The Brussels Post, 1956-10-10, Page 5Ths Establishment of NEW KITCHENER-WATERLOO DISTRICT OFFICE is announced by THE WORKMEN'S 'COMPENSATION BOARD to provide MORE AND SPEEDIER SERVICE 'nt. MI4 s ,tale we e•ead in,,Detip4te is Mr. And Mrs At* 49)YrX and. Toronto roialblves Uei'6•• is, ' Mr. and. Mrs, AL WilLePer.0 Rochelle were week-end -visitors in. Senate, Mrs. F. jovrell le visiting friends in the Georgian district and 'Toronto for a few days, Elsie Stasis and Bob Murray, Toroet spent Tthankdgiving week- end with Mr. mid ara. G. Evans., Mr. Sas, Davis haS returned homq after an operation in Iricitoria h05- Altai, London, last week. Mrs. Adatm[,,Steiss of Nepawa, is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Elvlans. * * * ,Miss Mary Lane, Miss Isabel Lindsay, ' Toronto and Gordon ajane), liondon, were visitors with. Rev. A. and Mrs. Larle, on the` ,Thanksgiving week-end. * * Mr, and Mrs, Chas. K. Bryan% and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lowder of Toro, ,itt,)ci, word rilhanksIgivin,g I ViSiXors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Xas, BryanS. On. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. Cl. Fox entertained at a family dinner on 'the ,Occasion of his birthday ThoSe Present included Mr. and Mrs: Harry Bowler, and family, London, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Hastings and family, Mr. and Mrs. jack , Lowe and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Brewer, nil of Brussels, Mr. Ruesell , Fox of Kincardine, Mr, 4krohie Hen- derson. Miss Evelyn McIver and Miss Marlene Smith. all of London. COMPEASATION MATTERS for Workmen, Employers, labour Organizations, Representathies of the Medical Profession and other interested groups in, Waterloo, Wellington, Perth and Huron. Counties. Now in operationi the new Kitchener-Waterloo-District office makes use of teletype, and other time-saving communication devices to provide speedier service in handling compensa- tion claims and completing arrangements for the treatment and rehabilltation of injured workmen. The kitchener-Waterloo-Districf office will, also serve as a centre of information concerning Workmen's compensation for Waterloo, Wellington, Perth and Huron Counties. The Kitchener-Waterloo-District office address is: 5 SCOTT STREET, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Duncan Roycroft, Dist. Representative. R. McLeod Southgate, Assist. Dist. Representative. THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD, ONTARIO ...•••••• •.•••• .No...en••••••• ••--• FOR SALE — Motorized Bikes, Beasonable. Pollard's Chain. Saw. Priced WANTED -- A man with car to take 411ablished 1Wsitkinis route Morrie and Grey Townships. A. IT, McDonald, Box 520 Seaforth, • over for FOR RENT •—, Brick house with all modern con- venienees, . garage, ion highway hetween Walton and, Brussels. apply to Lawrence Ryan and sons. Walton MAN WANTED Start a permanent year round Ingress. You bdgin earning good money the first day, Strictly your own boSs,. Openings in your sur- roundings. 7,amilex. Dept. A. Station 0, Montreal TENDERS WANTED The Cranhrook Cemetery Board are asking for tenders for grave digger, Anyone interested write to W, J. Schnook, 'R, R.. 3 Brussels or Phone 551.20 HELP WANTED — `MAN WANTED to, sell Rawleigh'S Bousehold Preduchs to consumers. We help Yon- ;Good profits for hustler. No experience needed to start. 'Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. 'Write today, /lawleigh's Dept. J - 152 • 53, jontreal, P. Q. ••• BUOtslitiOtt PROPANE Ott. 'Fite, BTRA't ROAD, ottf. The Verilitete flsEfendalttla FUEL FOR HOME Olt tribtitritio tAANiiikiti, HOT ViAtilk lit RitirOttititAitikj Ott, WALT. MADDESS tittoNt tiiiAttrOteb jot* -4474, *tit( ilk. rrt 34: WE ARE AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY ,F2Atcpuxittett, St Iles for every business Various colors and designs Samples, suggestions and prices without obligation ith6 .g.thootit Pest: dinton HU. 2-3441 hetiveen! a.m. On Week DAYS 7130 anti 9,:30 oil Sundays and Holidays The excellent A. II, Casta cow, Brit. tany Rag Apple. torene, a daughter of Alladin, former 'Unit tulli sold 'at the trubacher iVerSarSt =Silk for $pg5.00', en an bninitorc. 7t. THE 4RYS$EiggS POST Wednesday, 90f9bei loth71114 ADSg CLEARING' AUCTION SALE PeOder Cailble at Lot 29, Cm, 9, 14.oKillop Twp., Allan Osf—obell,s MoK11109 Twp, tut Allan CaMPbell'a THYRObAY, ODT013.4R 18, 1968' 1 p. m. PEOPLE WE. KNOW * Mr..14 40g. Watson is in -ivirtowlm 0,4Pitlat FOR SALE fr-.. Drew 0 wasting OnieltonS, ...OF' 4c41111 lone 01-9 Brussel; 4A14 to ire held at Lot 18, Con. 6, Morris Twp., for the estate of the late rn Douglas e4h on .;.WEDNESOAY,:OCTOBER 17th At One O'clock 1 gnade eow.t.IdttO tO freshen in Jan. I grade cow due to freshen in. March' 1 grade 00W, 811 P,P 0.50d In call' 1 purebred shorthorn cow to freshen in March with heifer calf FOR SALE at foot Coleman Swop Heater and 100 gal, 1 l'ic'ifer du° 4111116 Qf vale • ,39 Dii,r‘liain and ,Tiereferd Steers/ .'6 to 700 po. 20 Durham and Hereford Beigerf4 6 to 700 lbs. „,„ HoiSte1 Cows„' wringers, 2 DuriMm Cows, bred. alb s , NUrnbor Of York Chunks And weblers, Tertris Cash Auctioneer, Heroic( Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney FOR SALE 109 Su sex l'nnetkir taying. Alex, Galatten Phone .82r9 • tank, holstein ,halter rising 2 years S. Lowe Rhone IA 2 Yearlings 4 spring calves 100 red-rock pullet's, 't meting old, FOR SALE, laying spy, and Tolman Sweet Apples, 1 Ford, Tractor witr plow and SPrayed., . cultivator intone 830..6 1 manure spreader, binder and }Toward Smith walking plow, a rubber4ired wagon with rack and box, a sot of harrows :TENDERS WANTED hay fork and ropes, Delaivai electric -For the pOsitton of fireman for L cream separator-, electric motor, AMbrose Church, Brussels, turnip pulper. Quantity of grain and Anyone interested contact hay. Other articles toe numerous to James Nolan R. R. 2 Brussels Mention, Terms Cash Everything must be sold to settle the estate. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Prop., Mrs. Douglas Smith CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm,. Farm Stook and Implements to be held at the premises Lot 26, Con. 15 ,Grey Twp.' 114 miles west of Moncrieff on WEDNESDAY,' OCTOBER 17, 1956 at 1 o'clock E. S. T. included, in the sale are 6 head of grade Holstein. Cows ranging in age from 2 to 7 Yrz, all,. breld'Anguss, due int March. 4 head of Reg„ ...Shorthorn 'cows, Pasture bred to a Reg, Shorthorn herd Sire. 10 head of stocker heifers, 500 to 600 iitys!„ DLO , York chunks.. ro Implements McCormick Deering Model H. traCtor, Me-D. 15 run power drill Me-D. side delivery rake Mc-D, 7 ft, binder Mc-D, S fit. double disc Me-D, drop head rope loader ARID. 3 furrow plow 5 section MeD, diamond Barrow Deering horse mower John Deere 7 ft, Dower mower Oookklitutt No. 6 tractor spreader on rubber. rubber•tired wagons, and racks 2000 lbs. scales; Little Beaver hammer Massey Harris root pulper; 10 x 12, colony house DeLaval 600 lbs. cap cream sep- arator: pig troughs, milk cians7 rand many other small items. Feed 2000 bales of mixed hay 5 ton of mixed grain 20 ton of Ajax -Oats 21 bits, of Reg. Ajax Oats for seed The Farm Consisting of 100 acres of im. proved land in a good farming dis- triet situated only one mile from cluirch, sehhol, and store, will be offered for sale subject to a reserVe bid, the building's. all in good repair and well situated, include a 44 x 64 4ania barn. some cement stabling and litter carrier, Double-deck hen house, 20x30, shin lap siding. CoMfortable'room bouSel, brick siding, Terms on the farff will be annouh. ced sale day. Terms on the farm will tie announ. and there will be no reserve. Duna. McKay, 'Prop. Derintsi and WIldlong, AUctloWeere Phone Seaforth 842 - 11 A. W. Corby, Clerk. E. E. Sparrow, Chairman WINCoriAle MEMORIAL, 5110P Icvar Ageism-in) Craniums Pee l'hirt.7-F1 Y Argrays essag4 rHE DEBT CIRANITte &long With t:cpert Designing are worirminahisk Prim* Most ThaalcdAdIrlet renter?' 1...erzorIng a Booms"; R, A. SPC CTOIN 9h' qr 21111• Wtnehom. cograrne J. F. Cooley, Vice-Chairman Dr. E. C. Steele, Commissioner FARIVIERt.? M3.1-1 t'fzu FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in -.8S4 Head Office *Atwood* Om ilatiV4. Farm Property, Private 0we4Figgo. And Contents in Towns and Vliteseb Schools Charcnos and Hans eli aft "INSURANCE AT COST" ba.205 PROMPT ADJUSTMENT 05 CLAIMS t:sontact your Nearest Director — Acene R. W. (Dick) wt.trr.PlaLo R. R. 2, Cruseehlig Ocs4g MELVILLE W. M. S. The Women's Missionary Society of Melville Presbyterian Church met in the 'church parlor with the president, Mrs, 'W W. Smith in the chair, Tire devotiO0I period was con- lucted by Mrs. Robert Scott. who read the scripture. and Mrs, C. McDowell `;he led in prayer. Rev. IT, T. Colvin showed' a film Strip witih inatruetione ' for the eh-et-member canvas which is be- ing prepared for the ,churoh. . The plans for attending the sec- h*letit ‘of Maitland Pres., byfery whiciir Will 'be held at Oran- brook. Oct. 11th. were discusstd, • At the November meetislg the !society' will entertain friends front neighboring women's groups and a committee was :meted. Ito plall a presram and Provide i•efreshreisnis. A hymn and Benedictclon by Rev. I-T. T. Colvin clOsed the meeting. alC:\k FlgY0(411 COrlOrnti Cheese is a most valuable food p t{ and would you believe it—there are 00C/ V/I More than 40 kinds of cheese made in Canada. e October is Cheese Festival Month and what a wonderful variety awaits you right now at your food store! A free set of Marie Fraser's Cheese Recipe Booklets is yours for the asking. Write today, INSEMINATION ,NFORMATrON "For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton H V.2 - 3441 or Palmerston 498 between 7.30 and 9.30 A. M. We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 'SWAGS Orbtotrekt, Rare your Oeptle *auk atul etass pooh clawed Se esabory troy new to mold trouble. Irvine Oman. Nuns/ sec it Mt Ott DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU PLOW POINTS 10% off list price when ordered advance for all makes of tract. or plows. Ounce wear longer, We also have space heaters new and old. C. T. L, Fertilizers and Seeds. 4Ceo. Wesenburg Phone 1532 'FOR SALE — Highest prices rand for OM IMAM s doeatpaif otei FOR SALE, -- 13riCk Couage — Hydro, 2 acres John Zwaan ?hone WO land in', small village. near store, acrd` chopping mill. Priced at ! $1900.00 cash acre Farm — Good house, hydro, bank barn, on county road always ,`ploughed. Priced at $2500.00 deoeral Store — in good sized villtige;'• Stock 4000.00; equipment 216400. Price %Chiding •• Moctlt '• eeuipmerA4antl:,,Building...(2 „shiny).. ' . 1.00 *ore Perm — Bearitfttiatl *let WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'TURKEY SUPPER Brusoste 1.3*Ai.ted Church are holding a Turkeyt Dinner, Mondayi.!. October 15th., follovripg Anniveretit ikentlei,'.00. 14th. 2 :toter:* how* bath,'::, tangle*, ,p4,„ OtTeente !System, itrivOlied, bank Urn, 5 octets' isle&" 'trusted' tie' beistitY road. Priced. .eu$9600.00 Phone 84 1 hater;, Abbot Ortritiebt. Ont. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" . 7 -R btiritig the.: very trying harvest season have ittstielc.perietieed, there was net• time to s ai~out .tile livestock , and -breeding programine,';14W-, eves .with, fall here; Wails for the fall, breedittgAtora,.. 'gra fel' • 0. • „ • „' • ••1: . ..!,;!', When, making yatir fall breeding plan, ,e61r-; Sider the adVantages of breeding yotir Cows to the sires -in service in oar Unit, Your first OW You're pot Own money, on may 411.1111111. And bemuse you're tidy, Put (Waal ot, yak. .Commerce Ask swarii We're expecting you, and We Mw a welcome present rm It's a ban4putt, she boold oiled, les:Simple When Vol know 14O*It filled with iI ECONOMY DISEASE CONTROL SAFETY QUALITY CALVES C'Ero,reP OF BULLS. COURTEOUS SERVICE FOR SERV=E OR MORt INFORMATION wArrt OR CALL COLLECT TO • " 9g of 4Y, PEI•ektces•P:**i. ot, • go'r-/