The Brussels Post, 1981-03-25, Page 121981 KX 125 1981 YZ 125
Come to the movies at
Saturday, March 29th
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We would like to take this opportunity to
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Thanks again,
Continued from page 12
sels a 2-0 lead in the series
iwth the third game to be
played in Brussels on. Wed
Mar 25 at 8:00 p.m.
The Brussels Pee Wee
team are now playing inithe
goderich Pee Wee tourna-
ment. On Sat. Mar. 21
Brussels played Huron Park
in the first game. They beat
Huron Park 12-1. Scoring for
Brussels were Dean Wheeler
3, Marty Rutledge 2, Shawn
Bremner 2 with single goals
going to Wayne Wheeler,
Sean Kieffer, David Wheeler
Mike Saxon and Paul Tolton.
Assists going to Shawn
Bremner, Mike Saxon, Rob
Zimmer, Paul Tolton, Mike
Vader, Marty Rutledge and
Dean Wheeler.
In the second game of the
day Brussels played Tees-
water. In a very exciting
hockey game Brussels came
out the winner scoring a 6-5
win over Teeswater. In the
first two periods Teeswater
out-scored Brussels 2-1 with NOVICE
Dean Wheeler getting Brus- On Wednesday night the
sels goal from Wayne Wheel- ;.Brussels novice had a fun
er. In the third period Paul tight to end their hockey
Tolton scored from David eason with a game against
Wheeler and Mary Rutledge he;:parents. The boys came
making the score 3-2. Then utk,victorious defeating the
Teeswater scored. Brussels parents 4-1. Now, sonic of the
then came back with goals tiarents might have some
from Dean Wheeler assisted ...different ideas about the
by David Wheeler and Sean A,9r;Fiput I am sure the boys
Kieffer from Wayne Wheeler '-'41111-say the score is correct.
This now tied the game. They then got together for
Teeswater came back with a nch upstairs after the game.
goal to go ahead 5-4, With 2
minutes left in the game
Brussels came back with a
goal from Marty Rutledge
assist by David Wheeler to
tie the game. With 45 sec-
onds left in the game Dean
Wheeler scored assisted by
Marty Rutledge and Wayne
Wheeler. Brussels now ad-
vanced to the semi-finals on
Friday Mar. 27 at 4:20.
The Brussels Atoms play-
ed in the Brussels Optimist
Tournament on Saturday.
They played their first game
against Ripley with Ripley
defeating Brussels 9-1. On
Sunday Brussels played El-
ma Logan with Brussels
defeating Elma Logan 2-1.
This put Brussels in Consola-
tion Championship against
Rockton. Rockton defeated
Brussels 4-1.
The Atoms still have one
tournament in Mildmay on
April. 4.
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. ..........
ed in grouping of 6 large
tables and the meal, consist-
ing of Irish stew, and assort-
ment of different kinds of
pies, was served country
style. This makes a pleasant
change from having to line
up for trays.
Wednesday afternoon the
Brussels Women's Institute
were here to help us cele-
brate all March birthdays.
The audience enjoyed the
solos by Mrs. Van Vliit. An
orchestra consisting of How-
the chapel assisted by Mrs. and Smith, James Adams,
Elsie Henderson at the organ Archie and Pearl Mann play-
The choir sang "God's Way" ed some lively tunes. Cup-
with Mr. Nelson Lear and cakes and tea were served to
Mr. Cecil Skinner taking part the Residents. Mrs. Beatrice
in the duet. Their second Young thanked the enter-
number was Love, Wonder- tainers and the Women's
ful Love. Institute for a most enjoyable
The hymn sing led by Dick afternoon on behalf of the
Roorda was held on Sunday Residents.
evening. Wilson McCart- Rev. Austin Ged ke con-
ney's musical group enter- ducted Bible Study in the
tamed with Old Tyme Music Chapel on Thursday after-
on Monday afternoon. noon.
St. Patrick Day was well Huronview would like to
celebrated at Huronview welcome Pauline Shkrabuik
with the main diningroom from Hensall, Mildred Walk-
decked out in shamrocks and er from Bayfield, Grace Van
Irish hats. We ate the noon Loo from Clinton and Russell
meal with the tables arrang- Bentley from Clinton.
Grace Peck, Iris Sparling,
Ethel Elder, Margaret Mit-
chell, Verda. Beckler, Beat- •
rice Young, Alma David,
Leah Currie, Mary Ross,
Elsie Henderson, Jennie
Chesney and Bernice
Glousher along with staff
members enjoyed the Lunch-
eon and and Fashion Show at
the Knox Presbyterian
Church in Goderich on Wes-
nesday afternoon.
Rev. Wittich conducted
Sunday morning service in
Sales, Service 8 installation of
pipelines &
milking parlours
WALTON 887-6063
Al2 — THE BRUSSELS POST, MARCH 25, 1981 ------
Midgets lose at Crewel on display
Wingham tourney make a thousand people stop
What's exciting enough to see their crewel work for
their normal day-to-day rou- Embroidered pillows,
- everyone is
yourself, welcome. There is no admis.,
pillows, pie- sion charge.
tines? The answer is a new- tures and many other articles
found leisure-time activity. will be displayed for public
A record-breaking number viewing at the Open Houses.
of Huron County people took You are welcome to attend
the Crewel Embroidery the three-hour program in
course last fall and this your area. As well, there will • d •
Ontario Ministry of Agricul- program on mounting and uronview bles spring. Sponsored by the be a special display at each
ture and Food, this course framing techniques to pro
was open to all community vide additional information
„ enjoy fashion groups. And now, you can and inspiration for all visitors,
Firemen show in Goderich
win Atwood
tug of war
Congratulations to . Grey
Twp. Fireman who won the
tug-of-war contest held in
Atwood recently. They also
entered a team in the Dart
Tournament sponsored by
the Wingham firefighters .
March 14th. Twelve teams
were entered and the Grey
team, (captain) Gordon
Engel, Bob Alexander, Stew-
art Steiss and John Engel,
won the A trophy.
Mrs. George Smith and
children, Toronto, are spend-
ing a week with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Steven-
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Barnes, London, visited Mrs.
Ida Gordon on the weekend.
Mrs. Calvin Cameron and
Miss Emylene Steiss visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ant Nicholls, Atwood.
There were 22 tables play-
ing at the Foresters' card
party on Friday night in the
Community centre. Tickets
had been sold recently on a
draw fgt. a chesterfied and
chair set donated by Acklin-
Smith upholstery, a salad set
by Danner Hdwe. and a radio
by Imperial Esso. First prize
was won by Norma Martin,
Listowel, second by Shirley
Clark and third by Gertie
Bolger. Dennis Wick and
Gordon Elliott also had lucky
tickets. Recepts from the
draw were $190 and are for
Cancer research.
Prizes for the euchre were
donated by Stephenson's
Grocery, Brussels Apple
Orchard, Royal Bank, Cgrdiff
and Mulvey, Smiths' Red
and White, Listowel, Jack
and Jean Conley, Bert and
Grace van Donkcrsgoed,
Doug and Wilma Rathwell,
and Carol Stevenson. The
following won prizes; high
gent- Earl Mills, low gent-
Donald Perrie; high lady-
Mildred Gill; low lady-
Donna Saxon; half way score
(65)- Lenora Mills, Gordon
Hulley; lone hands- Bev
Mitchell, Maurice Honey-
high lady playing as a man-
Loretta Feener; three table
prizes, door prizes- Elizabeth
Sawyer, Nancy Conley, Jim
Feener; birthday- Lloyd
Smith, Doug Conley. The
Hall Board are holding a
euchre on Friday night of this
week, March 27th. Every-
body welcome.
Open house dates and
times are:
Wingham - Monday, March
30, 1981, 7-10p.m. St, An-
drew's Presbyterian Church
7‘tcr - Tuesday, March 31,
1981, 7-10 p.m. Masonic Hall,
Clinton - Wednesday, April 1,
1981, 7-10 p.m. Ontario Street
United Church.