The Brussels Post, 1955-06-01, Page 7Left ROBERT'S STILL RAPID — Indians'. veteran hurler Bob Niter terns bottoms up on the 12th cupful of one-hit m1sery that he's pitch• ed to the opposition since 1938. H i s stinginess With hittahle leather cost the Boston Sox a 2 0 ball game at Cleveland, Ohro., Right WINNING BLUR — just 14 5 difficult for the batter. as it is for the cameras to focus on the striking swiftness of Herb Scare's left hand. Shown in practice with the Cleveland Priclians, the 21.year-old newcomer, to the *majors is from Lakeland, Fla, He recently racked up 16 strikeouts in one game, enly two less than the record of 18 set' in 193'8 by veteran teammate Bob Feller, E CalVert SPORTS CHURN 7.4itoeiz,:.,. 7.09.004. • The final line in one Qf the most colorful chapters in Canadian thorough- bred racing will be written on June 11 when, for the last time, a Queen's. Plate race will be contested over the ancient Woodbine track at Toronto, oldest of all Canadian Race Courses, It will be the 96th running of the oldest continuously-run classic on the American continent. In actual quality of horse- flesh this race doesn't pretend to measure up to the Epsom Derby, or the Kentucky Derby, but it does possess something which neither of those glamorous races can , boast. For keen sporting interest, for "neighbour vs. neighbour" rivalry, with Perhaps a score of notable Ontario and, other Canadian stables comPeting the event has, no counterpart apywhere e It is a gala day in Toronto, and has been for almost a century. It was in 1859 that a Toronto turf club followed the ex-' ample set by sportsmen of Quebec 23 years before, and peti- tioned Queen Victoria for a royal donation of 50 guineas for a Queen's Plate "to be run at Toronto*, or such other place in Upper Canada, as Her Majesty might appoint," From that year to this, the reigning monarch has made this donation. Canadian racing history was made when the Ontario Jockey Club enjoyed the signal honour of the presence of King George VI with the Queen Mother for the 80th running ,of the King's Plate. The death of King George VI changed the name to Queen's. Plate again, and, as a lover of racing, who campaigns a very successful stable, it was only natural that Queen Eliza- beth II continued the donation. To the 50 guineas from Her Majesty, the Ontario Jockey Club adds $15,000. Quebec's Plate, started in 1836 in the reign of King William IV, but not rim continuously, has now vanished from the scene, with harness racing replacing the runness. But the Ontario Queen's, Plate; while having its last running at the fatuous old Woodbine track, will be continued on another course and its sporting rivalry will continue to flourish in years to come. Your commecds and suggestions for this column alit be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yong. Sf,, Toronto., Caliiert DISTIILERS LIMITED AMHERSThURG, ONTARIO FETHERSTONHA 1)0 & Coni ny, Patent Attorneys Estabilaben 1890 gm University Ave. Toronto Pal ern!. all countries, AN OFFER to every inventor Laid of inventions 'and full information sent. fee. The Ramsay C o. Registered 'Pat- ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer, rwenry live deluxe personal requirements. Latest eats. logue Included. The Medico Agency, Box 124. Terminal "A” Toronto lint. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacher required for S.S. Nos. 9 and 20. Apply, stating qualifications, experience, salary ex- pected and name of last Inspector, Mrs. Jean E. Acres, Oagoode, Ont.,. R.R. No PUBLIC SCHOOL CARAMAT, ONTARIO Requires teacher tor September Aft- proximately 38-40 pupils, grades I to 8, New school fully equipped. starting salary $2,600 with annual increase of $200. $100 per year allowance for each year of teaching experience up to a maximum of 3 years Free housing available. Apply in writing, stating qualifications, experience and name of last inspector to A. A, Mantyla, Cermet, Ontario, WANTED OLD Steam Thresher Catalogues and early threshing photographs wanted, Buy or' exchange. H. S. Turner, God- erich, Ontario. WANTED - STEAM TRACTION EN- GINE, PREFERABLY WATERLOO. Box 128, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. BEAR CUBS . Wanted-1955 bear cubs. Send full particulars to DON MCDONALD, 99 King:, Street B., Bowmanville, Ontario. • a wa.taa,,,4111-441.4-11 • CLASSIFIED BABY crimes AK-x•K FOR SALE CAPABLE. girl for: small, duplex.. Two children:. Good eatery: Med, M. Sobel, 1939 Barclay Ave., Montreal. JUINE CHICKS, We have them, Mme-elate shipment, Variety breeds, Mixed. frailer chicks. tatted also. Ask for Current prigea, BRAY HATCHERY 120 Jahn N, harnilkon As SURE as "ahordin" eggs are going UP, Order your chicks now. For maximum egg production on the mint. Minn amount 'feed, be sure and buy any one of our three special egg breeds. 'ices lay more eggs en less feed than any other breeds we offer. Also three special broiler breeds 1st generation Indian River Cross, Arbor Acres White Rock, Nichols New Hanap, Turkey Points. Be sure and get our 1955 catalogue. I t tells you all about these special breeds. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES tern. "FERGUS ONTARIO --.------- - LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOREMAN LEGHORNS: Egg - famous throughetit U.S, Started pullets avail-able weekly, ARBOR ACRES W HIT E ROCK Si America's mighty meat-maker; dayolds /latching twice weekly, Broiler grow. era should book new for August and September, THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD, Exeter, Ont, S. D. Mgr. ORDER your turkey poults at once and be sure of teem when you want them. We expect good turkey meat prices this winter. We have the following Broad Breasted Breeds to choose from: Bronze, A, O. Smith Broad Whites, White Holland, Nebraskan, Thompson Broad Whites, large and medium type, Wahkeen Whites, Empire White, Belts-ville, non-sexed, hens, touts, Send for 1955 turkey guide. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. 5T,RCUS ONTARIO McCORMICK 12 ft. win rower. Cut 50 acres, $130 oil new price. Carmen Bell, Route 4, Peterborough, Ont. • MARINE FLAX commEn.ciAL No. 1, $4.50 per bushel, to,b. Parkhill, sacks included, Waters Elevators Ltd., Parkhill, Opt. -- USE MECHANICAL FERRET For foxes, groundhogs, rabbits, etc. Scares them out last from burrows, holes, probes to 18'. No waiting, Sure to work. Postpaid at $3.00. No C,O.D. CANADIAN FARMTOOL CO. R.R.4, Dundas, Ont., Canada 160 ACRES, 10 miles north of Gana-noque, on 32. Highway with 60 rods frontage on south lake. 80 acres eholce,clay loam, balance pasture and hardwood bush. 8 room stucco dwell- ing. Bank barn 36 x 50 with, hydro and running 'water, Double wage, machine house 26 x 40, horse stable and machine shed .30 x 40. Immediate possession, May be seen by appoint.. ment. Phone,, 21r32. Geo. S. Hill, Seeleys Bay, Ont. HOME PASTEURIZERS RaW milk can be dangerous. Safe. guard 'your family from milk borne diseases, Undulant, Typhoid and Sear-let Fever, 'Dysentry, Septic. Sore Throat, etc. by pasteurizing all the milk your family drinks, with a Wat-ers Conley Home health Milk and Cream Pasteurizer. Operates from any electrical outlet, 50.60 cycle. Two sizes. Prices $39,75 for I gallon, $49.50 for 2 gallon size. Enquiries solicited. MacKelvieS Limited, Canadian Agents, National Storage Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. FOR SALE: Used Power Chain Saws priced from $50 and up; Pioneer, Mc-Culloch, Clinton & Precision Saws hi stock. A special discount on new saws. For further particulars apply; R. W. Jenkins, Bancroft, Ontario. MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. SO.INECI'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Oltowo $1.25 Expess Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tortnent 'Of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve ataill not disap- point you. Itching sealing anti burn-ing eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to' the stainless, 'mimics's ointment;; re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. POST'S REMEDIES t. PRICE $2.55 PEP. JAR Sent Post Free an Receipt of Price. ass eueen ‘st, 6.0 Carner of. Logan. TORONTO HELP WANTED, BOY between 14 and 16, interested in Beekeeping work (Apiarist) for small salary to learn. Apply Box 127, 123 Eighteenth Street, NeW Toronto, Ont. LARGE stock used Outboard Peter. bore Boats. Johnson Outboard Parts shipped' daily, Currey Bulmer. 2919 Bathurst 'Street, TORONTO'. PLOW POINTS Buy Better Plow Points Cheaper aleCraMa quality points-afor all makes of plows-have been,made in our own foundry for 45 years. Write for prices. Buy direct or through agents who should contact us. Tha John McCrae Machine & Foundry Company Ltd., Box 26, Lindsay, Ontario. it may well lee the only effec- tive means of maintaining a healthy and expanding home agriculture. The unions did not contest this principle, altlaiugh they will study most diiligently its opera- tion in practice. They are, more- over, just as aware as anyone else that unrestricted imports can make nonsense of the most efficient marketing system as far as prices are concerned, and they are equally aware that the market return is as unpredict- able as the ultimate extent of Exchequer liability. It must be recognized that this uncertainty is inseparable from the free marketing system. This was the Crux of the re- view, the inevitability in this combination of circinnetances of some extension of Exchequer liability and the desirability, ac- cepted by both sides, of con- taining 'the increase within as narrow• limits as possible. The fact that in the end this was achieved with equity is a tri- bute to the understanding and realism of both sides. Fertiliser Subsidies Market 'gardeners and pro- ducers of other commodities out- side the scope of the review, who have to rely on tariffs rather than price guarantees for a degree of protection, will also be giving close attention to the ,effectiveness of the tariff sched- ule,, but it is indicative of the broader concept that, within the limits of the means at their dis- posal, the negotiators have made, in the form of fertiliser subsi- dies, some contribution towards mitigating the full impact be the increased costs on non-price- supported commodities. Breakfast Food to Stop Grey Hair Is the day coming when scien- tists Will be able to prevent our hair from going grey? The idea sounds fantastic, but research carried out in the United States suggests that the right use of certain vitamins 'might one day achieve the mir- acle. Some scientists are now experimenting on men and wo- men with a new anti-grey vita- ' min which they believe may prove outstandingly effective. At present almost everyone's hair turns' grey 'with advancing years., Scientific research' is slowly killing the idea that it is possible for a person's hair to turns white or grey overnight as the result of shock or fear. One scientist declares that all supposed cases of sudden blanch- ing of the hair are either in- stances of deception or Of in- correct observation. He mentions the case of a German doctor 'with dark hair who went to hospital for an, operation. On leaving his hair was snow-white and friends commiserated with him. 'The truth was, however, that while in hospital the doctor had not been able to dye his hair as he had previously done! He points out that Marie An- toinette's hair is said to have turned grey the night before her execution, but she had really been grey-haired for some time previouSly. A so-called "mysterioue sub- stance" mixed with breakfast cereals is being tested as a me- thod of preventing grey hair. The tests follow experiments When grey hair on cattle restored to natural' tOlotlr, CAN BE ERECTED IN ANY SHAPE Act tor Ca iNilthim *611ei, 'nt airier hardirOro or viricO Ptori -, nr ordOr 111000i with 'this roonon ,Co.rorda GET SNAGGED LURES BACK have ,x0u lest many LURES since the fishing season opened 77? Stop this needlesS waste of money by„inaking, revolutionary new patented', LURE' TREIVER' fin/Mitten for 300. Parte ob- tainable at any hardWare. Works equally well from boat or shore. Easily Made - Remarkably efficient - Oen. -emcee. Send $1.00 for copyrighted step-by-sten, illustrated frittrtietiona to V-H LURE. RETREIVER Box 217 Sioux Loiskotit, Ontario Oiling on Vacation? Florida? we arrange Hotel, Motel, Apartment accoMmodations! • awdr..174tamibeetAtioiFfinREapEcaerSotErnyynleaChEil accommoda ti ons etc. Beach or town — price range, , . , ADVANCE RESERVATIONS BUREAU, INC. 349 NO: Federal Highway, Dania, Florida 12 miles so es uth north Miatni Ft. Landerd ) ale- 20 nin „ .ayiLHO -4,"111;.s.: 4.al 1+1.41 ,4.* ii.4.044 4.i- 4. ToOTHFASit :bit0S4Stit Wlist every Vienne needel tint atiyiilzo tilhe ingiaa niastice iiiandriaere,Prelia the hiitten and Intirja...T01 Attaches te' WAIL rotiipletely emplieS 'wrote, no no i)esitsr .eaps. Wonderful for ehildreil. 40 heat and sitvInew teelltraate lags twice at 10n-g! $t S8 PbSTPA"Id Jesiti14 C aalLANI CO. 1751 Street tioat. Dorchester 24, Masi: ADVERTISING Couple oi Pitch o Delp Tribe Whoop t Up OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN-AND WOMEN MANE 1110W At; bOine Walt Stall Orcler. Twelve proven WAYS described, etealne Snaking $goomoo in three Years-Information 50f. eatisteenen or re. fume NEWNAN. I3ox 011-0, Pentietone B.C. CQ INTO BUSINESS for eeerselh Sell eecienve tieueewere appliances wanted ee every householder, These !twee are net stores 'there is no coMpeti, Ilan, vroa up to 50,0%, Write Imine, diately for Free goeur catalog, with retail prices shown, Separate conliden, tial wholesale ,price list will be includ-ed. Murray Sales. 1322 St. Lawrence, Montreal. VERY BIG PROFITS in selling name, plates. You can make them Yourself', we supply all material at low cost, 50e for sample, Decal Sign hetternie, 1061 oStiorne, Verdun, GIANT Hobby handbook or Ninety Woodcraft Protects, *Dee 53 Money Malting Ideas, 2430, Masco, Box 104 Roselle, Nova Jersey, U.S.A. .; GEIGERCounter! Build your own, , Sensitive, economical, :3-1.Vey, lIght,, meter, earphone, Send $1.00 for plans to : John Yetiat, Box 3103, San Anfl_cine .texa s, —:—. • ,BE A. HAIRDRESSER JOIN cANAIDA s t EA.D1140 ecnoot, Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified pegession, good wages. Thousands of suceass;u1 Marvel greendes, Amedea's Greatest System Illustrated 4 ,atalog40 Free Write in Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCIIOCILS• 358 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Bratichec 44 King St Hamilton 72 Rideau 91., Ottawa PLAIN HORSE SENSE lee F. {BOB) VON PIUS riculture was therefore in no position to absorb additional costs, and, in relation to the general picture of industrial prosperity there was no reason why it should. The government's case, though equally clear, nevertheless calls for examination. The reappear- ance of a marked deterioration in the balance of payments po- d sition should have been common ground, for just as three 'years ago it was officially_calculated that British iigricultre saved the country e:400 million an- nually on ImpOrted food, so any excessive consumption of im- ported feeding stuffs by the in- dustty would adversely affect the national economy. To meet this, greater encouragement was applied to home-grown• feeding- stuffs and a check administered to the expansion of hog produc- tion. ,„ Price Guarantees The real difficulty in the ne- gotiations — the size of the Exchequer commitment and the taxpayer's liability -- stems from the government's own deliber- ate policy decision to use price guarantees as the form of pro- tection for' the farming industry in free markets. Mr. Butler be- lieves that this is the right choice for the country and, within the provisions of GATT, After several weeks of stub- , born and intricate negotiations, the annual review of the gener; al economic condition and -pros- pects of the agricultural in- dustry in Britain resulted in a settlement which has subse- quently been endorsed. by the executive bodies of the three Farmers Unions of the United. Kingdom. By common consent the award, has been adjudged fair and its disposition betwebn minimum price guarantees and production, grants commended as the best practical contribution to the balance of the production pattern. A Clear Case Agricueeure's case was clear and straightforward enough substantial rises in 'costs de- • veloping during a trend of gen- eral inflation in other industries while the national agricultural income was falling. , Between 1948 and 1951 the rise in output and efficiency 'en- abled the industry to absorb a substantial part of the increased costs of production, whifst still - sustaining increases in the age gregate net 'income. More re- cent attempts by the govern- ment to pursue the same policy have overstepped the margin of resilience in the industry, with a consequent drop in income dur- ing the year of £40 million. Ag- LIGHTNING - LIGHTNING If' you are considering protecting your home or farm property from lightning,, consult the manufacturers of lightning rods and save money All work guaran. teed t,nd supervised by the Fire Van sisal of Ontario. PHILLIPS LIGHTNING ROD. CO LTD. 32 Osborne Ave., Toronto • OX, 4.6273 PATENTS Perilous Job For Men Only The King of Jordan has mar- ried a nice girl. This news will please the romantic of both sexes, particularly those of the feminine persuasion Who still dream about the prince in the fairy tale. This nice girl is well edu- cated. In fact, she is a college graduate with degrees to letter after her name, and Was once a schoolteacher. This will satisfy a good many ,men who think wives should be sensible and, on the other hand, will encourage just as many unmarried girls who have moments, of wondering whether their educational at-. tainmente are frightening the, men away. But a real shock is in store for Americans of both sexes when WO learn that no women—not even the:I:Tide—were present at : the wedding (a Moslem, custom). This the world turned' side down! For any • woman knows, who confesses her own thoughts honestly, that weddings are planned around women ,alone. EVery father bf' the bride has learned that his sole !Unc- tion is to furnish' a somber, foil for his daughter's splendor as she floats down the aisle on his arm. And ., every . greorn has learned that his presenee at the festival is tolerated only to satisfy the' reguirefnente of law, custom, and the ritual, As a Mere man might obserVe among his kind: Maybe "they have something there," FrOrn The Christian Science Monitor. DRESS UP AND PROTECT YOUR FLOWER BEDS AND SHRUBS With OTACO HERE'S HOW — Diane Sibbett, 17, above, shows near-perfect form as she trains with the Essex Ladies' Athletic Club. Taking a trip from 'the recommended form, Iowa's Kai Ferguson, be- low, turns high hutldles into a diving event during the ,Kansas Relays 'Steeplechase. "I hear your maiden aunt's very Wealthy. Does she enjoy Reed health?" "Yes—gloate over it." patent. ' Mantle, .r"'"1• w .'RIM" FEPICE tbe-otiis, fotillns fence to MOilile tietity Sainte tittiviialimi steel wire, WiliCd. enamel tintek. Ti,, tt„ ientithe fold Into hacks tar ens* (Unease instAt 0.4110 the nicsT 'Parana retire. NOT TO HURDLE Drive With care TI#D E.)T4.7L) Id551TIM. Geutinikien. 'npflit nee- at-wild F 10 (t. .it ltat 411' A. CD -01 tenpo et El:15 .urt le te. letiotij •,t!. Money ONO latielnsail 4 NAiit • • • ' A DDnhes. .0e • P e ' .04 "Tell the wlao VMS braver than' Laildelet, wiser than Solo- 111611, rriI hinieet than tittideltie and 'mad lihndebtlie. IWO) lel" "I didn't knoig you knew Wife's first husband," If yo.0*.eTIRE: ALL THE' TIME tierybody gets a Okirint4otitt now Md. then, tired-out, helijOiettled; and Maybe . Initiated by backaches.. Perhaps nothing' eerionaly wrong, Nila leinporarY toxic *Sedition caused by, &Semi "acids and the time to trikeiDerld'it stimulate the and le help Sestet. their 'twinel letielt SI fertieSiiit,.Mielis icicle and. wastes. Theii you leek betterisieen..better, work Bette: Get Datirre .Xerliiii Pill, now. Look (if the Idire bet with the red bind at ell •drni1iit4•Iii.it can depei J ort Dad's. it When steeplejack Peter Jek- ubs slipped recently from a 100- ft. tower On which he was work- ing at Baltimore, he caught his leg in a rope and hung head down 'for sixty-five, minutes. Firemen rushed to his aid with their tallest ladder. The coolheaded steeplejack chatted cheerfully to them as they climbed to him. But just as they were putting a safety-belt round his ,waist the rope.. suddenly snapped, and he spun 100 ft. to the ground, suffering multiple injuries but escaping death., In spite of the most modern safety precautions, the steeple- - jack'S job remains one 'of the most perilous, in the' world. Most of the men are the sons and grandsons of Steeplejacks and seem to have'ne Sense of 'fear; To be successful, a steeple- jack must have fingers and: mils- cles of steel, end no nerves to speak 'of. Mn Will Larkins, Member of 'a famons family of them, once nearly fell frpm the top of the Nelson Column. in .Trafalgar Squate, owing to his feet slipping On ' an inch-thick laYer of greasy soot with which the platform supporting the stable was 'covered. He only managed to save him- self he Was lying on his back at the time — by using his el- bows as brakes, Lightning iri.ce damaged the,. steeple' of a church 'iii 'Derby- shire. The, vicar and church- wardens Were so grateful to a steeplejack' when he had finished repairing it that they presentedhini with a new' suit of clothes in addition to his fee. Celebrating his success that night) the 'steeplejack; declared that in the morning he would don the new clothes on top Of the spire, A great crowd watch- ed' him' stand tin a tiny Scaffold and loop a rope over one arm of the cross. Then he climbed On to it, and nut on 'the presenta- tion tuft, throwing each discard- d garMent into the air, Sildderilar he clasped hie arms round the _cross. The Tope he neded to regtiin the ground had 'gipped and lay on the pletforre a dozen feet The crowd 'gasped with horror, 'Then somebody remembered the steeplejacks' daughter a ptetty eighteen-yeat-bld "steeplee jill." She was found, and het fair hair fluttering in the breeto, she climbed higher and higher, until at lest she reached the platform, She had never Moun- ted so high helot& After three attempts 'she Man- aged to tbtoW UP, the MO hint — and eb saved;' his life, Ott* :# 1955 II