The Brussels Post, 1980-01-30, Page 8THE ZONE CHAIRMAN VISITS—Keith Richmond of Bilyth, Zone Chairman of Zone 3 East of the Lions Club paid a visit to the Brussels Lions Club on Monday night. With him, is Brussels Lions president Jack Knight. (Photo by Langlois) Huron home and farm news .(Cootinued from Page 3). orderly fashionso that it does net destroy growth; and lobs, .r• "The Liberal: party -was also raising interest rates 'when they were in power according to what the. United Staes did, but interest rates were raised, to counteract inflation. In this past year, U.S. inflation has been running between 12 and 13 i percent and. we've.been 9 percent. I think it$ time we stopped following the New York interest rates, l don't think we have to be ' 16% percent," Mr. Craig said. Hp pointed okit 'how many sales there were at Christmas and said having a sales businesS with a high inventory and paying high interest is a tremendous hardship on the small business if people aren't buying, because they are payirig high interest rates. For farmers, he says the high interest rates put. them in a cost squeeze , because they have to`pay off the bank and at .the same time be productive. He said since farmers (in most cases) can't set their aim prices, it makes it more 'difficult to product at a profit. Mr. Craig said he didn't think the biidget was all bad and said he agreed with' the deduction for farm wives helping on the farm and that he agreed with the capital gains proposal on selling a farm, 'but their energy part concerned him. As for the concerns of the Huron-Bruce riding, Mr. Craig said "I think we have to maintain farms) the family farm concept, because this is one of the most productive areas of Canada. At the same time, we have to have small business growth in larder to provide something for our, young pepple to work with, because we, have to have.,. some way Of giving them th'e alteinatlye of staying in thiS;part of the :country -if they want to, so 'they don't haVe to migrate to cities or other parts of Canada to live at a reasonable wage rate," Recent polls have, shown. the . Liberal's way ahead of the Coneervatiyes and when asked abeut the validity, of such polls prediaitieg a Liberal win, Mr, ,Craig said,, "They go' by ,them but you ,never know till election night. They're supposed to be accurate within four per centage points, ,19 out of 20 times. I guess election night tells the tale." ' ' When asked' what people's reaction to a second election in Stich a short time ,has been, Mr. Craig said, "It was an election that nobody seemed to want, but it's here, and I think people are certainly gearing up now with' just three weeks to go." As for possible voter apathy because, it's the second election in e year and a winter one; Mr. Craig said he thinks when new candidates are running, and its a good day, that most people turn Out quite well for ,Plections, so unless there's a terrible storm,-• he assumes there will be a good voter turnout. , Mr. Craig added a few comments, one, other issues saying, that he thinks there is a, tense world situation. , "We have been a respected neutral country and we have been able to offer some viewpoints on international decisions in the past and this is probably more important than anything because of the tenseness. • Ertergy .concerns Craig MI MI III IIII IIIII MIN MOM III IIIII n re It took o long time coming.., but it's finally here. Get set for weeks of winter fun. We're offering • 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE •I • EXTENDED WARRANTY ',Al.., to AP 611981)Protect100 far two seasons I • NOW II • PLUS 1. VARNA, ONT. 111 I PANCAKE SNOWINOBILERS BREAKFAit TAIA2A1"11 mi 10 II NO so wit AR Ow Mt Oa CANADA'S LARGEST' ARCTIC. CAT DEALER . JUST O'FF HWY4 BETWEEN HENRALL ANC) R UCEFIELli The Best Prices Around On Snewmobilesi Accessories and Clothing H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Soles, Service & Installation of pipelines -81 milking parlours R.R.4 WALTON I 887-6063 • THE: BRUSSELS POST, JANUARY 30, 1930 ilOOVencoviage:fiew-rneml:pers. Horticultprol;Spciety •.• • Mrs. Carl. Heifingway gave the nominating report for -the new executive of the. Brussels • • Horticultural Society when, when, the • SeCiety• held its Sanitary meeting at the. library on. January 21. The new executive are: P.ast President-Mrs.' Doug Hemingway, President-Mrs. Allan McCall, First Vice- President-Mrs. . George Wheeler, Second Vice-Pres- ident-Mrs. Carl Hemingway, Secretary Treasurer-Mrs, Earl Cudinere, Assistant- Mrs, Ila McLarty. One year directors are: Mrs, Florence Machan, Mrs. Elsie eingham, Mrs. William Doh, son, Miss. Laura Lucas, Mrs. Annie Reid. Two year diree-, tors are Mrs. Sandra Machan Mrs. James Mair, Mrs. Stan- ley Alexander, Mrs. Gerald • Gibson, Mrs. ,Allan Cracker. Auditors are Mrs. John Spier and Mrs, John Kelly. Pianist is Mrs. Walter Kerr. Mrs. Allan McCall presid- ed at the meeting. Nearly $700 was spent last year on town planting. This year, expenditures will be larger. A discussion followed on increasing membership and on a motion .by Mrs. Doug Hemingway, seconded by Mrs. Carl Hemingway, the. Seven steers consigned by Robert Kreller of Fordwich averaging 1071 lbs. sold for 83.50 with his lot of 14 steers averaging 1093 lbs. selling 'for 82.70. of the. Assembly Warden, Iris Czinkota, she gave a very interesting' and enlightening talk on many of the worth- while projects Rebekahs participate in. She was thanked by the Noble Grand. Several other members spoke. After closing ceremonies a social hour was held and' a delicious lunch was served by lunch committee, con- vened by Lois McCutcheon, Seaforth ladies visit Brussels Rebekahs Do you belong to a 4-H Club? If you do, you'll be looking forward to our new spring project in Huron' County called "Your Corner of the World". and if you don't, why not join a club in your own community right away, so that you won't miss out on this delightful, brand- new project. "Your Corner of the World" deals with the club member's bedroom. We are going to be looking at suitable floor plans, choosing colour schemes in which you will co-ordinate fabric for floor coverings, drapes, wall coverings and accessories for your bedroom. Club members, as well, will be working on macrame as a craft and completing a sampler of knots. Then, each member will have a chance to put their new-found talent into practice by making a free-choice article which can be an accessory for their bedroom or an accessory for themselves. Macrame is not a hard craft, It is very easy to learn, and I am sure that for those who have done it before, you will find it a very relaxing and enjoyable hobby,, Members will be becoming Your Guarantee for CEMF.TERY Bo:it 158, W1NGHAM interior designers in their own right by making a design collection of their favourite pictures which could apply to a bedroom, and which will show their likes and dislikes, and definite tastes in home decorating . For leaders. as well, this course offers a good intro- duction to interior design, and, hopefully, they will be able to get as much out of the course as do the members. If you are 12 to 26 years of age, boy or girls, living in either the country or in a town in Huron County, you can belong to 4-H, too. All' you need to do is contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Clinton at 482-3428 or Zenith 7-2800. Apple SPECIAL Spies 4.95 arid as well as other varieties CRUNICAN BROS. 11/2 miles south of Elginfleld on #4 Highway Society decided to, give fall bulbs to members, Roll call showed 20 mem- bers paying their fees. Mrs. , Amy Speir gave the auditor's report. It was decided to accept the Canadian Gladio- lus Society voucher for the Bruise's Horticultural Soc- iety's flower show. Mrs. Elsie. Cunningham and Mrs, Doug Hemingway showed pictures, and were thanked' by Mrs. Earl Cud- more. Township, Mrs. Alice Heaslip hai returned to her Clearwater 'home in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Alcock, Mr. and Mrs. , Ken Alcock, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Alcock, all. of Goderich. Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Daer of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones and Kevin Of Homestead Heights visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alcock and Mr. and Mrs. John Alcock, on Wednesday, January .23rd, on the occasion of. Mr. and Mrs, John Alcock's forty-fifth • wedding anniversary. the market' at . Brussels Stockyards traded easier to the week's decline on all classes of fat cattle and pigs. There were 718 cattle and 2477 pigs on offer. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting with a fair attend- , ance. Visitors from Seaforth, Clinton and Sioux Lookout were welcomed by noble Grand Janet McCutcheon and members. After opening ceremonies and discussion of business the Seaforth members por- trayed a lovely tableau on friendship. This being the official visit Ten steers consigned by A heifer consigned by Don Henry Farms of Blyth McDonald of Brussels "averaging 1119 lbs. sold for weighing 900 lbs. sold for 83.20 with their 45 steers • 81.00 with his 39 heifers averaging 1053 lbs. selling 'averaging 1019 lbs. selling & M Ranch of Brussels 83.00 with their 52 steers averaging 1223 lbs. sold for for an overall price of 8/.15. averaging 1238 lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.85. Ten steers consigned by J . for an overall price of 77.75. 'heifers averaging 930.• lbs. for 80.25 with his lot qf 11 water, weighing 920 lbs. sold Armstrong of R.R.2,. •Tees- selling, for 77.75. ' A heifer consigned by Mac IMPORTANT NOTICE to all HURON COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS TAKE'NOTICE THAT THE 1980 ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron County Pork Producers' Marketing Board will be held WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 DINNER: 12:00 NOON MEETING: 1:00 P.M. SHARP at tha LEGION HALL. CLINTON for the purpose of the proper business of the Annual) Meeting; the elettiOn of the County Board of Directors; and the election of twenty-six (26) councilmen and three (3) alternates, for a three year term, to the North Area Pork Producers' Council. These elections Will take place between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. Dinner tickets available from any Of the directors. J.P. RAU L. STEWART President Setretary *,‘ Visitors last week with Mr. arid Mrs. W,J, Perrie were Rev. & Mrs. James Perrie, Paul & Linda of Shakespear and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perrie and family of Grey Winghom Memorial Shop QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Weekday Over 35 Years of LETTERING JOHN MALLICK People we know 11/1arket in Brussels easier 1.4%.10.7,kweetio.m,iiineooKvelieggneift