The Brussels Post, 1958-12-17, Page 41040011eMeMANACAVAVAMIERWAtMealiCAlil AtAleaWSWAICM , t!,..i.‘•*$t"+,*-Wr`+$1:4t-, • • • • • ••• l';`54.,?4$$.''''''Ci'04WV4**,..`.4..4.`“,,e'4','" • '• T*4 11:11 r r eeleeetee. •• 71, ';,44112:21.! II ee-eeeeee eeeteee, • - .rese .z...:e..keee.elmeeeate MOW WALTON: Tee lith and 16th Group. The eth. and 16te (lIrceep met at he the Iteene Dg Mrs. Win. 947 December meetiug. • Meet Kett MeDoealcl had charge of the meeting The. Christmas Service ee Worship. was used. A bywn was fellewed by the topic ecediag by Mrs. Nee bleDoeald. A hymn was •follWed by the topic '"Lin e for Chrietmas which was very bb, elven by Mrs. Tarehull. After a hylIM. • and closing prayer Mrs. Martin took eha*e pit the rasinees session. Lunch was served by the 10,1101 .eornmittee assisted by the hostess. ETHEI United Church W. M. S, Mrs. Quest Dobson was elected. President of the W. M. 5- of Ethel 'United Chareh for a third year at the December meeting at the home of Mrs. Goa. Pearson, Rev, L. Brown gave the Christmas message and Installed the following officers: Vice Presidents Mrs. Chests Earl, Mrs. Percy .Stephenson Christian Stewardship ......,. Mrs. Stan Speiran Christian Citizenship Mrs. Les. Earl Literatuee Seer ........ Mrs. Elwood . MeTaggart Supply Sec'y Mrs. J'as. Pearson Rec. Sec'y Mrs, Geo. Pearson . .See'v Mrs. Bert God den lorr. ee Press Sec'y ..., Mrs. Roy Hall :Associate Members else. Chester Earl Flower rend Mrs. P Stenhenson Mrs. Cameron Cochrane, Mrs. JIM Strethers lellselanary Monthly Mrs. Alex Pearson 74Mission Band . Mrs. Wm. Brawn '.Asst. ekeelers Wiema, Conley,: Baby TII.ncl Mrs. Bert Golden I Dereeby Mills Pianist ..... Mrs,RoyHall 'mental, Mrs. Joe *Pearson A vote of thanks was eenreeeee to Miss Motel,. Trans-lee for being Miseinnary Monthly' Secretary for I twenty year's .Treeleu'rer'e report . 'was reed and showed the allocation had beer. exceeded end ;tering the year ''lira Guest Basel) had been cyanic .‘• UFA member. Lunch was serves by the hostess. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE. ....The December emeetIng ..of the Friendship Girdle was held jointly 'I with th e W. M. S. in the Brussels United .Churh .with a ..very good attendance. , ..seperate . ..business meetings were held. Roll call was answered with exchange of Christ- trip gifts with Friendship sisters. Secretary — Mrs Audrey Cardiff The executive for the 'coming year is as follows President — 'Mrs. Mary Lowe Vice Pres. — Mrs. Ada Smith end, Vice — Mrs. Lillian Johnston, Sec. — Mrs. Agedrey Cardiff Asst. — Mrs. Karen Cardiff Treasurer — Mrs. Jean Bridge Asst. — Mrs. Edna Pearson Sun. Treat. — Mrs. Muriel Gatniss ..last. — Mrs. Edna Pludnark Press Rep, — Mrs. Peita Cousins 94,1 Asst.' Mrs. Barber McCetoheon Pianist — Mrs. Betty Campbell 7etary Lowe opened the devotional period with a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer is nnlsori. She wel' corned the ladies of the W. M. S. Mean Beidge took charge and read p poem, followed with a hymn. Psalm 764 was repeated It unison Seeipteee lesson was read by •feeer Cardiff. Terry and Nancy Velretfwe' &yOured with. a duet. A r-41.61rT entitled ".Abiding Gifts" wad earl liy northea; litaArter. A filriqfir*F4 Story was Won by "Helen ; )6) Vhor-lpr. renderd sortie OhriotrYttiq carols or the piano in het, Panahlr- manner. A poet was I troirl MeTtwgart, followed ith 'cairn. rravel. by Lillian Iritiestet; rigged the meetiti " 4 A stnry "crag was tell by Winona. 11,---Act ,ri flettv. at the piano. tanch 'was ttr-ri-od by +Ii,, Th,614.?,,, of flip IV M. *OR 6.ALt 14dOct WititiCiN0 7±ei ore You, Ray' let tiertite 'Ltd, give you 'an et4titiiiito a71 Aittrriiirttiri coif storing *Andel**. No Obligation' Phone Seaterth . eir • se . ADAMS FEED MILL ARCADE STORES. Brussels and illyth BAEKER BUTCHER SHOP, BILL'S FINA STATION 'BUDNARK, John Deere. Implements R. B. COUSINS LTD. BRUSSELS COAL YARD BRIDGE MOTORS BRUSSELS EXPORT PACKERS. BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES BARN BRUSSELS MOTORS • BRUSSELS, MORRIS AND gg GREY TELEPHONE BRUSSELS 5c to $1.00 STORE BRUSSELS TRANSPORT C. & G. KRAUTER, Plumbing COLEMAN RESTAURANT Home of Good Chocolates CRAWFORD and HETHERINGTON DENT SHOE REPAIR D. M. MacTAVISH EAST HURON PRODUCE ELLIOTT GROCERY STORE ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES E. SOMERS. Massey Ferguson EVONNE BEAUTY SHOPPE GEO. 1VicCUTCHEON GEO. POLLARD Chain Saws and Machine Shop GEO. SCOTT, Prudential ,Agent GLEN M. RONNENBERG Insurance of all kinds GRANT SHOE STORE H. 'B. ALLEN DRUG STORE 7,6 H. THOMAS, Construction HIUETHE'R PRODUCE J. C. LONG, Real Estate c4. LEACH JEWELLERY STORE. Jewellery and Gifts L. MICHEL, Real Estate 'Broker LOWE'S FOOD MARKET MACHAN HARDWARE MAYDELLE SHOPPE McCUTCHEON GROCERY McFADDEN BARBER SHOP iMcD,ONALD'S Builder's Supplies MCNEIL GARAGE WM. MCWHIRTER, Electrical Appliances and Plumbing OLDFIFLD HARDWARE PEGELOW Shoe and Harness 'Repair RUTLEDGE Lunch and Pool Room RANN FURNITURE STORE g y, RELIANCE Service Station (A, Densmore Prop.) SMITH Recall 1,9rug. Store TEN PAS and SONS Carpenters THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE QUEEN'S ,HOTEL THOMAS POULTRY FARM Started pullets, year round VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE WILLIS BAKERY WALKER Barber Shop and Pool Room G. WOPi(MAN, Electrical Appliance,J arAci plumbing. NV, S. SCOTT. General Insurance WAX.MAN SALVAGE reecirea0 9. rl 9 . 9 Alle„At, .01141MAIWNOW0111