The Brussels Post, 1980-03-26, Page 15THE BRUSSELS Pon: MARCH 460 1900 110 ome as 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales 22 Legal Notives oming• Fyents 24 Cards of Thanks Alberta . . , • sincere thanks to the people of BritSsels for their help in -billeting players, The . ladies, for feeding the team The referees; the rink" rats, the arena staff; the ladies in the booth for their donation for a draw. Special thanks to' Diane Huether who was head of the 'food committee-: And to the heads of the 'hockey committee who have worked so bard all these months to arrange the tournament.' To all those people who spent all their time at the arena the last two weeks to make it a success. Thanks. Optimist Club of Brussels, 24.30-1 Mortgage Sale Elizabeth Street, Brussels, Ontario 'Under and by virtue ef the powers contained in 'a' certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, ' , PUBLIC AUCTION on the preinises,On SATURDAY, Anil:12, 1980 at 2 O'CLOCK P.M. the, following property, .to be sold subject to a reserve bid and to the rights of any person claiming , any interest under The Mortgages :Ad., DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario and being composed of the East Half of 'Village Lots Three; Hundred and Seventy-Six (376) and Three Hundred and Seventy-seven (377), Plan Six (6),. on the _West side of Elizabeth Street in the said Village of Brussels. ' TERMS: 10% of the purchase, price in cash or by certified cheque, as a deposit Payable" to Vendor's solicitor; at the time • of •the sale. Balance of the purchase price subject to usual adjustments, for hydro, fuel• oil, and public utilities in, cash or by certified cheque or closing. The closing date is April 30, 1980. The purchaser and vendor shall, on the date of the auction sale execute a standard form agreement of purchase and sale which shall contain the terms of sale noted herein. , • 1 TENANCY: There is presently a tenant who will be vacating the premises on or befote April 30, 1980. RESERVE BID: This auction is subject to a reserve: bid. INSPECTION: The house will be open-tor inspection at,12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 12, 1980. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY by its solicitors GILLER & MacLENNAN 360 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel, Ontario Sale conducted by Auctioneer ROBERT GILMORE, 291.3489 For further:infOrination contact Victoria and Grey Trust Company, Listowel Branch, 291-1450. 20-30-2 • :11 Articles For Sale • ORDER your grain storage bins by March 31st and save 5%. Westeel-Rosco ''prices increase another 5% on April • 1. Call Huron Feeding Systems at 887.6289 soon. " • 11-30-2 LOOSE mixed grain straw in barn. Best offer. 887-6444: 11-30-1 20 Auction Sales Garage Sale Saturday, Apri112th at 2:00 p.m. ST. AMBROSE CHURCH Brussels Something for everyone. 20-30-3 oader Ira! ier HC-80-501 SEALED TENDERS, on SEALED TENDERS; on forms and in envelopes avail- forms and in envelopes avail- able from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:00 p.m local time on: for the rental of 1-3.0 cubic yard Front-End Loader with operator to work in various pits in Usborne Township in conjunction with, the recon- struction of County Road #11. . The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. DEMPSEt, P. ENG., 21 Tenders Wanted 2.1 Tenders Wanted Classified Ada- pay divid- ends. e nesday Wednesday April9, 1980 April 9, 1980 for the supply of one 10 Ton COUNTY OF HURON COUNTY OF HURON' I wish to thank all friends who remembered me with Tender for Tender for , cards, flowers, treats while in hospital; also my neigh- bours Joan and Hank. Exel. A • special thanks- to Rev. Le ran n , Pull Typ e. ra nt Drew Stan McDonald and Rental of 10 Ton Huron County Engineer, Court House Get results! The rolling stream of life rolls on, Goderkh, Ontario. . N7A 1M2 But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, , 21.30.1 the smile • able from the 'office 'Of the updersigned will be received until 4:00 p.m. local time on: Pull Type Trailer.' ' • The lowest or any. tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. DEMPSEY, P. ENG., Huron COunty Engineer, Court P011ge, Goderlei Itilli0 • 147A IM2 21-30.1 Want ads Phone 887-6641 W • . • Post i'llYrICE TO .CREDITORS' AND OTHERS in the estate of ROBERT ALAN IMECKENRIDG1E 4° - ALL PERSONS •having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township of MiATiS, in the County of Huron, Fenn- er who died on October 10th, 1979, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April, 1980.. After that date the Admin- istrator will proceed to dis- tribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of •; which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont; ario, this 17th day of March, A.D. 1980. • Rebekah Lodge and, Friend- ship Club. It was all very much appreciated. —Mildred :MoTaggart 24-30x1 I wish to 'thank all of our friends, relatives and neighbours who were so kind during my stay in Seaforth Hospital. Thaiik you to Dr. Underwood, Dr. • Malkus and the staff for their excellent care, - Special • thanks to all those who helped Ken and the kids. •while I: was in the hospital • and since returning home. - Anne Williamson 24.30i1 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentiened, late of the. Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer who died on April 22nd, 1972, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 12th day of April, 1980. After that date the Admin- istrator will proceed to dis- tribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. ' DATED at Wingham, n - ario, this 17th day of March, A:D. 1980. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Wingham, bntario Solicitors for the Administrator ' 22-30-3 Of the One Who once sat there. • Sadly missed by his wife Marg Jacklin and family 25-30-1 25 In Memoriam JACKLIN- -In ' loving t memory of a dear husband and father, Riehard Jacklin who died March 28, 1979. CRAVVFORD, MILL & DAVIES , Winghain, Ontario • Solicitors for the Administrator . 22-30-3 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the estate of • DAVID LEE BRECKENRIDGE 1-30-1 SPRING fitness and swim Mark program at Vanastra Recreation C,entre starts' April 14, 1980. Watch the mail for your brochure.1-30-1 • Adult Health GUIDANCE'CENTRE held at the Health Unit Office, :Medical Building, Brussels .on 1980 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for 1. Health Surveillance • 2. Foot Care • 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing S. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Test. The Huron County:Health The.Optimist Atom '.1.1°Fkey Unit invites you to attend the TwooutiroaTlikeet4to *expC:enissnitihtteerri • • • Corre,sponclent MRS. GEORGE BROWN ' 335.3424 ' Mr. and. Mrs. Michael ' Harrison,Burlington spent a couple of days with Mrs. Glad 'Edgar. Mrs. Allan Steedman, Mark, Paul and Darren of Mississauga visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Howes, Mar ,gy, Mandy and Lana of Peterborough and Mr. Bruce Grainger, of Montreal spent ,the weekend with Mrs. Cecil 'Grainger and on Saturday celebrated birthdays at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Williams at Gowans- towNalsc attending were Mr, Cecil Grainger of Brook- haven Nursing Home, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Grainger & Christopher of London, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grainger & Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grainger & David of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell &, Mrs. Cecil Payne visited Tuesday with Mrs. James -Smith, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. James Au'stin, Jeffery and, Derek of Elmira and Mrs. Wm. Austin of Tillsonbrug visited on Sunday with , Mrs."? Wm. Austin. , Miss Janet Grainger of Wallaceburg spent Wed. with Mrs. Cecil Grainger and visited Mr. Cecil Grainger at "Brookhaven Nursing Home. Mr. Harold Robinson attended the Ontario Mutual Insurance . Association convention at the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto one Mr. and Mrs. Wm. day 10.0 week. - Bennett returned home on Mrs. Harold Robinson Thurs. front a trip -to visited with Mr. and Mrs. California, while there they Lawson Campbell at George- attended a P.A.G. town last week. ' Convention. • birthdays guests C"resPondent MRS'.. GEORGE BROWN 338-3424 Mrs; Bruce Campbell, Chistopher," John and Richard of Kitchener spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leppington Sr: Mr, and Mrs, Norman Heath of McLaughlin, Alberta, Mrs. Mervyn Grainger, Exeter Mrs. Stanley Grainger, of London visited one day with Mrs. Cecil Grainger and with Cecil at Brookhaven. Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Taylor, Laurie. and Cheryl, of Hawkeville spent Friday with 1Mri. Lloyd Jacques and all . visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jacques at.,.Walkerton on Saturday. • Miss Velma Lontitt 'of Listowel spent Sunday 'with Mrs: Roy Gowdy and Mrs. Charles Finlay, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill and. Gilena Harriston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoover of Brussels spent Sunday with the latteth mothers, Mrs. Sheldon 'Mann. Mr. and Mrs, John McCutcheon spent a few days with. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maloney and Chri.stopher at Bramalea. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fergu- son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mckenzie at Mildmay Sunday evening. Mrs. Francis Lewis of Kitchener visited Sunday With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis. Visitors with Mrs. Vern Barlow Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barlow of Edmonton, Mr. Homer, Jim and Maureen of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. SinClair Barlow and Bruce , of Brussels, ' Lawrence Barlow, Wendy • and Ronda and Blanc of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Leslie , and Linda and Mr. Steve Chalmers of SarnialMiss Heather Moir of London, Mr. :Wells Barlow, Mr. ,and Mrs. Jeff Barlow, Gerryv ynie and. Joy of Mark- dale. Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard Barlow returned tc Edmonton by plane on Saturday. Mrs. Edna Evers of Toronto spent the weekend with, Miss Margaret Dane. CONSIGNMENT Auction Sale TO BE HELD AT ` Ron's Second Hand Shop on Main St. BRUSSELS - ON MONDAY, MARCH 31ST at 6;30 P.M. SALE TO CONSIST OF Dining, Room table; bottoni of sideboard; pressed backarm chairs; Boston Rocker; PresSed Back Rocking Chairs; set of 4 pressed back chairs; Odd' pressed back chairs; Odd VVooden, Chairs; Cook Stove; Commode:, Washstand; beds; dressers; chest of ' :drawers; China Cabinet; , trunks; 7 Chesterfields and Chairs; Electric • stove; ' black and white TN..; Hutch; Stereo; Small Appliances; Misc. glass and china;, etc. etc,. - TERMS CASIi DAY OF SALE Consignments Welcome AUCTIONEER: Marie Siilrn Pitons* 523.9641 or 881404 20-30.1 Crowd attends Bluevale\n bingo Correspondent MRS. JOE WALKER 357-3558 A large crowd enjoyed playing bingo in the Community Hall, ' Friday night. Winners of Regular Games were: ' Leona Freeburger, Bonnie Hislop, Clinton. Garniss, Mrs. Les Greenaway, Ella Searson, Bill Carter, Bev' Elston, Sheila Walker, Harvey. Timm, Jan Ruff, Shirley Snell, Elizabeth McKercher, Jan Ruff, Bob Brown, Clinton Gainiss. Share the Wealth winners, ' Gord Hislop, Sandra Moffatt, Helen Foxton, Harry Elliott, " Bob Brown, Murray Fear. • Stand-up bingo, BM Peacock.