The Brussels Post, 1958-02-19, Page 5LULL ON THE RANGE-Judging from the' looks of things, Danny Collins, 21/2 , is entitled to a
little shuteye. It must •have been a fierce battle. Even though "TeX" Duck patrols at the rear,
Danny, in old west tradition, keeps his hand on a six-shooter, as he sleeps, and has the rest
of his arsenal, including a tommy gun, close by. Danny's parents caught him napping and
summoned a photographer. Nancy Jack managed to take this picture and get away without
being gunned down.
PEACE POSTAGE-.Commemorating the" recent. Asian-African
Peoples Solidarity Conference ,held ins CairO, this new EgYptian.
stamp features the traditional peace symbol-a white dove with
olive branch.
BIG AS A TRUCK-This huge aluminum body, with 0 capacity „ .
Of 371/2 cubic-yaecit it the largest ever built for a dump truck.
. The truck 'is 30 feet, 3 inches long, ,12 feet, 4 inches , wide 11,
feet, 11 inches high and weighs 54,066 pounds.o It will be used
ry bauxite mining operations tit the botriinican Republic; The
truest foe Off-highway use, is paWered 13y, 335-horsepower
turbocharged diesel; engine, carrying, food, of 67,60 pounds:
RHEUMATIC /411413,1TI5.
.MUNR91 pg.up. STORE
335 E LGIN,
• OTTAWA, $1,25 Express Collect,µ
FAR from church? Study Sunday
$C11401 lesSOnS bY mail, Send naine,
address, age, school grade, Lutheran
Sunday Sch903, by Mall, 237 King Street west, Kitchener, ontorio,
ADVERTISERS; Your 25 word ad on
5000, sss circulars ror $1. You get 1000
to mail with Commission offer, Young,.
1127 Catherine, Victoria, B.C,
YOUR, favorite picture in oil or pastel.
True likeness. ,Also photo coloring,
Send for prices, Pearl Trout, Artist,
Box 246, Los Angeles 53, California.
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant, dignified profession; good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
358 Bloor St, W. Toronto
44 King St. W.,. Hamilton
72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Patent Attorneys, Established 1890.
600 University Ave., Toronto
Pitents all countries.
SURPRISE Friends, Relatives; 3 letters
remailed from New York, Dollar. 3
color views, your message dollar.
Canadian money accepted. Michael, 180-
17th, Brooklyn 26, New York.
$1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest cata-
logue included. The Medico Agency,
Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont.
IT'S hold, frank 'and PerionaI, "What A
Male Teenager Should Know." Sold
only through Mail Order, 355. Nalloli
Enterprises, Box 7103, New Orleans 19,
RABBITS, alive, domestic, wanted all.
year round for table use. Box 164,
123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto,
ss, sf=sissr. Ilk _
"This'll give 'em
to worry about in
the morn-
ISSUE 5 - 1958
SEDICIN 'tablets. taken .accOrding to
directiOns Is a safe way to Welke sleep'
or quiet the nerves when Wiwi.
SEDICII\N • • • Drup Skim 0.0 t
Since 1840 -The Hallrpark of Ocean Travel
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)Calls of Qtlebec.
See Your Local Agent-
No. one.Ceifi Serve You Better unar
Fl-v A Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. EM. 24911
The ribst -Scote
Some npl, ago, 4 well-heeled
Nall StiTe.,er noted that leading
Aelstillapers, on the first Sunday
of 1.110 football Season, carried
a staggering array of scores, a
majority of the games involving.
colleges he 1107013 had heard
about. He decided to phone the
sports desk a few statistics of his
The followihg Stiriday,
Papers all over the country car-
ried an account of the victory
of Plainfield Teachers of New
Jersey over Scott, with a clever
Chinese back named Chung re-
sponsible for the Margin of vie-
Plainfield Teachers, Scott and
the dauntless Chung were but
figments of the Wall Streeter's
imagination, which grew more
vivid as the season, progressed.
]fly mid - November mythiCal
Plainfield Teachers remained one
of the few unbeaten teams in the
land and not only Chung (now
known as the "Celestial Comet")
but the broker himself (included
in the line-up as left tackle) Were
being singled out as all-American
A meanie on "Time Magazine"
exposed the hoax just after
Plainfield Teachers had rolled to
a stunning 77-0 triumph. "One
more week," mourned the crest-
fallen Wall Streeter, "and I'd
have had a bid froni the Rose
-From Bennett Cerf's Cerfboard.
You're Already On
A Rocket Ship!
You may not have realized it,
but you're living on a space ship,
According to Dr. James G.
Gaume of the. Martin Company,
"the earth itself (is) a giant
space ship hurtling through
space with a velocity of 18.0
miles per second."
This is why man-made space
ships that are designed for
lengthy trips among the stars
will have to simulate many of
the physical characteristics and
natural processes of the earth.
Dr. Gaume told a space medi•L
eine syinposium at the recent
annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science that because ou'r
planet is such a good space ship
ita principal sfeetures point _to
those- Which must also be, in-
eluded in 'man-made ships, .,„
"On this space ship (earth),"
he explained, "we live in a
closed ecological system sealed
off by the earth's , gravity frem
an unfriendly environment of
"By this force of gravity, oxy-
gen; water and other physically
unattached matter essential to
life is retined at the ssurface
and is available for our use. The also.00r ,protector,
shielding us from such danger-
ous space phenomena as meteor-
ites, solar and cosmic sedition,
whiCh are destroYed or attenu-
ated in passage through the at- ,. mosphere.
"In his attempts at flight into
hostile space, man must provide
himself with all the essentials of
life found on earth."
Dr. Gaume drew a distinction
between short-term space flights
and those of long duration, No
lone is sure just where' this dish
Unction should be drawn. How-
ever, as a rough guess, Dr.
Gaume said he would draw i(
at a flight time of less than two
or three weeks.
In short-term flights, some of
earth's vital functions can be
Drive With' Care
Back in the cultural history of
Boston there was, once, a grand
festival of something or other
in which red-skirted firemen
whanged sledges on anvils for a
stirring presentation of the An-
vil Chorus, and it must have
been,a lot like an evening at the
Somehow, without ever bring-
ing it to the fore, I had a sub-
jugated notion that I liked clocks.
I didn't do anything about it the
way Red has, but once we had a
steeple clock with a pleasant
manifestation of the hours, and
when it collapsed ,I didn't throw
it away. I set it on a beam in the
barn thinking sometime I might
give it a look or two and put it
back in service.
Truth is, I have often thought
it might be fun to have a clock
on the kitchen shelf that runs
backwards, and chimes 22 at the
half hour, and things like that,
and I had• a half-idea I might
somehow work out such a 'phe-
nomenon. However, the clock is
still on the beain; and we have
modernized our household with
an electric timepiece.
We still have a galvanized
dawn-buster in the bedroom to
start us a-jumping on the new
day. The only other clock we em-
ploy is a kitchen gadget which
doesn't strike the hettra, but does
give off a chime if anybody sal-
tiles the 'back door, It was sup-
posed to do the same-for the
front door, but a wire broke and
I never fixed it. In short, we
don't pay too much attention to
the tithe or the front door, and
this one Clad< takes care of us. ,
Mr. Cousins, having greeted Us
and undertaken a narrative, had
just said, "Arid there was this
bobcat bearing down on poor
Aunt Millicent, with her berry
pail stuck on over her head,
arid ."
At this point it was eight
o'efock. There ceninieneed a
dainty jingling front' a blue Dres-
den China contrivande on _the
high-boy followed by a bellow
or alarm from a Seth Thomas ih
the front hall. Then all the others
5oined in, some fast, Same slbtv_
er., all unlike, and each adjusted
to a different degree of notoriety.
Mr. Cousins, being. at, hand,
continued` to diSCiatteSe, but what-
ever he said Was now Unheard.
My Wife; after running twice
around the library -tahle, sat-
down again - and locked einbar-
rassed, andsI fOund I had,, shoved
one of my, decorous and dainty
feet'between the rungs, of a kind
of glass-topped'''. stoop table in
such a west that the table could
not remove itself and go, abOut
its business.
Suddenly the tumult was at
an end; the last piercing' echo
faded in the far confines of 'the
kitchen; a gentle .delicacy of
friendly quiet fell over the de-
micile; apd once again Mr.
Cousins's superbly modulated
voice' was heard, saying, "... but
Aunt Millicent was never known
to pick' another 'blueberry from
tlfat time on."
This consequence raised in my
mind a number of questions in
social ethics. First, would it be
all right' if I removed one shoe
in this polite and hospitable par-'
for in order to extricate myself,
and if so, should I inquire, first,
of my hostess if I might do so?
"May I dip my bread in the
bean juice?" is the sort of thing
I mean. I never knew a hostess
to say no to this reasonable re-
quest,- however much it violates
the true rules of gentility, but
this might not be just the same.
Then there was the matter of
the oddity itself - was itproper
to turn to Mr. Cousins at this
time and ask about the state of
his mental equipment, delving
into the judgement, perspicacity,
and relative humidity of any-
body who would keep such a
conglomeration of confusion?
How does one become a Clock
fancier for real? Why does one?
And how long does it take to
learn to live with the things?
Frankly, the erudition .and abil-
ity of Mr. Cousins is otherwise
revelation of this clock mena-
gerie insinuates certain doubts
svhich tease the guest to wild
thoughts of inquiry.
Most of all, however, I re-
flected On the story he had just
told. Never before have Mr.
Cousins's boyhood recollections,
as related firsts to last, been in-
terrupted in my presence, and
I know that all of them have
been guns of down-East hilarity,
redolent With flavor and salty
as they say, His gift. Of narrative
is extreine, and ,one of the fine
things about knowing him is the
chance to hear hint
Yet here was what may well
have ,heeti one bf his finese ora-
tions obscured totally by the
hour of eight, and in dud process
of events it Might- dharice that•
there ..would never be another oc-
cASiOh to hear this Shine story
through, Should I ask him to re-
peat it, timing himself SO the
next starlit Of chlinea end' bongs
At nine WeloLk we V5Dr6 ready
for the and I had 1144idled-
Never At. Sea
Dr, Guido. Guida, of Home,
treats more patients in a year
than' a score of ordinary doctors
put together, yet he has never
seen one of them and he re.
ceives rio fees for the treatment
he prescribes,
The reason is that this sixty-
year-old Italian physician is a
ship's doctor who never goes tp
sea.. Ile treats his many Sailer
patients entirely by short-wave
radio, and he gives his services
voD17. Guida started his free
medical service for sailors back
in 1935 when he heard that the
crews of many ships at sea lack-
ed medical aid. The authorities
approved of his idea, and for
the short-wave sending and re-
ceiving set fitted up in his sur-
gery he was allotted the call
sign MEDRAD (Medical Radio)
and CIRM (International Centre
Radio Doct9r).
So to-day, if a sailor in a
merchantman at sea is stricken
with an illness, the treatment of
which is beyond the captain's
-resources, he can call up MED-
RAD CIRM for expert advice.
If reception in Rome is poor
other ships will relay his mes-
sage. The captain can then de-
scribe the patient's symptoms
so the doCtor can make a diag-
nosis and prescribe treatment.
By keeping in radio touch with
the ship the doctor can follow
the course of the' ailment.
Britain, too, has a free radio
medical service for ships at sea,
Operated by the Post Office
Radio Stations at Land's End
and Portishead, this free "med-
ico service" enables ships' cap-
thins to seek expert medical ad-
vice and assistance at any time
of the day or night.
Early one ntorning the duty
operator at Portishead Radio
Station received an emergency
call from a British freighter
ploughing through stormy' seas
in the Atlantic. A sixteen-year-
Old deck boy had been suddenly
taken ill, and. the captain recli-
ned the lad's symptoms and
asked for advice.
The operator immediately got
in touch with a local hospital
and within an hour signalled
the diagnosis of appendicitis re-
quiring prompt surgery: No
other ship in the freighter's vi-
cinity possessed a doctor .or sur-
gicaI facilities, So the ship head-
ed for an Irish port at full
Arrangements were made
for a helicopter to meet her at
sea, if necessary.
But she made harbour, landed
the°, patient 'by launch and he-
was successfully operated on.
The whole drama, in which the
radio medicb service played a
vital :part in Saving the boy's
life, lasted for three and a half
the approach so the ball was on
my side of the net when it start-
ed: I finished a sentence just as
the first bleat of the china clock
titillated the congenial scene, and
then I closed my eyes and kept
silent throughout. When quiet
was again restored Mr. Cousins
said, "I see you have noticed
my clocks."
He then spoke about them for
a.time, telling us where each had
originated and why he cherished
it, and along about a quarter to
ten I was able to invent several
good and sufficient reasons why
the visit should be terminated.
As we drove away, with. Mr. and
Mrs. Cousins waving from their
door, the resounding background
told us we were on time. - By
John Gould in The Christian
Science Monitor.
AGENTS wanted to. Everyday
Cards, .stationery, novelties, ete,, and
Easter CerciSI also Gift Berns. Excellent
commissions, Write FLORA GliggrINq
CARDS, Metegife, Ontari9,
GO INTO pusiNgss
for yourself, Sell our exciting house.
wares, watches and other products not
found in stores, No ComPetiti9/3. Profits up to 500%, Write now for free colour
catalogue and separate confidential
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3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal.
COLOURFUL, cast stone facing applied
on any house front, Free, estimates,
Home Cast Stone, I3ox 342, Stouff villa,
PROTECT your skates with leather
skate guards, Fit any size skate, Ab-
sorbs dampness, Helps prevent rust,
Send $1 plus 10,1 for mailing, to
LENNOX SALES, 110 Hope Street,
NO, 1 extra white honey. 48 lb, cases. In 8 lb. pails $11, In 4 lb. pails $11.50. In
2 lb. pails $12, Ed Howard, Emo, Ont.
MAXIMUM profits? The right chicks
for your markets. Pullets - Ames In-
Cross .(lower feed cost, maximum pro-
duction), Dual purpose cockerels. Com.
plete list, prices, See Local, agent or
write Bray Hatchery, 120 John N.,
"OXFORD" Chicks live, lay and nay.
They are the results of more than
thirty years of careful selection and
breeding. They have to be outstand-
ing producers because we want the
very very kind of Chicks for our own
flocks - high producers with low feed
conversion costs. We have .four pure
breeds and four crosses Columbia
Rock, Light Sussex White Leghorn,
L-400 Leghorn - Rhode Island Red. x
Columbia Rock, Rhode Island Red x
Barred Rock. White Leghorn x Colum-
bia Rock, White. Leghorn x Columbia
Rock x White Leghorn, Full Informa-
tion promptly supplied on Ames In-
Cross. Write for free folder. The
Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce
company Limited, 434 Main Street.,
Woodstock, Ontario.
JOBS with union pay, Pensten await
U on Railway, as Asst. Agent, and
Telegrapher. Train at home. We secure
A.B.C. Shorthand Course trains for
Stenographer in 10 weeks, at home.
Free folder either course. Write
7 Superior Ave., Toronto 14, Ont.
EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman-
ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, e'tc.
Lessons-50¢. Ask for free circular. No
Canadian Correspondence Courses
1290 Bay Street, Toronto
While you drive for only $8.00. For
ears - trucks - tractors etc. Un-
. conditionally guaranteed. Effective for
life of car. Motaloy saves you money.
Motaloy Sales' Co., 34 West Street,
Goderich, Ontario. Dealer inquiries
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze-
ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot
eczema will respond readily to the
stainless odorless ointment regardless
of how stubborn or hopeless they seem.
,Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East
How Can I?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I remove obstinate
cigarette stains from the fingers?
A. Use well-soaped pumice
stone and hot water. The lighter
stains can be removed with plain
lemon juice.
Q. How can I prepare an in-
vigorating bath?
A. When one is tired, and
every muscle seems to ache, a
warm bath at bedtime, to which
has been added 1 cup of Epsom
salts and 2 tablespoons of mus-
tard, is often effective.
... I Was
Nearly Crazy
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch-caused by eczema, rashes,
scalp irritation, chafing-other itch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 39c trial bottle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
your druggist for D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION
dispensed with. But all of them
will be essential to flights longer
than the two - to - three - week
,For example, Dr. Gaume said
that for short - term flights
enough oxygen, chemical carbon
dioxide absorbers, and. food and
water can be stored on board to
last out the flight, writes Robert
C. Cower in .The Christian Sci-
ence Monitor.
But for long-term flights, he
said that "the weight of such
stored materials is likely to be
prohibitive, at least for present
and near-future propulsive sys,'
Therefore ,,he added, men will
have to design "a closed system
in which matter will be recycled
over and over, thereby eliminat-
ing the necessity of carrying
large, quantities of 'stored 'es-
sentials and accumulating large
quantities of waste."
This business of figuratively
reproducing the earth in minia-
ture in a space ship is exceeding-
ly complex. Engineers are no-
where near to having the neces-
sary know-how to do it,
On the othet hand, it seemed
to be the cencensils Among space
research exPerts here that prob-
lems of reasonably short-term:
space /light are close to being
licked. And even if men are not
yet ready for the twd-to-three-
week flights, trips beyond the
ettnoSphere are considered al-
ready feasible for brief periods.
In this connection, it was
painted out, that Air Force Maj.
DeAdd Simons, who rode *a bal-
loon to 100,000 feet, spent hours
at an altitude where for many
purposes he was virtually living
in space.
It was also the consensus of
the experts here •that there is
no longer• any question of men
traveling among the planets. It
is only, a question of when they
will be ready to do it. Trips
around the moon could start
within the next 20 to 30 years,
they said.
Meanwhile, as a few hand-
picked experts prepare to go ad-
venturing with the stars, the rest
of us can join in the spirit of
the space age by remembering
that our old familiar planet is
already the best possible space
ship that could be built.
Too Much Time On Their Hand$
Ministrations and portents be-
ing favorable, we called the other
evening on Red and Alice Cous-
ins, who had •asked us to, and
.we found out Red is a clock fan-
cier. I never knew a clock fan-
cier before, and the evening
proved interesting, if not wholly
enjoyable. That is to say, eight
O'clock was all right, and nine
o'clock wasn't too bad, but we
left before ten. Ten o'clock
would be too much, I know.