The Brussels Post, 1960-01-14, Page 7House Of Commons .09.110rS chyr5101 ..,,•••44.1•4••• Sir WinStPil Churehill has just scaled another pinnacle - he has taken his bow as Father of the House of Commons, When ,tinnst,k.public figures of fourscore; years and five wottld he inactively retired, Sir Win- stone was in his parliamentary seat with a beaming face when the new Parliament got down to business for the first time, Oct. 27.'• Prime Minister HarOld Mc- millari made a gracious bow to Sir Winston when welcoming him as the ;new, Father '•2f the House, Mr. Macmillan was speaking about the changes which the recent election had brought about in the faces as- sembled in Pailiament. Then the Prime Minister said, "Fortunately, i6iie great figure remains - a rock that resists the floods, either„..91, time or en- noblement - my Right Honor- able friend the Member for Woodford (Sir Winston, Church-,,, ill) whb has now -atiaad'Snothei distinction to 4e many which he has gained 4hVer the years " There was laughter:,frorn the packed Coriiihs at the Prime' Minister's remark that ennoble- ment: I ligil+Ifailed •tO4rembile7Sir 1 Winston , from the House of It .isItheAttstorn )n flsitairi..that., most Prime Ministers are given earlddinsl when Ithdy ,have•:coin,o.! pletecl their service in the high- est political office. In i'lloiteril" times there have been Earl efloYtl bigeL and Earl Attlee. Sir Winston is considered to be in a classification all his own on account of the fabulous ser- vices , he has rendered to his country. Of course he could have had an earldom le he had wanted one-.- Queen 'Elizabeth,IIisaid to have long been eager to con- fer one of the highest titles on him. Or he could have had .a dukedom which is reported. ,,to have been offered to himby King George VI after WOr1c1:-* War II. A dukedom is at the very top of the aristocratic ranking and appears to be reserved these,' days for members of the Royal Family. Prince Philip was made Duke of Edinburgh and Prince' Charles, the Duke of CoinWill. But Sir Winston has remained a koonirnoner !accepting Only. 'the Knighthood of the Garter which does not preelude,hint.from sit ting in the House of Commons. Why has he npt, become an, earl or a duke? ' There ay e various explana- tiond. One is that nothing would induce him to change, .the.rich and honoured name of Church- ill except to beconie,the, plAe, • Marlboraili, Willa in Eng- lish history is as rich, arid hon,., oured a name as Churchill. But there already is a Duke.of Marlborough who is head. pf, the Churchill family.' Sir r Winston was the offspring of a younger son of an earlier Duke of Marl- borough. If his father had been an elder son and heir to the duke- dom, Sir Winston most likely would not have become Prime Minister of Britain. And in that case the history of Britain and even the world conceivably could have been different, re- membering ,rthe Bettie of Britain. days, writes 'Peter !IYneAti'..the Christian Scieriee AVIOnitor. It has become a legend in poli- tical circles .'that 'Sit 'Winston; . said "The Duke ''Of Marlbdrough. for me or nothing," -eV,ett' though the. story may not be acctira.te. Thee are, other explanations Of his reftfial of ermoblerrierit. it 4 Deer Hunters Need Patience Whether you get a good at a deer or not is largely itp. to you as a htinter. The first thing .JO reinerriber,,and .tilca es for .. , -...„Axperienced at w ' hunter -is ligN ouraged We Are iigiy*re, feeling thap/th: , seedeone, ersimpc.1.04,,,k..40,.,..4k..'yimeli•0,1,,s9,4,119.: ,,,;,, ,. • ,„ • ,.,, the first feW''44'S bt,i,114,1) el, 0. After the first pcTple ,pr.upgr, the feeling groyi0,014r044i1g negativiRAVAlitt , ing, and c4relc,4‘Oxiting-w04! Sli help recluce",•;,;the:eountry.'s.. et ploding cleei,.:',,,,ROpAqtym.- ,,Pck, don't give iipfilo.,soorii ',or°, A. It helps te'°;11,!ii,itilapinotrit. ogl,t. about dtr. _and. deer hunting:6 First of a 1?-thefeW-the-iilegthiti. Of a suitabl weapon.,. This,,is,„ easy, for 'there areaitipmbriloti suitable Andi enprely„„ ad4ClOotel guns ex811eht .for ,fdeer.„41., ThC, most imver,tant thing is te„...get one you lifte and,can p46 Wel14it4 FromIlat riavel;`,0,beenfilblpi to learn, most of -the'!ile-er .are• taken withiti00.9„;MciAittaft'AR, the East, the. range Seerhi-to averageoeloser to M yards, in the Weato 1yquid op, plat the, average ANA a /hit h).glier,bkdalli& you ca ri gne0113O.' see; fhrthet, and more.lpg-ralikie:''stiOtSakabe made,, ': ' . Up to.abnyt 2.5 ymclstil f, e Shot- gun lodOpid:with slugs •Isii":Anct- able weenf.'Whethe laNV t1 - lows, I ,petI' t'�eati'ty,ariiiLle, since witifiligt, riiPeonippedufer long antkahesl,ratixe..,,A; prepsy- ly sIghtergra,,frotqi61.4-libt- gun equipped with sights, will give yok'tigieb,5161%inchugropp- ings at..2501V,715 yatilTlik is accuracy do the job, lowever. .•-‘,...., . , VI f :Pin C4 +.24, An r import nt featured inwa ,dber rifle, to Iny.,, witY, ii-itRlici,Pg• is lightness. You saah now ; get a , light neapoli (between 61/4and 7 pounc451 ii? V'gtibitalMylerorac- tions-iiieXclinvrie.poitvtion. A rifle which is ,sliinli the bal- ance point, where you grip it for a. one-7)-iand carry, lesSens the fa- tigue in toting': a Weapon; More.. bolt -actions are being Made'With slimnessin niind, You can be fussy about your ammunition , and . bullets. A lot of us are, because we are al- Y7sliffii.WITRII9t.,),etter accuracy' and ' superior performance, in general. • However, when you' take a quick. bead, on a deer at • say 100 yards, it doesn!tmake a whole lot of difference: I've' yet to have Loporting(buljet,'fallAo , 4 down,a deer. within; a few feet if .1 hit .it, in a vital spot. -.Your4Fincipal„problein is see7 • ing the deer under favciiable caii ditirag'fortit good .il-iiierand then'', placing that shot 'effectively. - Where ,the huriteromost,frequent- Vfails isin not .seeing the deer under,, proper., shooting condi- tions. L'm no exception, and I don't ltnON, anyone , ,who. 4,... rye yet to see the hunter who knows all the answers: -'where, deer are concerned and who can give you irsitrik-fite-f6rintildfor"dutWifP"' ting a' deer every time. The important thing to keep in mind, as far as your deer gun is concerned, is to get a gun you know and like. Confidence in your weapon grows out of ex- perience; and the swift, sure shot .with an, old .gun is miles better than several miscalculated blasts with the most modern iniple- Merit rnade,' .,It:':. iS "also .heilitul to . SttidY up on deer habits, and consequently your habiti.in the deer woods. Then plan'aecord- . . : ingly: . , , 4"-Inniy opinieni Stalking is one of the greatest of ,satisfactions in hunting. Out in the West, there 'Isillteater.•,,opportunity for Stalk- ing. Here,' generally sneaking, it possible to see deet -at greater ;rafiges,,,A, which you have a better'Iliatite of .seeing them first. 4 ,The amazing thing to me about deet,„ hunting is the high piteh oeitenient that it inaintains. dik eitAfye,y,,oticlon't go into the WgiOdgoYanti4eWith ,anticipation Viiel‘qteekitVipt'ilor a :Weelc', Its MorksYlikelYsayAir ,e $citeinent cornea atideb4Vin rolling waves... .4'4 the least Ilint of „game, the S;ft110tgrAtispition the Moment ISAE WaVdAls enoughto send •,„. oat 14rt4imping, • ,, ..,-.: ' ''''TOliteAlas4triiiiig there are,iyum- erou\S.14,fitiliffbAks in !yetii; terri- tory, the'f/a good possibility you.; Won't see One the fhte.clay, iff4.4.07•do,'sithere,,,,is, still the nos- bilitiktliaf,y064iitti,;:gei Off a pkOctiAlrol..,"A'Iftit,:i-kiOn4•.. hgeome eillidoi00-g0,06-i10'!,:ii.:14 -tifl. 'too ilitikiklifiri,140.40:6;CW,t.0-ing:-}Ay - J,41;e:te.•:BrOWki.1.1aSSOelate editor of •:0,p, 4,,.!1df',?,,5-ii:-; ' ,00,'T TO GO .,,,=•,-, 00.61.4.''e.ii.tii6.,,Tili:IY tliti tar ,YriOt6'kesit i .. 6 a friend ''P•iiitlie861. NW" ha kg- : Ae able M 'ing dii 'the 16' MASKED MAN - Montreal Ca- nadiens goalie Jacques Plante - sports the mask he plans to wear in future hockey games. hos had his'' cheekbone tvvice brokenby flying pucks. 3 He:16Ves the'.Honse'kof 'Commons and has no desire to leave it and. go, ki`upstairle p the 11014.. of Lords. 'Ahotheit'stbry °is that he has, gi(Issipp..,;,comAilgalong who give prOmie of being'Chiirchills" , of -the future. And ,Sir .Winston ,kaid to be anxious to avoid eagted and thwarted in their political ca- reerat herdditary barriers tbe-t cause their granddad took a peerage from. a grateful natibit. These hereditary barriers may • .or May hot. be removed in the near future. But Sir Winston, in the meantime, remains Sir Win- ston. Why hasn't Sir Winston been mons before, before, considering that he first entered it nearly 60 years ago? The answer is that the title of:Father of the Hoiise goes to 'the MP who- has sat there for the *largest number Opconsecu- tive ,years. Sir Winston had a gap from 192i -to 1924 after being.defeated at the polls. •^7, • Toying With Rockets The accident rate among ama- teur !rocket: .enthusiasts• is ..pro- portionately higher than among United States motorists. Ridicu- lous? Not if you face the statis- tics brougbt,forth by the Ameri- can Rocket Society. The organizationwhich pre- sently is allin for an end to: „kecket. experimentation by non- professional rockateers-reveals that 162 rocket -incurred in- juries were inflicted to an esti- „plated 10,000 persons engaged in amateur rocket experiments. The society should be backed to the hilt in its plea that ama- teurs be restricted from experi- menting with the dangerous , homemade packages. It points out that novice rocketeers are not only inviting disaster in manufacturing propellants and rockets, but also by attempting to launch the vehicles. Parents and teachers have a major responsibility to warn youngsters of the many dangers they face in toying with home- made reckets..., -San Bernrdio ui Tele .• -;••4,1 ,tA•44tik-h , • The blaCVVeattlhat-alle.pe culler habit of treading in the same path, which becomes in time an easily and recognizable trail, often leading; to its ds•;' truction, 4” • t5 1 • . .„„,„ " •-• Pat . • „. 'eperi...• • • ' tit01,*- P.( • ."" '•-,•••••4.04.417.1341111014.1.1,i - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,,,,f4;Rnte, ' AGE IP4 TS -41/ ANTED --- AGENTS Wanted Anywhere In Ontario, ,Join Ontario's Fastest Growing Real Estate. We cover,Optarli'-.0 proeertlea All descriptions:re-Please •write,WZ STEVENSON Real Esta e, Phone:33325 Mount Forest, oepciropf Toronto 'EM, 4-7842, , EARN ,Cash In your SPoTotA-r_atle.salsi,-- show your feends our Christmas and All -Occasion Greeting Cards (including Religious) Stationery, Gifts. Write for samples. Colonial Card !td 489-13 Queen East. l'oronto 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE SIX clever novelties postpaid, only 254. Ross Hancock, fl:3,IttlilbeVen.,It9or, ,1*Fr- onto 8, Ontario,4e443)..... —BLANKET5- • 100% PURE Virgin Wool, Double Bed Size. Write for pamphlet. S. W 5oles Co., Box 1e0 Strathroy, Ont. BABY CHICKS' REQUEST Bray list, Aineanin,Cross,,,Pul- , • lets, ready -to -lay, strated'arid"dayolds. Dual purpose and Leghorn chicks, day. old and started. Fali•Winter delivery best broiler varities should be order ed now See your local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, MamJt.' ton, Ont. ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "DOLLAR Making Tirs'4,Goldmine, of informations on. bus nesses you can operate locally or,-by..mall., $3.0O .Cir. culars 10e. Maurice Dupuis, Box 1090, Waterloo, Quebec, HERE is the opportunity to develop and operate A felean,, pre Stable .. manufacturing' business from- your home Formula available at reasonable cost, plus all pecessary information.' PHIPPS 86 Knightswood, Guelph Ont, MAKE ,{10(), .$20,0010 Yearlyt ;Ex- Perien. cop tact V(Poili'' home sparetithel Free expert guidance. 'Details $1.00, Sails. faction or refund Guaranteed..-Hamil. ton's Hatch, New Mexico BUSINESS" PROPERTIES FOR SALE FRO2EN, Ill'eker and grocery -meat brosiness.1,4-Farming,, town, Clifford Weeka,*Rertltbr, Sault Ste. Marie. GROCERY and lunch counter business, with attached" living .quarters, smalltown, town, near railaeil, Alnittar gross over $75,000 with splendid net return. Good terms to reliableropartr ;Cali or 'write It. E. Christie, Realtor, 286 Steel St. London. GE. 2-1732, LUMBER and builders' supplies busi- ness located -On Southern Ontario (to- bacco belt). E§tablished 1940 Terms. Box 198, 193 -18th' Street, New Toronto, Ontario. MACHINE Shop for Sale. Lease. Main Street location. Price $5500.00. Cantelon- Taylor Machine Shop, Collingwood Ont. FARMS FOR SALE SPECIAL i00 ACRE Farm In Walter's Falls area with good house, furnace, • pressure,' system, full basement, large; barn cement stables, driving shed vqo . acres , of working land. balance' 'bushand -..,, pasture, 2 flowing streams, ideal' for ' fish ponds. Full price only $0,500, with term. ordon •;., • *wen Sound,,Ont. " 7 ' REAL ESTATE4-' PHONE 1275 , How Can , by Roberta Lee Q. How can .I remove spots from. whitetfelt' skirts and. hats? e„,•::. A. White -felt -can be cleaned very hieelyrdest 'by rubbing it gentlywith.fine sandpaper or the., -,.z smooth side of an emery board. Q. Holy can I:renovate rubber boots Or shoes that have beccinte hardened from wetting? A. you can give- them A newt look by rubbing. 'them with a sponge that has been' dippedintd very Warm gastor-,,oil. • Q. Q What is. a simple and easy - , way tO' add life to raior blades? A. Lay your :blade on, the in- side edge of'a glass tumbler and, pressing gently down on it with your forefinger, rub it bac,k forth for a few times against the cutting edges. ' This works very well for tenoning the edges 01' the blades to shavingsharpness. BIG MON;iii-"'' IN MAIL 9RDER BUSINESS!' FOR those who want to .make a ,good income In an easy pleasant mall order business, that, they can control from their Own home.' You can start less' than 35.00, capital. Carry no stock, yet earn trots, 'wee amazing profits. Dime brings ,details.. Please print name 'and address. - CAPITAL CITY MAIL ORDER SERVJGE. P.0,- BOX 1641 ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND. 'ARMS,- FOR ,SAI -11 BEAUTIFUL rolling stock farm. Med. ern. Payed higlovvey.S15,09,0half down, rerms.',119.41'4,, CtraPiteetile, Ont. Ji,"ARMS:'40Ri' LE 220 ACRES of deli productive land, Owner is anxious to retire. Buildings .are,barn,henirouse, garage, drive In shed which is in good state of repair nd modernized,brick home. Full price 900,00jertgee available. *HO AGA Ot ' libice clay loam level :land in a prosperous farming district, Extra large bare, 2 smaller enes, gar- age, briek,trpme with modern' convent. ences, Fencet--are good and' lots -de water, ,01ee 418,500.90 Low down pay- ACRES,good clay loam land, Brick home, barn 56 x 56, A very good buy at $12,000.00. Down payment only $2,900, ON Highway 21 en Lake Huron, 116 acresof 'very good laird ,with some LAKE4RONTAGE, fully equippeci,four floor broiler, barn and two smaller barns, Jorge brick home with modern 'conveniences, Must ;be sold, as owner is retiting. Asking price, $20000.00, ON HIkway2I, tWenty: acres of wood. ed land with winding TROUT STREAM. Priced $3,000. Mao, 40 acres wooded with winding TROUT STREAM, 3. bed. room log house hydro, pressure sys. tem and the scenery is beautiful. Priced $12,000.00, Down payment JOHN BOSVELD, REALTOR < 40 Wellesley $t., Godench, Ont. Phone 1100 SaleJimen: Joseph- McConnell, Seaforth, Ont. Birrurna, Clinton,. Ont,, FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ELECTRK,DRILL SALE -. - SALE special Black and Decker 1/4" elec. Inc drill withmearest ohuckkeys Power ful universal motor 2,000 R.P.M.. Fully guaranteed by the, manufacturer. Note this is a genuine Black an4 Decker drill, "nationally advertIsed,', regularly selling for much more. Bargain while they lase $16.990 postpaid Tor prompt delivery send check rn• ,money4order, to: S. & Al Distributors, 190' Brookside Aveo;PrOntc419, ' 'FARM MACHINERY • NEW tiled'one tow', 'hew Corn Pickers 31-100.00..andr,tre....4ewptwo :now Picker ,. '31800.00. Laster' Tractor' Harvester Co. Tillsonburg. , 302 BUO"KEYE) TRENCHER, Convesoor type Barkfiller. T.D.9 Bulidozer. Wm. F. Clark, Merrill. ,U.S.A Phone 111-3-7719. FINANCIAL 6 0/0 Interest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ANY TERM,1.5 YEARS THE erling Trusts Corp. -372 'Bay. St., EM. 4-7495 ,ps:SMALLotNeCraes..ea,wMill'AV-rPe,Wkroteas carriage, eiceillent*cOridition; complete 1*4117V011.394.$ Al Nk 'F-tur 4 6.1.6rird.„,„liibutiustdriinsig Loader; and two trucks. Ivan Nelson, Port Sydney, Ont. trA iiiLP'%ANTED FEMALE ULL TIME PILYSIOT.HERAPIST — i• tiiittedlqtruadiatelY. 2,20-hed General ciel5ital1Kindlf adreieteplies to: ' Physiotherapist SOUTH WATERLOO MEMORIAL • HOSPITAL ONT, PAYSIOTHERAPIST - TO4IEkb DEPARTMENT FOR BayorestAtarAtal and the' Jewish --qtopie,tdOlie Aged. Salary open, de- perideitrupon previous experience. CALL or write Mr. Sam Ruth, admin- istrator. 3560*: BathUrst St. RU. 1-3501. - HORSES SIIETLAND, top quality American blood lines. -Cash or terms. Registered mares and fillies popular sizes, colors. ',-Ow.em„,eleCrohan, Oshawa, Ont. MISS HzirmenST3Grattop, , nice quiet rangey, 2- year old; eheatrott, filly &el Lord ,Gratton mare, .sire'Broeffer .Har- mony, paid in 3 year old Supertest end' Futurity. Priced reasonable, aloe" a full sister suckling filty. A. "Cre'Anderson, Strathroy, "-' -114sT,SYcirlOtt• .". EARN more: Boirekeeping, Salesman- Ship- Shorthand, '73qiewriting. ',etc, Les- sons 505, Ask for ,free. circular No .33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 13390 Bay Street Toronto. .- • )'L1VESTOOK REGISTERED Shorthorn cows heifers, polled bulls. Accredited. J. A. Arne • strong &Sens, R. 1, Union, Ont. itEagTEITED and adcredited Abardcen. Angus cows .withoaalf „or calving. 3250 each Rod Green, 5th-Coneession, Lon. -don, near Fanshaw. Phone GENERAL, 4-8957. CARti5Ab lots et Western Herford ealsoes.,,,,Present prices. -Heifers Mr 'Steers' 23e 'lb. 'Write to Georgelele. Sherry, Sidney, Manitoba. Buy quolity. cattle direct from our ranch. ,, MEDICAL PILXSI gieemoFrhoisto. grot4,of End - hirers forined.'eagetrrert01 prtryaer' Priaturn:"$1,9s-from Ofit ortig,‘-'r gists or direct from: Pylatum, 71 Wim. bieten Road, Islington, Ontario, PROVEN REMEDY EVERy SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OF NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S-REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 111.25 Exproso, C4114110• . . POST'S ECZEMA SALVE _ BA.NISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve 'will 'Pot -disappoint you. Itching, ecaling and burning eeze. ma, acne, ringworm. Pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless „ointment regardlesa ce how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Port Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 03.50 PER JAR, POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED IMMEDIATE VACANCIES FOR GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR an active medical -surgical unit. Accommodation available in modern nurses' residence. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO DIRECTOR OF 'NURSING IODE Memorial Hospital, Windsor, Ont. REGISTERED NURSES Starting Rate — 4276.65.. , :REQUIRED by Metropolitan Toronto for Greenacres Home for . the Aged, located in -Newmarket 40' bow, work week. Permanent position, good em. ployee benefits. Apply Personnel Office, .487 Bloor St. East, „—WA, 4.,7441,, or et, 194 Eagle Street, Newmarket. :OPPORTUNITIES RAGS INTO RUGS 32" BURLAP 560 yd., 96" - 65$ yd. Rug Hook 350. Booklet of designs 10# (free with order). - BLUENOSE New Glasgow, N.S. OmPPEONISTAUNNolTwIloSortiR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great-I:opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of sucoespful Marvel nraduatek.,-,-- , ...— America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Fre* -.Wzite or Call MARVEL HAIRDRISSINO SCHOOL 350 Blow St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W, Harniltoort 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa"- ' PERSONAL. ' ADULTS! Personal Rubber "Goods:" Se assortment for 32.00. Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed in plalli- sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributers, PDX 24TP • Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE 0. SAVE I Films„developed and magna prints In albuniI40#: 12 magna prints In album' 60t Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 31.00 (not Including prints! Color prints 35 each extra. Ansco and Ektaehrome 35)ttrime. 20 ,ex. Posures mounted in slides $1.25,PCcilor - prints from slides 35# each. Money refunded in full, for unprinted, negro. tives, . FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT ONT. SO' 1 PROPERTIES FOR SAL. III.L.WOOD Black, Farm Braker. SHANTY Pay, Phone Barrie 863-R-2. TORONTO', ovgs., 13E, 2-2452, WINTER PARK,FLORIDA DOMMERICH Estates. Beautiful new S bedeelom, 2 bath, Colonial home, Ca* tral heating and air.conditioning. fire. - -Piece; feLlY eSIWPPed kitchen. wit Oa- .1 g " so/40er; 2 car garage; landscaped tot ; -$26,590. ?hone 031 4.7262 'or write Box 536, !Wattle:id, Florida. SITUATION WANTED HEAD Gardner or Nursery Foreman, experienced all branches, including - qgfilleVilotri:MorNitref,41)eacrit.wiltpsltieisT re- toz. Smith, apt. 10, 34 Tobin Street, Hali. fax, N.S. POULTRY BANTAMS Barred and White Rocks. Light Brahmas, Silver DuckwIng game, Pairs $4.00. 11, II, Crosby, Markham, RABBITS QUALITY rabbits frpm show winners. New Zealand 'Whites, ado giant type American Whites, Guaranteed to please. Excelleet foundation stock. Sen- iors available. 'Juniors 34.00 each, Inters mediates 35.00. Bunnyview Rabbitry, Floradale, Ontario,. SHEEP "PUREBRED Suffolk and Purebred North Country Cheviot ram lambs for sale. Angus A. Campbell, Iona Station Opt." -.'• SWINE BOARS, serviceable age -and eight week oId, purebred Lanrace from Grand Champion at 1958 Royal Fair. Reasonable. John D. LinesaY, ILL- 3, Clinton, Ont. FAR sale - 'Registered Tamworth and boars 31/2 months old 320.00 also 2 months old 315.00. 32,00 extra for papers. V. Ackerman, R.R. 2, Bath. Ont. , FOR SALE 'Lacombe bears from Elite Registered stock. Ages 2 months to 7 months. Mao ,75% Lacombe-Yorkshlr• • 'cross -bred -ens by the same Elite boar: ' H. B. Riese, R.R 3. Selkirk, Mon Phone Lockport 214. VACATION RESORTS GATEWAY AREA FURNISHED I -bedroom apartment,"!1 TV, heat, air conditioning, everything furnished. 31,200 up to 6.month season. Also.weekly,and onthly rates. Carioca Court,' '817' N-.E.,"m18th" Ave., Ft. Lauder' dale, Florida. ISSUE 46 - 056' 1"4"!".• 5 PROPERTIES FOR SALE DAIRY BUSINESS: Brick building .25 x;68 sylthrlielog„,„quirts ters and smicleliar: Equipnient 1st drib * condition. Located in a small town. No opposition. Showing, good""profit3e$20,- 000 00 down, balance terms. TOBACCO FARM: 150 Acres, 90 acres workable, sandy— loam, creek and pond. Barn is 90 x 60. Green house 150 x 24, 5 Kilns, oil fired, irrigation , system:, _Complete line of machinery -and equipment, «-8 room 2 storey house. Located 15 miles from Cobourg Ontario. Price 370,90e,00. Only $25,000.00 Down. „ 150 ACRE FARM, * In excellent etindition', 120 acres work' able, 5 acres 'het &Need' 'hush,-nowing , creek. 8 rboin house With" bath, 'large, barn 70 r. 55; straw shed 28 x 64 ce- ment stables, drilled„' well, school on farra, doge *tot- - tenvh,. Till buildings , are in A.1 repair. Ownetetiring, ..Priced to sell at:yeniy*$,T8,0,99.00. ,Easyterms..., STORE: Solid brick_ „22 x 60 wItli5.9;toreirsaPart, merit above. With bethflirillige'','hogVY wiring, siiitable,:, General Store, Located in the village, of Atrimod,•:onAtighws3r:nsTm:'.123ZDTInie'me diate -possession.;- 5,00085 down, ance terni§, DUDLEY- E. HOLMES'i--'", toKurance & Realeate Listowe1:-.Ontarloz3BosPPhene,470. HORN', APLENT,i' A. Mon who •54,17; h -Orn, British at; drACt,sferBritri Hicks huffs crnd Puffs OWay on an. , . :.„•,elongated:II,Aipine?horn. He was 5ecf blow the - Winner 0 a OW - the .Royal Military ti73-8rof Music al Twrcken- -- riom, „.. P*1 , FROML QUEBEC at Thrift • siatoNi* " CARINTHIA • November A - Le HaVre, Southampton . *syLv4.NIA November 1 l'e •flaVre; SoUtha6ipion piYLEAN IA November 6 ,, N*SAXONIA ovember 27 , Greenockjiverpool NOvember Le Hpyrq, outhcrnpfon *Specidl diristnias Sailing CHRISTMAS SAILINGS FROM NEW Yoe* AND HALIFAX CARINTHIA bet. from Nev. York from Halifax See YoUitge'istAgent --... '•.' • t.IVERNI A Na Ort_COSerSerYeaeu Better Dee. 1 2 Dec, 1 3 CObb,Iipvie Sauth9aptoo 11 D:c,.,,,,"12,_.,,,, :rze:, .c.koLtivelmrpool,viegaw, ,....., .,v'...,:ittio„11101,,titott. IC lOulo-, reduction On your reurn fare ofterAcirtitary. 1, 1066. C 4:7144-01460q11414.Ut‘.614nlill i:!•::-:'::470 4f'':111lOti 4V U offitei Oft Mahn -dot « 14citifiiir ottigi Johnwmiiiiiwee;_. • " 1 *ett••,,,,,,..0.- Berner Bay A iitelkiiiitLigt4„,,,,,,, , auihee • ttitaiiii 'ik Wifin Konica i VailikbirvibusV,,r,„„tit 'Je". alm 044 oitilffeN - ' ' •0A *01-00 •.111-t f"1 • 1tAtt1411. sse to' -10 4 141 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 44 414 1 41 41 41 41 41 4