The Brussels Post, 1957-03-13, Page 1Mrs; Waiter 8, Forrest. Brussels vontrimulty was saddened to learn of the passing of Mus Walter S. Forrest in Clinton Xiornmrinity Hospital en Monday Maven 4th, in her 79th. year, She had been ill atkutt a Infanta with a howl, Collate% The former Cbristittna Robb was born on the first concession of Morris toweeitia on April 22nd, 1878, She Was 'the youngest of nine child. ran born to the late Henry Robb and. Christiana Hunter, On New Year's Day, 1907 she Was !married to Walter S. Forrest. They farmed 'on the sefoond conecession of ',fallouts until 1130 when 'they moved to Walton, residing 'there for four years, In 1943f they molved -to Brits sels whore Mir, Iz'orrest died, in Novemeber, An infant son, Joseph "Vernon died in 1915, aged 11 months. Her chief interests were in her home and heaping ethers. She was a, real friend to all children and elderly people. -Ste lea,'ves to mourn her lose one slater Margaret (Mrs. John Peacock) of Boissevaln, Man, and a number of nieces and nephews in. Ontario and' the Western provinces.. Four 'brothers, William Joseph Henry land James and (three sisters, Mary Ann (Mrs. W. J. MoKin,ney) Lucy (Mrs. , 0, B. Forreata and Sarah:; (Mrs. John .4cLeed) predefceased heir. The funreal service was heldl f;a4ednesdlata faikernecta, March 6Ith. 6om the D. A, Rann funeral- home, -; JI3nufseels with Rev. a.. Lane conduct t :ing the service. Inaerment was In I (Ube Brussels cemetery. The pallbearers were Alvin Higgins; Jack McWhirter, Charles SPenIce Scott, George ohnston and Alex Shaw. CARD OF THANKS The .Rink Conamittee would like to 'thank all those who contributed I in any way to make their Ice !Carnival a great success. CARD OF THANKS I Would like to thank my friends ' and -neighbours who !so 'kindly re_ membered me in so many different ways -during try recent.stay in, Tic_ toria Hooplfital, London!, and, since I came home. Tt„ will always be remembered.' Mildred Wheeler BRUSSELS PUBLIC' SCHOOL. BOARD MEETING. 4arch 1, 1,957 Tao 73russels Public ^School. Ooard licid its wegniar inotttng on the I above .date with All mentoers pre,„ seat, The . minutes ahe previous ), Meeting were read and, adopted on maion by Ray Bronson and Roy I Kennedy. - Carried, lTie !following amounts- were pro secnted: lrihte Intivance Workman and McWrirter, ote6limg- Poet Pitblishing House - G. ,Stenitenaon, expellees to ),Baden B3'dre • Dli2faheith 7711ioitt, stamps $50.00 15.00 i 7.50 10.00 ' '33.26 Ir 5.00 1957 VARIETY REVUla ,4opfi rgs 'HUGE SUCCESS A packed house greeted the open„ ing night of 'the 1957 Yaillietiy ReYue here on Friday of last 'week. A large terewd also attended the se-need ler., romance on,"Saturday nigift, It was produced under tiij direction of the East liuron Agricultural, Socleta. The show nreselited in. 'two parts, jonicir and senior. The ebild, lama liertion, an. operetta, "The Land of Dreams Come "arms", Was a'Aellghtful fantasy filled with songs, and dances and' the various char.: asters 'were ,beantifully ,costumed, It was under 'the direction of Mrs, G. Galbraith assisted by Misses Luella Milticihell and Jessie Little, "Mrs: Wm. King Sr, was the accompanist, The 'senior revue opened with -a 1 act 'farce enacted by' membera of the Huron Junior Farmers and Institute. T ; he remainder featured hit tane6 'with eon's -and dances presented in solo, duet, arena, and novelty numbers 'with apPtroPriate (costumes and lighting. Mrs. Kennedy was the direeter, Donald Dunbar was the accompanist. Mrs. C. Davis and Mrs' K -Sburrie in, charge of costumes Mr. W. Shortreed was M. C. •••••••a ,•010, ,•••••,••••• ST. JOHNS GUILD The regular meeting of St. John's Ladies Guild aaas held on Wednes- day, +at 'the home of Mrs. Jewell. !There were nineteen member; present. The meeting opened wan the singing?' of a -hymn. The Lord's Prayer was then repeated by ever3a. one The minutes of the last meeting ataire read alna actopted: The treasurer gave a rep(ort on the skating (panty and the Lion's Club. -an was maidle alt ache skating Party. The collection and dues Were taken up. 'ROC Jewell gave a talk on "Clhurch History" which 'ryas' very interesting. Mrs. Smith, tesident, spoke on the large attendance and welcomed the ladies from :Walton who -came Ito the meeting. Ta was decided to let the Bishop wedding party have that use of the church hall. It 'was moved 'by Jean Warkman and seconded by Mrs. Whibtard that we don't charge for the hail but let the wedding -party give a donatiera. Plans were made for the Pancake Supper which was to be held on March '6 h.. Mna. Jewell, Mrs. Bryans and Mrs, Davis were anaeinted as helpers In the World Day of Prayer. Moved by Mrs. Geo Dallas, seeoind- ed by Annie Pollard that we give $20 the proceeds 'front the skating 'party to the Junior Armaliary girls rand cubs': Mrs Gleagow itited the Guild to her home for the next meeting willfickh is to he (held on March 14. Mrs. Jewell -closed the anleating with prayer. A tasty hinch was Isenvad by Mary Bird, Isabel Aldock and Mrs, Bryans, The Kansas Farmer and His. Entertainers will • present their annual CONCERT AND DA 4 In Brussels Town Wall ors Friday Eye.,, March .22 A Two-Hour Conceit. with Dance. After.. One Admission 5(1...Childreit 25c Auspices 11russels. Lions Club 9. 4 Melville „Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Banday Scho01 Public Worship * • The United Church OF CANADA , Riiv. A. Lane, R. A.- B 11 A. 11. Atone //Thrill* JeStts God S LS $2.00 per year - $2.50 Mali, 4.utkieriaat ale. mese dam ma% yea OM, DoPistment, Ott ,WI WedriesClay, March 13th, 1957 Post Publishing •••••••••••• "Decorate for Spring"' WITH Benjamin 'M, core- Paint* Super Kern-Tone or Kern Clow We Carry A Full ;One And, Give A Cash ,Discount. " I ft*t.*6 I! $ . . . $$ I IP*.** $$ * $ .............................. Lynn Valley Apricots 15 oz. .4 • . 19c Paramount Cohoe Salmon, 1/2s . • *•14 I 39c Johnson's Paste Wax 2 Lbs. • • • • • 99c Cheery Morn Coffee lb 95c Nature's. Best Corn 15 oz. 2 for 29c Machan's Brussels. Ont. 411111.1.011111111111111.1•11, HELP WANTED Due to am Increase in business, we are in urgent neied of 0000 Imo. . fou wit Ind other amities Just as great as these at THERUTLEDGEGROCERY0. Three Mechanics and a Parts Man ,Harry Menai salary 4.00 ; Moved' ay Louis Ebel and second ed by Aletha Rann 'these accounts be paid, -- Carried.. Moved ',by Roy Kennedy and seconded by 'Ray Bronson. the list of supplies as presented ,by Prin. ,aip,ka K. Ashton 'be Purchased. ! - Carried. Moived by Aletha Rann and -sec , onded by Roy Kennedy the Sec. oubscrihe to the Municipal World. I also fon one copy of Argus for each heard member yhen renewing mem hcrt-hip ,Trusteel5P Association. - Carried. The inquiry and fact fihding corm Inlifitee reported they had Icentacted B. R. Tlhontas and togteher they I teltecled. all the roams of tfhe School for necessary repairs, Estimated Cost Of Repairs Not Just today or to-morrow, but Every Day of tits year. • Phone 7 We Deliver Excellent workiagoonditions dint platy. Group hospital_ ization and physician services. Apply Box,06$1, The Banner, Listcoget NOTE: Oar Einiployeesi are aware of this advertisernient. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our *lab:Were( (thanks and approdatian to ' tall those who sent cards, letters, and tre'ad's and also those Who visited our aunt Male. 'Walter S. Foirest Iduring her illness. !SinIcere thanks to friends and neighbours fair floral ' Oblates and ether vets of kindness shown 'us in our recent 'bereaVement. Christie and Andrew intr.:it:all Viola and Graham 'Campbell WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE raeaders of the World Day of Playa*: S V:174(18, held, Friday after noon Church were Mrs. ;Wan. Spain, airs. M. Dennies and Mrs. F. Ieaveil. Assisting Mrs. Dennis in her se;ction of the prgramme as Readers 1, -2 and 3 were, MrS% Walker, ,Mrs. Rowiland and Mrs. Cousins. The' theme for the pro- igramme 'was, ‘Who Shall Separate Usa Remora 8, al. . Prayers, were offererd by Mrs. H. Mre. K. Martin, Mrs. Glasgow and Mrs. L. Nichol. Mrs. Wan. King was organist ; throughonit the programme and accompanied Mrs. K. Smacks of Walton in her solo. A very fitting address entitled ,`Traryer" prepared by Miss Bessie Moses was read by Mrs. (3, Beaker. The ushers chosen for this °cm. sten 'were Mrs. Wrn. Martin, Mrs. H Allan, Mrs. C. krauter and Mrs. D Hemingway The offering refeeiv,ed 'was .$18.85. ,Collecitiona at World Day of Prayer :services ,aret forwardel to the Worneillea InliteraOhurch Council of (Canada, 97 97 -St George St, Toonto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkby A largely attended funeral service for the late Mr. and 1Vare Robert Kirkba was conducted on Friday 'afternoon by Rev. W. M. Thomas at Duff's (United Church' Walton. Mr. and Mrs.., Kirkby were in. stoutly, killed Tuesday morning, near Ethel when returning home{ from Elmira. , Mrs, Kirkby was the former 1Vaargarret Walker, daughterj 'of Mr. anti Mrs. Ben Walker, Balsa] eels and Mr. Kirkby Was blue son of Mr. at-ad Mrs. Herbert KdrkbY. Pesides * the 10131o:wing parents ;they leave rib unoran their loss three three children David '15, Mary 13,i and Bobbie al years, also four brothers, George, Burwseh; Lewis, tOallifornia; -Frank, Walton. and Thomas, MeKillop. 1VIrs. Kirkby wale an active worker lin 'the church and vats at the time of her death vide president of the Walton W. M. S. -and 'W. A. group $8000.00 $2000.00 $800.00 I $1000.00 $ 200.00 $9000.00 Plastering New, Roofs Winderwa, Steil Toilet S;eats Heating System Seaforth Figure Skating Club W1-NTER CARNIVAL SATURDAY MARCH 16th at 8:30 P. M. SEAFORTH ARENA Drills Solos Comedy Precision Skating Assisted by a few Few Members of Stratford Skating Club ,Directed by Mr. Dennis Silverthorne Admission: 75c cnildren sue. Students 60c Total, $81000.00 1 These figures do not Include estimates on floors or beams or paleing or tire escapes. The members of_the board were ,pleased to haane ;Inspector J, H. Kincaid at the tweeting. Following an interesting and inforrnative iccssiorn, It was aniolved by Gordon •Sten!4onson and seconded by Louis Ebis, Mr. Kincaid 'be instructed to deak tentative approval for !the erection of a new school( from. Dept. 'of Edufca,tion - Carried Morved by Louis Ebel, seconded by Ray ilronfsonf parents night be observed in the nkiar Altura. - Carried. I the meeting Ealjortinnled on a motion All business being concluded 1by. Gordon Stephenson and RoY Kennedy. Oa Dept. of Lanus and Forests rhea, FIREPLACES ADD ATTRACTIVE NOTE o many public paanta- rounds ,across Ontario-and help 'prevent forest res. This one is nit James Lake in North Bay District. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH N ,CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOIC Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Service' Of Worship . 11. A. IL • * Knox Church, ETHEL -Minister: Mr. C. L Thompson Sunday School 1.80 P. Mr Service Of Worship 2.30 P. M. - Carried. Elizabeth F, Elliott, See.,,Treas, UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. WE 'WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES * ' ) Tuesday, Marelh, fi, W. M. S. ,that lit the Obuirch Parlour, In the absence of the Piresid.ent. Mrs. It. Thomas, the meeting was led by Dennis. 'Opening hyinn was 'folioNted 'with prayer 'by Mrs, T. IStraclatn i Scrifplture WnS taken by Mrs. R. 'COnaliria. Reit',dell was answered !by 0. friease Odiatainingathe- Word 'f'preareira Mrs. R. Denali* reParted for ,Oblidatian r SteWerilehipl, Mrs. T. Wilt Kirkby Wee , known Strachain fOf Chri*iati Citiaatiehin thrOngiroitt 'britar14 Where and Miss. .F Bitaltanturi renlerted tor he had rated hearses for the Past 'the Stamp' collectiatt; Mrst. Jas. 'Nat'l; YeM`s• Ibuii and Mrs, fa: Cousins were The bailie& Were taken ite the G3-dat afinoktited " delegat'e's , lie attend Fenerial tionte, Seaferth Until Wed_ Ole Rayon .Prelabatendal, Meath 27, .1teadaY 'alien they *ere itiOved tie ao aa he afflautaia maas .gaataaa lite Walker Funeral Heine, Brussels fl'aleIhonine of fibre& ta n te be the 'Wfhieli ,IS eon:dieted bY late guied Easter gthilety *to Mrs. yiauied tatitet, ,tillatinkofferthe ttinday., Nana A Priade aerated, was held there to 'at .11 a ahi Friday Meaning after Reek!: t4st of and Make Way atioli • they Were removed Itta 'Buff's for Brotherhood WaS !taken), by Mt. United Oni*eitu. W,sitt5„#, It, Walker and Mrs, L 14161'11a Siek IMII1blenittat calls W,Cire reff:erfek2i3 Calls matte. ,•Pirrni 4 FTOWFI THEATRF 2 'heave friVtly 7'.3o i.4O o, pa. Matinee Saiurdav < a..., Fri. Sat, 6 Mar. 16 - le Tab HUhter Natalie Wood Oar in • "THE BURNING HILLY" ilinemaScoPe The CAPITOL will be 'renovated f6r this picture Ciratoh Sol II SitiOtik "itth.6 Word was 'mad'e flesh and , dwelt among One • Oidi Wee Mar. 18 19 20' 2t k 22. 23 One:show brity Each Wok 8:00 P.m, OFFICIAL OPENING of the improved _ resented, CAPITOL THEATRE,,. A tree rose for- the Meriday -evening Fleet district showing Lee i Oilman * 'L Anglican Church OF CANADA I ParliA of _NW. Frail k. Jewell, L. S. T. Roster-. jOhniit Chtitthi flrueitets 11 :A.. it, tiatti4 launday &bog -- WIJIJNtSDAY'S IN LENT 8 P k. Addressee eiit Oliristiau KlhtirGU History St. ' "- 2 .$fl't5., M tay $11-ndafleitkii 4. bitsin t'eas is meeting 'closed *tett a hyiiia and' the, Mizpalt Beiletlietienr. gpEf.tlAL 00:e -ihry Need- Jib r.IIXtI dittitti OIL titortivta Until 55.56 eciiiiPlete VALog dkAtITY SHObpE 'tato Traria Nelatni filarkS, • • lain: Thatiler, Walter lieWley„ dank ' Akan 'gear& And BteiVitrt Iteeth thow*otoloitiot iinalop friends of tlin teceaaled, • 'tower( betirera 11tiittt y Kirkby bottgla2 KirkbY, Herbert ItirkhYd- " WilAtainson. d"elvald Friends, and rehttiV61 'attended I on Cash Citk, banal:4, Safnia. ij toadod, Strat., ford, Mitchell, Elmira and tiviieltet Jl 'W AR AND PEACE A young rilanOs- first taste Of battle, a iettriq `girl's .,first taste ..of love, A *Wit Mind's first taste of icieaa, A oiiah,s. first taste if old age area all iireinatized iseadeIi., Wert "Arlity ...is the Comniete aalitt Please N ote p cirainnabf the hilinan heart one. idieW. eich- 'night g /zici' P. Nit Adult's •ige 'Students, .50c 1 Chilclreq,;851' , . . ,