The Brussels Post, 1979-02-28, Page 6Metal Base SUMP PUMP and hose For more bargains... our I* SALE ends March 3 OLDFIELD HARDWARE val/ Brussels 887-6851 the. rural The magazine for the whole farm family oice The farm magazine especially for Bruce, Huron and Perth counties * THOUGHT PROVOKING FARM STORIES * THE LATEST RURAL NEWS * SPECIAL SECTION FOR THE YOUNG FARMER * FAMILY PAGES WITH YUMMY LOCAL RECIPES * COLUMNS, PHOTOS, FREE WANT ADS and much much more Only $3." for 12 issues OR $5 FOR 24 ISSUES in Canada SEND NOW TO mew •••=1 maim' The Rural Voice Box 10, Blyth Cl Yes, I'll subscribe CI I enclose $3.00 for 1 year E I enclose $5.00 for 2 yrs. CI Bill me. Code Name Address Post Office in Canada 6 — THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 Walton WI sponsors needlepoint Correspondent MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887-6677 Guests were welcomed by the President, Mrs. Wm. Humphries to the February meeting of the Walton Women's Institute on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Herb Traviss was pianist for the opening ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada. Mrs. Wm. Humphries spoke on the year of the child The 8th and 16th Unit met Tuesday afternoon, February 13 at the home of Barb Fritz. Karen Bromley opened the meeting with a thought for the day followed by a Valentine Poem. Hymn, "What a friend we have in Jesus" was sung. Karen then read the scripture from Luke 6: 43-45 followed by prayer. Topic given by Lynn Davies was called "The Legend of St. Valentine", where he influenced so many people of all ages, by doing things for everyone and how to-day his legend lives cn. "Rejoice the Lord is King" followed by prayer closed devotions. Correspondent MRS. CLIFF BRAY 887-6086 The Ethel W.I. meeting LIFE'S NEW BEGINNING by Friendship Bible Coffees Commencing Feb. 28 Commencing at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Agnes Ten Pas 887-6486 and read the objectives of all levels from the hand book. It was on February 19, 1897 that the first Insitute was organized. Mrs. Jim Axtman read the minutes and reported $15. was realized from the concert and $445. from the bazaar last December. Committees for the next time card parties offered tc help. Correspondence in- cluded a letter from Mrs. Florence Diamond F.W.I.O. Melva Fraser presided for business. Minutes were read by Lynn Davies. Roll Call was answered by 10 members. Thank you notes were' read from Edna McKay and Kathryn Tutter of Zambia. Announcements were given out World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, March 2. Thank of- fering on April 8th at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. Bill Coutts of Belgrave guest speaker. It was agreed to have the annual Ham Supper, Wednesday, June 13th with plans made at the next meeting. Lunch was ,served by the hostess, Barb Fritz. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Heimstra on Wednes- day afternoon, Feb. 14. After the business part of the meeting was finished, the ladies of the Institute went to the Molesworth bowling lanes. After a game of bowl- ing, lunch was served. A euchre party was held in the Ethel Community hall on Monday evening, Feb. 19. Fourteen tables were played. Winners were: ladies high - Helen Dobson; Low - Arlene Heimstra; Gents - John Smith; Gents Low - Jim Cooper; Lucky cup winner - Mrs. Helen Alexander. President. Tweedsmuir History Curator, Mrs. N. Reid to be the delegate to the Officer's Conference May 1-3 at Waterloo. Mrs. Axtmann read articles on program ideas from different sources, different areas of interest. Speakers from Chidlren's Aid and Van Egmond has a short slide presentation available. A nominating committee was chosen to bring in the new slate of officers for the next meeting. Mrs. W. Humphries reminded the conveners to base meetings on the Year of the Child. There were 18 members gave a Current Event for the roll call answering with many humorous answer. A report of a recent District meeting in Brussels was given by Mrs. K. McDonald. The District Annual will be held at Fordwich on May 8. It was v toted that the $50. the branch received from the Mrs. Martin Baan was hostess for the February Unit meeting in her home on Tuesday afternoon with 11 members present. Mrs. Cliff Hoegy opened with a thought for the day. Hymn, "Come let us sing of a wonderful Love" was sung with Mrs. Bann the pianist. Mrs. C. Hoegy led in prayer followed by reading the scripture from 15th chapter of St. John verses 1-17. Mrs. Paul Snip read a poem, "Kids grow up too soon". Also gave an in- teresting Topic on, "Be my Valentine", Mrs. C. Hoegy read a poem, "Somebody knows you", followed by Mrs. P. Snip reading an article on "Work to do". Mrs. Hoegy closed the de- votions with prayer. Mrs. Graeme Graig pre- sided for business, reading a series of tiems on Human Rights Mrs. George William- son read the minutes in the absence of Mrs. Helen Wil- liamson. Mrs. Barry Hoegy gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Hugh John- banquet at the Plowing Match be donated to the Erland Lee Home Fund. The "Needlepoint" short course leaders are Mrs. Marion Godkin and Mrs. Pearl McCallum. Anyone in the community is welcome to come to the hall on Thursday nights, so get in touch wi'. either of the leaders or the president for more particulars. It was decided to leave the bus trip till the fall and a pot luck supper was voted by members for the Annual meeting on April 18th. The branch as responsible for the Birthday Party at Huronview on Wednesday, March 21st. Mrs. N. Reid announced a historical meeting was to be held in the hall on April 23. Mrs. Ron Bennett, con- vener of Family and Con- sumer Affairs conducted Court Whist when six tables were in play. Winners were for high Mrs. Jim Shortreed ston the Miscellaneous Fund report. It was suggested a donation be made to Camp Menestung, Goderich. The next meeting well be held at the home of Mrs. George Williamson with Mrs. Harvey Craig and Mrs. Roy Williamson in charge of devotions. Prior to the closing prayer Mrs. B. Hoegy presented Mrs. P. Snip with a gift in appreciation of her help on this unit, she will be moving inthe near future. A social half hour followed with lunch. and Mrs. Ken McDonald. Low Mrs. Sadie McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Murray. Marked cards - Mrs. E. Stevens and Mrs. Allan McCall. The World Day of Prayer this Friday will start at 2 p.m. with guest speaker from Bornholm, McKillop unit in charge of devotions, general business, to be discussed. Douglas Mitchell is still in the intensive care unit of the University Hospital, London since his accident last Tuesday. We hope he will soon be on the mend. You are reminded of the Lunch was served by , .hostesses, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Jack Gordon; Mrs. Torrence Dundag and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Pancake Breakfast this Sunday morning from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. at Duff's United Church, Sunday School and Church Service will both follow at 10 a.m. Any lady in the community is welcome to attend the "Needlepoint" course on Thursday evenings at the hall. This is sponsored by the Walton Institute. Girls are urged to attend. 8th and 16th unit topic is legend of St. Valentine Ethel WI bowls ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR DATE: Wednesday, March 28, 1979 PLACE: Royal Canadian Legion Hall Goderich TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Development Committee of Huron County is holding a Seminar to invite suggestions and questions on the role of Economic Development in Huron County in the future. Your participation r' requested to help evaluate our Economic oppor Name. Address: Telephone' . — .. . . ... . Please fill out the above information and return it with the $3.00 registration fee by March 15, 1979 to the Undersigned: R. S. CUMMINGS Development Officer Court House, The Square GOWICH ONTARIO N7A 1M2 For information. call: 524-2188 Boundary and 17th Unit makes donation to camp Menestung Pancake breakfast planned