The Brussels Post, 1980-01-16, Page 16United Nations. The meeting was closed by repeating the "Hymn of All Nations." Lunch was served by Mrs, F. Smith, Mrs. D. Perrie, and the rrostess Mrs. , B. VanDonkersgoed. A Post Classified will pay' you. dividends. 'Have you tried• one? Dial Brussels 887-6641. ' ry 'of the U.N. you have visited 9r' would like to visit " was answered by. 14 members. The topicon the United Nations, and an in- formative general talk on the works of the U.N. was held. Mrs. C. Veitch gave her r smiles and ...Mrs. L. Knight held a contest on the dif- fererit Countries in the Mrs. F. Workman would notify, everyone when it would be held. The convenors Mrs. L. Knight and 'Mrs. J. Vanass took charge for'the rest of the • meeting. " • The Roll Call "A Count 10 { No Hit-or-Miss about our work. So Bring'em On Home To The Experts Phone 527-0120 for January Specials "Gei your FREE Canada Farm Show Tickets,Here" Jan. 29, 30, 31, Feb. 1. $1100111111 52743120 d V. i t' ' , 4-:.ji t ' ....4.7...DJ!!,,. ,II' 71 LAI -4 1 ea` This sale includes corduroys; knits, woOl.blandS, and rayon polyesters: Ends' of line half price. TEXAN GRILL FRIDAY SPECIAL Chicken Legs mashed potatoes, salads, vegetables, bread. Fast Friendly Service HOME COOKED MEALS DAILY.,' OPEN Mon., Tues. Thurs., Fri., Sat., 0:30 - 10 p.m. . Wed. 6:30 - 1; Sun. 9:30 10 p.m. Brussels Member BBA 887-6951 94 9a On ad Clood:rftimi, SHOP OUR EVERY,DAY FOOD SPECIALS Universal. Sockeye SALMON 3/4;7 oz. limit 4 1.59 fleecy oz. 'FABRIC SOFTENER Totsa' CANNED. POP 24 Zip Tops SAN1 FLUSH 41 °z• Sank* 8•..px.. Limit 2 • . INSTANT COFFEE 2.39 4.59 1.19 5.59 VVIdte:Label • oatmeal or chocolate chip , COOKIES n Chapman ICE' CREAM • 2 litres 1.15 Bakery Groiry STgPHENSON 887-9226 free Delivery Brussels - 4., 4. '••• , . . - • : r 4;47111)0,i,w4,4..., • :44-,.:44, 7p ,,t..:;;;c4,. 144 ..."10•AVtte..4 • 4., iiiitc)ti addition.to open STIV101,4,01(g:., • The, linron-perth. county Roman • .cathQliC 'separate. school heard. •Monday paid fees to, .Ontario $epatate SchoOl TinStees' AssOciation; of -.$1,400,9$; to Canadian.:: Catholic School ''-'1Trustees' Association,P;4'..09; and- to Ontario''.School, Trnstecs Counci1,11,202, for a total of $4,727,55. These fees $19.7.6$ higher thin 'last Year's : total, The pupil at' St,. :, JOsJoseph's Selma Clinton will be able • tO enjoy 'their enlarged .and renovated, school by the end of February when workmen Wilt have finished the•work on the addition, according to' report by the property conFt Mittee. The Addition will provide them with a general purpose room where they Will be able "to have their Physcial Education classes' and hold other events. The' addition *Will• also provide a room for special education • classes. The board has set the official opening date for the .• new accommodation on May 4 which is the heginning of Education;Week., The board has. 'provided the property committee wir $15,000 front which can drawn money to, carry on maintenance, work in the. 19 schools in the system until the budget for 1980 is set some time in March, AN ADDITION FOR MCCUTCHEONS—J,L. McCutcheon . Motors , purchased the former Bridge Motors building in November and are now using it to store their trucks and for body work. (Brussels Post. Photo) Buys bui lding e e - ,,Indoor Gardening!' was in Tthh comshmorut nity' . course on Cranbrook W.I. met at the homehoe of Mrs. B. Van- Donkersgoed, with • Vice- President Mrs. F. Workman .presiding. Following the open ing a discussion on catering was held. The Institute will look after the food and the catering to any funeral witlI dismissed and it was left that p.m. and January 23 and 24 at 7 p.m. • Conveners for the 'Citizen- ship and World Affairs meeting were Mrs. 'Doris McCall and Mrs. Jane DeVries. The Roll Call was answered with "An item of news about or 'an article on Australia." Mrs. Doris McCall chaired the meeting' and gave some interesting Current Events. Guest speaker was Mrs. Jean Bewely, who -along with her daughter from Australia, Mrs. Wayne Baker showed' slides on this country," A question and answer period followed. Lulu Kerr delighted 'the audience with a piano solo. FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED , area last fall. McCutcheons are using the building to store trucks, as a body and paint shop, for cleaning up cars and for all the more times' consuming jobs, according to vice-president Bob RichmOnd. . Majestic WI to sponsor 4H Cliths. A Brussels business that has added something new, within the past couple of months has been J.L. McCutcheon Motors Ltd which purchased the former Bridge Motors in November. The Bridge family moved to the Wingham The Majestic Writhe 's Institute Met January 9in the Library basement. Thank •you notes were read from the shut-ins who had received Christmas boxes. The Majestic Women's Institute will sponsor three 4-H Clubs this .spring, with the leaders being Mrs. Jean ofielRY / a/mkt/ed. QUALITYOVALCIE • SERVICE • SELECTION !,Or .e ' - ffer ° /s/hre. Heinz ' CATSUP Weston Mealtyme BREAD 24 Weston lam Filled BUNS Schneider 1 lb. 32.. oz. tub 4 litre pa bog 1.33 loaves 3/1. 65 .69' .69 5/.79 3.49 2/ 49 bags —.....,, SOFT MARGARINE Florida White or Pink GRAPEFRUIT Clover Cream ICES CREAM Cooking ONIONS 2 lb. We Deliver BRUSSELS McCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone A87-9445 Voriety Patty oads:•:Baked ` cods :.'Tobacco • Groceries • stati000ry wtio-kdao:94„ SundayS - • '887-6224 Bell, Mrs. Sharon WilsOn, Mrs: Debbi Seilli,,Mrs. Anne Varier; Mrs. Donna Bauer and Miss Barbara Ducharme.*The name of the club is "Your Corner of the World." The: Senior Ladies Club, "Indoor Gardening" is being held January 14 and 18 at 1