The Brussels Post, 1960-03-24, Page 4/iret% rative BELGRAVE Phone WIngham 1091; Brussels 38iw10 M CLA551 r,. 6 AIDS. MALE HELP WANTED — BULK FEED lowers feed costs . . . saves back- breaking labour . eliminates feed waste... cuts handling time . • . requires less storage space . . . is more sanitary. Here is modern convenience ... a really tangible expression nil modern farming methods. Boys, women, older persons, and even handicapped people cats bundle feeding operations. And . .. when ysu WI/ at your CO-OP you can be sure of lash dependable delivery of dally-fresh feed , . . Owls of from 3 'to 20 tone 0 . P to meet Your Cta5nae fa‘gities. • 'MBE IS NO NEED to pack the sack any . . especially as it costs you time that am, be put to better use costs you extra feed for your poultry or livestock . and costs you your good health because of over-exertion as a result of unnecessary hard work. - Pr A PROPPS.4P- 1$a9 AF TH4 i1 4AGE PF AR.0 FOS glefeeiNG OF •OE8tTA1.0 • LANEWAYS AND under 5ecti.9.40 469 atid 472 of the MealeiPel. Act, It. S. 0. le50,. chapter 243, to -gleam certain parts of lanewaya 4011, of a street in 09 'Mtge Brussels and convey the lands 09 closes and. 3 topped up to the. adjacent owners, TAKE NOTICE that the IM.ueleipp..l Corporation • of the Village nt Bruesele, • deem it advisable to close portions of certain larleweye aed a portlee. of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Beeesels, as they ere serving no useful purpose. in their present condition and I0eqUon, and are not being used for public Purposes, AND •THEREFOKE TAKE NOTICE time the proposed By-law reads as follewe; (1) That the peblic lanewaye, and part of Elizabeth Street in the ti'ill~^e of Breeeele, deseribea 0,A COMALMNCING at the Southwest angle of Villa0 Lot No. 333 THIS CD Northerly along the West- erly emits of Lots Nos. 333, 332, fin, 330, ;_;,20 to the Northwest angio of Lot e22; THENCE Westerly In a straight Line to the northeast angle of Lot. No. 33$; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos. aaS, 337, 336, 33,5, 334 to the Southeast angle of the said Lot No, 834; THENCE Easterly In a straight line- to the place of beginning; (2) That portion of the laneway In the Village of Brussels described as follows:— COMMENCING at tlee Southeast angle of Lot No. 328; THENCE Northerly along the 1 Westerly b oiiudry of 328, 327, 3'24,1 325, to the Southerly limit of the Calmat= National Railway right- of-way; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly' limit of the Canadian National Railway to the Northeast angle of Lot No. 342;• THENCE Southerly. • along • the Easterly limits of Lots Nos. '34e, 341, '340, 339 to the Southeast angle of TIM BaUSSF,LS POST CHOOSE THE BIGHT BIRD to fit your market \%;\ ksiAr LIGHT BREEDS such as Stone's, Demlerchix, True - Lines All high producing leghorns from famed 1.1,$. blood lines. HEAVY BRULIS—Roe Red X Sussex and Sussex X Red Crosses for larger dual pur- pose birds with remarkable egg records of large eggs, NEW CONCEPT IN CHICK BUYING ROE FARMS buys the finest U.S. Blood lines outright and offers you a wide choice of the best —to fit your lob. NO PENALTY PAYMENTS. FARMS LIM ITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Write for prices today. himself or by his solicitor, appear before the next regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels to be hold on Monday, March 28th at 3:00 p.m. and be heard. TIATED Bressets this 9th day of February A. D. 1960. William H. King. Clerk •••••••••••••MiNgmem,•••.* •••••••11.11111MIA10 Th‘lr64.4y, h ZAU1A LVOV 15.70 LET YOU IN ON THE eit)PeRLATIVE USED CAR PPAI,4. AT Z.-It/517 AP E li",46 OVICYTORV Wileae You CAN GeT A PEPPY 'THAT PeiTOte0BILE SET TO Studebal t,.craeli r6 i 6 •# # 1957 PontiL. er. • •.:.?.111 1956 1.Dpcige Sedan 1950 .01estranbtk Sedan, fully equi,,pped Many Older I4 od4.ls ...prow... • • +0 Y. 4••••••mmoomp•••••• •••••••••"•••:* CANA AND Canada has been a nation for not quite a hundred years. In that time Cana,dians have earned a way of life unequalled outside North America and not even approached by cowl-tries whose histories go back thousands of year's -- countries such as China. Part of Cahada's success comes from her ability to produce steel. Canada, with a population under 18,000,000, produced 660 pounds of steel per person last year. China, With a population of 600,000,000; turned out 25 pounds oer person. 'This higher productivity conies from the factories Oenadtarts haVe built. FOY exaniple, The Steel. Company of Canada, Limited has invested More than 1306,60(000 In its 'AMAs and eqUipMent since 1940 Genedlane produce mere Mainly because Canadian comp-antes are 6otitietotty iniot,ovind theft .plants and entAininent, STEEL COMPANY oc CANAiikA MONIVAL. tAtiAlati-OUt gM4fifnil 10001 • Catialciliwbithdd Plants' FOR SALE — Front and Hind Quarters of Beef. Don Fraser Phone 37776 FOR SALE — Geed Timothy and Alfalfa mixed, Bay. Clarence White PASTURE AVAILABLE — Vood. Pasture Available for Yearlings for the season. Ian McDonald Phone e97 Brussels Fee SALe• A quantity of Baled Hay and Straw; tr 'so a Massey-Harris Cream Separator, Charlie elrLean e.. FOR aALE e e i. . e an we wan . es ft:01011,e : Phone 51r13 iloNi be highly reearded, willing LC CONMENCING at the Southeast iv.;1•11, have good ear, Prefer mae , i vein Is 25 - 50 years of age. angle of Village.LotNo. 6; Teble arid six niateh!nr: r.,r,rne THENCE Westerly in a straigh1 chairs: also, a white copliourd All '''''''' . "11 " abaco yourself, to line alote the prejection Westerly 1 in good condition.ply to: i It eee se; Leaden, Oat, of the Southerly limit of Lot No. 6 Phone Brussels. 5lia•pl ' . l'e .. ry,rsorial taterv'mw Wilt br given, a distance of 1$ feet to a Point; THENCE Northerly parallel to the Phone 33r6 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Bring the whole fandb, to the iderti Eight —Se low cost. This is a famny WWI where children aVe Welcome: • FAMILY RATES (Rooms onlY)-1for thildi under 14 years act ornpenled by parents. • Dependable baby sitters amenable awl reel* able. • Meals for children ratter years rtichgist pleas. • Forthula§ no rrobleth—no chaff, • cAlt PARK—supervised-in (100 cars). •ee Ottatea--Concitia's 'Capital lord ftpin o&mJ ste0 from tiui Parliament BaiidiiiO4, to•fg• Ng stoic. ktitivoy Esist di§dittS., iii.i411,004144 41,046.64# U*4 ii4e# iii14-4 Large Canadian and. American ,manufacturing company in the a eleititura.1 field requires District Sales Representative with agricultur- al background for Grey township. , Teis position le very profitable, $85 . to $15e per Week. Repeat businees, r seures 'future, with OPParegar Let No, 339; THENCE Easteriy in a straight line 1 MAN WANTED; For Rawleigh to the' place of beginning, Business, Sell * to 1500 families. 1 (3) COMMENCING at the South- i 'Good waffle, for hustlers. Write to- West angle of Lot No. 324; day, Bawleigh,,,, Dept. c45", THENCE Northerly along the el-Ciee Richelieu, Montreal. Westerly ' limits of Lots Nos. 324; 3223, 3212; 321 to the Northwest THENCE Westerly in a straight 1 Sealed tenders for the supply of angle of Lot No. 321; .' line to the Northeast angle of..-Lot- 1 stove anthracite coal for the Huron County Till, Goderich, wilt be received by the undersigned until Friday, April 8, 1960 at .. . ... ..z....=:::::.:c.,, ....1z..t.,.-...Z- Westerly limit of Lot No. 6, to a • point in the Southerly boundary of the River Maitland; THENCE Easterly along the Smith- Orly boundary of the Ttiver 'Malt- ' land to the point of intersection of ; I the Westerly limit of Lot C with the I Southerly boiindry of the River 1 Maitland; THENCE Southerty along the I Westerly boundary of Lot No. 6 I to the place of beginning. be stopped up and closed, and the said leneWeys so stepped etp in paragraph's 1, 2 and 3 abate be conveyed to' the 'abutting owners on either sides of the laneway in eettat portions. and that the portion : of Elizabeth Street so stepped alp be etinsreYed to the abutting fieWriere. en ' the; Entt side therOf on said ovoliort aotnyhig to the cottotatt6ii of the Village of Stitateta !Or teircieyatineis of the same and PaYing the ceilte thereof: AND EltItTPIEtt, T.ATtil3 Notitlt timt alIVOile *ho Writhes to ohiect td. the pageitig of thle Thy-law on account of the said iatielva.ys and Street being closed tie above deserited, innet file in writing their obleetiori With the tiiiiiieital Clerk of the 'ArAlinge of ttiistiele rig Or betOte rite it drip et Ictitteii, ittitv midi ilitt. he tiro,*'*' No.-346; ' THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos. 346: 345; 344; 343 to the Southeast angle of Lot No. 343; 1 THENCE Easterly along the North- erlY limit of the Canadian National. Rellway to the place of beginning; (4) That part of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Brassels described • TENDER FOR COAL r /:A 1;".'1",••:1..1, I see Mir and Mrs,' L. He Gordon ivisited over the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Huebert' Cone• stoga, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Cameron and Miss Emylene Steles, "Cranbrook Meat Missese The first meeting of the "Oran- brook Meat Misses" was held at the home of the 'leader, Mrs. Allan Mc- Taggart March lath at 9:30 a.m. The meeting opened by repeating the 4.1i Pledge in keelson. The election of officers was held with results as follows: President Dianne Engle Vire Pies. Secretary Treasurer Press Reporter Planiet. Geraldine 'eleTaggart A mine for the chili was decided On, "Crarthroob, 'Meat Misses" .Butrested by Cleraldlue 71TeTnsemrt. • The next meeting. of the club is to he be held at the home of the assistant leader, Mrs, .,fames Knight on Apre 2nd at 9.30 a. m. The . subject matter Was "Choosing Food for Healt", The Home assignment was. given.' The roll cell for the next meet- ing is to be "Melte a list of Foods inclieding Meat that contains high- es.tf quality of Complete • Protein" • The meeting was &need by sing- ing "God Save The Queen". :"OR SALE — Spy Apples, ei yoer container 11.00 per bushel 'and up. Mac- intosh and Wagner $1.50 per bus, and up. Wm..Stratychuk BRUSSELS I.H CLUeee HOLD MEETINGS No. I Homemaking Club The first meeting was geld 011. Tuesday, March .8th, at 5:00 p. 116. with ten members present. The eleetion of tefleer and wa.s ae fellows: President • ..... .... . Joan ;times SeceTreas. • Yvonne Connally Pianist . ...... .... Marion Itoe,•er Press Reportere.,,,e., Yvon'ee Poi:lord eine 'name and covers are to ha decided at the next meeting. The meetings are to be Saturday morn- Inge at 9:30. .A trip 'to Exeter is planned ter Saturday and the mem , hers will attend the Women's pro. gram at the Seed Fair. Each mem- ber is to bring 501r, to the nest meeting to cover costs. Club object. Ives, home assigntrieuts, and roll mil, were given. The girls watched the ;leaders, demoristralte measure- leant n'y cot their reens, No, 2, t;utrsOIrkaking . Club V .1"1 -622;Y, of the 4-H Club. '•rod at tee home or Mrs. 'Wheeler on. March 91,h, under the leadership of Mrs. Wbeeler and Jean Smith. There were seven out of eight members present. This was the conimenciemret of "Mont in the Menu" club. Tl'e Yr of" olif nett with the oic,,,Ainn or offircrq -. -which were as force t;: Dianne Kirkby &emery ,....... ............ Palsy Jacklin Audrey Wheeler was elected press reporter for this meeting, Threup,h the course of the meet- ing awe were discussions on the books and the club in general. There was a 'demonstration on. food measuring by Jean Smith and An d rey Wheeler, The members were given notes etc. and the meeting was closed with the 4-H pledge. 4 •,..-f1.-444,„0.• NOTICE Upholstering of all hinds; repairs; `',116 (1 011er1.- recovered. ,call Ellen Phelke Phone 53r21. Atwood 5:00 P. M. Tenders , are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily 'accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Cierk.Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario BRUSSELS AREINA SCHEDULE MONDAY NIGHT — HoekeY TUESDAY AFTERNOON — Skating for pre-School children TUESDAY NIGHT — Skating w Parties WEDNESDAY — Hecker THIIRSDAY NIGT — Skating FRIDAY NIGHT — Open ace Spa- ' stirred Neeket4 SATURDAY AFTERNOON -- 1014110 Skating for children 10 and `ander SA.TUKLIAY MIGHT -- 140110 aiii#4,00-,40iWnio•••••imOvi,W; vd)vr0.f4Lob Altilt)C:1101 .014 "Wiietit lif3tti...) MOW Ate Ni de Suptft arldrictel 'breed** islet.tale ail broods of 'cat &Alike, simply ask fa. dttedee teniab 9-64isti or IisiliOatoit *WI 5e51:10: If It 11 CIO RIR too regular virltibir Gitutne 2.3441 tatriturittu dig. r ttrvide tir woe ifitUrraiition, eel tottrefutt— 7.10 14.00 'Wee& &us. i.i4takil d.06 Opt. UrlitsP rminirik i. Vo! *timid tih ifelt Ott Onilitly **At 1 lit 01'6 *Mit MoidAy turifu*., Louise Gillis Dorothy Knight. Marilyn Knight Patsy Evart, on