The Brussels Post, 1958-06-25, Page 8NOW IS MGM E TIME MR. FARMER1, HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DONN, AND DISABLED COWS AND HORS.E.0 s ALSO DEAD COWS AND HORSES AT CASH VALUE OLD HORSES 5c PER POUND (PHONE COLLECT). BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE Eel Brunets OR Percy Stephenson Eth el Phone 85r12 May Be Wanted — AntTraps Insect Repellents Dusting Sulphur Hellebore SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 • Brussehi MaltiMaileStgRitfAVMMaNzgaittfOliVAV McNEIL'S SHELL satvlat, SPISSI..1.0113121CATIORI. 1314114.. 1401DSIDIED*10 SHELL PET11OLDUE1 realeurris DR. R. W. STEPHENS Cdrailiedes University al Tomlin PHYRCIAN and SUKIEON 701:191tvoe 49 TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES — GUARANTEED -SERVICE Electrical Wiring Contractor ORVAL HARRISON PHONE BRUSSELS 1117.14 DEAD STOCK REMOVERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR OLD SICK ANL) DISABLED HORSES AND COWS HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT FOR DEAD STOCK Prompt Sanitary Disposal In Winch Equipped Troika OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER AT 5o PER POUND 24 HOUR SERVICE (PHONE COLLECT) Phone WM. MORSE Brussels 15J6 Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2r15 THIS IS FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM sgAsoiv Again Featuring C 0 U S I N S STRAWBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM AN D C 0 U SI N 8 STRAWBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAM Half Gallons donee Get Some From'Yourtavoueite Cousins Ice Creain Niter Oita trot that Extra Treat at Meal Tinie, lierty Anyttatt., COUSINS , ICE CREAM MADE BY ; Cril*ItV BRUSSELS CREAMERY ohutstLS, brit. We,anestian 711:no gr_414. Tkv't THE BRUSSELS pon $ cream 0,1 Agen Tip Top. Tailors AGOOD RULE IS TO DRINK PLENTY OF HEALTH .BUILDING COUVng DAIRY Pliont 24 w*•••••ft•••••••••••••,......r....••••••0•0•••••".•••••• Swim Suits MILK! Large Assortment of Smart Styles For The Family With the Season for Picnics Outings and Family Reunions .rggggs•er-,,, Sun Suits Shorts — T. Shirts Remember to keep plenty of Kodak Film on hand. All sizes of Kodak Film, and finishing in the Larger ,size prints to be had here. rEcezv iota ti es!, Racks of up to the minute Summer Frocks YARD GOODS Prints Spuns Glazes Silks Etc. AS LOW AS 44* PLUS YOUR, RECAPPAELt TRADE-l14 LIFETIME GUARANTEE! Playtex Foundations Keep You Trim 1 MELVILLE GUILD 1 I The Young 'Mamen's Guild held i the)ir last meeting of the season On : 1 1 June 17th in the church parlour. Jean Higgins announced the beant- Ifni" hymn, Follow MO The Master i Staid, as our opening .nimfber which Was followed by the scripture read g in unison from Samuel. I I 1 Prayer was offered by Ruth Pipe, and. Mam° Hastings favoured mi. with a piano solo. Ethel. Brewer chose as her Woman _ of the Bible i Hannah, the mother of that Mighty 1 prophet, Samuel, whose life was de- dicated to the temple. The. Mizpah benediction closed this portion of , the medting, i Ckstbass.1.161.1!1111•N fi A nice gift for — A School Graduate — A Camera Holiday Brownie Flash Camera as low as ($5.90 This SPECIAL SALE offers you new tire safety and, protection at low money-saving prices! Top allowanc0i, for your recappable tires. Drive in for a FREE Safety Cheek!, 53II:VIs BRUSSELS MOTORS "Huron County's Foremost Car Dealers" BRUSSELS PHONE 73X 1.9~ 1.••••••••••1.• SEE US FOR TIRE ROTATION SPECIAL-NOWI The business sesslion Was presid- ed over by Whinifred Edgiar. Sec- Teter's and Treasurer'is 'reports, were read and the roll call answer- ed by 20 members who each gave her father's name and age. Refresh- ments were planned for the induct- Ion of Rev. Jonathan Green 'and' other .bidsiness discussed at lengik. Ethel Brewer presented an inter- were estsing contest in which Ve asked to identify 2Q baking ingred lents or spices, by feel and odor. ,Delidfou's refreshments were ser- ved by the committee in charge, Jean Higgins, Ruth Pipe and Ethel 33power. L HEY KIDS! A Ferris Wheel and Merry-po.. Round are coming to Bruipels on Saturday afternoon and evening 'July 5th, under the auspleet of the I. 0. 0. P. , PAYILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountant, Ben Telephone Bailidleg Walkerton, Ontario „IBM*. 16 Ink . L Austin Sales and Senile ropelra '111 :fOitttry e? Weis ate !ma nig entilaltA etv, ,041VM,I. russels TU DAY,.:jULY M hills Wheel, •merry4o-Round D. A. RANN 911/14ERAIL=PAIED AlfillULANCE 1ER7igt lAsseesd II ynneal Masan awl Eambihater maw 316 ear as Walker Funeral Home Day a NightCalleffeleglimaill 01110 cabs Clary hie ea alsr. *RN itiennea Paul Mannar italls111011 Tennuty.four Maw Atemileinn Ism* Amateur Contest R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WIRIGIMM ana 911191111111149 111111MMLI !Me lrserr b IL , Vie Twig sad Salsaby asy UM SIM net" gig, Prizes $12. $8. $5. Write your entry and mail to Box 22 I. O. O.F. Brussels, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist: jam. limpola•L Moss EWA Mao 791 Seelsetli PIO I I ghl OM& Date 711wirdis . li.12.1111, ill& 9 sat 94 11110, Brussels Pipe Band ALAN WILLIAMS, 'Otitoillitttiiit; 01.06 Ewer Temill* Patrick MisIGHitis Ms@ 11111410, TM it Op liketakil no" — Dance den yule t ening Adults Oc AdMIssion Afternoon Free,