The Brussels Post, 1958-05-14, Page 2•
611 reaftea Mike&
0111161 •
•••4.t Irrf,,t.,•,..V seeeee "sseee the wall eo our rather than ,cdp.v ,
Mast with .t,t, If the brown woos
.cast, hot
with beige ~,or .coffee tones o*
the wails, If it's ,on the
side, it needs a wall colour with;
a rosy undertone,
A long narrow room will look
wider with a darker colour on.
the wall at each of the narrow
ends. Remember that d a r
shades. tend to draw walls
light colours : push ttleln
"Put heel:, dark colours, off Wla"
40/ walls" Mr, •Sinclair wens.
"You don't want a bright spot at
light surrounded by darktme,..
It's hard on the eyes!"
Many old houses were 1414
with wainscotting half way up.
the walla, especially in .cjining
rooms, Sometimes this can be
removed, but if -net, it should .be
painted the same colour as the
upper wall, A contrasting colour
is much too overwhelming
• With a few tricks like these
and a paintbrush as her magi*
wand, a homemaker can .puals
back .one wall, draw another
in and make the worst eyetoree.
in ,her old house fade into their
surroundings. No decorat,
ing project, is so challenging —
or so rewarding;
ti quette
by Roberta, bee
es dd one tini eg a vtehisli t deess:roin?
in the sherbet glass when one
A. No; Place the spoon in the
include their children In Intro-
Q. Is it proper for parents to
shA.au14Motsetachcertthaein. irly chAilnddrenth?ayt
an early age how to make friend-
ly acknowledgments to these in-
Q. Do you think a wife should
Join her husband in greeting his
guests when he is entertaining
some men at a stag party in
their home?
A. No. The wife should remain
behind the scenes and be as
inconspicuous as possible dur-
ing the entire evening,.
Q. If on a reducing diet, and
you are served apple pie at a
luncheon, is it all right to eat
only the apples and leave the
crust—or would this be discour-
teous to my hostess?
A. This is quite all right, and
a thoughtful hostess will not'
question it.
„000 000 Cancer,
Patients -Cured
- • . • •
PIMA since infancy with aL
malignant glaucoma, 10-year-old,
Mark $earnOrl.S of leaeatt,.. 'Utah,
clambered up on piano stool
in Washington's -Hotel Staler one
morning recently and played °I
Dreamed" and '"Begtn the Bee
gait*" without a "Wrong note,
Little Mark began learning 'to;
play the piano at the age of 4,
while he was battling cancer,,
As one of the 350 foemer cancer
victims attending the first cereal
Cancer Congress, he has ernerg
ed from surgery to teed a full
and happy life, •
"In 1900, if you got cancer it
was tantamount to a death sene.
tence," Dr, John R, Heller, dirges
for of the National Cancer In-
stitute, told the 'Cancer congress
audience, assembled by the
American Cancer Seetety to dra-
matize the remarkable progress
made against this dread killer,
"Now, one in three persons who .
gets the disease. is saved."
In the 1)00,000. onetime,
cancer patients have been coin-
pletely cured, but there are still
700,000 patients under treatment.
This year,. another 550,000; Ameri-
cans will fall prey to the di-
"But we axe on the threshold
of break-throughs," Dr: Heller
predicted, "Each year," he. said,
"45,000 chemicals are screened
for their potential as a weapon
in the war against cancer . and
45 new drugs are now being
tried clinically."
The array of chemicals that
cancer specialists. are using to
rearrange the ,body's basic bio-
logy has given cancer researchers
hope of some spectacular payoff,
which Dr. Heller believes may
"Dear Anne Hirst;
14y Unhand and I were Mars
xled „six years ago, and we never
did get, along well, We Were
always quarreling, "though' we
were very dear to each other,
Our, children are three and five
Rowe I an only 22, and my hus-
band. 24. We separated a few
times, and two years ago I
sought a divorce. The children
were given to me, and not long
afterward my husband entered a
mental* hospital.
"Now he has been dischargd,
and is living with his parents,
We see each other regularly, To
me he seems perfectly all right,
and he it certainly a changed,
man (He is so helpful with the
children, something he never
was before). We have 'fallen in
love all, over again, and he wants
us to remarry. We have talked
very frankly about it, and agree
WO Were both too young and
stubborn to 'get along—and be
sides, he was sick then. •
Easy Crochet Young Play-Set
PRINCESS CHARMING -- Once again the affairs of Prices Mare
garet, shown poiing fora new official phoio, have England
in an uproar. Her Prince Charming, Capt. Peter Townsend, seem-
ed about to resume what Britons called "an impossible suit"
for Margaret's hand. Townsend denied he had apy such inten-
tions but romance-minded housewives in the tight little island
were staring dreamily at• his picture in the papers and mur-
muring how sad it all was. Decorating
An Old House
One straight piece „for, skirt,
Little shaping needed for bodice.,
Petal stiteli'Ind loOpi —
easy crochet.1%eae
Thrifty — size 4 takes 6 balls
of cotton. Pattern 637: crochet
directions, child's sizes 2, 4,
years included in :pattern.
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal , note for safety)' for this
pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box
1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor:
onto, Ont. Print :plainly PAT-
As a bonus, TWO complete
patterns are printed right in
..our LAURA WHEELER Needle-
. craft Book. Dozens of other de-
signs you'll want to order—easy
faiainating handwork for your-
' telf, your home, gifts, bazaar
items. Send 25 cents for your
copy of this book today!
expense of rural scenery? Bare
fields would serve the purpose
equally well,
Part of the troufle lies in the
real estate transactions. Often
a farmer has nq idea to whom
he is selling or for what purpose.
The purchaser conceals his
identity" by having ' the work
done for him through brokers
and lawyers No one ,can tell
how long any given district will
remain a rural area. Years ago
five miles from urban centres
and yotreveereeins"the country:
Now you have to go much far-
ther. That might be all right too
except that too far,e fnew.erle
city brings you to the outskirts
of another! Oh well, there is'
always, (niter space—for e few
years "anyway.
And now must report an in-
crease Ditfo pee."
sented us weth'four little kittens.
(There 'are -two now.) 'She left
her usualassieepirtg quarteres in, •
the basements eel. chose een ofr
box for% her confinement, 'NO
sooner were the *kittens —belie"
than shee started •bringing then`
upstairs so Partner put a barri-
cade atthelooteto discourege her.
The kittens are both toetoisestiell
like their mother. Our grand-
sons Were here' yesterday and
were shown the kittens. ' It 'was
the first time they had seen
baby kittens of any kind. Dave
couldn't understand why they ,
wouldn't open their eyes. So far'
I have managed to keep the news
quiet around here. We don't
want all the youngsters beating
a path to our basement door.
Seeing the kittens will be a
privilege by invitation only.
Well, this is the big day
election day •for Canada's 24th
Parliament. And a beautiful day
It is — a contradiction to it
being a bad time of year to hate
an election. We were busy this
morning taking Scene of the
neighbours to vote. We don't
know their politics — that. is
their business. We just wanted
to make it convenient for young
mothers, with children to get to
the pelling 'beetli.tie s
How glad `be When
over. Sometiniei 'an election is
the cause of a rift beteeen
friends. One Sun' case: "carrie
to our attention. Two good-neigh-
bours, One 'Liberal, one „Conseeso
votive, each working hard for
his own party, and kidding each
other all the tittle. „ And,then e
One of *tent oveteatepped the /
boundary the of eiailitical' ettlica;s -
mote as a. joke than anYthing.
else. But_ the other =fellow .Was
furious: ere.. hoping,, with
the election over, and gardening
in full etvitig;difterenteS will be
forgotten over the garden fence.
Some farm folk, when 'they
reach the age of retirement,
keep a few' acres of the old farm
site, remodel the old house or
'build a new one. It sounds like
an ideal solution, doesn't it . .
'among old friends and neighbors,
familiar surroundings, and, since.
'they are able to choose the best
location on a hundred acres,
there would be trees and possib-
ly Er lovely view. There the re:
tiring couple would look foward
Ice a leisurely, quiet, lifei:for as
many years as might be left to
Last *week I visited at ,just,
catch a home—at least it was
intended to be just such a home
—note occupied by a widowed
mother, ,and her daughter. I
don't know what the original
acreage had been—perhaps a
hundred, maybe two. hundred
acres—partly bush and partly
unworkable land as it bordered
a ravine, at the bottom of which
flowed •a winding stream. A
blind road separates the property
from still more bush—a beatitiful
stand of hardwood. -The ,widow
had retained the century - old
stone house and about twenty-
five acres of land. It is as pic-
turesque a spot as One' could
wish „for—quiet and• secluded
with only one other house in
"view. Shading the house are
lovely old oaks, elms and ever-
greens. And yet the place is not
more than ten minutes drive
from a main highway.
Now here is what happened.
A few years ago the property
across the road, including ,the
bush, was sold. It lay idle for
awhile but today there are bull-
dozers •and earth movers at
work. Trees are being ruthless-
ly destroyed. They have to be
because this is to be a new sub-
division! The 'widow's property
is a little farther down the toad.
A year ago she sold a few extra
acres to a man whom she thought
wanted it as a site for his country
; home, Perhaps he did, if so he
has changed his mind - as the
acreage is to be included in the
subdivision—or so it is rumored.
Honestly these days a home in
the country ends up .by being
little more that a dream. Sub-
divisions, commercial enterprises
and highways are like the tent-
acles of a huge octopus from
which it seems impossible to es-
cape. Of course there mutt be
growth end development but
Why, of why must it be at the
An old house offers a family
more space than they'd ever find
in a modern bungalow. And
even if the windows are oddly
shaped, ceilings too high and the
place abounds with nooks and
crannies, careful choice of de-
corating colours can work mir-
acles, according to Wilfred 'Sin-
clair, colour consultant,
Here are some of , his sugges-
tions for creating- optical illu-
sions with paint:
In a less-than-perfect room,
decide which is the best wall
and make that- the centre of
interest.. Paint , it in a contrast-
ing colour, favour it with an in-
teresting table or picture and
group the furniture so that the
attention of everyone in the
room is centred on its best lea-
If the fireplace is ugly and
you wish it were less conspicu-
ous, paint it the same colour as
the wall. Use a sealer coater
(such as is used on new plaster
or wallboard) so the lime in the
mortar won't bleed into the
paint, Then. use• paint in a flat
or semi-gloss finish just the same
as on the wall.
If the ceiling is too high, "pull
it down" by painting it in a
darker tone of the wall colour.
For a room cut up with dark
trim ,around windows and doors,
Mr.—Sinclair strongly advises
making the trim the same colour
as the walls. "The room will
seem much more spacious," he
claims, "since each time you put
a line in the room you decrease
its size."
Give the woodwork-a rub with
sandpaper first, clean 'it with
mineral spirits of turpentine and
give it a base ,ceat of sealer
coater to prevent the ,of com-
ing through the paint. If" wins
dows are poorly 'proportioned,
they'll be less conspicuous if
their frames match „the walls.
"If you, wish to leave the
woodwork dark, choose a 'good-
neighbour colour' for the Walls,"
Mr. Sinclair suggests. The stain
of the wood should blend with
ALL DECKED OUT—This hat was
"aces" at a "Swap the Hat"
party. Its creator, Mrs. Robert
Brewer, models the just-for-fun
style, which she fashioned for
her bridge club gala.
"His, parents are terribly
shocked at the idea, end. my own
family make frightening predic,
"Isn't this our own af-
fair, Anne Hirst? I would not
think of living with hint if I
were not convinced he has en-
tirely recovered. Please give us
your opinion.
* Your letter was quite too
long to print, but from its, con,
* tents. I find myself on your
* side. With all their good in,
tentions, neither his Parents
* nor yours can judge your hus-
* band's condition as his wife
* can. You are eager to take
* him back. To make doubly
* sure he it able to assume
* family responsibilities, how-
* ever, I urge you both to con-
* suit the doctor who committed
* him to the sanatarium.
* Such institutions are usually
* overcrowded, I am informed,
* and it could happen that
* your husband was released be,-
* fore he was sufficiently cured
* to make a success of reinar-
* riage. His doctor, through ex-
• tensive examinations and an-
• alysis, will have an opinion
* that should be safe to follow.
* His conclusion may corrobor-
* ate your own, or he may advise
* waiting for a longer period and
* further consultations.
* For everybody's sake, I hope
* with you that remariage is not
* far off. If you are advised to
* wait, wait patiently and with
* faith, knowing it is always
* wiser to accept a professional
* opinion on such a momentous
* question.
"Dear Anne Hirst:
We two girls live together, and
we have lots of friends. A young
man from my home town has the
habit of inviting himself for
dinner at the last moment, tak-
ing his welcome for granted. I
don't like it.
"He is a complete bore. He
never offers to help with the
dishes, just sits and listens to the
radio. He hasn't taken me out
anywhere for months. But he is
the son of a friend of my family,
and I must-not be rude.
"Have you any ideas?
* Like yourself, thii lad is
* living away from his people
* and he naturally turns to the
* one link he knows for corn-
* panionship. Many a boy is
* as thoughtless, not realizing he
* is Making. a nuisance of him-
* self and accepting hospitality
* without returning it.
There is a limit to such im-
* position.
* Next time he appears with-
* out warning, tell him that you
• and your girl friend have a
* double date tonight—or you're
* tired and going to bed early;
* or you're having dinner out
* and going to a "movie, and
* would he like to come along?
• When you write home again,
* tell your mother how things
* stand. If he is as supersensi-
s * tivezas -some, and gives his
!family the idea you are not
* being friendly, your people
* will have been infofmed of the
* true circumstances.
* * *
In any crisis, write to Anne
Hirst about your situation and
ask her opinion. If she cannot
advise you herself, she will
recommend a, source that can.
Address her at Box 1, 123 - 18th
St., New Toronto, Ont„
4863 , /-8
I '--- .1.1. - h
Printed Pattern that's easy
:sewing' for mother — makes a
darling play-outfit for daugh-
ter! See the "grownup"- styling
of the shirt-top (plenty of room
/or active wear); shorts and
pedal pushers to match or con-
Printed Pattern 4863: Chil-
dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6
shirt 1Ya yards 35-inch; shorts, 1
Printed directions on each pat-
tern part. Easier, accurate.
Send FIFTY " CENTS (500'
(stamps cannot be 4ccepted,suse
postal note for safety)• for this
pattern. Please print plainly
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New
Toronto, Ont.
ISSUE 17 — 1958 ,
Stet Boarder; in Sault St. MA-
tie, Ora., jailers r kipt" a 'special
eye eOe On, new Co rob '= (for ro= ''
bete) Atthtlie Larivierea who, •de •
"The 'Great Adano" Once won
bookings With a circus As a re-
sult Of a stunt. esgape :from the`
Sault Ste. Marie jail.•
.. ,
A PAT PART — Shelley Witifeet, glarricir-girl in mousy films lose
gained 25 pounds offpetpate, And the's glad, glad, dlad. 1' he
poundage is called fa' in her tole in The Ciliary of Anil f rank
Which she _considers a relit,' cictirig Opportunity. Photos thew the
Ai Shelley, left, inid.the rieWs
come in the next six months. In
its 249-page report issued ess-
cently, the National Institutes of
Health listed eight powatful
drugs which show tremendous
promise in conquering cancer.
One of them, methotrexate (or
amethopterin), was labeled a
"milestone" along the road to
the cure of choriocarcinoma, a
rare (about 300 cases annually-
in the U,S.) and always fatal
cancer that Women may develop
following childbirth. At the Na-
tiOnal Institute of Cane ee Re-
search in Bethesda, Md., 25 mo-
thers have been saved by this
Methotrexate has also been
used on 2,200 youngsters' (800 nt
them suffering from acute leu-
kemia or blood cancer) sin ce
i948 at the Children's Cancer
Research Institute, affiliated with
the Harvard Medical School. In
the gaily decorated hospital, 50 •
per cent of the leukernic childred
are still alive after fourteen
months of treatment and VI per
cent after two and a half yeatt.
To halt the ravages• tit leukemia
ternporarily,.., specie) ists „als a.v
used ACTIL cortiathe, droinoe-
tetin, and 6-mercaptoporitie,
These recent dramatic suc-
cesses with drugs have amazed
everf.theedsepert who once relied
Mainly on operations and X-rays
as the principal forma of treat,
Meet. "We have gone just about
ai far OS we can in improving
snigerY and radiation," Dr, Cor-
nelius P.Itlioads, director bf New'
York's Sloan-Kettering Institute;
told a group of touring medical
editors last Week. "Now our drug
research program is proceeditee
in twenty different directions."'
sewer than 12. per .cent of
America's peciple now live oh
"WW that pringls here, ive
Can tCtlinebtit pate:deed-nets
son -hrOacICaStS.i'
1AttE0 Cheryl Cranes 14, daughter of actreSrCeirtet rTurtiee
atta.,retteititatUe Stephen Cranes is resfinj her head on hee
fatlieet shouldee police wiided she weds booked
on a. Cr. suspidrin of murder chOrge Cheryl` plunged eight-hie!),
Carving knife into the ettirbeitli Of aloithriy Stonipaheites her
mother's redent steady'escort,.whdii lid quarreled. eieletitly With
Miss turner and threatened her wins bo'd'ily