The Brussels Post, 1981-09-23, Page 12Al2 - THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 23 1981 The best pumpkin pie bakers are...... Class 149 Pony or Saddle Horse shown with saddle (11 yrs. and over); Belgrave Glen Hunter 1st, Belgrave Dianne Campbell 2nd, Belgrave Brian Campbell 3rd, Clasp 150 pony or saddle horse shown with. saddle (10 Please turn to page 13 Continued from page 11 Bromley 3rd, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 4th, Beigrave Jennifer Elston 5th. Claes 120 Pie Pumpkin: Belgrave Ann Gernisklst, Blyth. James McNichol 2nd, Blyth Brian Machan 3rd, Belgrave Darryl Marks 4th, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 5th, Belgrave "- Hussey 6th, Class 121 One odd formed vegetable: Blyth Brian Machan 1st, Beigrave Jason Evans 2nd, Blyth 4mes. McNichol 3rd, Belgrave Darryl Marks 4th, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 5th, Blyth. Maridale Bromley 6th, Class 122. Best Mature Sunflower: Belgrave Monica Walker Bolton 1st, Belgraye Ryan Pletch 2nd, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 3rd, Class 123 Three Tomatoes: Belgrave Ann Garniss. 1st, Belgrave Brian Machan 2nd, Belgrave Jennifer Elston 3rd, Belgrave Kevin Procter 4th, Blyth Maridale Bromley 5th, Belgrave Darryl Marks 6th. Class 124 Three Onions: Belgrave Jennifer Elston 1st, Beigrave Ryan Pletch 2nd, Beigrave Ann Garniss 3rd, Belgrave Darryl Marks 4th, Blyth Brian Machan 5th, Belgrave Monica Walker Bolton 6th. Class 125 Three Carrots: Blyth Brian Machan 1st, Belgrave Anne Garniss 2nd, Belgrave Brett Clarkson 3rd, Belgrave Kevin Procter 4th, Belgrave Darryl Jardin 5th, Belgrave Anne Taylor 6th. Class 126 Largest Potato: Belgrave Kyle Moran 1st, Belgrave Darryl Jardin 2nd, Blyth Brian Machan 3rd, Beigrave Darryl Marks 4th, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 5th. Class 126 A Largest Cucumber; Belgrave Darryl Marks 1st, Blyth Brian Machan 2nd, Belgrave Darryl Jardin 3rd, Beigrave Ann Garniss 4th, Belgrave Monica Walker Bolton 5th, Belgrave Jennifer Elston 6th. Class 127 Pair of Kittens: 'Belgrave Trisha Taylor 1st, Belgrave Jennifer Ricker 2nd, Belgrave Jenny Chettie- burgh 3rd, Beigrave Tim Coultes 4th. Class 128 Cat: Belgrave Darlene Black 1st, Belgrave Lana Thompson 2nd, Belgrave Chris Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Kent Beiman 4th, Class 129 Rabbit Belgrave Brenda Hallman 1st, Belgrave Sherry Tyalor 2nd, Belgrave Steve Michie 3rd, Belgrave Krista Bird 4th, Belgrave Jenna Ruttan 5th, Beigrave Andrew Campbell 6th. Class 130 Dog: Belgrave Verdell Jessup 1st, Belgrave Lana Thompson 2nd, Belgrave Patricia Daer 3rd, Beigrave Kathi Newell 4th, Beigrave Crystal Black 5th, Belgrave Lorna Humphrey 6th. Class 131: Feathered Novelty Pet: Blyth Maridale Bromley 1st, Belgrave Michael Galley 2nd. Clas 132 Cat Grade 4 and over: Belgrave Alison Coultes 1st, Belgrave Dianne Campbell 2nd. Class 133 Pair of Rabbits: Belgrave Bobby Ricker 1st, Beigrave Chris Michie 2nd, Belgrave Jim Fenton 3rd, Belgrave Sharon Rawsey 4th, Belgrave Beth McCool 5th, Belgrave Scott Rodgers 8th. Class 134 Pair of Pigeons: Belgrave Debbie Galley 1st, Belgrave Dianne Campbell 2nd, Belgrave Steven Coultes 3rd, Belgrave Paul Coultes 4th, Belgrave Andy Nethery 5th, Belgrave Brian Campbell 6th. Class 135 dog: Belgrave Brian Campbell 1st, Belgrave Andy Nethery 2nd, Beigrave Dianne Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Bryan Ramsey 4th, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 5th, Class 26 Potatoes (early): Beigrave Crystal Black 1st, Beigrave Jeff Scott 2nd, Belgrave Patricia Daer 3rd, Belgrave Ben Barnes 4th, Beigrave Dean Vincent 5th, Belgrave Laura Munro 8th. Class 27 Potatoes (late) Belgrave Jeff Scott 1st, Belgrave Jacqul Van Camp 2nd, Belgrave Kyle Moran 3rd, Belgrave Ben Barnes, 4th, Blyth Lisa Watson 5th, Belgrave Darryl Marks 6th. Class 28 Turnips: Blyth Michael Bromley 1st. Class 29 Largest Pumpkin or Squash: Belgrave Chris Jamieson 1st, Blyth Tim King 2nd, Beigrave Steve Michle 3rd, Belgrave David McKee 4th, Belgrave Monica Walker Bolton 5th, Belgrave Jeff McKee 6th. . Class 30 White, Navy or Field Beans: Blyth Jeff Bromley, 1st, Blyth Julie Bromley 2nd, Blyth Michael Cronyn 3rd, Beigrave Jeff Scott 4th, Belgrave Heather Hopper 5th. Class 31 Coloured Garden Beans: Belgrave Mark Coultes 1st, Belgrave Krista Bridge 2nd. Class 32 Collection of Vegetables: BelgraVe Cheryl Campbell 1st, Belgrave Heather Campbell 2nd, Blyth Laurie Wharton 3rd, Belgrave Darryl Marks 4th, Blyth Lisa Watson 5th, Belgrave Steven Marks 6th. Class 33 Asters 6 blooms: Blyth Lisa Bromley 1st, • Belgrave Kyle Moran 2nd, Beigrave Bryan Ramsey 3rd, Class 34 Cosmos 6 blooms: Belgrave Lana Thompson 1st, Belgrave Patricia Deer 2nd, Blyth Lori Armstrong 3rd, Blyth Cathy McDonald 4th, Belgrave Jim Fenton 5th, Blyth Michelle Nesbit 6th. Class 35 African Marigold 6 blooms, Beigrave David McKee 1st. Class 36 French Marigold 6 blooms: Belgrave Steven Marks 1st, Beigrave Tim Coultes 2nd, Blyth Donna. Lynn Armstrong 3rd, Belgrave Melinda Hussey 4th, Blyth Krista Laurie 5th, Belgrave Heather Campbell 8th. Class 37 Nasturtium 6 bloofris: Belgrave Verdell Jessup 1st, Belgrave Scott Jessup 2nd. Class 38 Snapdragon 6 blooms: Beigrave -.peen Vincent 1st. Class 39 Petunia 6 bloOrns: BeigraVe r iczere 1st, BelgraVe Matthew Hussey 2nd, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Ben Barnes 4th, Class 41 Zinnia 8 blOome: Beigrave Trisha Taylor 1st, Blyth Jeane Snell 2nd, Belgrave Chris Jamieson 3rd, Belgrave Jeffery Pletch 4th, Belgrave Sharon Ramsey 5th. CLa.Ss 42 Bachelor Buttons 6 bloOmst Blyth Craig Snell 1st, Blyth Nikki Snell 2nd, Beigrve Renay Taylor 3rd, Blyth Lisa Watson 4th, Belgrave Andrew CaMpbell 5th; BelgraVe Steve Mlchle 6th, Class 43 Calendula 6 blborne: Beigrave Tara Leigh Newell 1st, Belgrave Linda Versteeg. 2nd. Class 44 A Coffee Mug Arrangement: BeigraVe Trisha Taylor 1st, Beigrave Jason "Evans 2nd, Belgrave Andrew Forrest 3rd, Belgrave Ann Garniss 4th, Belgrave BrandOn Coultes 5th; Belgrave Brett Clarkson, 6th.- Clete 45 A Mini Arrangement for a Patient's Tray: Brussels David Johnston latf 'Blyth; Donna Lynn Armstrong 2nd, Blyth. Tim King 3rd, Belgrave Dean Vincent 4th, beigraVe SteVen Marks 5th, Beigrave' Chria Canipbell 6th. Clete 48 Arrangernent. of Flowers using 2 colours, Oh foliage: Bruiiela David Johnston 1st, Beige-eve Steven Marks 2nd, Belgrave Ohele Campbell 0rd,- Myth Tabatha Montgomery 4th, Belgrave barrel Pletch, 5th, Belgrave Darlene Black 8th, Chita 47 Arrangement of small 'gourd, squash or pumpkin. Blyth Mathew King 1st, Belgrave Lynne Campbell 2nd, Blyth Lorl Armstrong 3rd, Belgrave Renay Taylor 4th, Belgrave Christens Dobell 5th, Belgrave Dianne Black 6th. class 48 Cup and Saucer Arrangement: Blyth Mathew .King 1st, Belgrave Jeffery Pletch 2nd, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Patricia Daer 4th; Belgrave Renay Taylor 5th, Beigrave Kathi Newell 6th. Class 48 A 125 Morris. Twp, Anniversar y Arrangement (named), Belgrave Patricia Daer 1st, Blyth Janis McNichol 2nd, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Brandon Coultes 4th. Class 49 Bouquet of Roses: Blyth Lisa Watson 1st, Beigrave Heather Campbell 2nd, Blyth Lori Arm- strong 3rd; Blyth Tabatha Montgomery 4th, Belgravia Steve Michle 5th, Belgrave Cheryl Campbell 6th. Class 49 A Open Bouquet of. Dahlias: Belgrave Darryl Marks 1st, Beigrave Steven Marks 2nd, Belgrave Heather Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Cheryl Campbell 4th, Belgrave Julie Smuck 5th. Frult4lrs)1,2,3,4, Beg. Kndgtn. Class 50 Northern Spy Apples: Belgrave Sharon Ramsey 1st. Class 51 Snow apples: no entries. Class 52 Maclntosh Red: Belgrave Steve Michie 1st, Belgrave Jenne Ruttan 2nd. Class 53 Pears (early) Beigrave Dean Vincent 1st, Blyth Wesley Snell 2nd, Belgrave Matthew Hussey 3rd, Blyth Kathy Snell 4th. Class 54 Pears (late): Belgrave Mark Coultes 1st, Belgrave Tim Coultes 2nd, Belgrave Andrew Camp- bell 3rd, Beigrave Chris Campbell 4th, Belgrave Bryan Ramsey 5th. Class 55 Crabapples: Belgrave Andrew Campbell 1st, Beigrave Steve Michie 2nd, Beigrave Chris Campbell 3rd. Poultry (Jr.] Class 57 Pair of Hens (light breed) no entries. Class 58 Palr of Pullets (light breed) Belgrave Jeff Scott 1st. Class 59 Palr of Market (Cockerels (Sibs. and over) Belgrave Jason Coultes 1st, Belgrave Brandon Coultes 2nd, Belgrave Crystal Black 3rd, Belgrave Dianne Black 4th, Belgrave Darlene Black 5th, Belgrave Jeff Scott 8th. Class 60 Palr of Boiler Chickens (3 to 5 lbs.) Belgrave Jeff Scott 1st, Class 61 Pair of Hens (heavy breed) Blyth Maridale Bromley let, Belgrave Mark Coultes 2nd. Class 82 Pair of Pullets (heavy breed) Belgrave Cheryl Campbell 1st, Belgrave Heather Campbell 2nd, Belgrave Jeff Scott 3rd. Class 63 Pair of Young Ducks (one of each sex) no entries. Class 84 Palr of Young Muscovy Ducks (one of each sex) no entries, Class 64A Pair of Geese: Belgrave Jeff Scott 1st, Beigrave Gayle Campbell 2nd. Class 64B Pair of Exotic Fowl: no entries. Class 64C Palr of Banties: Beigrave Brenda Hallman 1st, Blyth Julia DeJong 2nd, Class135 Hen Eggs (brown); Blyth Jennifer Roulston 1st, Belgrave Crystal Black 2nd, Belgrave Dianne Black 3rd, Belgrave Chelta Vair 4th, Blyth Leslie Phillips-5th, Belgrave Andrew Forrest 6th. Class 66 Hen Eggs (white); Blyth Michele Bromley 1st. Roots and Vegetables Class 87 Pumpkins (2 specimen) Belgrave Andy Versteeg 1st, Blyth Debbie Machan 2nd, Belgrave Susan Bridge 3rd, Belgrave Scott Rodger 4th. - Class 68 Green Peppers (3 specimen) Blyth Michelle Aitcheson 1st, Belgrave Robert Gordon 2nd, Belgrave Michael Fraser 3rd, Blyth Sharon Brown 4th. Class 69 Beets, Detroit Dark Red (5 specimen) Blyth Garth Wittich let, Belgrave Terry Deer 2nd, Beigrave Mark Hussey 3rd, Belgrave Corey, McKee 4th. Class 70 Cabbage (1) Belgrave Bill Haines 1st, Belgrave Steven Coultes 2nd, Belgrave Ruth Higgins 3rd, Belgrave Ellen Taylor 4th, Belgrave Angela Nethery 5th. - Class 71 Carrots (5 specimen) Blyth Rose Ann Machan 1st, Belgrave Chris Michie 2nd, Belgrave Graham Taylor 3rd, Blyth Elaine Poore 4th, Blyth Mathew King 5th, Belgrave Katherine Procter 6th. Class 72 Cucumbers 3 table use: Beigrave Debbie Hopper 1st, Brustels Martha Boon 2nd, Belgrave Shawn Vincent 3rd, Belgrave Alison Coultes 4th, Blyth Christine Roulston 5th, Brussels Donna Johnston: 6th. Calves Open Cleat Class 136 Dairy Calf Heifer (SR.); Belgrave Sharon Ramsey 1st, Belgrave Heather McIntosh 2nd, Belgrave Chris McIntosh 3rd, Brussels Donna Johnston 4th, Belgrave Glen Hunter 5th, Belgrave Michael Fraser 6th, Class 137 Dairy Calf Helfer (Jr.); Brussels Donna Johnston 1st, Beigrave Bryan Rarhsey 2nd, Belgrave Dean VinCent 3rd, Belgrave Heather MOrton 4th, Belgrave Heather Hopper 5th, Belgrave Keith Massey 6th. Class 138 Junior Beef Calf; Belgrave Paul Coultes 1St, Beigrave Steven Coultes 2nd. Class 139 Senior Beef Calf; Belgrave Jennifer Procter, Belgrave Katherine Procter 2nd. Class 140 ShowOnanshlp with Dairy calf 10 .yrs: and under; Belgrave Heather Morton let, Belgrave SharOn Ramsey 2nd, Belgrave Carol Hopper 3rd, Beigrave Dean Vincent 4th, Belgrave Heather Hopper 5th, Belgrave Chris McIntosh 8th: Class 141 ShOWmanship with beef cattle 10 yrs, and under: Beigrave Jennifer PrOCter, • Class 142 Showmanship with Dairy Calf (11 yrs. and over); Belgrave Bryan Rarrisey 1st, Brussels Donna Johnston 2nd, Belgrave Heather McIntosh 3rd, Belgrave Glen Htinter,, Beigrave Michael Fraser 5th, Belgrave Brian Campbell 6th. Class 143 Showmanship with beef calf (11 yrs: and over) Belgrave Katherine Procter 1st, Belgrave Steven Coultes 2nd, Beigrave Paul CoUltes 3rd. Cleat 144 calf race (10 yrs: and under) Belgrave PaUl McIntosh lOt, BelgraveAnita Mastey 2nd, Belgrave Ketiti Mastey 3rd, bleat 144 A Calf Race (11 yrs, and over) Beigrave Michael Fraser lit, Belgrave Bill Haines 2nd, Belgrave Bryan Ranifiey 3rd, Belgrave Paul Coultes 4th. LaMbil OP-MI Cleat 145 Market Lamb (80...to 100 lbs.) short Wool teigrave Katherine Procter'Ist, 'Beigrave :Wind sr Prooter 2nd, 'BeigraVe been Vincent 3rd: Giant Lamb (80' 'be and Under) Belgrave Jennifer' Procter Belgrave Katherine Procter 2nd„ Brussels' Martha' Boon 3rd. 146 A MIlkinti. Nanny: no entries. Psrtlie Opioi Cilia 147 Pono.tir horse shown On line yea:. end' over); Belgrave Glen Hunter 1st, Belgrave BrIan Campbell 2nd, Belgrave Dianne Campbell 3rd, Class 148 Pony or saddle horse shown on line (10 yrs. and under); Belgrave Patricia Daer 1st, Belgrave Scott Jessup 2nd, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 3rd. Greased pig contest Greased Pig Contest, Kindergarten 1-2, Belgrave Brenda Wright 1st, Beigrave Robbie Anderson 2nd, Blyth Tammie Medd 3rd. Grades 3 and 4, Blyth. Leslie Phillips, 1st; Belgrave Brian. Ramsey 2nd, Belgrave Steven MIchle 3rd. Grades 5 and 8, Belgrave Chris Michie 1st, Blyth Danny Snell 2nd, Belgrave Michael Fraser 3rd, Grades 7 and 8, Blyth Scott Machan 1st, E3eigrave Paul Coultes 2nd, Elelgrave Tim Hedley 3rd. Log Sawing Contest, Grade 5 and 6 Boys; Beigrave Corey McKee and Steven Coultes 1st, Blyth Dave McClinchey and Billy Bearss 2nd, Belgrave Alan Bailie and Shawn Campbell 3rd, Blyth (tied) Mathew King and David King. Grade 7 and 8 Boys; Belgrave Bill Haines and Paul Coultes 1st, Blyth Scott Machan and Todd Van Vliet 2nd, Belgrave Andy Nethery and Scott Rodgers 3rd. Grades 5 and 6 Girls; Belgrave Beth McCool and Angela Coultes 1st. Grades 7 and 8 Girls; Blyth Sandra Daer and Janet Smid, 1st. Class 1: Grades 1,2,3, Kindergarten and Beginners Decorated Tricycle, Bicycle Class; Blyth Alan Hillis 1st, Brussels Scott Johnston 2nd, Bel- grave Jennifer Procter 3rd, Blyth Arthur Bas 4th, Belgrave Ben Barnes 5th, Belgrave Dean Vincent 6th. Class 2 Grades 5,6,7,8, Decorated Bicycle; Beigrave Katherine Procter 1st, Blyth Anita Bas 2nd, Belgrave Michael Wattam 3rd, Belgrave Kerry Ann Pletch 4th, Belgrave Doug Wood 5th, Beigrave Lissa Stevenson 6th. Class 3 Oats 1 pt.; Belgrave Ruth Higgins 1st. Class 4 Barley 1 pt; Belgrave Chris Michie 1st, Belgrave Ruth Higgins 2nd, Blyth Sharon Brown 3rd, Bel- grave Mark Robinson 4th, Belgrave Susan Elston 5th, Belgrave Jeff Scott 6th. Class 5 Winter Wheat 1 pt; Belgrave Karen Montgomery 1st, Belgrave Steve Mich le 2nd, Belgrave Mark Robinson 3rd. Class 6 Oats (sheaf): Belorave Sherry Taylor 1st, Beigrave Tresha Taylor, 2nd. Class 7 Barley (sheaf); Beigrave Trisha Taylor 1st, Belgrave Sherry Taylor 2nd, Class 8 Baled Hay (first cut); Beigrave Tim Coultes 1st, Belgrave Mark Coultes 2nd; Belgrave Andrew Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Paul Coultes 4th, Belgrave Chris Campbell 5th, Brussels Carla Johnston 6th. Class 9 Baled Hay (second cut); Belgrave Mark Coultes let, Belgrave Steven Coultes 2nd, Beigrave Jeff Scott 3rd, Blyth Bruce Siertsem a 4th, Brussels David Johnston 5th, Bel- grave Chris Campbell 8th. Class 10 Husking Corn 6 stalks; Belgrave Jennifer Procter 1st, Blyth Julie Bromley 2nd, Blyth Bruce Siertsema 3rd, Belgrave Jeff Scott 4th, Belgrave Steven Coultes 5th, Belgrave Alison Coultes 6th, Class 11 Sileage Corn 6 stalks; Belgrave Jeff Scott 1st, Belgrave Paul Coultes 2nd, Beigrave Steven Couites 3rd, Blyth Jeff Bromley 4th, Blyth John Nesbit 5th, Belgrave Alison Coultes 6th, Class 12: Sweet Corn 6 ears husked; Belgrave Bradley Shlell 1st, Belgrave Steven Marks 2nd, Belgrave Heather Shiell 3rd, Belgrave Paul Coultes 4th, Belgrave Steven Coultes 5th, Bel- grave Bill Haines 6th, Class 13: Hybrid Field Corn 6 ears; Belgrave Carol Hopper 1st, Belgrave Heather Hopper 2nd, Belgrave Jeff Scott 3rd, Belgrave Dean Vincent 4th, Blyth Allen Hillis 5th, Belgrave Kent Bleman 6th. Roots and Vegetables Jrs. 1,2,3,4, Roots and Vegetables Jrs. 1,2,3,4, kndgtn. Class 14 Pumpkins, Blyth Jeffrey Treanor 1st, Blyth Ricky Howson 2nd, Belgrave Mark Coultes 3rd, Blyth Jeff Bromley 4th, Belgrave Jeffrey Pletch 5th, Bltyh Julie Bromley 6th, Class 15: Peppers, Belgrave Ver- dell Jessup 1st, Belgrave Renay Taylor 2nd, Belgrave Scott Jessup, Belgrave Jim Fenton 4th, Blyth Jason Lee 5th, Belgrave Jenna Ruttan 6th. Class 16 Beets: Blyth Craig Raul ston 1st, Blyth Leslie Phillips 2nd, Belgrave Angela Ficzere 3rd. RAI- Beet pulp Pelletted with - molasses )ORDER YOUR WINTER REQUIREMENTS NOW FOR OCTOBER DELIVERY Belgrave, Ontario Wingham 357.2711 Brussels 887.6453 BELGRAVE BRANCH 1...11 CM UNITED CO•OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO grave Lana Thompson 4th, Beigrave Jennifer Elston 5th, Belgrave Becky Gibbons 6th. Class 17 Cabbage: Belgrave Kyle Moran 1st. Class 18 Carrots: Belgrave Crystal Black let, Bel- grave Brenda White 2nd, Belgrave Becky Gibbons 3rd, Blyth Mike McNichol 4th, Beigrave Steven Marks 5th, Belgrave Tara Leigh Newell 6th. Class 19 Cucumber: Belgrave Dianne Black let, Belgrave Ian Morton 2nd, Belgrave. Mark Robinson 3rd, Belgrave Christine Dobell 4th, Belgrave Ricky Johnston 5th, Blyth Donna Lynn Armstrong 6th, Class 20 Onions: Belgrave Dean Vincent 1st, Belgrave Angela Ficzere 2nd, Belgrave Bryan Ramsey 3rd. Class 21 Parsnips: Blyth Laurie Wharton 1st, Belgrave Ben Barnes 2nd. Class 22 Squash: Belgrave Cheryl Darlow 1st, Belgrave Cheryl Camp- bell 2nd, Belgrave Heather Campbell 3rd, Belgrave Shawn Campbell 4th, Blyth Jeane Snell 5th, Belgrave Gayle Campbell 6th. Class 23 Muskmelon: Belgrave Jennifer Procter 1st. Class 24 Watermelon: Blyth Lisa Bromley 1st, Belgrave Linda Versteeg 2nd, Blyth Kathy Snell 3rd. Class 25 Tomatoes: Belgrave Steven Marks 1st, Belgrave Darryl Marks 2nd, Blyth Laurie Wharton 3rd, Blyth Jeane Snell 4th, Blyth Donna Lynn Armstrong 5th, Beigrave Jenni- fer Procter 6th. NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES F. E. MADILL S.S. 1. Classes begin the week of October 5. 2. Registration by phoning the school (357-1800) 3. Courses will run only if phone registration is sufficient 4. Fees - 10 weeks: $15.00 20 weeks - $25.00 MONDAY NIGHT Introduction to Computers (10 weeks) TUESDAY NIGHT Flower Arranging (10 weeks) Oil Paint - Beginners (15 weeks) Oil Paint - Intermediate (20 weeks) Upholstery (20 weeks) First Aid ( 8 weeks) Leather Work (10 weeks) Ladies' Auto Mechanics (10 weeks) Accountancy- Beginners(lOweeks) Weeks) Typing (10 weeks) Sewing Advanced (10 weeks) STARTING LATER IN THE YEAR Basic Knits (10 Weeks) Advanced Knits (10 weeks) Welding (10 weeks) Home Landscaping &Green House (10 weeks) Ladies Fitness (10 weeks) WEDNESDAY NIGHT Practical Auto Mechanics (20 weeks) Woodworking (20 weeks) Hair Styling (10 weeks) Sewing - Beginners (10 weeks) Crochet (10 weeks) Calligraphy (8 weeks) Ceramics (Specialty finishes (10 weeks) Interior Design & Decoration (10