The Brussels Post, 1955-01-19, Page 1M.pres Council
Merria, Township ('ouncil Meeting,
Januairy„ 10, 1955.
The OCierteil met. in ..the Township
Hall :on the above date with all the
members 'present, Reeve,
parrot( and ..Councillors Wpieleistort„
Stewart Procter, Walter Seeetreed
and Ross Duncan all signed the .Dee-
laration oaf 'Oft ee,
Rev. Cox of Belgreve conducted
a devotional perie0,
• After a few words Hof appreciete.
ion were given to Mr. Cox by Stew-
art Procter.
Meeed by Stewart Procter, eeeond
ea by Welter ,Shortree,d that we give
My, Cox, a vote of thenks,
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted; on motion of
Ross' Duncan and Wm. Elston,
Moved by Walter 'Shortreed, sec-
elided by Stewart Procter that we
give a. grant of $25.00 to the Huron
Crop Improvement Ageociation.
- Carried
Moved by Wm, Eldton, seconded
by Stewart Procter that the Clerk,
Treaturer and Assessor he :hired on
at the same salary.
— Carried.
Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec-
onded by Ross Duncan that we join
the Rural Municipalities Association
and the Ontario Good Roads Af.+SkIC-
— Carried.
Moved by Stewart. Procter, second-
ed by Waiter Stiortreed that the
road bills as presented by the Road
Superintendent be paid.
— Carried.
Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded
by Wan. Elston that. By-Law No. 1,
1955, appointing Township officials
be passed and read the first, second
and third times.
-- Carried
Moved by Rees Duncan, seconded
by Stewart Procter that we discon-
tinue paying 'the damages. and losses
in poultry under the livestock Pro-
teotion Act. — Carried.
Moored by Stewart Procter, second-
ed by Walter Shortreed that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
Februed 7 ,et 1 p. m. — Carried.
The following accounts were 2p7a.iodo,
County of Huron, Indigent fees
Mate Agnes Ferguson
Mrs-, 141eCuteleon - 27.50
Village of Brussels, Diviseon
001ITt 22.00
Geo. Miarbin, revising Voters'
Lislts; 36,30
Melville Presbyterian
10,00 a. m. Sundey School
Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T
* S •
The United Church
Minister, key; Andrew Lane
Divine Worship -~ ,11 o'clock
"The Soil's Desire"
ohUreth School 12 o'clock.
Congregational Meeting;
trid4, jan at 3 p.
• „ • Church of England
Parish of notissati
Rev. A. Norman EON Ma A.
*ithe,ny 6'00' Et lints:if
seta john's Church, BrUidels
ii in. mothitg 42ithyit-
y Sunday School
St. bei.fitVe Church, Hentryti
ISO toRening Ptkyot
Sunday' Sated
Stir Ceeignii eiturati: Walton wis,
„tit tvaith,g 'Piehlvet
2.00. per year $3,i50:0* $41
Post Publishing House
euthorizel as second cleat mail, Post Office DePartment, Ottaers w d d e nes ay January 19th,19'55
.Now Is, The Tithe P.BUSSE.1,,e. :.01-1AN...Pgil OF
POMelgReg, PeAN TO
CLEAN UP :aTRg..g1§
Brussels „Chamber of .0Maineree
met, in, tire library basement on MOD- I,
day night, with the president, •Calvin
Kreuter, in the e'hele and_ the sec-
retell, W. F. Todd, teking the :mire-
The diecnosiop+ was in charge, of
Welton Leech, convener of the civic
committee. Plane: Included' the erect,
ion or a bulletin board on, which
events of local interest: will be post-
ed, It is to be placed at the Can,
adien Benk of Commerce, corner
atliecent to the public drinking form..
Metal trash containers are being
obtained and will be placed at eey,
eral spots in town. This will be
;the first step in a campaign to tidy
up the village and do away with
the unsightly ,collectioe of waste
paper .atd .cartons which blowy,
about the .streets..
As a means: of increasing the
membership of the organization, it
was suggested that for the Febru-
ary meeting, each member bring a
new ,member or intereset a former
A plan for eroiip insurance with
the Huron Co-operative Medical Ser-
vice, Available to members of
the Chamber., of Commerce was
coesidered and further information
on it will be !forthcoming et the
next meeting.
Renew Your Subscription to
Applicaitions for the Pesition of
assessor for the Village of 13ruSeels
will be accepted by the nudersigne4
up to 0,00 le ma Saturday, Jan. 22
1955 et a s' al of $300.00. Applieent
to state (Mantic-an:Me-
G. R. Campbell
Applications wanted for the Posit-
ion of Local By-Law Enforcement
Officer, Weed Inspector, Caretaker
of public buildings and general utility
work In the village of Bruesele
be 'accepted by the undersigned up
to 6.00 P. m., Saturday, Jan. 22 1955
Applicant to state salary expected.
G. R. Campbell
Applications for the position of
Waterworks Superintendent for the
Tillage of 'Brussels will be accepted
by the undersigned up to 6.00' p. ut.
Saturday, Jan. 22 1955. Applicant to
state salary expected for general
maintenance and an hourly rate for
major repairs.
G. R. Campbell
Clerk •
The Brussels Post •
If your label does not read 1955 you are ;t1 arrears. We thorn
all those who been so ' prompt th is matterd it all who hitsC an as
The Maitland Presbyterial. of .the
Women's Missionery Society held its
,aieleari Meeting, Tuesday, Jae, 11, le,
Knox Presbyterian Church, Wine
115 '
The preSident, eire„ Batten, pre
Wed at both sessions, The ,devotions
in the .morning were. takee by Mr4
elendereen ,,aeti Mrs, e.
Reporle7ere given by the epereMr-
iesof each .departinelie Miss F. Matt
hews was Council representative, at
the meeting 'and assisted helpfelle
in the general discussion,
The president asked Mee' Mate
hews to take the (heir and conduct
the election and the installation of
°facets .for the year 1955. Mrs.
Reid paid a fitting tribute Vo the late
Mrs, R, Mobray .followed by a period
of silent .prayer.
0Wiee to Mre, G, Beatiples.remove,
from the presbytery Mrs, M. Hender-
son, Luoknow, 'wee elected to Como
lete her term as president. The
meeting closed with prayer,
Mrs. Joint Vuill, elre Harvey
Dennis, Mrs, Clerk Matheson, Mrs.
Douglas Hemingway and. Mri. Wm.
Speire anti Mrs. Harold Speire attend-
ed the annual. W. M. S. meeting of
Maitland Presbyterial in Wingibarp.
The theme of. Worship in the 'Unit-
ed Chute& on Sunday, Jan. 16 Wee
Comparisons and Conteasta of the
Olympic races, and the race of life,
The Biblical hole, of :the sermon was
found in First Corinthians e:24:25
"Know ye not that they which run.
in a race Tun all but one receiveth
the 1,17:e? !Se run that ye may obtain.
And every man that striveth foe the
mastery is temperate in; all things.
Now they do it to obtain a corrup-
tible ecrowne. tut we en incorrep-
t hie.."
"Thy Word in My Heart." by
Ogden and Lorenz was the anthem
for the day.
neglected it to give it their attention,
Bressele Majestic. Somer.'s le
stiletto met in the library On Thera.
day afternoon with Mrs. W, II, Bell,
president. in Charge, Plane were.
made 'ear a, epee, of home made bale
ing, miscellaneous articles and a
tea late in February, Wu Oonlmittee
was named. elhe roll call reeponee
wee an item, of interest or a picture
for the Tweedsanuir book and it
was revealed that the first innue of
the Brussels Poet was printed on July
1Q, 1873; the village of Brussele was
founded on 1852, and the township of.
Morris, 1853, A Picture of Mrs.
Milton Rand:,, who wals a charter
member of the. Womee's Institute
was, turned in.
Mrs,, Angus Brown, convener of
historical research too merge or the
meeting and invited Mms R, W,
Stepliene to deal with the motto. Her
talk on the "Pioneer Women of
Huron" contrasted the life of the pre.
sent-day and that of the women aybe
followed their husbands, to the bush
From 1830 to 1840, there were 685
people ;arrived in the county, arriv-
ing by sailing vessel with limited
baggage. There were only 60 miles
of road, and one trading post in. God.
erich 'The women's chores were un-
ending — bearing and training
ehildrerefeeding and clothing there,
making soap, candles, Cloth. Mid-
wives and a well stocked medicine
chest took the place of a doctor in
the district,
Mrs. Lorne Nichol, reading from
an old atlas of 'Huron County gave la
historical sketch of Brussels, in-
corporated on Dec. 24, 1872, Grey
township organized ae a seperete
unit in 1856 and Morris, Mrs. Nichol
who has lived in Morris all her
life, disclosed that; of 60 100-acre
farms on the eoneesIsions of Morris,
only nine are in the handa, of de-
scendents of ire original ownete. Her
talk was• full of interest.
Tfhirteen grandmothers were wel-
cdmed and gifts were presented to
the oldese, Mrs. Oliver Hemingway,
and the youngest, Mrs Robert Gemm-
Mts, Clifford Marks, in charge of
current events, gave several items
of much interest. Mrs. James Bryans
gafe' e demonstration on cutting out
en apron and melting it together.
Severel attractive aProns were mod-
elled by membena of the institute.
Mrs. Lawrie Cousins contributed a
solo, accompanied by Mrs Ivan
The district project, Brighten your
home with color, will be held in
April; Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mre W. H. Bell, Mrs. Andrew
Lane, Mrs. Robert Davidson, Mrs.
Mrs. Carl. Hemingway:
54 Chev. D Sedan. Radio
53 Chev.' Belair, Sedan Radio .
53 Chev. D Coach, Radio
50 Meteor Coach, Radio
50 Austin Sedan
53 Chev. 3 Ton Dump
Truck with, hoist and bolt
53 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick up
51 Ford 3 Ton
Riverside Motors FOR SALE —
The Village of Brussels offers for
sale — One 20 tion, Gurney Platform
Scale and building, Scale and build-
Int in good condition. For further
particulars apply to
G. R. Cambpell, Clerk.
Rayette Creme Oil Cold. Wave
Complete With Cut And Style
United Church Young People's
or Brussels.
Lunch Served at the. Church
Admission 25c for children
35c for adults
Modern and Old-Tyme'Music
The Noll Sisters with
"The Kansas Farmer"
Brussels Town Hell on
Under auspices I. 0. '0. F.
Admission 50e
Come and have a good timel
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
There passed away in Clinton
Public Hospital on Tuesday. Jan.11,
Thelma Jean Bernard, aged 5 months
, and 22 days, infant dadghter of Mr.
said Mrs. Thomas Bernerd. She had
whooping eough and pneumonia de
veloped causing ,her death.
She i,s survived by her ,parents
and two eiseere Irma erid Shirley
; also her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
' Earl Bernard.
The funeral service was I conduct-
ed ,from the .family eeme concession
6 of Morris, Township on Friday at j
• 2 p. in. 'The Rev. Norman A. Ellie,
of St. John's.. Anglican Church offi-
; dated and burial was in Bruseele
Gas and Oil
Phone 56
Kreuter — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Kreuter ,are happy to announce
, the arrival of Evelyn Jo-Anne a
wee sister for Ranely on January
14 in Lieltawel Memorial . Hospital. !
1 The flower-bearers were Noreen 1
l McEying, Alex eicEwing, Lois, Ber-;
mard, Marlene Smith, Donna Smith,
I Rae and Bobby Smith.
M.cdALL — In Brussels on Sunday,
January 16, 1e55, 'to Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart McCall, Walton, a son —
Murray Charles. Attention Girls
•Girls who are interested in. taking.
the course "The Milky Way" are CARD OF THANKS
My sincere thanks to all the =st-
em:me on the milk route who remem-
bered me with gifts at Christmas:
Your kindness was much appreciat-
0.28 asked , to get in. touch with Mrs, F,
Conley or Mrs. K. Shurrie as Soon
0.00 as possible,
Addison Praeer, attending court 1
Judge Long. revising Voters'
Lists 1
L. Glenn Hays Q. C., revising
Voters' Lists.
Mum. World, Susie 30.00
Bailie Parrott, postage , 2.00
Jan Mailtin,s, relief 30.00
H. Kearney, medicine for
Mrs. Wilhelm
G. W. Montgomery, grant to
Crop Impeovement,Association 25.00
'e. J. Mahony, Good Roads
Association 10.00
On .Stinday .morning :laSt, Rey,'
Harold Colvin, took as his sermon . subject the Words A,s a man s6weth,
so shall het reap, and ,siald, in part 7"..
a 'ilan cannot ,exliett a geed crop if
he ;sons bad -seed. The 'Russian,
staait, on !teaming into power, made
a purge and killed a great Many
people, but did net think he Wee
doing wrong, He thought this wale for
the good of the State! Stalin was
thus sowing et:wheat:seed and expect-
ing to rea,p a good harreet Soloman
bailie to 'the throne by the s,viord
In this ?hie was ,sowing corrupt eeed.
A certain chaplain visiting a prison
Said most of the inmates thought
'they slimed net have been there,
the they did not 'deserve imptiSen-
ment. These Mee thkyogift they could
reap good liatveSt, by sowing .6(*•
rupt eeed. If we sow the teed •Of the
devil, we ish.atl reap the devil's
harvest. The rich man in' the New
Testament story, might have sent
some left-over food from bis untie
to the beggar Leeeree lying at his
gate, He-ealeld ,have Sett Mit Seine
ointment to heel Leeeette' sores,
tthe rich man wa,s to hesy, sowing
time Seeds of indulgence ai1d pleasure.
Jeans snowed rig that the rich Mee-
et the after lite; was reaping *ha lie r „ had leeeett. 'Mete are people who may
thee' eari 116 into eneatioriable sec,
tety and infliteitoe it for good, But
good boa down in a field with Wild
Ogee, 'Will not b,tifig h good harvest;
Let its now look at Setae freite, of
the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Gentle=
neSe; Geedheee, Faith, Meekness
Temperance. Nothing ean 'Change
title law .reatitee; and of the Setrie
As a Men ,edeettlisit
elielt lie tea,P, :$
The Choir'fee:doted the arithem.
$,t Soldier -0 of onrieit Meek
ScOtt P'awsen
Monday evening, San. 31st, a
Recital of Piano and Vocal Mu,ela
will be given in the auditorium of
Melville Church, by the senior puelle
of Mr. Louts D. Thompson. Grades
VII to X. A silver collection at the
door, in aid of chiair funds to pur.
8.52 I
Our sincere thanks is given to all
our neighboUrs and friends for their
many expressions of sympathy and
kindly tleede. at the „time of our,
recent bereavement',
These were all deeply appreciated.
The Holmes, Family
There's NEW "Travel Comfort"
0 chase new choir gowne,
The following officials were appoint-I
ed by By-Lae, No, 1, 1955.
Clerk — Geo. Martin, Treasurer —
Nelson Higgins; Aisses,ser—Addison
Patrolman, Are Edgar, Jack Brew-
er, Harvey ttobeeteen, Harvey Ed-
gar, Ross Teivey, Herman Nethery
Chas. Warwick, Clarence Yetili,etack
Lowe, Allan Pease„ Douglas Smith,
John Craig, Ronald Gordon, Miller
Richmond, Freek Bell, Fred Cook,
i Jim Smith, Gee. Nesbitt, Bernard
Monies, Wilbur Cutlet
PoundkeePere — Carl Johnston,
Stewart MaLennen, rrhhk 51mw,
Robert MeMurraY, John Bowman,
Stanley HoPpter, :Robert- Yitlll, Mar-
VYn Pipe, Robert tiroebY, Wm, Mc-
Cai'tlC,tugatil; Ernest Michle, Robert
Bird`! Bernard CrMg. ReSS MeCali,
11 a. in. Divine Worship
"Is the Devil Real" 1 CARD OF THANKS
We wish to extend our sincere
;. thanks especially to our neighbours
, 'end triends for their acts of kind-
ness shown to us in our recent sad
bereavement Special thanks to Dr.
C. A. Myers and the nursing staff of
Clinton Iles;pital. Also Mr. D. A.
Penn, Mr. Mac, Cameron and Mr.
M. Oldfield and to anyone who help-
ed in These acts f kind
Tom and Margaret Bernard
Anthem, Be still and knew.
Male Chores. ATTENTION
Scotchmen and others. Please
keep Friday, Feb. 4th, open for a
"Scotch Concert and Dance" in
Brussels Town Hall. Sponsored by
The Legion Band.
to Winnipeg-Jasper-Vancouver
00'11 find smart new travel comfbet and cod
eonaManNadonal's "Continental/10nd" A
soaches, relaxing Loon es. spacious drawing
somplirtutenu, restful gedrocnns, popular-paced
ipoomettes and berths.
• Here is plexiant travelling, with a wide range of at%
adorn for every budget. Pot aratnpie, look st
. coach fares between Torooto and lAncsivis.
$04,11; round trip $107.25. Proportionately o r
for tontist and Other types a sleeping ow train*
ono subsianitaI swings ellsredhy Nonir kook hi
Coma end to MIhIlfost sod 11Wiri OSA -
-any way,
ness will neVer be forgotten.
THEATRE; ramunammusinuisini
2 shows nightly 7.30 — P." P.REGENT THEATRE Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Seaforth, Ont.
Thur. - Sat, Jan. 20 - 21 tx. , Thureday, Friday and. Saturday
hook Wildcat,' Donna Reed
A Super Western filled With site,
penes and drama With thrilling
Ruck Hudson
Albert Netsbitt, Geo. lVfeArther„
'Lieetteek VeleatOr Bert Get,
, fillee. Miller
FeerideVieWerfe Nettei*ett.
I-retold Procter, Milo Casensore, Bert
HaStitige, Neethettat diree. And-
! oteoh, Peacedie Ititetel Beate- ,
A CIneniestoPe Production'. in
mogyn Rom, mitahum, and
ltorji dailiaini in an exciting play'
Filmed in the Canadian heckle* Atiost•
Metiday TUeSday and WeditesdaY
"""tarries Stewart . Joanne Orli
Hurricanes and mbe violence tilt this
on Oil brining' in the
Gulf of Mexico
Soiii4eati — Albert l‘reabitt 'U
Son% et
I Clare:nee Martin, Loalle beitneSi
TfiliVeY McdtiteiteeIT:
'Weed tftitf5rleit Mk; Mtetrid..
dredetnteri Jos, Smith, Uelt
- - ,
Mon, - - E4
in Cineniaseatie
Wonderful comedy` drama' of an
AUtomobile tycoon anti the
ambitious wives ei his executives.
dititoii Webb, Attie Van Thursday, Friday Old tattotay falie poiTott„. Reeve.
hiefi n. Latiren Fred' PO "HIS MAJESTY ookEEFE"' Geo: C. ,Matilit, te_ Murray, Arlene DAL 'Bert Lancaster jean Ride'