The Brussels Post, 1981-09-30, Page 15Starts at Dusk Admission $3.511 Children in Cars (12 Years and Under) ADMITTED FREE programme subject to unavoidable changes. Phone 338-3121 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October 2, 3 Nice Dream .Starring Cheech & Chong —PLUS— "6" of the most bizarre murders you will ever see" Happy Birthday to me Starring Glenn Ford and Melissa Sue Anderson SUNDA Y October 4 only Naughty Freshman —ALSO— Train Station Pickup 0 S 5 a 4 The Brussels Arthritis Society will hold their canvass on October 5 you will be canvassed in Brussels, by the Brussels Leo Club: A canvass will also be made in Ethel and Belgrave. Rural areas will be canvassed by postal walk. Registration and Exchange --- FINAL Friday, October 2nd at The B.M.G. Community Centre 7-9 p.m. for Registration Hockey, Ringette Exchange To Pick-up articles not sold and or cash. Attention Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents The Boa' Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer CLARE WALL Provincial Service Officer of London will he, visiting in the area Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding: la) War Disahilit Pension; 'hi Treatment for entitled veterans; ici Applicatien for Benevolent Funds, )d) Appeals fq.,.iinst adverse original application for War Veterans and Widows Allowance, is requested to contact the Service Officer not later than October3, 1981 To arrange an interview, Mr. Ross Bennett Service Officer it.g. #3 Walton, Ontario Phone 887-9069 THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 30, 1981 — A15 People we know THE CHAMPS The Stumblebums were the winners of the Industrial Ladies Slo-Pitch League trophy this year. In the front row are Marlene Rutledge. (assistant captain), Sandra Machan, Vicki Leis and Dianne Elston. In the back row are Barb Watts, Danica Webster, Maxine Houston, Joan Cardiff and captain Ruth Lowe. (Photo by Langiois) Minor Hockey General Meeting Tuesday, October 6 8 p.m. B.M,G. Community Centre FOR THE PURPOSE OF Electing Officers for 1981-82 and TO ACCEPT those names which are interested in coaching a team for this season. IF THERE IS NO INTEREST SHOWN FOR EITHER, THE PRESENT HOCKEY EXECUTIVE WILL CONSIDER CANCELLING THE HOCKEY PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR. Both Coaches and executive are needed for a continuing winter program The many friends of Mrs. Lloyd Humphries of Palmer- ston were sorry to hear of her recent death. She was a former resident of Brussels, , Jean McDonald, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.T. L. McDonald, She will be great- ly missed in Palmerston where she was active in the work of her church and many other organizations. Neil Turnbull of Calgary, Alberta, visited recently wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turnbull of Hanover and Brussels 4-H learns to de-bone chicken At the home of leader Edna McLellan the first meeting of the Brussels 4-H Club. New officers were chosen. Peggy McLellan is president and Brenda Weber is vice-president. Members learned how to grade chickens and good handling practices. They were taught the sharpening of the knife as well as the different types. The bone structure and parts were filled in on sheet. Members learned how to debone a chicken by demonstration observation and then trial and error. other relati yes in this. com- munity. The Turnbull's cele- brated their parents 45 wed- ding anniversary with a fam- ily dinner. Mrs. Mary Frayne and IvIrs..Eugene Frayne of Goder -ich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin, Mrs. Adeline Smith has been a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Latin of Hanover, John Wheeler has returned home after having a second eye implant at Victoria Hospital in London. Hannam to speak The annual, banquet and meeting of the Hun County Federation of AgOctklture this year features the\pat presi- dent of the OFA, ' Peter Hannam as its guest speaker, speaking on the Canadian Grain Council. The pork \ ban- quet and meeting will be held on Thursday, October 8 at\7 p.m., in the Hensall Arena: Tickets are $7 per person and available from any regional director or the Vanastra HCFA office, phone 482-9642 Tickets must be purchased by October 2. SATURDAY Assorted Chinese Food tAtoe elec."' FRIDAY c0/4 Rib-Eye Steak .4 A) Olympia e `1,Restaurant Brussels 887-6914 SUNDAY Fish Plate "NEW" at J.R.FS Shake Shoppe Variety Et Gas Bar "SANDWICHES" Tuna, Luncheon Meat, Egg Salad, Ham, Cooked Salami, Lettuce & Cheese "Special" Maxwell House to oz. Coffee 5.39 Red Rose Orange Pekoe OPEN DAILY Tea 1.78 Shake Shoppe Hours. Mori Thurs.11:00 a.m. - 0:00 p.m. Fri. Sat. ' 10:30 a.m. 11:00 Sun. 10:30 a.m. ,10:00 p.m. Variety tt Gas Bar Hours. Mon.-thura. 6:30 a.m.., 4:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m, - 11:00 Sun., 9:06 A.M, • 10:00 p.M. COME AND HELP TO CELEBRATE The 125th Anniversary of GREY TOWNSHIP Music by Lincoln Green Saturday, October 10 B. M, & G. Community Centre Dancing 9-1 Reminiscing Room 7-1 Price $4.00 per person Tickets available Municipal Office, Council Members and Grey Recreation Board Mem berS or for information call 887-6868