The Brussels Post, 1960-03-10, Page 4THERE IS NO NEED to pack the sack any longer . especially as it costs you time that can be put to better use . . costs you extra . feed for your poultry or livestock „ and costs you your good health because of ever-exertion as a result of unnecessary hard work. an ARE YOU- ENJOYING THE BENEFITS OF pg• abin• A.* al.460.4 • 1111.......1.4 -7-;. • '` .14g P, rat coet. Vele e.. faerii/r eetee. treelitIV4i trb b _;„ :etaelale O 1 ., et-ie.:era ofel,•r a Li et eedliget • it .ert--no.leeree Sagees ,let l—On prtmlso ira • 4••••. • „ ,f"i'r_itoi &teed e7t.gis vet e .freat Peeeeeteet Etriiidirtor. 114« t*ti 4Ad cheatetc, • ,,,....:,...0...*P•a.•4 ,0;0041.....«.0•4 ir 4***,..464041.444. 471' .--efeee I • ,1441 ve.Cois perative BELGRAVE Phone Wirigham 1091; Brussels 388w10 IN MEMORIAM STD1S$ -- In loving memory of Ciarenoe (Andy) Steiss, who passed away March 12th, 1957, DONANONS TO FI1413Y FIRE FUND Bile Stephenson Donald Edgar ...... ......... 3.00 W. G, Leach Hank Ten Pas 3.00 Win. Deitner 2.00 Louis Waxman 5.00 Mrs. Laura Jermyn 3.00 Lorne Nichol 5,00 Archie. Wintle 2.00 •Wes Kerr 2.00 Jack McCettcheon 2.00 (Continued next week) JOHN G. BeettRY, Clerk-Treasurer 5,00 County of Huron, Goderich; Ont. 5.00, NNW His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights are passed And in our hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Ever remembered by Ed, and Eva. Huron County Council March Session The Huron County Connell will convene in the Court House, Goderich, on THURSDA,y, MARCH 24, 1960, at 10:00 a.m. for the March session (one day). All communications and accounts to be in the hands of the Clerk not a.iter than Saturday, March 12th, 1960. And you are there too—through your financial support, It is your help that keeps the Red Cross on the job— active and strong to carry on its many humanitarian endeavours. With your help in 1960 the Canadian Red Cross will con-time to serve this community, this province and this nation. When help is moded in distant lands yob know the Red Cross will be on the job! Money alone cannot buy the many services and programmes pr6vided by tfie Rod Cross. Combine it with the voluntary effort of millions of Canadians, and the Red Cross will be able to meat its round-the-clock demands. You can do your share by giving a gencroOS donation when a voluntsei, Red Cross canvasser calls on you. If you are not at home when the canvasser calls, please send-your contribution to the address below. Serve 6 el lag t the SS 614, May be tilt it CANADIAN iiiAkit tokititilati, 1) amdwitheA ae_ Free! Marie Fraser's new l'Tea-time Treats" reelpes. Write today) DAIRY FAirtiKEISS OF OAlkiMA 409 Moron Street,Toronto J•••.....qap. 4 1 in Canada YOUR CHOICE of custom bred C ICKS from famed lines such as STONE'S. DEMLEIICHIX TRUE-LINES or ROE CHICKS 11.011611=1111 TOP U.S. BLOODLINES proven in laying tests, now selected, hatched and guaranteed by- FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO No high cost franchise payments himself or by his solicitor, appear before the next reenear meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels to be held on Monday, March 28th at 8:00 p.m. and be heard. DATED at Brussels this, 9th day of February A. D. 1960. William H. Xing Clerk TENDERS WEED CONTROL PROGRAM Tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 8th, 1960 for the supply of the following material: 75 gallons 2, 4. D Ester 100 gallons 2. 4. P -I- 2. 45. T Brush Kill (In low volatile and regular) Delivered in 5-gallon lots as required,to Mr. Alex Chesney, Huron County Weed Inspector, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY, clerk-Treasurse County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario. R S. Hetherington, K. C, wmtoz-vifii surta EMMA* AT MAMA • 4 rests :fee Sucoarsor to 11, itto,11 refeeeeee 6SSCI at IA day — OffveS open IST‘mArY .10.•••••••• ....,..../.•/•••••, =J. *- .1.11 WALTON Mrs. Rehertson, teacher at the. Walton school, had the misfortune to break her right wrist In a fall, which will necessitate her absenee from school for a time. Mrs. James Johnstone, of Bluevale is supply ing during her absence, Mr. and Mrs, R. Achilles are on a motor trip to western Canada, Recent /visitors here were Miss June Rockwell, Reg. N. London with Mr,. and Mrs, W. 0, Rockwell; Ron Ennis, London with his par- ents; Murray Kirkby, Hamilton, with H. B. Kirkby, SRUSSE.LE ARENA SCHEDULE MONDAY 'begs TUESDAY AFTERNOON Shaunee for pre-school childree TUESDAY NI:HIT Sintting ns Pa?.t.lea eelEDNESteleY — Hockey THURSDAY NIGT PIMAY 7.41Carr — Open O cored SAT tlIan' „41.,Tr.r.NooNn MOS Skating for children: 10 yeart and -ander SATURDAY NIGEIT Skating Agee,* 2.1....KwountalmoN5.".• 0,".10,* te314.04; rePer t tee A Else eirA teteee 'Weete Beth Stele Ler . Repay attifleite breeding tOt sti bteeetif bf fettle: It 13kore'irto to** dietatice, eiteply as tit 4.- Clitate. zenith !It4450 letelthottleit tetith 6-61:50. it it tit iii6eat *4 regular citatei 2•x411 E Lilianleretthil 0a *tot* bOtWeent 16.eo A. it week deli, tie im• tit. teak* *4' tmii itetiod in twit oti gait* *ilia*, i• tit SAI. E *er !Tease, le extra good One story Brick House; story Brick House. All these •'5" .'re ittgeed locations. ee.e; eneler EgIaeott„ aea ,ieeet, for Bill Campbell BULK FEED lowers feed costs , • saves back; breaking labour ... eliminates feed waste Cuts handling time . . . requires less storage space . . . is more sanitary. Here is modern convenience . . a really tangible expresiion of modern farming methods. Boys, women, older persons, and even handicapped people can handle feeding operations. And ... when yote buy at your CO-OP ... you can be sure of fast, dependable delivery of daily-fresh feed . . . id° loads of from 3 to 20 tope . to Meet year *gm te.,k411.0gt, NOTICE Upholstering of all -bads; repairs; ?modelled, recovered. call Mein Phelke Phone 33r21 Atwood LOST 2 bats of rolled oats between Logeues Mir and the 14th Con, of Grey Teep. on Sit?nridity n: it. Finder ''el'efiTy coetect Zan Aleeek 4er1e FOR SALE e- Efee..l..eet:es, your container 11.m iy.t, bushel and up. Mac- enteeb are Waetter %lea per bus. Iliad: tip. Wm. Stere4 yeliek N'PTICg QF PROPOSgo 8'('LAW NO, 1 1059: OF TtiE vu-I,AGE QF 0)1vs SELS FOR CLOSING PP PERTAIN LANSWAY$ AND STFlEETS Being a By-law under Sections 460 , and 472 Of the Mettle/Pal AM S. 0. 1950, chapter 24, to close certain perts of lanewo,Y4 and part of a street in the Village Of Ftt Brussels and convey the lauds so closed and stopped up to the adjacent owners. TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Corporation of the Village of 1 Brussels, deem it advisable to close portions of certain laneweye and a portion of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Brussels, as they are serving no useful purpose in their present condition and location, and are not being used for public purposes. AND THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE that the proposed By-law reads as follows: (1) That the public laneways and part of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Brussels', described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of Village Lot No. 333 THENCE Northerly along the West- erly limits of Lots Nos. 333, 332, 331, 330, 329 to the Northwest angle of Lot 329; THENCE Westerly in a straight 1ine sto38 t;he northeast angle of Lot No. THENCE, Southerly along the. Easterly limits of Lots. Nos. 338, 337, 336, 335, 334 to the Southeast angle of the said Lot No. 334; THENCE Easterly in a straight line to the place of beginning; (2) That portion of the laneway In t the Village of Brussels described as follows;— 1` COiVIMENCING at the Southeast angle of Lot No, 328; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly h oundry of 328, 327, 326 325, to the Southerly limit of the Canadian National Railway right of-way; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of the Canadian National. Railway to the Northeast angle of Lot No. 34,2; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos, 342, 341, 340, 339 to the Southeast angle of Lot No. 339; THENCE Easterly in a straight line to the place of beginning. ('3) COMMENCING at the South- west angle of Lot No. 324; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limits of Lots Nos. 324; 323; 312; 321 to the Northwest angle of Lot No, 321; THENCE Westerly in a straight line to the Northeast angle of Lot No, 346; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of L'Ots Nos. 346: 345; 344; 343 to the. Southeast angle of Lot No. 343; THENCE Easterly along the North- erly limit of the Canadian National Railway to the place of beginning; (41 That part of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Bruse,els described as follows: CONMENCING at the Southeast 1 angle of Village Lot No, 6; THENCE Westerly in a straight line alexia' the projection WesterlY of the Southerly limit of Lot No, R a distance' of 18 feet to a point; THENCE Northerly perailei to the i'"sterly limit of tot No. 6, to a point In the Southerly boundary of tire River Maitland; THENCE. Easterly along the South- or17 boundary of the diver Malt Neel to the point of intersection of Westerly limit of Lot 6 with the Seeltherly bottadry of the River i Maitland: TTIFe:CF. southerly along the t'a eerly boundary of Lot No, 6 t to tie- place of beeinnine. sleeved: tip and closed, and the eve, lerietways so stopped ap in ,neeeereets I. it tad. above be • tenvered to the cm:tiers on etelifee sidee of the lanewey in e'inai pertleme, erul that tile prtrtion rf Elizabeth Street so stoned up le erineoyed to the abettine owners oil the Fleet eidelherrt on said ovners SPIllyine to the Corperatien Of the 711-age. of Breese% for terreeyantea t of tle scree eral relyinT. the Mete • thereof: AND PtleTtItte TA IM i,rottet. that anyone evithek to object to the passing Of this Bylaw on adeleurkt„ the said Ietieweys'and Street Wee &seed ad above described, Intest tIIS hi. writ* that Objection with the Municipal Clerk of the village rlf Betiefield Or before tie 1.6 dilly' es March, 1060 and then be MO lee TUE t:ssEris rosT Tee r Ailey. ereb I 001. 1900 ''610."? e06,Warrr#S1* . etteftettekert FOR, .KALE — Table and six matching chrome chairs; also, a white cupboard, All in good condition, apply to: Brussels Phone 31r4 MALE HELP WANTED -- Reliable man as Dealer in several Townships in Huron County, Exper- ience not necessary, A flee opportun- ity to step Into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products l.ave been sold for years. Big protts. Products furnished on credit. Write ilawleigh',s, Dept. C-152-163, !eel Riehtliee, Montreal, CLASSkfr..ILD ADS FOS SALE — 300 Shaver Leghorn Pullets. Ong 3. months, laying now 75%. Phone H. Lawrence 69R Hensall