The Brussels Post, 1960-02-18, Page 5• 'ire, VfiVrti,F0-40 cAlTi.k. SOAPING A SSOCI ATI ON "Wnere Better used'' Supply urcitioiul Dreeaues eerileis for all breeds or cattle. Li pnetanig lone' distaace, simply asz for — Clintt.m Zealth 4-igbf or PaloaeLAion Zenith 1-51b0. 11 It., is a LerAi cat! nee oat segalar number — (Minton 2-3441 or Palmerston 4s3. y iv lerfiCe or more Information, call between:— 1.30 and 10.00 A. .41i. week days. b.00 and 8.00 P. H. dot- sudsy evenings. lifer cows noticed is beat on Sunday Morning, do not mill until Monday mortified. ERVESELE ARENA SCHEDULE :N.IDNDAY NIGHT — Hockey TUESDAY AFTERNOON -- Skating for pre-school children TUESDAY NIGHT Skating or Parties WEDNESDAY —*Hockey THURSDAY NIGT — Skating FRIDAY NIGHT — Open or Spon- sored Hockey SATURDAY AFTERNOON Free Skating for children 10 yearn and under SATURDAY NIGHT -- Public Skating SAPMINTON Qi-VE Re.PRDANI,ZED HERE A mooting was held recently in St. John's Parish dull .for the napes() of TelorgalalSing the 130. minton, Club in BrusSeis, An enthata• Matte group was present, especially good, number of teenegora. Those elected to office and mittees formed are an follows:. Prealdent ,,,, Miss Doris McDonald Vice, Pres. Miss Lanolin, Mitchell Sec, Treas. Mrs.. Iteta, Glasgow Social & Toaruament Committee -- gonvenor Tildgar LOUIS Ebel. Marion `Hoover Jean McFarlane Properties Committee Convenor .....................Wm, King Gibson Jack Davidson Sim Logan Membership Committee Convenor ..... Rev. Jaggy Murray Hoover The Town Hall has been reserved for use of the ..badminton club on Wednesday afternoon and evening of each week, Grades 7 and S are to play only from 4 p.m, to 6 p.m. when adults will be present to in- struct them. A list of rules will be 'Posted in the hall and members are asked to ,co-operate. The fees, are: Adults $2.00 per season plus 25c each day they play. Grades 7 and 8, no membership fee but 25c each day they use the court. Only paid mem- bers are eligible to play. Come and join the fun. New members always welcome. Anyone wishing to join please contact Rev. lC, James or the treaeurer, Member- ship fees payable to Mrs. Beta Glasgow, the Secretary. .."..4.44..;4444,6110•01.; !..11.444••••:, mum; ;1140•••••• MAJESTIC .INSTITUTE • The committee for blitorical rde search and cailrfent events, convened by Mrs. Ella Shurrie and Miss Addle Cardiff, arranged the program fora Majestic Women's Institute on ThurSday afterntion °Utast week iin the Library basement: The pre- eiclent, Mrs. Lorne Nichol, was in oharge of the meeting, Leaders for two 4-H Homemaking clubs, were chosen. "Meat in the Menu" is the project. Mrs. Eldon Wilson and Mrs. Doneflas Hemingway will be leaders for group one, and Mrs. John Wheeler and Miss Jean Smith for group two. - I The hietoty of Brusseis was given I in a paper by Mrs. D. C. 'Matheson,. Community singing was held, with Mrs. W. C. Kerr at the piano, followed by a dinet by Mrs. Ella Shurrie and Mrs, Earl Cudinore. Mrs. Shuttle displayed several interesting old titles and deeds for Crown lands that are her home farm. Her talk inspired a series of rentin- liscences by several members. The 9-H Homemaking clube. had theit displays set Inn: their leaders in the project "Clothes iCilosetS up to. Date" explained• them. rew the, pnblic-speaking contest. sponsored by the branch for the pupils of five rural schools in the immediate vicinity and the Erns. stile public school, the prizes were announced as $5.00, $.100 and $2.00 fe'r• first, Second, and third. The 'topic is to be c.A. EaMotts Canadian" sand the ooritesi will take place at. an aen evening Meeting of the branch on Mar 1.2th. Hostesses for the meetinti; MrS, 'Robert (lemma, Mrs. :reek T nwo, Mrs. W. J. Penne, Mrs. Eldon Wilson, and Mrs. William Evans. wore DONATIONS TO FIREY FIRE FUND Frank It, Smith 5.60 Ma Smith & Sons ..... ..... 10.00 „ Doris McDonald 5,00 Maude McDonald .,.. .. . . . .... ,5.06 Mr, and WS; Robt, Walker 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson W A. Irwin "Addison Baunlari Alvie Higginti • (Continued next week) • AP • ••• ••• • ..”.•,•1.41 ;:tAir• '..1.*:',.r1tt.tars.: nu* tOntt, is L1Iizfrr etit41.6 OEST t;a4AS&Stle ,"4'.1-4g• -4.7r4.. • Otsigolti 40Oratitenahlee 'avetetaaaene tiaansitoy 1,AgeArai kfie4tivi A. Seal ft*. 4#1,H.oeo WING14)*K. ON't , •, .,3.00 .2.00 ..5.00 ..e.o6 44.444ineurse Butter :makes good food taste !fetter! Ptir91'..4R110 CPC1)54 PrtOnt/c4135'• 3.1)Antr) IlfPfaXitir:5'S0,0co c.a./A PROPOCERS. `411'44"4"""44fmr.......eolikk I..- • 4.4 4111'.41014, ..;44 .r :3 t MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR Food' Show & Farm Equipment Display (Including Essex, Kent, Lambton, Huron, Bruce. Perth Oxford, Brant, Norfolk, Elgin, Middlesex) London, March 1 -2 - 3 - 4 and ,5, 1960 Entries far grain, seeds, hay, silage, eggs. baking and all competitive classes to be made "by February 23rd Entries fer ,Amateur.Cantests, Pie Eating, Oid.Tirne Fiddlers, Square Dances for Public Schools and Junior Farmers and Drims by February 29 To Ontario Department of Agriculture: 209 County Building, London, Ont. r• Secure prize list and programme from above address or your county agriculture office. Everyone plan to attend this big farm show WERIMMOMIWOMMWMWW.4......ftaXIMW.AMMWIZZI=q ••••••• . . — . E. A. (TED, WILSON fRIPUTION General Contractors BRUSSELS. yea. Commercial and :::esidential roncrete Work 40M01.1 General Roofing Remocielliar. 13rick and Block Work Farm Building Rops.1rs Plastering by Experts 'leer '11Ie and 'yard' Goods -- Laid from Pont titoolt or 0' Agents tor Angel Stone by Truck Load or by nese DESIGNING DRAFTING BLUEPRINTIten ,..`contract .e'rtcee 3ubmItte4.1 lemons Collect al tleettme, 12Rni After 1 A. an even greater 11440# ityibig, Mete - la* 'Wier, *Why, sew iltNry slew bake efface' for MO driver k--r; Asia ITew '0,04 giiinkno* foal** ikflhii DIN . DOM kowei 150 Diesel Add io fhb, fug E la 4 plow Ow.iraef live hydrauncii live 11.1".0.j. traction aosholt leW onsfatiO cods!-- al, low di IN psi' cern isf"Olellina Ihen look cif ihe pri41 -i0 tiow for* • - • trusseli, Ontario — Carried Moved 'by Ross. DiOlean, seconded , qy Stewart Procter that By-Law No. 5, 1960 stating that the Assessor must have the Assesgment Roil completed and returned to the Clerk by September 1, 1960 and that he doesn't receive any pay until the roll es completed and returned ' — Carried Moved by Stewart Procter,. sec- onded by Ross Duncan that Road Appropriation. By-Law No. 6, 1960 setting the appropriation for $48,000 be passed as read the 1st, 2nd and 3rd times Subject to the approval of the 'Department of Highways — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded by that we accept the tender of the 13lyth Standard to do the printing contract for 1960 — Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, see- onded by Walter Shortreed that Wm. Elston be re-appointed as*rep- reseutative on the Wingham Hos- pital Board — Carried 'Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Gordon Wilkinson that the meeting adjourn to meet again on — Carried March -7th, at 1 p.m. Theo -following accounts were Paid: myth Standard, advertising and supplies $ 12.85 Ontario Hydro, Belgravia and Walton street lights 80.76 Thames .le!nrsing Home 98.25' ‘Tresurer Hilton County TeX Collections 1-303.80 Association of HatIral Munici- palities, fee 15.00 Huron Cron Improvement Association, grant 25.00 Relief Aeconnt 29,54 Western Foundry, heater 29.05 ,Assodiation of Assessing Officers, fee, 10.00 Baker Niuirsiing Home, 185,50 T3allie Parrott Gee. Martin Reeve Clerk 4••••••••••• ••,••••••••• •••• CASH DONATIONS TO BE RECEIVED Anyone who world like to con- trib)atte to a Benefit fund in aid of the Etrby faMily are asked to 108.0' Their donation at, Or send it to, The Canadian. Bank nr• Commerce, Leiiimee•••., _ onseMerterele.CarlerWintarWMR1111 ACl/Es-O"pi"' OS" Dead dock Service Ototiet. cash prices paid h tom'' rounding district foe d'diiiito sick or dliabied • hories ji;oP" Battle. For the . fa/Atilt airie proper ternoVal. of all tiii.iL•--Or night, our ailiti*ent.4, tcefiatieei, (at: tie cost SfrAXA4t ditit t•bf.14. ins a gl'st and *Sit ll.efs AtiAttOti ZOrkItt4 14i46 OR HISLOO.' W065(t.fth 2015: watt Etteo,,wiftir for Marls Fraser's free Now tvaporated Milk rsolpasb DAIRY PARADERS OP CANADA 400 Huron Street,Toronto :4 • S 14m ellalimmiesis SELECTED - GRANULATED • T 13RUSSMS POST * Ft l?-.72r5P 1Fkil, 19G0 1958 Studebaker Coach 1958 Pontiac Coach 1957 Pontiac Sedan, radio & Automatic 1956 Dodge Sedan 1956 Oldsmobile Sedan,, fully equipped Many Older Models •••••,./.1..•••••••••••=no• ••••••••.•••••••••••••• MCCUTCHEON tors (hi. ifiget. GweoctxEr-ocztrivosit47,eizevt. BRUSSELS 40%,Nee 56 '1 • SHUR-GAIN proven for Canadian conditions The- tioest fertilizers for Your Good, teeth Ciiiktiit ?goo, Wta.0.0*I0tOtit0 a. ••• • 41 4 .04 4 4 -4 w. M9rri.4 Twp. Council The Connell met in the Township, • Usll .nn Felninary 1st, with all the members presenL 'rho minutes of the last meeting were read and ,adopted on motion of Ross Duncan and 'Cordon Wilkinson Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec, ended by Stewart Procter that By^ Law No, 3, 1960, authorizing the Treaatlror to borrow 'up to $60,000 from the bank be passed as read the firm, SSeond and third times Carried MOVed by Stewart Procter, sec, onded by Gordon 'Wilkinson that we give a grant of $25.00 to the Huron Ccionnty Crop Improvement ASsoc- lation — Carried IVIeved by Gordon Wilkinson, sec. onded by Ross Duncan that the John Brewer for the position of Assessor for 1960 at a salary of $500 be accepted — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded, by Ross Duncan that the Road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid ' — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded by Stewart Procter that the general accOMIts as presented be paid --- Carried Moved 'by Gordon _Wilkinson, sec- . onded by Walter Shortreed that By•- .Law•No. 9, 1960 stating that Wm. McArter be paid 115.00 per month for Bookeeping be passed subject to the approval of the District Munici- pal Engineer FERTILIZERS foriO are 'way ahead! HERE'S WHY -au PRODUCED IN MODERN PLANTS with the finest automated equipment to assure. adequate SHUR-GAIN. supply., r. CONTINUOUS RIGID QUALITY CONTROLS every 3 minutes a sample of SaLTR-GAIN is drawn for laboratory analyses. ADVANCED RESEARCH is a continuing program in SHUR-GAEN "labs" and fields. OVER 50 YEARS OF KNOW HOW SHUR-CrAllsl is backed by etperience, unmatched by any other Canadian fertilizer manufacturer. CASH DISCOUNTS throughout February, $1,50 per ton early delivery discounts are yours for the taking ... with additional discounts for prompt payment discounts can total as high as $5.50 per ton on some analyses. When you take advantage of early delivery SHIM-GAIN discounts; there's no need to worry about caking or hardening in storage. SlitiR4AIN Selected-Granulated Fertilizer with its controlled low-Moistare -content, and granuled texture retains smooth flowing consistency through prolonged storage. SHult-GAIN guarantees •perfect &inability, greater availability of phosphorus and almost complete freedom front dust.