The Brussels Post, 1979-07-04, Page 11THE BRUSSELS PAST, JULY 4, 1979 — 11
ANNA'S 887-6062
O off on all Summer Fashions
Duff's Sunday
School gets awards
Awards and promotion
service was held on Sunday
morning, June 24, 1979 at
Duff's United Church, Wal-
ton with the Sunday school
taking part in the service.
Mrs. Ray Huether was
organist, assisting with the
hymns and anthems, "God is
so good" and "0 how I love
Jesus" by the Kindergarten
and primary classes. The
intermediate class anthem
was "Peace in. the Valley."
Scriptures were read by
Cathy McGavin and Elaine
Dennis. Prayer was given by
Murray Sholdice. Offering
was received by Blaine Hack-
well, Don Hickson and
Jeanne McDonald.
Mrs. Paulene Bennett was
in charge of awards which
were presented by their
teachers. Rev. Ed Baker took
as his sermon, "Being
obedient to God."
Kindergarten class - Jeff
Bromley - diploma for 1st
year - missed 5 Sundays;
Greg Clark diploma for 1st
year, missed 5 Sundays;
Susan Carter - pin and
diploma for perfect attend-
ance, missed 1 Sunday;
Dianne Godkin (teacher) per
feet attendance 14th year,
bar and seal, missed 2
Primary - Heather Mc-
,' Gavin, 4th year seal, missed
3 Sundays; Glenda Carter,
pin and diploma for perfect
attendance, missed 1 Sun-
day; Nancy Godkin, 3rd year,
bar and seal, perfect attend-
ance, did not miss any
Sundays; Steven Fritz, 3rd
year seal, missed 3 Sundays;
Leslie Hudie, diploma for 1st
year, missed 5 Sundays; J.J.
Clark, diploma for 1st year,
missed 5 Sundays; Sherri
Hoegy, 2nd year seal, missed
3 Sundays; Benny Hoegy,
2nd year seal, 4 Sundays
Juniors - Tim Fritz, 6th
year seal, 4 Sundays missed;
Gary Godkin, perfect attend-
ance, 8th year bar and seal,
no Sundays missed; Sandra
Sholdice, perfect attendance,
5th year bar, 8th year seal,
missed 1 Sunday; Joyanne
Van Vliet, perfect attendance
3rd year bar, 6th year seal, 1
Sunday missed; Jeff McGav-
in, perfect attendance, 2nd
year wreath, 5th year seal, 2
Sundays missed; Donna God-
kin, perfect attendance, 6th
year bar and seal, no Sun-
days missed; Craig Hackwell
perfect attendance, 4th year
bar, 5th year seal, missed 2
Sundays; Kim Fritz, perfect
attendance, 3rd year bar,
6th year seal, 1 Sunday
missed; Darryl Hoegy, 2nd
year seal, 4 Sundays missed.
Intermediate - Elaine
Dennis, 8th year seal, 5
Sundays missed; Murray
Sholdice, perfect attendance,
Sth year bar, 10th year seal,
missed 1 Sunday; Blaine
Hackwell, perfect attendance
4th year bar, 6th year seal,
missed 1 Sunday; Don Hick-
son, pin and diploma for
perfect attendance, missed 2
Sundays; Darryl Smith, 2nd
year seal, missed 5 Sundays.
Promotion 1979 - Pupils
remaining in Kindergarten
with Dianne Godkin as teach-
er are Julie Bromley, Danny
Taylor, Greg Clark, Susan
Carter, Brett Lee, Andrea
Gingerich, Michael Craig,
Shannon Craig and Patricia
Williamson. Those promoted
to Primary with Marjorie
Humphries and Dorothy
Sholdice as teachers are
Kelly Workman, Sherry
Harburn, Tonia McClure,
Jeff Bromley, and Brian
Love. Pupils remaining in
Primary are Tracey Bennett,
Heather McGavin, Glenda
Carter, Nancy Godkin,
Steven Fritz, Leslie Hudie,
J.J. Clark, Cher Loomans,
Sherri Hoegy, Manny Taylor,
Amanda Holden.
Pupils promoted to Juniors
with Joyce Van Vliet as
teacher are: Amy Workman,
Benny Hoegy, Blaine Marks,
Chris Harburn and Steven
Taylor. Those remaining in
Juniors are Susie Hickson,
Sandra Sholdice, Joyanne
Van Vliet, Jeff McGavin,
Donna Godkin, Richard Love
Craig Hackwell, Kim Fritz,
Cheryl Smith, Tina Loomans
:Terry Taylor and Randy
Pupils promoted to Inter-
mediate class with teachers
Murray Dennis and Ed Baker
are: Tim Fritz, Gary Godkin,
Darryl Hoegy. Those remain-
ing in intermediate class are:
Elaine Dennis, Jeanne Mc-
Donald, Cathy McGavin,
Murray Sholdice, Peter Ben-
nett, Blaine Hackwell, Don
Hickson, Darryl Smith and
Greg Humphries.
The teachers and officers
of the Sunday School are:
Superintendent - Martin
Baan; secretary - Paulene
Bennett; Kindergarten -
Dianne Godkin; primary -
Marjorie Humphries and
Dorothy Sholdice; Junior -
Joyce Van Vliet; Intermed-
iate - Murray Dennis and Ed
Dominion Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Mills were
Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester-
mann of Burlington and Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Mills and
family of Brantford.
Recent visitors with Mrs.
Jean Broadfoot, were Mrs.
Annie Engel, Cranbrook;
Mrs. Ethel Long, Brussels;
Mrs. Edna McDonald, Brus-
sels and Mrs. Margeurite
Sanderson, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Churchward, Mrs. Addie
Kerley and Miss Amy Love,
Toronto spent Sunday with
Mrs. Jean Broadfoot. Mrs.
Kerley remained for a weeks
Rev. and Mrs. James
Broadfoot and family, Clin-
ton, called on Mrs. Broadfoot
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lilly-
crop and girls of London
spent the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bolger.
Mr. and Mrs. Roily
Achilles visited on Sunday
with Jerry Achilles and 4m-
ily at Belwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maier
and Paul of Thamesford
spent the holiday weekend
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Watson.
of a proposed By-Low No. 6, 1979,
of the Village of Brussels for
dosing of certain laneways
Being a By-law under Sections 443 and 461 of the Municipal Act
R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, to close certain laneways in the Village of
Brussels and convey the lands so closed to the adjacent owners.
TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Corporation of the Village of
Brussels, deem it advisable to close certain laneways, as they are
serving no useful purpose in their present conditions and location,
and are not being used for public purposes.
AND THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE that the proposed By-law reads
as follows:
THAT the public laneways in the Village of Brussels hereinafter
described be stopped up and closed, and that the said laneways be
conveyed to-the abutting owners on either sides of the laneway in
equal portions by applying to the Corporation of the Village of
Brussels for conveyances of the same and paying the costs thereof:
COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of Lot 359;
THENCE Northerly and along the Westerly limit of Lots 359 and 358
to the Northwest angle of Lot 358;
THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of Elm Street to the
Northeast angle of Lot 361;
THENCE Southerly and along the Easterly limits of Lots 361 and 360
to the Southeast angle of Lot 360;
THENCE Easterly and along the Northerly limit of Queen Street to
the point of commencement.
COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of Lot 357;
THENCE Northerly and along the Westerly limits of Lots 357 and
356 to the intersection with the Southerly limit of the Wellington,
Grey and Bruce railway right-of-way;
THENCE Northwesterly and along the Southerly limit of the said
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway right-of-way to its point of
intersection with the Easterly limit of Lot 363;
THENCE Southerly and along the Easterly limit of Lot 363 and 362
to the Southeast angle of Lot 362;
THENCE Easterly and along the Northerly limit of Elm Street to the
point of commencement.
COMMENCING at the Northeast angle of Lot 364;
THENCE Southerly and along the Easterly limit of Lot 364 to its
point of intersection with the Northerly limit of the Wellington, Grey
and Bruce Railway right-of-way;
THENCE Southeasterly and along the Northerly limit of the
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway right-of-way to its point of
intersection with the Westerly limit of Lot 355;
THENCE Northerly and along the Westerly limit of Lot 355 and 354
to the Northwest angle of Lot 354;
THENCE Westerly and along the Southerly limit of Beech Street to
the Northeast angle of Lot 364 which is the point of commencement
of the parcel of land herein described.
Wingham Memorial Shop
Open Every Weekday
Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of
COMMENCING at the Northeast angle of Lot 366;
THENCE Southerly and along the Easterly limit of Lot 366 and 365
to the Southeast angle of Lot 365;
THENCE Easterly and along the Northerly limit of Beech Street to
the Southwest angle of Lot 353;
THENCE Northerly and along the Westerly limits of Lots 353 and
352 to the Northwest angle of Lot 352;
THENCE Westerly in a straight line to the Northeast angle of Lot
366 which is the point of commencement.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone who wishes to object to
the passing of this By-law on account of the said laneways being
closed as above described, must file in writing their objection with
the Municipal Clerk of the Village of Brussels on or before the 7th
,day of August, 1979, and then he/she may by himself /herself or by
his/her solicitors, appear before the next regular meeting of the
Municipal Council of the Village of BrUssels to be held on Monday,
August 13, 1979, at 9:00 p.m. and be heard.
DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 29th day of June, A.D. 1979.
J. Calvin Krauter, Reeve