The Brussels Post, 1980-10-15, Page 13THig BINUS1545 POW OCTOBER 1$, 19(10 — 13
et 9.6 % raise
Rec o
sbestos to be
simply encapsulated with a sealing.
Brookside, Blyth, and Stephen Central
school, all have small, amounts of trans*
• .ifibrei Within ' them, which will , mean
'rePlacing or sealing certain tiles. .
On the high ._school, scene, Gadiericli
District. Collegiate. Institute was the only
,building found to be free of asbestos..
. Central Huron in Clinton will prove to be the-
biggest job at $77,000 to completely replace
(certain ceilings on the second floor.
In Seaforth, the gymnasium ceiling will
• have •to have a sealer over the 'accoustic
plaster at a cost of $7,500.
The entire cost of the asbestos elimination
will. be approximately $293,000. This cost
has been subniitted to the Ministry of
' Education for acceptance, since ministry
grants may cover 90 per cent of the bill.
Garratt stated that Huron County's
asbestos problems are minimal compared to
those of other areas. The common denom-
inator in the Huron schools which contain
asbestos is the fact that all those schools
were built between 1950 and 19SS
The Huron County Board of Education and
its elementary school teachers have ratified
a one year collective agreement effective
September 1980. -
It represents a cost increase of 9.6 per cent
including increment and 7.9 per cent
excluding increment.
The average salary for a teacher over the
one year,.period will, he $23,600. This
repiesents an eight percent increase over
the average salary of $21,853 which would
have_existed if no negotintions had taken
place ' ' • '
,The new Ord place; foe September to
December iePfeients a tie per cent
increase with the maiiimuni salary of a fully
qualified teacher. with ten Years experience
being $30,450. The' januat? to jiine grid'
by: lig:/RAY:GAUNT •
An emergency debate was
held in ,the Ontario Legisla-
ture this week to discuss the
matter of job. security and-
protection ftom layoffs for
the workers of the province
who are affected by plant
closures. Labour. Minister
Robert Elgie was ; asked to
look into the • problems of
notice, ,severance pay' and
pension portability for, vic-
tims of these layoffs and
plant closures, in. view of the
large numbers of workers
who have already been af-
fected in 1980.
Dr. Elgie advised that he
has taken a number of
• changes to Cabinet for ap-
proval, and that a statement
will be forthcoming • shortly
on this matter.
Independent investig-
ations of Ontario's network
of Children's Aid Societies
are finding a myraid of
problems in the way the
agencies are functioning.
. Studies to date 'have looked'
at fourteen of the fifty
societies across the province, I
in an attempt "to identify
areas where the, problems,
are and where improvement!
can be made," according toL
represents a ten per cent increase with a
maximum rate payable of $31,900.
Huron County employs 362 individuals
within the bargaining unit; 14 teachers are al
the maximum salary rate and they will earr
$31,320 over the life of the contract.
Principals and vice-principals will receive
an eight per cent increase. The average
salary paid , to principals will be $37,842 and
the maximum will be $39,457.
Other highlights of the agreement provide
for the board to pay 100 per cent-of a 'drug
plan. The board presently pays 85 per•cent..
Monies for Staff Improvement .Plan have
been increased from $45,000 to $60,000 as a
result of the deltion of an extra curricular
Chief negotiator for the elementary.
e jots security
. Jack Riddell,
r (Huron-Middlesex), has ask-
- ed the Minister of Agricui-
. es are to be taken to restrict
Wre and Food what measur-
the practice of foreign invest-
ment in farm land in Ontarioi
A bill has been passed in the
Legislature which will make,
it necessary to disclose ,the
purchases of farm land by
foreign purchasers, but ~as
yet has not put into force., ,
Agriculture Minister Lorne
Henderson advised that this
bill will be proclaimed to be
effective December 1st of
this year. The bill is retro-
active, and gives the indivi-
duals who now own land and
reside outside Canada up to
. one year to register.
Work will. be done this weekend at
Robertson Memorial Public School to replace
ceiling tiles loaded with amphibole asbestos
&wavered in: Stnclies initiated by Huron
Cminti Beard' of Edticationzliiied architects
.Kyles, Kyles & darratt. • '
• Certain amounts of asbestos were found in
seieral.ater county schools and wit asp be
eliminated indite iiine,BiiatisGarratt report-
: ed to the board at itS !egular Monthly
meeting October' 6.
If a ceiling tile which contains asbestos is
• broken; it explodes with these tiny particles.
A qinglefibrez upon 'enteringthe lungs, may
cause cancer:,
Censtruction in Seaforth has been
contracted to ,cla the work this weekend at
Roberston appioximate cost of $10,000.
'Victoria Public also in Goderich, is
another 'school with asbestos content. It
contains the less dangerous transite asbes-
tos' fibres in corridor, classroom, and
gymnasium ceilings. ,
The tiles will not have to be replaced, but
Keith Norton, he Minister of
Commnity and,. Social Ser-
vices: These studies show
that the agencies are crisis-
dominated and' lacking in
planning -and direction need-
ed to ensure that they are
doing a good' job.
A study which was prepar-
ed for the Royal Commission
on the Northern Environ-
ment indicates that the' pulp
and paper industry can mo-
dernize its plants and still
make money without large
grants from the, provincial
and federal governments.
Last fiscal year, the Ontario
government gave six com-
panies $93.5 million for
modernization and improve-
ments to environmental con-
Sales, Service 8 Installation of
pipelines &
,u,„,q), milking parlours
teachers has been Mike Soldan of Exeter.
Board negotiator is personnel .relations ,
' administrator P. Gryseels, and chairman of
the board personnel committee is' Herb
The secondary teachers and the board
have not yet reached an agreement*
'although. they are meeting regularly.
Stop them...right away...with attention
compelling newspaper advertising. Get-
ting attention is the first rule of
advertising, because without the read-
er's attention, the best bargains in town
will go unnoticed.
The second rule is to use sustained,
repeated advertising. The buying public
is being bombarded today as never
before with advertising and promotional
materials. The business who can offer a
simplified but saturated message is
most likely to be the one who is
remembered when it's time to buy.
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