The Brussels Post, 1955-09-28, Page 1Jack Stevens NAMED AGENT FOR r7e"" n Y'" NOW • Miss Flo Buchanan is visiting in Toronto with Mr. and. Mrs. Lang Palmier, Mrs. Milton, Oliver, of Sault St, Marie, is visliting hen, sister- n Mrs. Rob' Warwick and Mt. Warwick. • * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lang Palmer and. Billie :and Bobbie, 'Toronto, were week end visitor.% With her aunt 'Miss Buchanan • • • * 11, Word .has been received of .the death Of Lawrenee Lowe, Spalding, Saskatchewan, a former resident of Gnaty Itowlisbip. Mrs. Douglas. Hem- ingway and. Stewart Lowe of 13ritas els; are a..sistea" and 'brother of the VAL'S BEAUTY BilOP Cutting, Styling and Cold Waving a Specialty Phone 40x Brussels, immuumiiminiinumn CAPITOL L1STOWEL THEATRF, _ 2 allows nightly 7.110,— LSO o. on. Matinee SorturdllY 2 p: m. • BRUSSELS POST THE $2.00 per year ., $2.50. tit-.111 Leth0161.4 al 106". alla 01.14 °16" D"Selailie" Oitm Wednesda.y, September 28th, 1955 Post Publishing House Come To Huron County's Foremost Agricultural Fair Brussels Sept. 29 and 30 GOOD !NEIGHBOUR DANCE A "Good Neigilibour" Dance will be Vela in Brussels Town Hall on OCIPber 711. All proceeds donated to I Jim Medea hospitalization. Ad- inisistien by donation. Watch for 'nuttier partidulars, A. Itunli er of Wine 13001101T *4" ATTENTION • osines .recently trent salesmen who sold lbw were repreSenting the Canadian Legion, They were repre• sonting the Clinton branch et the Canadian .Legiony but BruSsels Dranon was not belt% represented and were never notified about this until you, the Peenle, told some of the Legion „Inentbera, Our branch I asks the peoPle to consult us 'befere giving out ;money to some one ueing our name as we are, not in the habit of sending salesmen from door, to I (gr.people from Drusisel and vieln- I ity haVe been generouls to our branch and we appreciate it. President aosrdmonno GroalusterB:uSselti P171,031-..ES DAVIS hiONOR,EO BIRTHDAY irlitirtaclaY after110011, Sept. 221)(1., haPPy ,g1lOuip ,et 'delis and neigh, bOurS Ma at the. home .of Mrs, Robt, Gemmel to celebrate the birthday. of .1 Mrs, Charles Davis. The afternoon poied pleaSantly with social eliat and the ,goVing of two contests, Cenr Iluctied by iWi A 'Jane, A Birthday i .Song, onipog,ekt for the occasion' was I sunig to the tune of Auld fang Syne.. I A DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre, Thursday, October 6th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra ". Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board Lunch Booth in the Hall. Everybody Welcome. PETER slg, MARIE Peter died: ,euudsuly Friday IA big 'hemp, K ,„ Kt, poneeSsien Mlorriis heart .attapik. .110 Wag in his filet, year, A I, oi. AleNan(ley Ste Marie, and the fernier Selena. .Duivol, meted from kW's.' eoroniuAity 15101110 yearis ago, His wife, formerly Rosa 1, Weber OurViveis. !along with one gos, George Of Clitleird, ,five daughters, Mrs, L, J. (irene) Brolution, Guelph, ; PALLING GIRLS IN TEENS A W arid Fijewlisailp Ttatly is raann. ed lion ail teen-age Church School and. C. G, 1. T. girls in 11.thron County. All are invItAl. Over .300 girls are ex, pected, The Southern, area grOlips will meet at ,lames St, Exeter on Saturday Get. 1st, from 2 - .5 p.m,. The ntorthera lair% groups will rally at Wingiham United Church on Sun., day, Oct, 2nd, from 2 5 p,m. The guest. speaker IN Mrs. .1, Marquis, of Durham, Director of Oirl'o \mark and Camps till Grey County. The program ,nleo includes a Worship 'Service, special music ,biY Doris, Jolunston. and June .and Audrey •Hackwell, a sing-song,Irecreation, and DisSous;skion Groups, The Aherne of this World iPrIendship Rally is, "Tciillay Well 'Lived." A hook display will be featured. I 'Mrs. Belt thou Presented Mrs, Doyle 1 with at beautiful three 'Strand pearl necklace with matching ear rings ' ,expressing ,Ort hebnilf of the ladies present,: their sincere gratitude for the many deeds of neighbourly kind- 1 ness she had done and the line Con tribaktion to cOmmtnity welfare she laid rendered, op nntiringly and so Thleaslanitly, down through, the years, Mail, Wins, Hugh (Selena) Dornett, ) vale, Mrs,. Lorn• (Laura) Airthurs, t Harriston, Mrs. Gordon (Helen) t Blake; Brussels and Mrs. Victor i (JOan) Walden, Kitchener. Requiem high anasis was snug at 10.0 oft Monday in St, Ambrose Roman Catholic Churc'h hare. Burial was in 1 Mildmay Roman Catholic cemetery, The D. A. Roan, funeral biome was in COURT OF REVISION no- Court of Revision. on the 1950 AgaesStnent R.011. for Morris TOwnsitip 139.0. been adjourned Monday, October 3r,di.,et'i3 P.m. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk. Turkeys Freshly Killed for Thanksgivipt Banquets and Receptions Special Price for turkey suppers Oven Ready GRAHAM WORK Phone 12 J 18 ,0111111111111111112111111111.11111111111.k SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE Music by LIO,NEL THORNTON CASA. 'ROYALS on FRIDAY, SEPT. 30th Admission 75e' Dancing 9,30 to 1.00 „ 011111111.1011111111.10001111110111111111 TEESWATER FALL FAIR OCTOBER .5th Light and Heavy Tilorise Chios Livestock , 2 Harness Rates, Iturtniinig Race • Godevich. Girls? TriumPet, Band • Hanover Musical Society Bras's Band .1000 Reserved Seas for :grand, eftand nit 75c s Send money Order to• Alex B. 'MOKague, Teeswater - 3000 Rush Seats, g.5.0 Coneealt Dance Freeman, Press • MelVin Rome, .Sec.. 4 • mat moss FOR ALL YOUR •.AUTOMOTIVE • NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BAEKER AUTO SUPPLY -Permanent Type Anti Freeze $2.75 per gallon ;75 per quart. °barge of arrangements , D vi till s anked the di es, for • their lovely gift, A delireiou kinfat was served and niotbody counted the dandles on the Birthday Cake, 'which 'Ti. Davis has able to blow out with two good otirmig ,puffs. The happy afterneor, Closed with good 'wishes for runny more Birthday anniversaries for Mrs. Davis. s"Chartie" was remembered ;too, with a box 'ef .chocolates iii ,themory 'of their wedding anniversary, Sept; 25th. , Brussels, Cnt ' CRANRROOK 'Sabbath School and the regular morning service were withdrawn ou .Suaday Sept. 35, becaus.ie of the , Anni'Versary Services, in Ethel Pres- byterian ChurolL On Sunday next. Oct. 2 Rally Day t will be observed with pupils of the Sunday School meeting with the con- gregation at elevnen a. m. Standard ; Time. Snnday School pupils are ask- ed to meet with their teachrs in the NOTICE We will do Custom Butchering, cuttings., wrapping- making Sausage and Hamburg. er. We will sell 'Quarters of Beef, bind or front, also sides of hogs. W. L. BAEKER & SON " Phone 6 Brussels, Ont. STATE FARM INSURANCE This earefully selected and ;trained insurance agent will be happy to advise and .asslisit you in selecting the inanranIca, protection' you need. Why qot have him' visit; you so you can secure his valuable assistance on your neekla or Life, Auto and Fire insurance No obligation- Call or write him wow. PHONE 108 SEAFORTH We are always ready for youl-• Carpentry Work Kitchen Cupboards, Wardrobes, Storm Windows and all your other Carpentry Work. See us for your needs BERNARD TEN PAS & SON Phone 23r12 Brussels BUILDING F'OR SALE The Village of Brussels offers for sale by tender the frame building iformerly used aS.' the Tire pump Mouse. Tenders to 'be -in .han.ds .of tine Clerk by Saturday, Oct. 8,1955. dece'as'ed. G. R. Canlipbell, Clerk, bllsement of the church at 10.45. Mr and Mrs. Burnett Smith and kr. and Mrs. Harry Pflance, Strat- ford, Mr. ,and Ms. John Boyd, Mc Milan, and 'Mr. and Mrs Win. Miller, Grey 'Township, spent e most enjoy able time recently 'at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knight. The four ladieS boarded with Mr, and / Mrs Smith while attending Normal School in Stratford over thirty years ago, This is the first time all liave been together Sittee Mn,.Kenneth Knight spent the week end with his. family here. Ken• nett. ,bgins his Istlutdtes, at Waterloo' College this week. !mr and Mrs Art. Nichols, Brod- hagen, were week end yLtitors with relatives. Mr, end Mrs. Alex Steiss have re- turned to their horn‘ after sending a very enjoyable three week tour of ' ([he wet. • Mr. Stewart SteisS, has returned to' his home after spending the past three weeks With his 'sister, Mrs. Charles, Mann, R, R. 1 List/owel. He was attending Listowel District High School. 'rim- there. mgLyLLLE CHURCH On Stmday, the animal Sunday School Rally Service was, held, the Sunday School children occupying front ,waits, in the church Supt. a MacTavish ,and Sec'y .Pas. Armstrong gave out certificates, pins, and other prizes for perfect attendance. Rev. Harold spoke to the: children about ihe Bible, and told them the number of books. in the Bible, that the first book, Genesis contains the hitstory of the beginning of the World. The, rbut fire hooks were written' by Moses, and •irt those early days :lathers sat down and told their children stories, of •bhe history of the Hebrew people, stories' of their do- ings and ±dventores. Prophets and kings wrOTte many of ,th a books of the Old Testament, in the New Taste- meat the first person mentioned is our Lord Jesus Christ. His life and work upon eater. Then comes, the enistles and letters of Paul and other aPosVes to the early churches.. in the last books of the Bible, Revel- ations, there is a warning that noth- ing must be added or taken away 'from Me Word of gold, as the Bible ,is called. .King David the psalmist aaid Thy Word have 1. bid. In my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Mr 'Colvin said we would like our boys and girls to memorise as many texts and Bible Passages as possible, and will parents help their children do this. The choir slang the anthem Con- sider the Liliets„Teen Cardiff and Jean MaltarIane taking the solo.parts. A girls threeparf chorus, sang two numbers; Will Your Anchor Hold and Take Time To Be Holy. Village of Bruissels. Thermostats 'Ranging frohi $1.05 to $2.10 Spark Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and Chawplon. Mufflers from $4.35 to $9.20 Tail. Pipes from $2.98 to $4.95 1•••••••• Exhaust Pipes from $3.25 to $4.75 Phone: iResidence 95 - Business 113x Brussels, Ont. THE UNITED CHURCH PUMP AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE — • .• The Village of. Brus,sels will ac- cept tenders on the sale of the pump and .othier"equipment. formely used as at fire pump in the Village. Tend- era. to in hands, of the Clerk by Sat- urday, October 8, 1055. G. R. Campbell, Clerk, Village of BalulaSelS, it• Sunday, Sept, 25th was Rally Day in the ,United Church. The church School asSenibiled with the emigre, gotten for a special service. Mrs., 'Melville Dennis told, a very fitting story for dile occasion, The 'anthem for the day Was "Living for Jesus" by T. Chisholm and C LOwden. The names of award winners will be published next week due to lack 51 :space in this issue. BANQUETS! THANKSGIVING DINNERS ! ANNIVERSARIES! t. SPECIAL OCCASIONS! TREAT YOUR GUESTS TO A "DINNER FIT FOR A KING" SERVE THEM A "Brusse$s Grown Turkey" -FROM The JOHN L. WHEELER TURKEY FARM. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PHONE 12 J 13 CROP REPOR1 By G. Montgomery The general rain on Sept, 33td., the first in weeks will be of great benefit to fall wheat, and pasitinres. Fourteen. • 614) 4-H Clubs held their Achievement. Day Programs at font'. (4) Fall Fairs during the week, Nurn- berg add quality of Breekl Shows were on hundred and. fout.een' (11,4) head at the County Black and White.S.116*,;: one Mildred land one (101) head at • BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR Tickets,,are .now being sold for the "Good Neighbour" Dance being ' held in the Brussels. Town Hall, Frt. day. night, :October 7th.- The dance is being isportaored, by the Brussels. 13rianati .4../Thei ',Canadian 'tegikon, Proceeds for the -3As, „Rhoades- hespftalizatthen fund.' Three arches- tra.s litaVe proved themselves good .iteighbotra by offering their . services free. Prove yourself .a giadd neighbour ' by' haying a ticket, even if. you can't attend the dance, Melville Preskyterian Church 10.00 a. M. Sundtiy School ti a m. Dlvife Wonohdp Solo "The Rinlg of Love My Shepherd Is"- 1Vrargaret Perri's. Antlitent, "0 Taste and See" --- Goes Minister: Rev. H. 'I". Setirin, B. D. Organist : L. D. Thompson R. IL T • - VORN . 'Marshall — Mr. and Mrs.' F. R. Marshiall of North Bay are happy ito announce the birth. of their daughter, Susan Lynn, on Mon, day, Sept. 5th. at the Civic HOSP1- tal. .... IRIMPAMPRIMIPIIIIIillillilg . LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE' ' LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Highway IN tie Gem* Hereford Show and one hundred and thirty ('130) head at the ' .Perth•Entroti Regional Shorthorn ShOw. Fogy-One (41) dairy calves Were. shown In the ("Minty 4-H Dairy (ShOW, sixitysix (36) beef calves in the County 441. Beef ShOW and and ttoirty-four (24) gilts in the I, County 4-H Ohantionship Swine Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sept. 29 - 30, ,pct. 1. DOUble Bill Stirling Hayden and Vvonine De Carte in "SHOTGUN" (color) "NAVY AIR PAtiROL,, (color) Diann Lynn John Derek • .41•4 UNITED CHURCH W A. The W. A, United Church met on • Tuesday evening Sept. 20, at the home of Mm. R, Downing, Ott president Mrs. COusinS was in the chair and ,opened the meeting by the singing of hymn 577. The scrip- ture reading, Psalm 95, was read by Mrs. Downing followed by a Thanks- Sthlo*f. gitling prayer In unison. Mrs. S. BrYand then read the See. report end Mrs. W Bell the Treat. report. Mists Carrie McCracken invited all 'the liadies possible to Attend the first meeting of the :'S'ave the Childrenta Club' out Oct, 3 a their home. Ant invitation was read from the Mel W. hi, S. inviting the *ISMS United Church ladies to their meeting on Oct 6. An in. vitatien .tfrOM the Anglican ladies 1111111111i111111111111111Siiiiiiill PErtr,N1 -rt-IF.ATRE Sea.f th. Ont. Thursday, Friday ard Saturday "HER TWELVE MEN" Greer Garsen Robert Ryani Twelve men adored this warden est yoti will when' you see Creel. Dar- Thur. - Frt. Sept: 29 • 30 Double Feature "MR HULIOTt mourJAV,, Jacques 'T'atl "CONQUEST OF COGNISE" (Color) John Hotliak, Robert Stack The Store For Be* .Bargains 1Nc .Sall The Best For Less Tip Top Tomatoes 28 oz. tin 2 for 430 . 0.0 0,.i :4 21a. 1$a for 250 2 for '5c Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. bottle StOkleis Peas 15 oz. Red Bird Matches Kleenex Soh In the Ladies' Home Journal Oct. 1 3 story 'that has delighted Minions * Monday, Tileiday and Wednesday "CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER" Guy.Madison Frank Lovejoy Tilts fioellnd tear. Tile wide Open' pEigeritry, The: deuritieSs ootniadt of the West vast Indian country as no living person has ever seen it Ri Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Sat. - Mon, Oct. 3-4-5 * (Actuit beloee. TlittitatlaY, Fridayand Settirday liA4ONA,o' Gig' Young' '444 ,Pgil Bergen to ottr Clitireli to. Meet With their( on Oat'. 20th, it NVIAS. decided to haVe ite Fait Pall lyeelth this year glut all Our •oheitt6t, to •gb toward our Fowl Siinner to he held Olt Ott,, IS, co-t ititilitteet Were ,fornied And ladies tilt* tug dare of tatleS Were iiented, itclititSt chlidt,et ueidee tWette "66 cents„ DISOUSSion as to 'kAittlier we should slail tickets hetet% ,hated tlebk plate- A. reading Wika..giVeti by Mrs.. Lane Whiblt was hollowed by a SPIendid Fueled, 'MISS PleCraelteii thanIted the hostess and the e.eilii.kuittod .11ef ii ,lovely. 'evening. The ineethig ellosed, With the N,escafe Instant Coffee 6 oz. jar a a• $1.89• Tomahawk Peas) 15 oz: #itn 10d You Will find other values jtlit at great au Weis lit The United Church OF CANADA \habitat:, Hey. A. Lanai.. $1. A, la Divide Worship 11T, O'cllock. Would Wide CeitimOniolit. Stolid* Seltdoi — 1s2 o'clock: "This do in rientednbrande, Me.." is Anglicah,Chitrah CAMADA Parish of IiIPUI SIS Ittv; A. Norman K fain' Willi* 34 ;AL St. oatotehi driuectii, tieateyo,, St. Georges Church, 'Widen Int ittitNitt0' •titAxiceilitv.ING Not just ta•day Every Day of the OVA, 'PHONE T " ‘,,we esuvso I Go To The thti(*•;-'• WIN A CAR r i,biVitibtb t-ItAkiw All * Ose tDc ,' , i . 1 ...With each adult ticket to See- that AleXaiitier. Knox, Cornell Borchers Wonderfiti COMedy IITONIGHtt THE NIGHT"' Starring, David iNiNien'... tuet, ... Wecti Oct. .4 - .v.1, We are giving one free ticket en the i' Listaiivel ,Rotary Club: 2-60- 'cilia* is Littf MAilet-IALL0 i So come One and all. Ede' a good show you won't 'forget and yeti iriay win either a TUder Ford or. C• David i1/411\len ' Mal.ddlei Lelf3ht6ii Sedan. teWit Sandi., LetiOn- Sind; county squieet talfitcw 'Oetietteaiii ..., to :provide diktat. 'enteriatiiiiiiiii*: Children.°0 PlaYSOOlintt ",.:* g Sheik *too* . eat*, or Coditiiii a4 -""'*"'' o' —"' — Beliedletion, r 'Ciiitiliran podia, 111 Voila. fii -iidELL•t4S5'brAtt4 tioWij earl PP1111111, 4,,,IL., ,,