The Brussels Post, 1956-04-18, Page 1, . 2.0Q, per0.74i , . • - „ .~ Benefit oncert and anc suCCESSFL., TEA AND SALE 1 HELD HERE ON, SATURDAY eltecosafni ,Spring tea and gale of baking was bx, the 414 of Melville gre31/11e4riali4 March 444 Satnr .dav ,€ittetrVo,o11, fir. s, Bennett, welcomed th# visitors, The baiting. cot lter. siA in charge of We, B0OK3t4 xrg, g.B, Allen, um !, q, Baeker, Mrs, D. C, Matheson. A candy table was 14 chorge of Mrs. j, C. Long and Mrs, Wesley Heft In 144p tesn'OOrr, Where Mrs, W- A. Williams poured, the table was centred with kastel7tinted water lilies on a eitetdar mirror on. la lace- covered eIdth., TelloW candles in crystal helderS coMpleted the ar- rangement, Tea was -served by Miss Nellie jerdine and Mrs. James S. Armstrong, who *ere assisted in the kitchen by Mrs. John Work and Miss Millie McFarlane, • MAJESTIC vVOMEN'S. INSTITUTE The annual meeting of -the Brus- sels :Branch of the. Majestic WEL. ineWs - institute Was held Thursday afternoon in the Library basement, • Annual reports were given by Mrs. Bari Oud•more, Mrs. Ferg .Connely, Mrs. Carl Hemingway, Mrs. Wesley Kern", Mrs, Clifford Marks, Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, Mrs, Harold Speir, 'Miss Beth HooVer, and: Mrs. Kenneth Sherrie. "Spiritual Discipline" was I t.ine sermon subject in the United Church on ]Sunday, April 15. It was based oar Paul's advice to Timothy, "Exercise thyself unto GodlinesS" 1 Timothy 4:7. The spiritual person is cue. whose life is•shet threugn with an awareness of God. We are born with a latent capacity for knowing God - bat if this capacity is to be main- tained and to be 'expanded, exercise in spiritttal things, One things of 'God, will be required. If we refuse to exercise Our spiritual capacity it will wither and 'atrophy. Just as the Mole beeame physically sightless by burying itself in the earth, refusing to dome to the light, so *alien can beconie spiritually by continually refusing to come to the light of God in the face of Jesus Christy The anthem "Arise and Sing" py B. D. Ackley was sung by the CARD OF THANKS The family of the late . Alvin. L, Hunter wish to express their sincere thanks And appreciation for the floral tributes, cards 'of sympathy ISMId far kindness shown in their re. cent berea,veMent Margaret, Joan and the ,Hunter Family LETTER TO THE EDITOR Box 400, 1Seaforth, Ontario April 10, 1956 The Editor, Brussels, Post, Dear Sir: On behalf of the Huron County Tu- berculosis Association, I should be much obliged to you if would publish in your paper sour thanks to all who have helped to make our 1955 Christ, arias Seal Campaign so successful. Our . total receipts ,of $11,256.25 are a 14 per .cent increase Over those of 1954. We appreciate the generositY of those, who by their cantributions are assisting in Making possible the control of TB in our county. We are grateful to all ante volunteers who helped in preparing the seals for distribution and to the Postmasters and their assistants for thee help in delivering them.. • Thanking YOU tor the publicity which you have freely given to this imPortent cause, I am, Yours sincerely; F. E, President, Huron County TB Association. NOTICE - The Optical Office of the late C. R. Wilkinson,Ed1ward $,t Wing` ham, is open. every Thursday even- ing with a Registered, Optornetrist in attendance. Phone 197 for appointment. • VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP .Cutting Styling , Cold Waving A Specialty Phone 40x Brussels DANCE! Modern and. Old.Tyme Music With The "KANSAS FARMER" And His Entertainers At the Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, APRIL 20th Admission 50c Come and have a good time Auspices of L. O. L. 111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111101 Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. in. Sunday IleboOt 1.1 a. in. Divine Worship "The Importance Of The do'spel" Minister: Rev. H. r. tbsteTh. IL D. Organist: L. 0. Thompson R. s. The United Church r li OF CANADA Minster: Red, A. Lin.; Divine wersniza o'CloolL ",Igental Mika Sabot.]: O'Clida "Praise God ini Ms iSanctuary" CELEBRATES 94th. BIRTHDAY Dr, George Ross. Winghant; and Mrs, Vernon Ross, London; Mrs. Gifford Swartman, Siouk Lookout, ,and Mr, and Mrs. Monroe Blain, Tor- onto, were weekend visitors with their mother, Mrs. D. Ross, who ,celebrated her 94th. birthday on Monday. C. G. 'I. T. MEETS The C. Gr:I.T, inet in Melville Pres- hYiterian Church, with Sheila Black ,,,,presiding. Plans were Made for a Mother and daughter banquet to be held on, June 1. A new program commitee named for the last term of the year includes; Sharon Hem- inewaY, Jean McFarlane, and Elba- heth Pipe. A scripture story was read, by Betty Alcock, sfolloweid by prayer by Sharon Hemingway. A paper on the study, prepared by Miss Bessie Moses,'was, read by Mrs. D. C. Math. este. Mrs, Calvin ICrauter, a former leader of the gaup, was welcemed back a,itd `gave -X talk on "First Aid," NOTICE.- Comrade A. M. Forbes, Service Bureau Officer, will be at the ,'Legion lipoins, Brussels, on the afternoon of May 2nd. Anyone with pension problems etc. apply to Ralph Shaw or C. L. Workman. TRADE-IN Your old Watch Strap or Bracelet is worth $2.00 on a new type txpan. sion Bracelet _made In Canada., no rivets to break, comfortable to wear. W. G. Leach Jewellery Store Brussels 'ANIR LISTOWEL THEATRE-. 2 ahoWs nightly 7.30 - 0.30 p. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m, Post Publishing, House Ilk Pa° Ma" D419"144.24 °ItgarS Wednesday, April 18th. 1956 HURoN COUNTY T. D. • 1 ASSOCIATION ANNUAL. MEETINGi ••The .a11,.nual. meeting of the NANA I County TUberelliosis Astleeiatlen. to he .held in. the Board IOWA of the. Agricultural Office, .01Inton . on Mon-, ••419".4 April 004, ,alt, 8 p,m., the public invited to Lattoild, . . F. E, Maidill, President, .MeS, J. B, lAissell, 19xelentiv Sec. .0•Ocqi4 BRUSSELS COUNCIL, FIREMEN HEAR CIVIL CIEFENCVAFFICER A Meeting Was held in the bilmalrY on, April „of council inenahers ,and niellthers of Our wosi Fire Dept. with Mr. Adams .of Oren.ada's Civil Defence guest Speaker, Mr, Mains wasintroduced by The Chief Hartley' Fischer, and gave A very interesting story on the import,- alio of Civil Defence, the work it Would be called upon to do in 'the event of an attack ion ,Canada or the United States, the effects of Waite and Hydrogen Bombs, and what the civillaat population would, be called twee to do in the event of an attach, Mr, Adorn said Civil Detep40 is linked very closely with Fire Depart- ments, and told firemen they would have important duties to do, Mr. Admits expressed his P1i)Pre- elation for the invitation extend- ,ed to him by the Fire Dept. to Sneak to the, Council and Firemen on Civi, Defence. His address was followed by a question and answer period at which Mr. Maros was asked by Reeve J. H, Stretton if a public imeeting could be arranged so that everyone could hear about Civil Defence. Dr. Adams replied he would be happy to attend such a. meeting and would bring movie films and give as much in- formation on the subject as he could. Arrangements for a future meetieg, are now under way. Brussels Town Hall 47. 1,PQA1., EASTER SEAL S. COMMITTEE COLLE,CTS $550,5Q The aelliMitter, in charge of Easter BealS for crippled children for this district, wish to announce 'that the fund has iroaohed 8550;59, and also 71141i to '.11)10,141c all contrilmters and workens for their igenerouis sil.pport. ,Any further donation's will be igrahe- fully re0e4rea by ',the treaShrer Mr. Robext Walker, 11 OFFICIAL VISIT MADE TO BRUSSELS LODGE Tuesday evening 4'llebehales" -Were hostess Lodge to Goderich Rebekah Lodge, it being the official visit from the Vice President, Sitster Clara Beatty of OanningtOn and District Deputy President Sister Mary Sutter of Clinton. The officers of Goderich Lodge opened the meeting, and draped the Charter for our Assembly Treasurer the late Betty Dundas of London. Gifts were presented to the Vice, President a,n:d to the District Deputy President. F011owing the meeting a sodlal time was spent and lunch served by the committee convened by Mrs. A, MOTaggart. At 8.30 P M. Sharp Donations required immediately. Cash or useful merchandise may be left at Brussels Legion or Riverside Motors. Names of donors will be published weekly. For information 'phone lan ffilcDona.ld, Trustee 'for the McWhirter Fund. will she pray with him, and for him? The Word of do :d says, How can: two (people') walk together except they I be agreed. A Married couple should be agreed on the question of childrent for instance. PRIZE LIST FOR GREY TOWNSHIP CENTENNIAL: 4,,1 ,'f.t1,1i PARADE -- MONDAY, JULY 23rd, 1956 Rarade' Time 12 P. M. $25 $20 $I0 $25 $20 $'15 3$10 Is $75' Best Decorated Float Best Pioneer Covered Wagon Oldest Buggy Oldest Car UNITED CHURCH Mrs,* W. . H. Bell, president, and Mrs. Earl Cudmotre were chosen to attend a banquet at Guelph„ Com- munity 'sisging was led by Mae. Douglas Hemingway, with Mrs. W C. Kerr at the piano. Mrs, Stanley Bride, Fordwich, district president, addressed the aneeLng 'and Mrs. Earl Cudreore contributed a read lag. , Miss Millie McFarlane, reporting for the nominating connattee, pre- sented the following slate Of of_ 1 fleet's for the coming year: past 1 president, Mrs. H. W. Stephens, President, Mrs: W. H. Bell; vice- presidents, Mrs. WI Mau . Evans, Mrs. R. 03. Cousins; secretary i %treasurer, Mrs. John Speir; assistant I Mrs. Earl Cadmore; • diStriet direct- I or, Mrs. R. W. Stephens; branch,. dieectors, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, 1 Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Archie Engle; pianist, Mrs„ W. C. kerr; -interested in her husband's .business? I assistant, Mrs. Wesley Kerr; press 1 Harold Colvin spoke last morning on the subject of marriages,' discoursing at length on many of the problems of present day marriages. The speaker first stressed that a Man and wife should have many things in commons they ;timid • hare a liking 1 tor the same things. Is the wife I Sunday mixed MELVILLE CHURCH Admission by Donation PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will be In effect In Brussels starting at. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT, APRIL 28th, 1956 and ending at SATURDAY MIDNIGHT,SERTEMBER 29th, 1956 To fall in line with other municipality.. J. H. STRETTOP, &KAM (0 Mr. Colvin also spoke on the question of young people of differing CARD Oe"rHANKS My sindere and heartfelt to our friends and ineighbotirs, for their Many acts of kinchtess ,and sympathy. To. all who helped in any way and for flowers ,and cards sent k Me in My recent" bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. H. ,Colvin, and Mr. 1)'. A. Rant. Mrs. Hugh R. Elliott, $15 $10 $15 EV , ' slt4 ......... i . ..... ••• 0, • 44 Oldest Farm Machine Best Decorated Bike public School Girl • $3 • $2 RI' Public School Boy $3 $2 Best Comical Entry 000 . 0000 , ....... $10 $8 Best Clown $10 ft By Pre School Child ..... ... 7., $3 Best Dressed Pet Acconipanied Lane, Mrs.' Beverly Riley, 'Mrs, churches and. religions, marrying. Douglas Hemingway, Mrs, Kenneth 1 He alSo 'thought it wasn't wise fot Shurrie, Mrs. Harold Speir, Miss for young People "to marry a person Beth Hoover, and Mrs. Clair Long. whoni their parent.s abject .to. St. I Paul's `• hot to be unequally Mrs. Bride conducted' the instal; latton of the officers. Lunch host- yoked together with unbelieverS, was also elaborated upon, ,• esses were Mrs. Kenneth Sammie, MrS„ Clifford Marks, Mrs. GarconFinally Mr, Colvin' urged. young PeoPlenot to fall in love with and WIlkinsos, Mre. BeVerely Riley and marry'the first person of the oppo- Mrs. Harold ISPeir. site Mx they meet and get acquainted with. "Shop around" he said, and if necessary, change your job or go to lanother oso The choir sang the anthem Holy Art Thou. to the music of Handers Largo. $1_ t REyo 6Fet..,, NEL -rtlit6o6A 1956 robbery that Cartoon by bor Ster- n. Vika a IN MEMORIAM BROWN In loving MenierY Of a dear 'Husband and fttber AtigUS Ilittri Who liaised .away two years ago April tlth, 1054. Two years halve pegged since that sad •day, The one we loved Was called ,away, Ood took bite bowie, it Was His But in our hearts, lie liteth Still. i0a,411Y bY 'Wife, and She l silnived mother, Mrs. I-In h. Graham's Survey. got s:1riawsty, y6u neean't leave your ter on bloCks csil year, fo enjoy 1956. .,(1; T clpwp" is slow down with dii e)str9 dash o core cmd. courtesy: The story of It 1)tink didn't jell. Supertonic Age Anglicari hurch icANADA of Einwasets Retie Fred E. Jewell, L. S. T. Rector wf Jilohnis Church, Thursday 3 P. '311. Induction 8ervicd' Sunday 11 a, in. Meriting Pre Ye? Sunday' School St. David's Church; Honfryn *AO p.m. Ill-reiiffit frifoit 'or , Sunday Educe'. , Automobile neon' nee for earefu a"ric741. 3o sto6s stntrt i60.140 g REGEN1 'THEATRE Seatorth, Out ThurSdaY; Friday and Saturday YOU'RE, NEVER TOO Vinikid Dean Martin Jerry Lewis li Dean' stashes Jerry away in a girls' school to hide hind from a Mad killer. * Mondeyi.tnesday and Wednetddy THE ETERNAL SEA Sterling Hayden Aieida Srnith They Calf hihi the peg-loqded"edinleat and throughout the here-Studded annals of our Nation's History, feel in the riai'iea that have "earadd &ester' liiirnortailfy, A story or ,berote: greabiet'S it spirea • by the depth of a VvelifeiVe love. 1*' tit ThereclaYi Friday and Saturday dALENt. Jane 'WyenaTi pitierfoli 'Heston tsriiind ,. FEMALE ON 11.-eAda Thur. Fri. Sat. April 19 - 20 21 DEAN' MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS rah "YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG" MOM - 24 "VIOLET SATURDAY" di$ElVA.gdOill,t Adult ittitertaininent Vidtoft. MATURE SYLVIA SYDNEY Wed. April era 26` "THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW" BARBARA STANWYCK FRED .memtittAtt JOAN BANNt;t7. What happens when the old girl Friend' 'conies to visit tlie hatip11Y Married cduple. reporter, Mrs. D. C. Matheson; rissistaet, Mrs,. F. W, Todd.; auditors, Mrs. Claire Long, Mrs. Angus Brown; conveners of 'standing committees, M. Earl Cudniarei Mrs. Perk. Connelly, Mrs„ Lorne Nichol, Mrs. William Leach, Mrs, Wesley Kerr, Mrs.. W. A. Spence, Mrs, Andrew Trig, to include giiided 'tour through Oakville Ford plant, subway and ferry rides, guided tours of muSemn, and Casa Loma, and stop-over it 'Molten Airport 13.00 complete. Contact ,Mrs. L, Porter, Phone 33Xr3 CONDUCTED TOUR .Pupils of Or. V and VI B. P. S. halve room far 6 adults on. a BUS. TRIP TO TORONTO, MAY 4 MISS ELIZABETH A. R. ELLIOTT 1111, WA, iiillzabetly A. It. Illliott of CiraEam'a suorey, died iv the Wing- Item( IfeSnital -62n. Thursday, March 20111, !'CrtiIt 147th. year. TfIce horn in Annan, Bruce .datintY, the danghter of Hugh. P. Elliott and Agnes White, She was Predeceased by tone brother, Funeral serti.ee took plate frein her late residenee, Graham's Survey, 4it 2 in, in, iii gaturday, March Alst. interment was n15de In Bra .1:4 eavi otery, ro ,4•',/te