The Brussels Post, 1955-01-05, Page 1THE BR P Publishing House eutbor*s 4 as mooed class Blasi, bort OM DePsramenrt, Ottawa. POST- , Wednesday, Jausary 5th 1.955 $2.00 per year - $2.80 U. it ' CARD. OF THANKS I wish to hake this opportunity to thank all those who ,sent me cards. and, treats 'While I was in LI newel. Meelritai,, land eii c.e I have pone home, In will always• be remembered. Beryl McFarlane PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss. N, Jiandine is visiting with her glister, Mrs. F. Teesdale, Concord, and expetrts iio spend the month of January with Mrs. A. King, Hornsby. Mrs. Elio. Merritt, of Edment oo and Mr. !and Mrs; Kenneth Hudson and CARD OF THANKS I wish to thlank all my friendv and neiglblbouI•s ,who remembered me with eerde, treats and flowers -while 1 was a patient fin the hospital and educe. opining home, they are greatly app- Emylene M. Steiss daughter .Susan; of Lambeth, COL„ vis lee their alone .and uncle W, L- end Mrs, Armstrong over Cheleemae holidays. Mr. erre Mrs. W, S. Scott speOt, the: Christmas weekend at the hoMee. of Mr. and Mlls J T. Harvey, Toronitt. Beni Mr and Mrs. J, A. McGinn:,, Con, cord, Mr. and. Mrs, Graeme Scott and radiated. Welland, 'pined 'them there. CARD OF THANKS Randy, e , 1 Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Spell' and Diane and Johnnie of Simeoe, Mr. and M's. ' Frank Glover of Toronto, Mr and Mrs I Gil.. Stiandiish ,and Ronnie of Byron aad Miss Margaret Speir of London spent: Christmas with :their mother Mre. •Jahn Speir, "To all who so kindly remembered with goads and messagai.. during my stray in holepital, please accept my sincere a1►9.rreciation, and bet Wishes for happiness and prioePeritT In the coming year." Mrs. R. S. Hamilton • CARD OF THANKS As I am unable to write to ;Bicli. personally, will my . friends and neighbours kindly accent this ex of thanlce to them for their Brant 'kindnesses and remembrances to ma, both during my stay in Via SOr% Hospital and in Clinton General Hospital. Your Volans, sand dreendly Concern for my welfare are deeply appreciated. (Mrs.) Ann Bernard NOTICE — The annnlal meeting of the East Huron 'Agrilcultuna1 Society and Turkey Banquet will be %held in Men rvii9e Prestbyteriant Church basement on Wednesday eventing, Jan. 19th at 7.00 P. M. Guest speakerr will be Prof. Jame. Scotlt. Everyone - wel- come. Ticketts, $1.50, Tickets avail- able. hone executive. Jlalm:es 'Mein Pres. Geo. We1senburg, Sec. Mr. and M. Wilson Tilriro, River- side, and. Nye. Robert Joyce and ' baby Sandra, Lorne Park, were half- day vevittni with M. and Mrs. Jas, S. Armstrong. Mitis. Margaret Perrte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tno. Perrie', was guest on the TeleTunee TV program from C. K. C. 0. ,Kitdhener, thts week. Mia Penne !contributed both vocal and piano, solos. NOTICE I wish toannounce that I will be in my Mental Office each afternoon. 2 p.,m to S P. m., oommeneing Monday Janteary 10th. 1955. Dr. W. A. Spence NOTICE • .,..Those interested to playing bad- mtnton for 1955 season please meet In the town hall Wednesday, Jan.12 at8p.sm. st.;11j • VAL'S BEAUTY SHOFPE We specialize in styling, cutting, end cold waving. Open Monday to Saturday inclusive. Mrs. Velma Stephenson 'Phone IO221'4 DANCE ! Modern and Ofd -Tyne Music The Noll Sisters with "The Kansas Farmer" Brussels Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, JAN., 26th. Under auspices 1. 0.0. F. Admission• 50c Come and have a good timet ala>�rse. Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. m. Sunday Schaal 11 tarn. Quarterly Communion Service The 'Sacranr entt of The Lord Supper Ainth'ema tut the Lord is mindful. Bread Of the world. Organist: L.. D. Thompson R. M. T%2 chows nightly 7.30 = 9.a0 p. rn. Matinee Sattirdsy 2 p. m. APPLES FOR SALE Grade EX - Fancy, Fancy, Grade C. Spies, McIntosh, Delicious, and, Snows. Also cooking apples, bring your own containers. '1 EAST HURON PRODUCE R. J. McLauchtin, .Mgr. B. Ws PRIVATE HYDRO COLOSSUS Priente ,enterprise is pouring mill- ion's trot, a new hydro project. When completed, it will make Paku in nor thern British Ceolpt:mbia the: metalling. Ica/ !capital sof western Nior`th A.merioa, The ,scheme ts known. ae , ''Frabisihers project" _and k,tAll- CaFnadian venture. - Rees Harkneee of the Star Weelder has been !observing every bine,trint hydro m,amtoeuver in this area. This week the in'akeis a complete report for Star Weekly readers. This its the biggeet fnlYdro-electirie Power under- taking in the 'World. ,ffaa Orb _ CAPITOL LISTOWEL _ Minister: Rev. W: T. Colvin, B: D. THEATRE • The. United Church' OF CANADA - Mnister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine 'Worship — 11 o'clock The Slacreenteiitt of the Lord'S Sutpler Oturdh School ne 12 O'clock. attiti do in Jteniembranae• of Me" en 3esue. • a ° Church of Englan • 'Parish of Brussels ,. M. A �Rev. A. Unman Ellis M lit, di6hn's 'Church,: Brussels 17 3t. hi- MK'nrrog" F''rayer". '.Stinitey Rcir'oaY St - +Boil Church Henfgm .W. 1:1.• Cra ,.� r `y' , ht.-Jllvsntn•g..l'�r ; eli.oiix. '�•tdi, '9 lir Otereft0i t;hlurcl+ 1�aii4 • LOS- 0 . **tate 1'a`000; Fri. - Sat. Jan. 7 s' John Wayne HONDO" '• They called hirri Hondo stranger to everyone :.b•ut the :surly' .:dog by his side UNITED CH9R9H Y, P. U.. 4ilbe meeting of the Y, P. U, of Brussels United. Church wast held on Jan. 3rd{ Meeting ;o+pFned 'with a hymn. '.1'!.he scripture was read foil dyed by a: pralyer. A talk oxt Mi s's. ions, and World Ouereec!h in the form of an. !iatervi:ew was given: by John Hoover* and Don.H•entingwaY. Mar- ion Hoover gave to tliani9 •selector. A poem was relaid by :Tam Hoover and: A 'hymn; wee ,ere g, The roll pall was taken eind the mielette4 Were read. The business' was ddsoussedJ. Ga of 9 were playecl and the meeting 'woe closed with the s'ingi'ng of tai s. THE UNITED CHURCH At 'the :first worship service for 1956 In the United Oheroh the minise ter emsplealsized the importance of a knowledge of the !true God, the Fa- ther of love revealed in Jesus Christ, the importance o the battle for Clrnistien chaired/err and of conduct- ing daily- work in harmony with Me design and purpose of God. If weare genuinely contented about these we may be ,e uie •God will be with ua to fulfil life. The Biblical basis of the sermon we Psalm 12,8:13 "The Lord perfect; that Wh'iclh. eontce'rneth nit." "The Kiln,g of;Glory" by J. Lincoln was., the anthem foe the day. MR. AND MRS. J. ENGEL MARK 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mame irienas anu acquaintances of Mr. and, Mrs. John Engel, Brus- sells, atrtendedd to reception held for the ample on Monday, December 21tb' .the occasion of their 60th wedd'iing anniversary which they celebrated. Christmas Davy. Mr. and Mrs.. Engel, who were bdtth rained near Brussels, were married at the benne of Mre. En- gel's ngel's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,R,oee]Ii:1 Mr. Engel's Par- ents. were :the late Mr. and Mrs. Casper Engel. Fallowing their marriage, the couple 'went ,to live in Pawpaw', Minch., and later Hastings, Mt 1t, where: they Silent 50 Years. Ma'. Engel wasp a 1rJua:cltsrrrhtt'h• by trade. in the last 10 years•, they baive re- sided with. lintel/. only avian, Mr. Chas. M. Engel, Higgints Lake, Mich. They had one daug'hte'r, the Marie Mrs. E. (Evia). Hoyer, of Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Engel take. great pride in their five griandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Mays. 'Engel has ten ssis,'tene, Mrs: Roy plum;steel, Clinelan, Miele, . eros Mrs. Herb. Manning, Brn seta, and two brothers. Mr. S. B. Bozell, Kit- . calmer :and Mr. Wm. 'Roa4ell, 'Van- couver, B. C. Mr. Engel has one sister, Mrs. 'Rtulllatai (Lonine, Ken - ref, Fntlt`on, N. Y. ATTENTION --- ....All Scotchmen and others. Pleas* keep Friday, Feb. 4th, open for a "Scotch Concert and Dance" In Brussels- Town Hall. Sponsored by The Legion Band. SATURDAY CLOSING A recent diectieelen with the total Chani & of C'.oiinmeree about cloy ing time on Saturday brought forth the praposa:l that the merefianta close itb+eta• place of business on Saturday nights 9 o'clock, for the months of .Tan., Feb. and March. Eeeryoiie is asked to co-operate. REGENT THE .TRE Seatorthi Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "TENNESSEE CHAMP" Dewey Martin Sh tin y Winters A wandtrfui little 6oniedy drama Mon.. Tues, Jan. 10 • 1t Edna Ferber's prize Whining novel of a woman's love and sabrifice' "80 BIG" Starring' Sterling. Haydefl Jane � Wyiiian and: 'Manby Olson. v Thtirs. • Fri. - Sat`. Wed. 1 •Jain 12.13-14=15 . ; a�t ,,,. .. nlcoi- r' In G�ineWrascope and Tet: c 0414E 141614 ,AND THE MIGI.ITY Ctafre %t'rtiior," iit+iti+ Jelin- Wayne ' :t pill' �; r 'pna, i9a v 't. f-lari�i's a r i �, Phi > 1y I' �teliyy, di>ai',11' �i6�rar ,.0 " radad ►' ionto i lobi iF i 'The ii iit�7 ' 1' that tbliitot dui Of ci cihlppiett olir''itaiiK e 1111 with a different angle ail it's own: A picture for the wkoie faintly. 'Monday, Tuesday , and Wednesd ' "FORBIDDEN" ., Grtis ' JCanite bra Tony C • " ' .._" iiel• e. _. 1000 mites tO 'fli ke He travel) d , love to this 'neeman only to find. 6tI she was ior6ldden. Gee this' action th filer. pae:ked r BEEHIVES UP!ET Ialoyd Wheeler, apiarist, reported that last month be had 24 beehives np.,et. This es' a ieerteosr meteor for the been prepared for wifl ling, , were cliethrbed and, it meant examination of the hives. and reeombing of the damaged ones, This involves a great deal oe Work but ie only the least •serious hart sof Abe affair for it will not be. known until !spring how many of, the bees died from exposure, The hivets were tipped over by, boys whose tracks were fhllowed in On Sunday morning nest at Mee the !view to Brussels. mole Church the se'rv'ice was pel>ara• Ts b may •n have h,e oys n.y of xealized tory „2o the quarterly 4anrmntnul,n the extent of tire damage they did' Ser]vi.ce Ito be held Sunday, Jain. 9th. but are warned that any repetition leen Harold Colvin will he dealt, with. preached from the theme, Preparing to meet God, s and said, in part, we hear Flame pee - WINNERS IN THE PEARSON SH'OE STORE DRAW Mee. Caedrff, R. It, Eilte'I, writs the rocky winner or th, llfarcoi$ 'l`v' get given la ,the repeat draw .enteduoted by :the, Pelalr'son Sth'ee Store, Brussels, 11ii1sls. Millie lV1o11arlane, R. R. 5, 13ru- egni r, renived the 11ie.rcofi _4,utom.atie Clod:. radio .dbat lyes pile, eec ed award in Lite same dl'aw, MELVILLE: CHURCH UNITED CHURCH W. M.. S. Rarta.ke of Holy Coanmuraoar, but if Tale monthly rneetin;g of the :United ' we «Iflit metal we are good enbuglh, we Church W. M. fi. was held ,at the par. , will never :oorne to Gtoc1. Jesus said, ,nonage, Tuesday, Jan.4. Meeting - Come unto me - hint that eoanek:'h opened ivit, a bymm, 'FI3vangeltsen" to m•e';'will in ere wise •ct:t,it out. The 1 was given lYy the President, Mrs,, Bible Says! 'Now is the'nce,epted time, now to the defy of salvlaltiotn. Tomor- row omoor row may be too tait'e. We believe we l are ,saved. by grace, Saltuationl by grace, th'riongh !faith in Jesus Ohu'I t, Mr. Colvin then 'spoke of the best way to prepare to meet God. ,God is ti truth itself. He cannot lie' or deceive us. When we eomre to God we must confess our sine and !shortk oimings, and ,ask Iforgiveness, and God will forgive III. However, God's. willing nests to (forgive us depends on our Willingness -'to forgive ahem. Con- fetssing ourselves ars,'si;nners, we seek God's forgiveness through the Oreo - ions biood•tof Christ. A,s, Christians we. must eat and drink et the Lord's Table wontiu'ly, Then we show one fellowship 'with our fellow Christians. The Choir rendered the a.4thee3 "Holy art Thou" by Handel. ple ,. saythey e+ I •a re a erre 3 t0o d' enough g g to Harold Thomas. The ecrip't ire read-.., Trig: Acts 1, i'tir. chapter, was given by Mee. ,Root. Downing. Prayer by Mrs. Lane. The visiting committee repotted 7 calfs made. Mrs„ R. T. ' MoLanr;Ght n, Mrs. R. Thomas, Mr's. 1 Leine land 'Mhlst, Florence Bircantanan were appointed to meet with repne-, sentatives from the other eherdhes' to plan, the "World's Day of Prayer" to he held in the United church Feb,. nth. eflhe February, meeting is to be in charge of. Miaa Buchanan and Mlis. Todd. Roll •call response is to ,• be a verse' containing the word "Heart, Mrs. R. J. McLaudhl n. read a l report from Neney .Edward, our missionary 'for ,prayer in. Newfound- 1'and.The meeting closed with hymn 374. Prayer by Mrs. 7lhomas. Afte which a dainty lunch was served by Maeda/ne,s• Lane, Cousin:,, MeLa,udh- lin Downing end M% Arbhaw. Mrls. Bell thanked the ,committee on, behalf of the members Mr. and Mrs. Fred Me,, rtin and dau- ghter, Brenda, Ttham,esty lle, spent Oha•ieitanas with Mrs. Martr:n,s par. entts Mr. and ME,. Pater Baker. Holiday visitors! with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron included Mr. and Mrs, l Jas, °Rijtdhie, Mr. and Men. Douglas Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs.. Morgan Canter - en and 'Sirsan,_.all of London: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rliikpatrick spent t'he. holiday weekend with , friends in Mount Foreist. Mr- War. Forrest. Mount Forest spem&Chistanas. with his surer Niles. Alice le Forrestt. Mises Emylene Steles was able to come home from a, Kitchener hospital last week and is reeking a good. • •eeovery, many friends' •of Mrs..Tae. Noblee Will be corny to hear Of her un- fortnna;te :atcctdlent' last Week When she fell in Cher ,hone, sustaining a broken ht. She lie a patient in Wiingham holSpi,tlai • :Rev, W, A. Williams, Bruss'ele was in. charge of tlher service. in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Jain. 1 It wale !announced • that +owing, to the removal a Rew. R. J. Boggs, evhe he.s been interim -moderator for Cran. broblt and Ethel, it has been neces's- art to Bunce it • a. new mioderatar in the ,person of Rei Mr 'Colvie, Bnuisisele. Mite'K1a,te McNabb, who tenni e,S at Tetmiskamim,g, ripon.t nee. holidays at her home. Mr: Itentheth and Harold Knight, "reroute, Were Oltrlsltni;ee, visitors W th d fr a+ntl Mrs! Gordon Knight a,n d ia,ntily. Mr. a it 1VIrs. Olsefit Hdtelin, Con. estoga, Sttndd with. Mules E:• r ` britt la"YFriday and' Staturta}e win .,.6 drib tF'. Nene' Olton R g T v�otiifrltl' f�ti+f�' ;„ .ttitiOrt Steles. Mr, and Milt Art Nichols; Brod lrageti,' are enteid,inig isevlerat weeks at the home ,ef Miss, Entyletrie Reiss, and alss,lsting' with fJlre work. T t n deg' ihr e • Ili � lielr1e ,Fnlgel; ifanr es iris tfo rd 6n tlre MEucetptian held a boo.2�?ith,-. far Mand Mrs. Joni , r, Emgel on the ooce,. S tt. Orf tivedr 60tti. leti, •wedding tiiiiniv6ilsary, Which they retld)brated lin. ChFtotmals' T ay' -...;ed here dn. `Suri Word Wee re c,eiv e ..., ethtir ' iue 'detail! df ,Arnold daafi t 'S* Mit *Bas it, Brig, 68it1'., �ti� Mater A`rnio a.' a''" ri of Mr ittid.'kit. yds a�n�� '�"�• the ..,,o arnd� a dpi tt J ma told 2Vtttl+i'si hitt icei . 11I 13' . •i LIBRARY NOTES Some of the new books you may ] !procure at the •l.ibaary are the follow- ;. Ing: t Swim to Glory by Ron. McAllister- j. the story of Marilyn. Bell and the i• Lakeshore ,swimming club, s Nd' Tea* for Chrislttmas by Hellen 'Popping Miller The Living Earth by Sheila Mc. Kray 'Russell: , Rennie For the Sky by Pairl .Brick hill ; Lady of the Yellow' Rives by Philip- Gibbs! T1re Wise Brother by leebelle Hu. rhes - Royal liox by Frances T'arkthlson Keys - 'Variable Winds atAetna by Maio de ,1a Roche Apples les Dentt .Twist Grcow by Mtw da ' Parliowe French Better 'Speeche:S For All OOcas- ionise by 0. W Wright Some. !of your fevourite juvenile* are also on hand. • Remember to join. for 'the new velar in January so you m,ay have the bene. 1 fit of 12 menthe readin;g for -10 centile. Former Grey Resident Richard Cardiff Dies Word Was received here by rel- atives of the paiesing of Richard Car- di,Pf in Regina. He Was a former, Carey. towrci,?mip 'Lann.er. Mr. Cardiff, stn: of the tete Thomas `. and Elizabeth Fergueon Cardiff, eves born, on con. 14 Gey towrdship, April 1.Stih: 1877: lie wlas' ranted to Eliza-• • betic• M'en.tles of McKillop township { on 11Ra.rdIt 19, 190. PheY fanned on 1 the 14,ten Mietiedeeioi1L of Grey far abr out three yeerk !toile -Wing their ni,ar= I, ge, then; moved to Tung; Sask. there M. Carddif orals engiaged tri ks gieire elevator busineos •for" several years. He visited„ ,this diStrtot Tor ee:v Orel moruthe in 1952. Twelve years. i ago he was• involved -"iii an: aiito a,cci- dent, whicltu hioonitalltedh m f'er s'ev'= e #lr h de G _ . ih'.ai a ,an'd elute that time mod Caii,adiaiits foliow' filly eral tthl ,ot has not enjoyed , at the time sf the acoidetit:''H 3 ilii critic in the poli t y Is died the f .pity diaughrter, M a, baseball Umpire, hie �Ir • EUCHRE and DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, January 7th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Admission at Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board LUNCH. .BOOTH: EVERYBODY WELCOMi Now Is The Time Renew Your Subscription to The Brussels Post if your label does not read 1955.you are in arrears. We thank all those who been so prompt in this matter and ask all who have neglected it to give it their,attention. THE BRUSSELS POST Tire Speoial (For Limited Time Only.)'" Brand New 670 x 15 — 4 Ply lst. Live Tire, Reg Price $27.20 Sale Price $19.95 Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Super'test Gas and Oil Brussels,. Ont. • Phone 56 THE CANADIAN BANK Or COMMERCE CLOSING HOURS Commencing January 8, 1955, the branch in Brunets will be closed each Saturday, to glue thestaff the benefits of tont five-day week, For the convenience of customers, the bank will °pea extra hours each FRIDAY, from 4.30 to 0 P. m. We seek the co-o'peratioe of customers In accomodatiral themselves to this change in banking hours: F. W. TOdd, Manager. • oil ealtfii. Hi:i wife r � ..... .,.. , r,... rev#ewe of movies thin any m'bti s iL r....` . e ..., i o it • re. John (Vera,• , luteol - art . e itt,e�imi died flirt pears ago 1 1 d by the ptiht�c, bit- ail Dick T-I�e S tiurro#,v'erl by azLe gr+strids , , , oaj; g: them a�, he serfs t'GEyrl." #4 f i i1r�e # ,attldere R elgin a one bid er, ftovte is bac# she ays" neod 'if it's' s a' a , fie • ,!are aired'eveirk S Miley' oil: idtd a i"r r ae "tu a a' s a d net a v� S S Yt t;owntllii ,, iit�1' '�Ylle' •- , � C9ardifs,!`. ttrby li . ]ire's :the }lir.h• to hd#rfit '#t. 731:s 9. , ,good, Mart ..:. ,. . • aillte, 1+�� t fi�S�Ar, il2rle, Ma,be'x � , Segtefrali aiiefi'°t ,aficf neP11e+w' Irra-Ga:Y4adari1 Cr3tically gPeakItar, dis+ttidt also sititirvlve, Inerlart 'woe nee' tie& tint 0 iib putt izeta* bf ug oti a Id R:c ihhl ` r, ..y.. .,..r:c n ..,. network in carried by b9' tined,. They ,a1tio appear in Mite, 's t3- •: au, fidLe • ttiviC leans maga.z r n odO ! • . t;' . ivwn Gtlnsotix o e trot s � � � . _ .. ,. .,,...,. gest audiences of any' O i'idi€tta e _t a 0, . b � Critic, The toughed. g1h i""' aa•, ,i� ha tm le .. eNititi'1'elr, �t - ti ,eD , ath is�' .off w 11bf#t' p ;tri1 9rs,e w h-iZ.S r. ' 11, ice• t'lrxll. s 'one ng�... I��c�vte,"�ex, 'r r, �4 wth.et'ue th 3'