The Brussels Post, 1957-01-23, Page 3WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE WE ARE FORCED TO SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK 'OF FREEZERS AT UNHEARD OF PRICES Double Lid Chest air Deluxe 16 cu. ft. e 99.00 WHILE THEY LAST SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO GeneraLAntometic Equipment Cc.' 3571 Dundoe St.' West Toronto, Ont. BANK"REFERENCE IMPERIAL BANK, TORONTO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Too Much Nagging Bad for Children Itch.itchN;;riyicwrazays Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid raD;Dr- ,aeditPch_caresertupsteldon potoeceltzlevinelay. relieves vel. scalp irritation, cbafing--other itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. 39c trial bottle must satisfy or moneit' back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION New Data Jolt., Views About Mars. If there Are Mg plants and animals on the red planet Mars, they seem tO have Made no, at- tempt to show themselves to as- trOnOMers last fall when Mars swung ploser to the earth than It has, been for 02 years, According to Carl Sagan of the yerkes and McDonald Observe, tOries of the University of Chi- cago, the "seeing" conditions for studying Mars were excellent. But none of the vivid greens and blues that have previously been renerted during the height Of the Martian spring, which were ta- ken al evidence of some sort of plant growth, were Observed, In a report delivered to the Society for the Study of EvolU- tion at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science here in. New York, Mr. Sagan explained that preview; evidence for life on Mars was based on three types of observations. First there have been seasonal cOlor changes in dark areas on the Martian surface which co- incided with the melting of the polar ice cap. Then there were seasonal erratic changes in the Site of these dark areas. Finally, there has been the observed re- 'appearance of the dark areas after being overlaid by what is thought to be sand or dust from a dust storm. All of these phenomena have been'taken to indicate some sort of plant growth writes Robert C. Cowen in The Christian Science Monitor. However, Mr, Sagan now says that obserVatiellS made during this recent favorable approach of the red planet. by Dr, G. P. Kuiper, who is also at the Uni- versity of Chicago, suggest that the color changes May have been illusory, Dr. Kuiper had some very clear views of Mars. Attu the dark areas Seemed an almost uniform gray when, compared with a color chart illuminated by daylight quality light, Ogee. siooally, Mr, Sagan said, ,.there were some faint traces •Of green- blue pastels. But the Most defi- nite color Was a brown ring around the melting polar ice cap, which had been previously reported. The significance of, these ob servations can be seen from the fact that the size changes in the dark areas or their reappearance after a dust storm would be equally;well explained as the ef- fect of sand drifting over vitre- ous lava fields. Thus, it has been the color changes more than anything else that have suppor- ted theories of 1Vlar4lan vegeta- tion in the past. Perhaps, Mr. Sagan suggested, this was a bad growing year on Mars. Perhaps the vegetation dried up and thus was not par- ticularly noticeable. Certainly, he said, brighter and more easily observed color changes than were seen this year have been reported by reliable observers in • the past. But, while this may very well have been the ca t), the new data shows that a good deal more thought and study has to be made before any reasonably sound conclusions can be drawn about life on Mars. How Can I ? Protect your loved ones I You can snake your WILL, yourself. easy-to-understand directions en., closed with each BAX, WILL roil.g, Said for over 30 years by Stationers and 'Dept. stores. Only , 25c or if unobtainable locally send 300 for postage paid Him FOrnl. "No Estate Too Small" • Ce Legal Will Form. Company I Hannaford St. Toronto Q. How can. I clean windows during freezing weather? A. If the weather is so cold that water cannot be applied to the windows without freezing, dampen a piece of cheesecloth with kerosene and the windows can be cleaned quickly. Q. How can I keep quinces? A. Place them carefiilly in a barrel, using only perfectly sound fruit. Fill the barrel with water, fasten on the head of the barrel and put in a cool place. They should keep fresh all win- ter. PUBLIC LECTURER' ALVIN B., KUHN, PIO, (Columbia) Sunday evenings 7.30 0,0n, Jan, 27Ut„ Baste Philosophies of India Greeee and pgypilt.',' Feb. 3rd at; Ancient Religion Wes, orahlp" at Toronto Theosoabic01 SoetetY,_ 0:4 '10111 WO St.? Toronto Oct. qUestioni Auswereci. Lending Liurary, Free Liter- ature,•Travening Library Service Meek* mailed anywherein Canada.) Available if you live outside Totonto. Send for Catalogue of over 400 books on thecs, soPhY, reincarnation, PhllosePhY raYotta clam, occultism, eamparative religion„ devotion,. biography'. dren now, Jimmy, seven, Midgie, five, and Valerie, three, we've never again had such a close call. I think this is because, that day, we grew those eyes-in-the-back -of-our-heads that all parents so definitely need. A dull conversationalist is one who won't yield the floor to you. Olivetti , Lexikon A good typewriter goes on being a good typewriter' arn a much-travelled business- man can tell you that you' may. find Olivetti typewriters at work in almost every part of the world, "Al work"is the point that matters. For the Latikon 80 . as with all Olivetti triaehines - is designed to keep on toorkina under the most difficult collitions, under the heaviest loads of work; year alter year, without trouble or bother. Olivetti's name for good type- writers is remembered because once the machine is, installed you can forget typewriter troubles. .A.^4: • . HE S OFF AND SPLASHING — He hasn'e f -lOirhiS" horse sense— it's all part of an act performed at a water show. The ,diving horse thrills audiences by plunging into the pool from the height of 40 feet. MERRY MENAGERIE 'Will I be glad when this King Arthur phase is over!" CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE AGENTS WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION. THAPPERSI NoW [natant miiing trap, The Canadian Msocia. -den for Humane Trapping now sells the following Instep -killing traps. „Will-ii,. size , $1,50 each B15,04 dorsn; size 3. $3.75 each; Sawyer, size 9I120-edchi 'MA dozen; Bigelow, :Slag S1.4O each, $14.09 dozen, Order now from G,A.FLT. 28 Vesta Chive. Toronto. No C.O,D, BABY ,CHICKS PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1,25 Express Prepaid Olivetti MEDICAL, YOUNG farmer, Increase your income, raise Nutria for fur, 90% feed already on farm. Write: Circle A Nutria Bartell, 396 Meadowsweet Ave„ Toronto 1.1. , CA$1I in your maitboxl Sell for 54, costs 20, Other proven idea$, Make $500 monthly. FelioS only $1, Sterling, 14595 Harbor Island, Detroit 15, Michigan. BIG money ter Lodges, Club s, Churches, selling Automatic needle threader! Every woman wants one, $1.00 brings sample and details. Brown Studios Fountain City, Indiana. 790 POSITIVE Markets for your Hand- crafts, Knit, Weave Leather, Crochet, etc, COmplete details only 250.. The Gift Mart Mail Order Dept, C„ Bemidji, Minnesota, BUY WHOLESALE! Save money on Nationally Advertised merchandise. Send for your 1957 Catalog today. V, V. Wilson Co., Distributors, Box 122.C, Noblesville, Indiana. LEADING .American company requires women to introduce their guaranteed, nationally advertised cosmetics. With- out previous experience, you will earn at least $3,25 per hour with our unique plan. No stock to carry, no delivery, no collecting money, and you choose your own working hours. Write Dept. 11, Peggy Newton (Canada) Ltd., Dun- , das, Ont. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 355 Blear St. W.. Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Co m pa n y, Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave.. Toronto. Patents all countries PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue Included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. HEARING IMPROVED for many who have used. Leonard's Invisible Ear Drums. $10 complete kit, or ask for free Information and testi- monials from many who have been helped. A. 0., Leonard Company, Dept. 4, Hex 306 Station F., Toronto 5. ISSUE 4 — 1957 SWINE PRODUCE 4.)ettgr. por),r .fer less with Landreee„ For the best breeding . • stock in .Landrace buy from Fergus. Landrace Swine Farm. Our aim is to breed and. import .only the best. We. have ,outStatiding stock from Chart. *ell Viking the 3rd, the Sir WirOtoil: Churchill Boar, Weanling son's etto,, hoses four to Ave month old. sows - end 'boars, Guaranteed in Dig sows, hears. .for sale. • catalogue FERGUS •LANPRACE. SWINE FARM. ?SAWS . PNWATLIO 4 4 1 0 4 4 4 4 The note from the school nurse read: "Linda J. in Grade 10 has started biting her nails again, She looks unhappy and depress. ed. I suspect her parents are pushing her too hard." As Director of Guidance at Toronto's Eastern High School of Commerce, where I have been :since 1939, and where I also teach English and Art, it's my job to help 'individual children with educational personal, vocational or financial problems. ' Linda's records showed she was the youngest of three girls. One older sister was a nurse, the other a high school teacher. Her father was an accountant; her mother had been a public school teacher. Despite her parents' ac- titre interest in education, Lin- da's school progress had been average. However, she was not doing badly, since intelligence tests rated her as "dull normal". When Linda was interviewed in Grade 9, I'd noted she was eager to please, but timid. She was an "over-achiever" — one who, does better work than her mental ability would suggest she was capable of. I'd discovered she made her progress in school only by dint of exceptionally long home study. When I sent for Linda, her nailS were bitten to the quick; her face bore a haggard, down- cast expression. So anxious was she for help, she did not hesi- tate to discuss family relation- snips. Her parents had determined to provide each of the children with as good an education as their finances could stand. The two o'der girls had lived up to ex- pectations; the parents were jus- tifiably proud of them. They could not hide their disappoint- merit at Linda's relative lack of achievement. They kept urging her to study harder. And they were ashamed she attended vo- cational school, instead of a col- legiate„ Linda, unable to take any priae in her school accom- plishments, felt, guilty and re- jected — because her parents expected her to follow exactly in her sisters' footsteps. The story was familiar to me. I thought of Edna, who knew that her father preferred her older sister. Marilyn, because she was prettier and more tal- ented in music. Edna did not bite her fingernails. She vented her emotions through petty thievery, which landed her in a family court. T thought of Jimmy, potential- ly a brilliant scholar. He neglec- ted school work in a vain effort to become a star athlete, as his older brother had been, -because Jimmy's father, placed more irn- fOk THE MEN Inspired by outfits woe); by turtboyi in Het , wall,'these longer tWirtitiltrig poritit-mokatio—ore rriaking a" splashbig on California boo- eia Thomas WeatS the= calf length Makahlait ,for body oUrfing and, tilrfbodrelltigt since they PrOiebt 'against bettliei .and maven CUtti pietlit tirope'ttaettestMatitilaCtlifirt of Office Machhiets : I • Whioili (Ciiiiiidli). Ltd. wait • su viio Street portance on athletic prowess than school marks. Fortunately, Linda case had a happy ending. Her parents were, not stupid. Led :to realize they had been.expecting too much, they relaxed the pressure. Her marks actually increased slightly. Linda stayed at school until she completed Grade 12, then went to work in an office. She is still not a. quick or original thinker, but she is neat, painstaking, loyal. Her work is appreciated; she is happy, Not all children are as fortu- nate. Edna grew into a bitter, vindictive woman, looking on the world with a Cold, hostile eye. Jimmy realizes now he should have, stayed in school, in- stead of dropping out in disap- pointment because his athletic ambitions failed. Children need the constant lcive and confidence of their par- ents. If the parents openly prefer one child to another, if they fail to recognize that each child is an individual-with his own strength and his own weaknesses, if they try to force their own standards of accomplishment on the child, the results may be disastrous. Linda's parents failed to ap- preciate their youngest daugh- ter's many excellent qualities of character, while expecting her to excel one — academic ach- ievement — where she was not outstanding. Their mistake cost Linda needless suffering and anxiety. Are you, as a parent, making a similar mistake? — by H. 0. Barrett in LIBERTY Magazine. Watched Tractor Run Ever Son I was a 21-year-old" Irish- Canadian farm wife, living in. Glenevis, Alta., that day five years ago. I'd been out in the yard, show- ing our three-year-old son, Jimmy, how to swing by. him- self. My husband watched us, over the fence, as he filled the tractor with gas for the day's plowing. When Jimmy finally seemed to have mastered the art of swinging, I 'went back in the house. I did see him run to get his doll, saying. "Now, me and Dolly ride." I assumed he meant ride on the swing,. I felt quite safe leaving him in the yard. It was well fenced, and only the day before he'd been unable to unlatch the' gate. In the house I pushed the cur- tains back glancing out the win- dow as I did so. I could see the . portion of the yard where I'd left:my son, and the opened gate, and my husband sitting on the now moving tractor, writes Mrs. Walter J. Cooley in Liberty Magazine. Jimmy was running toward it for the ride he'd wanted: riot a ride on the swing, as I'd thought. It was only seconds until the rear of the tractor hit him, and I saw him fall beneath it, I guess I screamed, but stilt the tractor kept inching back. It happened so quickly. AS I ran out to them, I knew what I'd find: those heavy wheelS, and the great weight of the tractor.... and my son under it, My husband heard my scream over the roar of the engine, though he felt no jar. He thought he had tun over our dog. I was almoat hysterical, and my husband, Walter, was dazed as we looked under the tractor. We couldn't believe what we saw — riot the dog my husband ex- pected, nor the crashed remains. Of our child that t had visioned, Whet we did see was our boy, Very Matta alive, and very, very mad. "Yeti backed Over vie," he Screamed. We pulled him Out. No broken bones; tiaty a scratch Or bruise.. The tractor had just nudged him gently, 1fe'd fallen in such a Way the rear Wheels lied Mast grated him. And my husband had stop. ped before the front wheels had relied (Wei. him. • AlthOtigh we haVe three DiSellierl since IF YOU ere not much of a salesman, but can get along with farmers, you, can make $89 $190 per week rePree renting us in your county, Write the Manager, Box 3213, Milverton, onorte. GO INTO forgUr8Vod. Sell exclusive AlglNewEarSeS products pitanege Walti,od by every householder, These items are pot sold In stereo. There Is no competition. Profits up to 500% ,Write immediately for tree color eataiogue with retail prices shown. separate erafidential whpiesaie price will be included. Murray Salo 8822 St, ItlaWrenee Montreal. WANT pellets how? We have them, including Ames In-Cross Or meat birds — including Pilch White Rocks, And also standard strains, Start 'right In '57 with Bray phicke, May have some started. PrIcelist, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N„ Hamilton, HEAVY breed cockerel bargains, While they last. Light Sussex x Rhode Is- land Red, Rhode Island Red x Light Sussex. Barred Reels and other popu- lar breeds. Day olds $4.95. One week old $5.95. Two week old $7.95, Four week old $8.95. Assorted breeds $1,00 per hundred less, TwEnnLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. nnous ONTARIO. BOOKS THOUSANDS of books, cuts and color- ed plates on Birds, Pigeons, Pheasants, Bantams, Poultry, Turkeys, Waterfowl. Cats Dogs, Rabbits, Aquaria, Farm Animals, Hunting, Fishing, etc. Cata- logue free. Morgans, London, Canada. MAGNIFICENT NEW BIBLE AUTHORIZED King James Version bound in flexible Wortex, two_page family register, illuminated presenta. ' lion page, In gift box, Postpaid, $2,00. J. GILLIS, 1014 St. Clair West, Toronto. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE ALFALFA Meal business and machine, 160 H P. Cummins Diesel. Morley Hamtnermill and Pape° Cutter mount- ed on International truck, all in good condition. For particulars write Roy Whitweil Sr Son, Glanford Station, R.R,1, Ontario. OLIVER Cletracs, several in good order with blades and loaders. Any reason- able offer. P. Tilley, Blackwood Hodge, 10 Suntract Road, Toronto 15. (Inter- section of 401 at Jane). Evenings BAld- win 1-9146. TREE FARMER CHAIN SAWS using Popular Power Products. Engine, Til- lotson Carburetors, F. M. Starters, Model AL with Oregon Chain 20" . . . $215, Model ALP with Oregon Chain 20" . . . $230. Also the outstanding performer with the exceptionally long life engine P.M. Model 19-A Write for name of nearest dealer. GROH FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD., BOX 55; ELMIRA, ONTARIO. MEDICAL POST-4,S ECZEMA .SAk.VE ,PAMEH .the torment of ttry, eczema raIthes mad weeping skin. .troubles, Poet's SOO: not .disap- point you, itching, ,actilitig ,and. burn $0g, ,eczema, acne, rinaworm, .9.11PPleo end foOt eczema willrespond readily, .te. the'h stainless odorless ointment re::: gardless of hew stulshorn or )1990190 lheY seem, Sent.post Free on Receipt of Pr,,Ice. PRICE $3.00 .PER JAR POST'S gEmEplE$ .445 St, 'Clair, Avenue Bast TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. I ,AM Leoking for a Party- with $2,900 to ge Into a very lucrative field of Wholesale Merchandising, Wonde r. ful opportunity. Box 154 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto BE KNOWN -- Your. City, State, Nation, Foreign Countries. Breno Sousa Freitas, R. Buarque, Macedo ss, Apart, 204, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. UNUSUAL Mail Order Opportunity! Receive fat $8.00 commissions daily in your mailbox. Details and sample $1.00. Dick's Mall Order, 519 Oakwood S.E., Washington 20, D.C. APPROVED chicks 134. Pullets 200. You can see the difference in our generic .chicks from all others; if not, call us, return them and get your money back, Newmarket Hatchery, Newmarket, Ont. THE margin in the Chicken business to-day Is smaller than it was a few years ago Consequent-1Y you must start with' the best chicks it is pos- sible to secure. You must have the right breeds for theJob you want the chicks to do. We have them. Special breeds that lay white eggs. Others lay brown eggs, other cream catered eggs. Special dual purpose breeds, Two special Broiler breeds. Four breeds of turkeys, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. PER GUS ONTARIO