NI/RM ASSISTANTS WANTON . OPPORTUNITIIIII FOR MIN AND WOMEN NUTRIA NEW Automatic Wired-Burning Stoves will burn from twelve to eighteen hours. 'Write for complete information to: J. 'I'. Connolly,- •Siteway Manufac- Raring 1$7' Woisley Street, Peter- borough, Ontarlio?; .- WANT TO BE DIFFERENT? .Send mime ,and addresses of your Attitude (clearly .printed) and ' surprise them ,at Christmas:Huy them the most practical and apprecMted -gift ever! Them modern H • line printers. ,with name, address and city, imprint: per- sonal possessions, books, stationery, cheques,: Christmas cards - a mWlon, uses. Complete with automatic biker and, attractive pocket- size case. 41:30 value,, now only $1.00 each, postpaid. .Order today! „ . Stemperaft, SI Peter St., Toronto 2S McLELLAND'S 14th' Semi-annual pony "and saddle horsea and donkey consign- -ment sale..Saturday Oct: 8th, starting at 11 o'clock. Always .a .good consign-ment of grade- and registered ponies, all colours and sizes to fit,every.pocket book, Be sure to attend Canada a old- est pony sale— pony equipment .and dinner served on grounds., For Infor-mation and 'consignments, write ..or phone Dome McLelland. R. 4. lancer-dine, Ontario./Phone Bervle 2239 or 8425. RUNYON( •rot/Lees, DEER, moose. bear, Parry Sound dis- trict. Camp neat to , large Crown land area, 'accommodating 6-10. Reasonable rates. -R. ,MeNaught, 64 Huxley S.. ,Hamilton.' • , READ THIS -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS "HOUkil TRY DIRON1 REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE U5 ELGIN ' OTTAWA $1.25.Exprese Celled By RAY CItOMILEY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. ' WASHINGTON -- The -dtfec- tion to Russia of National Secur- ity Agency mathematicians Ser-' non 'D's Mitchell and William H. Martin 'has shaken Defense offis cials more than they will admit publicly. These two men worked in codes for the super-secret code- busting NSA, an agency whose mission is never discussed pub- licly in Washington. .,Becitise the agency is so "sensitive," Mitchell and Mar- tin were given a much rougher time than most men investigated.. Their Ilya, from birth, 'were, thoroughly investigated by the NSA'. own specialists. They were put through lie-deteetOr tests. But something, apparently went amiss. The U.S. government , defec- tion record had been rather-good up to now. In the past 15 years there have been only a handful , of minor defections reported -.- three Army sergeants, a corpOral, a, private, a clerk typist. Nono reportedly held sensitive poste. In Addition, Ameriaans who have been, in West Germany sly there are persistent rumors that in the, Last Gernuut town et Bautzen there are several dotes "riffraff" Americana--low rank, big ,enlisted men, low ranking former government employes and tourists who 'never came back. None' held U.8. poets of any significance. „Eta Mitchell and Martin were different. "Where did we , go wrong?" says one strategically-placed De- fense man worriedly. "One of • these men, for all we could. find, " had a' record up to the time he defected that would have made me proud to have him .as a son. Yet this man was.apparently the leader of the pair. And the in-' vestigators, found nothing About the other that the evaluators Shotight significant." This second man admitted in. hie ' employment' 'interview that he had ,.engaged "in abnormal sexual "experiments" in his. teens But .the sinvestigaterss ekeekkeettisslikkeeasindeet fig fOund no evidence. he,'d • con-, tinned peactices.. They de,' 'Clad; tiieiefore,' that fliese,early, aberrations were "of no impert- ' ant significaner";,. - ••• ;1- "J•4 • That raises difficult questions. How tight. is our whole 'SysteM of security, in the vital defenie,, intelligence and secret code Agen- cies? Are there more turncoats or potential turncoats, these', tigencies?,:is it possible to tell a man's loyaltye -Witen we hire' him for a super-secret job? How do the „Rede reach these men? NSA security men, are .deter- mined to find the answer .to, 'what went wrong. They've epent• eight weeks becktracking the .moves, the friends, the associa- tions,' the places Mitchell and "-Martin event for years back. But ,in the first eight weeks they didn't find the answers. They found things they should have found before, things they , should have 'tracked down more, thoroughly' before it was too. late. "But they didn't get any- thing in the way of hard evi- ' dence" says -one -Defense Depart- ment Man. With the investigation incom- plete the vital security questions can't yet be answered. But there are some things , that-can be said., The security system is basicilly good. -The methods are basically But-the re ere loop-holes. `How serious were those 'leap-, boleti in 'this case? • These, men' were low ranking, Junior mathematicians. NSA , lilivididderAfint fotethe most' part no one man :Can. kz,nw too much about what's', going on' in other parts of the shop. Nevertheless, it's possible for clever men in three years to pick up informa- tion about U.S.' methods for ' coveting Sciviet secrets that Any Red agent would give hoe. eight arm to get. Already it's certain there are ; going to be changes in the goy- • eminent's internal securitysys- tem as a result of the Mitchell= Martin affair. Here are some of the security improvement needs Uncovered: ' More thoroughly trained in- vestigators. Some of the,men do- ins ineestigations are competen- tly trained, with law degrees, Specialized schooling and wide experience. , But there are. still_ too many ,withoet thate back- ' ground. SIgere infinite .investigations en. „ men in. ,"very sensitive" ,' post'., tions., 'Ineestigaters have too "„Manse men and' women to 'look into to,'"do. 'the rock bottom job. %they,..stioitld those in the most. I sensitive posts. " More frequent, .spot checks throughout a, man's 'career if is in a "hot" agency or a "seneiss tee" post. NSA his such''chicks, • but there's evidence' that hisn't, in some ' cases at least,'" 'kept as close a tab ,On' , men. Ps. it might' have, More Careful evaluation of What investigators find. The lie detector turned up some inter- etting "indications"' about one of the two defectors. There's, new „a question as to whether ,now Viedicsitiens'e Wel% cheeked', out as thoroughly as they 'have been, Thete hae been a tendency to pass off ,rather lightly some things ,that a man has done in his youth-,*if the rat of his' re- cord leolit good. On the basis of the Martin-Mitchell case some security secerity officers feel that some youthful follies and, experiments • should be checked out more theititighly to see if they are, in feet, over and done With. Some Of these security men also believe that some Method must' be 'found to determine 'More accurately what a titan IS thinking when he's being tested for loyalty. But these seine Men iteliae the dangers to a free aodiety Presented by ,efforts " to develop' 166144'6d security, One them &nited ,iii the feeling this Wayi, ad .WO die this and' still ...not destroy the very thing We're. trying to.,protect,7,,,---titir individual: libettleel" ,lieftpatieltheri Often' the editorial "WV so the reader will think there are too-Many Of their. to summer, develops a tremendous Appetite and starts ranging wide- ly, ready to dash after and de- vour about anything. Why does he do 'this, during one brief period Of the year only? Of course, I don't know for sure, but' I think I can make a very good guess. Age-old Instincts tells him that there are months of very glen pickings ahead, so he'd better put on all the weight he can if he's to survive the winter. Just as all land animals put on oll the weight' they can to carry them, through' the win- tern= so must these Why don't =alit ellsh• of the same species do th!eksame,' or why does nne ,catch..SR•few small ones? ,That's entirely. ',too deep for me; I can't even find an improbable guess' to explain it. All I know is that, in a lifetime °C aim est constant• fishing, hive, in the" North, caught prob-' ably Well' over 90 per cent of niyi really big fish at, this time of year, including, all my very , largest ones. The'weether then? It ,may be chilly and sloppy sometimes, but often it's 'the very-nicest of the year, clear and crisp; with little wind. And you'll have thoge glorious fall, ,coloursof the trees around the shore. You're. more than likely ',to' have: the beauties of the lake („a n d 'undisturbed fishing) Ali to 'yourself. It's impossible to deal leper- ,ately here with each district in the country. 'But it as possible' to aaybutright,that everywhere;" for ells species,' October is 'much the besfmonthan the year. Local excePtions." are Sao few 'that -they're "not worth ,mentionine • Nor have I space here to• go into".the matter 'of • special lures, ,flies, and methOds,:for fall. But you won't peed'• to now about such *tinge; for` with . therfisk ''feeding 'so yell, you're sure to do' fine. with most any lure or Method, just so -you stay out ' there and fish. HoWever, if you want specific advice• on fishing ti Certain spots the best thing .to do is ,toe wait until you get theft. Then you can easily' find out, by ' Casual inquiry, what seems to be working best lbere'at that. particular :time. :So, take .a try at fall fishing. Go out, in October and -try that , "fished-out" lake near your ' home = and try ' it hard, stay out;there, eVen,though„you =have' • to. wear 'fairly !heavy clothes to be centifertable., you're ; viols • tally certain Attlee due for; thte Most . pleasant;eishing surpeigesef your ,life;" with a very -good chances'to,. catch 'the fish — that " big sone you've ',always. In October, when 'the yslei- tioners haves gone home; ' anct theis is not much fishing ping on,,'go to' that • deserted 'fished . out" lake and catch .some of, those 'really big, tacklesbuster fish. — By. Jasen Lucas,'Angling Editor at• "Sports 'Afield." Whom your calves with a Polled Shorthorn Sire from Donnyweir farms, :Mona Mills, Ont. EARN More! ':Bookkeeping, Salesman.' ship, Shorthand, Typewriting etc. Les-mons SOO: Ask for free circular No, 33. Canidian Correspondence .EOurses,s12110 Bay Street, Toronto. • RUPTURED? New.'inVention! -Sniping prevention: Send stamped, addressed envelope. M. ,Landau, 215-C East 4th Street,'New York; N.Y. ,‘ INSTRUCTION „- MEDICAL- LIVESTOCK . POST% ECZEMA' SALVE BANISH the torment of thy eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning Slat, ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the • stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how itUbborn or hopeless they Deem. Sent Pest Prito en Receipt of Price PRIC111-03.16 PER 'JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1861 St Clair Avenue Reel, TORONTO , MONEY LOAN • WE have money available for first and second mortgage, lemur on farm and ,, town property, current rates of inter-est. Payments arranged to suit your 'income, JoeMarkle Ltd,, Broker. 2 Wellesley St. W.,, Toronto - Box 244, Sudbury. In inaking, a trip thrOtigh the woods in strange. bitiiiiittk, and you know you'll return by the : , Saint route, it is a help tei stop eeete: once in a while and lobh "'haek to familiarize yetirSelf, With the trail, !• .r itlestelise," 4'60 1;611-rililid? playin g *tee...Ned-leek With iibitat retie in rirlr, tette:" titApt - Walking on :air; theii headstrong cads teeny' defy griliiity Tynecastle Park,, Scotland. Opposihg dttef tshieeeii they both went up to bett -tiet Small Snip.r Aims At. VdSt ICIPCII4t • Lt..pen, (now Field Mar- Viscount) ; litet•Otird Law "Montgomery- 'fight the 'good fight at ;El Alamein =- or just talk it? Britain's •Orziieliali*ASsittle butte' had this question tosed into theft' ' lapS recently, 'along Avithei Aide issue: The. right of -33-yeateeld author. Barnett (who in Desert' 'Generals'' - pegs Moritgoitier ., 'as more of a' publi- city hound than a' desert rat)' to pass judgment on a , battle that Was fought When, Barnett was 'a, Mete *Stied a Schoolboy, TO critics of 'his, braelitiege; teeihed•Militate scholar Barnett ' blandly teepeneedt, "lVitietiet hietbritire•Weite. about ,NanaleOle ening§ fie was in one of hi& cans- ,Montgomery, managed to keep normally glib tongue in elieekt ecitihg man; eh? I . suppose he' thinks he could have deed, ,bettet himself?. Well; he's entitled' ,td, his -opfoiou and Inc to inifie: • QUALIFIED DIETICIANS REGISTERED NURSES CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS for greatly exPafided hospital program. For further Information apply to: TM Hamilton Stealth Association lox IN, Hamilton, Ont. LEGHORN pullets, Xt. Hope and Ghost-lays ready to lay and • laying. John Stutzman Mt. Elgin, Ont. ' ISSUE to. — tea