The Brussels Post, 1956-01-11, Page 4WedneednY, 4444,17, 11th. 191 5t Ta4 .074,1$411,,S POST DEAD STOCK $3.00 tc>r dead Derma and cows, higher priCos for Old, sick or (14004 F R SALE — horses or oewfb Fireno Atwood A. quantity of good bale WomtA s Collect, Dan iNtolthinOu, Phone Oxil I 41ED AMJ WINGHAM ,DISTRICT HIGH $CHOOF KOULSICPOONDSNPPRESRT"PSIERRI E§ The Wirnham District, High School in co-operation with the Ontario De, partment EdneatiOn is pleased to Prot-11.0e an interest in Mittel° On January 24th, at 8,15 p, the following Antlets will present musical program, Ia the sehool 1\1011Y IMeDellaitl, HarPsleherdie al4:11;113.c 'Soprano, ollitelon1‘.1Man~th ezzo-SOplan 0, Vadloras Verikaitis, zone Sadoway, Violinist. gamy, McDonald Was born in Tor- onto avid rece'ived her musical Training in her native city, .,She received S01106)01414 for Noice study with Baroness Von IClenner In, New York city, where for four yeane she did advanced study and many concerts.. She was the first -pension to win three simultaneous scholarships at Peabody Institute in Baltimore for voice, opera and piano under the world. famous pinnist HaMmislids B'Isilac„D‘teorn,ald has travelled ex- tensively es a concert artist and lecturer in the United •States, hav- ing just returned after a three month tour of. American cities. She re- sides in Torento, and is at present, teaching and concertizing in her natlilLrthe: Tantlil l\ sons. worse aroused considerable interest even before she fininl--4 i.entool in Jamestown, North Dak-oua, When ° visiting In New York a vocal teacher,beard her, and his enthusiasm prompted local business men to 'spenslor her studies in New York. •She ,soon. be- came 'a memo i of the Robert Shaw Chorale, and is,ang under such con- ductors as Toscanini and Mitlepolo- ne. S11appearedinseveialiroat way11751mlsincluaing :sighBitto Shoes" and also•sang in Radio City MuleHall:ndta:aeTloatre. :lssThon,sont:•:nt to Italy and appeared on radio and televis- ion in Milan, Turin ,and Genoa. Her mastery of the Italian language and acceptanne 'by the exacting Ilyric Cernmisision, of the Radio, Italians, gate her prominence in broadcaists and. concerts devoted to furthering Italian-American. relations. In. Feb- ruary of ,thiS year she made her de- but at La Scala in Milan. in "Die Ityrormation Concerning Vaclovas VerikaitiS, and Zeno, Sadowayy will be given next week, • .***"*. "IN MEMORIAM" 131-41,NA1l,P —In leiving 41.0111orr of ,our 4eAr bn53', who lAeaed .aw0,7 one year age to-day, January nth., 1956, I No ono knew the pain. -she Dore Beneath the smile islue always wore From hospital Ded to hear'VeniY rest Cod to* 'her. Alori be Hiss gtteSt avesi iAllO.Pe and prayed in vain That sho Would So911 get viol But prod.decided we mast Part PIe eased kter Pain, lint broke our hearts, And while She eleePs, in peaceful peace, Her memory we shall always keep, Too dearly loved to ever be for. gotten. by her parents, Mr and Mrs. .1 Ton) Bernard and sisters, Irma and Shirley. ve.r FOR SALE Little Pigs, apply to Walter Rose Poultry .Ftirm Phone 40x NoTicg Wallpaper ltrigirii ; exterior and interior decorating. Soo our 195e Wall Paper, Free esihnatea. Doug Dalton, Walton, Phone Brussels 48r9 • FOR SALE 11 pigs, S weeks old. apply to Henry Stryker Sth eon. of Morris, Phone 1.7r6. HATCHING EGGS WANTED; on some breeds eggs taken every LOST Week in the year, Good wend= paid. Black dog with vnite, ,answers‘to ; many of our Reek owners are making same of Jeff, I1 right now a premium of 35c per dozen Archie Moses Phone 23116 over the full price as veld in their local grading station, Send for Lull er, like new tro Ogre R La S rg ALE — size o Ctaosr ety%laea.ture Spread, details, Stan, Alexander, Ethel. Phone 85r13, Tweedlo Chielt riaiteheries Ltd. Per. gus, Oat, Phone 405. CRANIBROCYc. Mats, Carf, MacDonald, who. has been under the doctor's care, has gone to Toronto witin„her daughter, Robt. Dancanson, Toronto, was here attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late—Robt. C. Campbell. Mr, David Drown, Monkton, vis- ited 'last week with Mr., and Mm Norman Pfeifer.. ..,, Mrs. Calvin Cameron left on Tues. day for Florida, She accompanied Jack, and Mrs, Wilson, Ethel, who will ,spend the winter there. Mrs. Cameron will `visit for a short time and intends coming. home by bus. Mr, Archie Campbell left on Mon- day for his home in Salmon Armrs, B. 0, FOUND — Dark blue tick Hound, Owner can have same proving ownership and Paying Eop ono es, Wm, B. Bishop Phone 1.2r17 FULL OR SPARE TIME A GOLDEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED — Capable girl for Itonsenvork, sleep in, apply to Box 50 BrusSels, NOTICE 14 head of cattle weighing 600 - lbs. ,each, Mel, Jermyn Phone 53r12 after 0 p. m. NATIONAL COMPANY hail opening for reliable man or wom- an Dor this area, OOMmENOE IMMEDIAT)L1 work consists of DELIVERY and RE., PLEN•ISH.I.No stocks Of BRANI2 NAME NYLON PRODT_Tql`S sold only at the RETAIL LEVEL in ex- isting accounts ESTABLISHED BY THE COMPANY, Sold at better st res everywhere I)QMIINIION TEXTILE COMPANY Limilrp WALT ON The W. A. of Walton United Church met on Thurslay lafternoon with 28 ladies present, The beginning et a New Year Rev. Mr. Thomas mov- ed a -vete of thanks to the old on "ficers for their fine Work. Mrs. Walters, the now president then took the chair, Hymn was sung with Mrs. Cuthill at the piano. The Sec, report was read and approved, by Mrs. B. Johnston: also thank you notes from Mrs. Harvey Johnston, who had moved away from this soc- iety, Mrs, Ken McDonald and Jim Clark. The Treas. report was given by Mrs. A, Coutts,, on hand $321.18. The annual meeting will be held with a pot lunch Supper on Jan. 19th. Several items if business being settled. Mary Stewart Col- lect was repeated. The meeting ,closed with the W. A, Theme Pray- A,BSOLT_TTELY no sellftig or soliciting necessar) as all sales are haalled by tits HEAD OFFICE STAFF, FOR SALE — i. Bray broiler cockerals and mix- ed ehicks, for February. Ask for price list, etc. Pullets (a few started) including such special 1 strains as Babcock Legh•orns, Ames, Hybrids, Fh.l1 par titulars, agents, • Wm. G, Bray, Ethel; Mrs, R. Bar-1 reit R. R. 5 BrUsSels, Phone 54r120.1" AGE education, or past experience is not important 'as FULL TRAINING PROVIDED for o pleasant- dignified and HIGHLY PROFITABLE FUT. TIRE, SALESMAN WANTED — I START 1956 with a Permannet • year round buSineSs. Dealers 'tided- I ed in °Odell& Heintall, Itirktond Port Albert, You can earn $50.- to $100. weekly. Full details and free I catalogne on request. Familex, Box F. station. C. Mont-. real 1 Hy-Lines Eat Less than hesii breeds and at the same time lay more eggs. They cost less to raise NOTICE — P CAN BE HANDLED in 3 to 5 hours a week without int terferring with present employment. UP TO $70.00 per week guaranteed Mame TO START, with immediatt expansion, if deisired. Tickets may be had for this con- cert from the high school students or from W. :Galbraith, Secretary- Treasurer of. the Board, er. APPLICANTS and eat less feed during the IsiNIX FOR SALE period. For real economy when the Highest prices paid for old hens.. chips are down, try Hy-Line. fit. John Zwaa,n ?none 101x5 efficient chicken. .... Bert Johnston, Brussels B, R. Phone Brussels 2Sr4, MANK YOU The Brussels Post thanks all our subscribers who ha, e been so prompt in paying their subscription. The mailing list has been corrected to date and we ask you to look at your label and notify us if there is any error. FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BAEKER AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Anti Freeze $2.75 per gallon 75 per quart ihermostats Ranging from $1.05 to $.2.10 Spark. Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and Chawplon Muvflers from $4.35 to 8820 Tall Pipes from $2.98 to 84.15 Exhaust Pipes from $8.25 to $4.76 r Phon,!-: 'Residence 95 - Business 118x I 711russels. Ont. HOW MUCH HYDRO DOES ONE CENT BUY? The Canadian Army's Soldier Ap- prenticeTraining Plan is a carefully planned programme to help young men' of 16 to prepare themselves for the future and a career in the Arniy — to develop mature judg- menb self discipline and build a strong, healthy personality. As a Soldier Apprentice, • young man will get a theiough trade training In one of 19 military trades—academic training in such sublects as physics, thernistryi algebra and English— a general military training of the Canadian Soldier— ier-- will be living and working alongside enthusiastic, haply Call. adions'his own age While gifting is combination of military tr ants. schooling, plenty of recreation e expert trade training ... hp will be eligible fOr all Army benefits Incleciirig 30 days annuli a,im. lie Will fete . cif OgitIN • bIr tbda''.111 1" '" ' 7 , to,* ul, pay. To be II I q you igg bit tade Itiatloti. t..11 84,0i ' Vienrilll 1 eV "old BREMOIND ASSOCIATION I 'Where Bertier Bulls Are tied' Artificial insemination seiliee ,der ; all breeds of Cattle. For service or i information Phone Clinton 44,14 se' Palmerston' 66 eollett, 'between ?J arid 10.00. A. M.. on week dos eat ' 7.30 and 940 A. M. 011 iitii)A011* Based on the average cost of electricity to dozastic customers zHyctro municipalities—. ONE CENT WILL . r,‘ n a washing 9r 2% how .-provide TV ontertainIA for 4 hotin . fri tip --f rOyk ct re gera for 20 holt FOR SALE.- 100 acre rem; good btildingsv hydro, Priced at $7300 00 . „ i00 UN brink Meant I hydro; steel drivel shed: large Will drilled well,' Priced at $8;000.00 10 acre good ipttse eta' bank barn. Priced at $3,606.0 315 acre Tann; olv highWty; go6d buildings, brim. Priddtt at $1860.00 100 acre Farm; On highwitt; EOCg bUildingi. Priced at $10,500.00 Country Villdge *Oiler Ikutp, meat and building, PriCed tkt $8,006 c, tiptig; Realtor, Plitt° 84 Brugge's, Ont. erate fin, eke sy or 431 hours c„ .s.,7j,iglit 100-wait tor 8g tiotir* s " at for Jt 5 cents( eke e 61se • your niekel ci 130 rritich`.) 0 . ea year apnhcatIon in rionr swop; ..,fitiviastaNt BRUSSELS GirRLS CLUB The third meeting •of the Brussels 'Stylish Teeners was held in the Library on Dec. 28th at 10 a. m. The meeting opeted:_l,vith 0' Can- ada. Ten members answereid the roll call, :followed by the noinute,s of the hat meeting read by Margaret ii Martin., A disictisSten Vas held on I: preparing the sewing boxes. hirSn, Plisitiger the Home Economist ex- plaited what WAS to be dOne oit Achievement Day on Feb, lath, at Winliam .District High iSchned. For the next :Meeting the wardrobe inventory is to be filled out along With work on chart and rodowd hoOkS. The roll call for the nett Meeting is tine color end •Stylelef 'Monte I hate dhoseti to fit into my Wardrobe, The tre.ettrig closed With God Save the QUedit. The fourth Meeting of the BruSSOIS Stylish. Teener& was lield on Dee. . 30th .rit the library at 210. PM, The meeting" opened with "0' den, acla sr Eleven inierlibets ditSWered thet reit call -*kilt the color and stye of house each gtri is Making, This was tetto*sit by iiiitrates of the litat:' Meeting read by Margaret title le. The roll call tot ths Oro* meeting io tOlinVe rein ireVert on Chart. For the next Meeting We are alSo to ;hate the Pattern and material to ritake" 'iftonsit, The leaders, Marton tteni- itif&tty :add •JOYIte. Miller gate; en; diS- ettaSioti an blioute Material- tie Ite*It treettitg is Oft Jan, 7th. at it'd 'at the• Ilbratt. •The Meeting 'closed'' With "614 tglie - , NORSE'S WANTED tiweropi For meta, farm ziee %nib. Alit rinitaiksi buggiet and Whiirstik /Mitt be. It good shape.; Wilfred Miele° * Soldier Apprentice 'Plan offers young men of 16 . a bright future ENROLL NOW! Training begins Sept 13 Moppets can punch the pillows, scramble the sheets and bunch the blankets, but when the war is over Tex-made is the winner. Long wearing beautiful Tex-made sheets are tie choice of Canadian homemakers 5 to Plain, fitted, coloured or. striped, in qualities to fit elm budget. Every bedroow in your home, a showroom, with. Tex-made sheets—yours for years. FOR SALE 1 registered Shorthorn Bull, Red in color; 12 months old. Sired by Aberteldy Nugget, whose full broth- er, Sold at Chicago for $4000.00. Lot 8, Con. 5 Morris. Earl Andersen Phone 1714 must be able to post $998.00 in CASH for bonded merchandise and able to start imm:ediately. IF YOU i have the necessary cash .alvailable Immediately and desire a businesS j of your own that will provide it eihe4dy income with lifff time security then write at onCe, giving your name, address and tele- phone to • PERSONELL MANAGER NATIONAL NYLON COMPANY (Canada) 665 Vaughan Road; Toronto, Ontario- tont Memorial Craftsmen fit eitirty-rive Years, Always ease THE OEST GRA44111111 *Along WhIt Expert Designing ard workmanship. Prices M0fit Reastaishia iientettiry Lettering a Bimetal P. A. SPOWON Peon° tee. wInanani, Date% wir4GF1AM ELMA PAitivtktt.t, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established in 4614 Head Office AtvioettOliti teiuriis Farm, Property, Private, i>tiiialllt(~ll And `Contents In Towns and VIIIsjjNd Churches And. Halle '4 ifittritANDE AT 606T4 PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF, ' CLAIMS. R. W. (bids) WHIThIILD 1 600...lei', DOC ;