Huron Signal, 1875-12-29, Page 3.111111. • NEW .16-00DS )0 P ECES NEW MIRES 1 CASE NEW TWEEDS, CottA Warps, GRAIN BAGS, VERY CHEAP .AT s =W. R Robertson's. disterish. Www10 JOHN McINTOSEI Jr & Oa i.DRiGOODS, GROCERIES, i --- ------ - GLASSWARE, - t.311-k.A.1,' (.11L17..&12'. CIEIMACT.i. • Also Choice WI: es and Liquors. Crebae Vetoer, Market Ileptassa JOHN BOND, PRARIACEUTICIL ST, suryzwpawrics, it alma trit aasessee that beite jest received &large awortmear el Drugs, Meakines, Rimy Articles, .SHOULDER BRACES, TOILET sair,41. Pril•qP,k 114114room . comzs kaiak A NH NAIL Snaky*, PILLS IN OIL. • PERFIWEar STRENGTHENING PLASTERS ALso. A Ltwn room or SPONGES, R AZORS, I AZO -ST U A PS, A N situe.vING soArs. ..TAT 1-01: 7117: BUCKEYE MINERAL AA•v{M.*”a anl•rea1 hnl1 etthfi wLn*tad4L0iet.1te1.t.' e4 1epypre; a.ts.h. tailuedr. ee• lslit.. i.•I' • 11117.•4• 11•••-,t"vy!r.y.p.i.a. creeAatanjst •fI_E.R 8t,-. 1Imr1n11e4.ewm...aW loo ..• .Wtmrwm,waeiuc.enta.k•Wu143lf,,aa.Atj-X.•r8./..l-6a-k io•m •nma.6...k..POaR1wCr.7 .iP.5 rs.•Saa. iIUs•roftrowI,lehDiw•• oe.n•ar•• •tleI•0•WWw ..4 81818 • rw 41•18me&an-aOy.814•as eaete. 4.o..14•41.0.4 •4-6. . 4 bI esi, ..,.pftsny. stemtte•threbyt.. r.memr.' AiX. Wht.04.To II,at..tAre a... la . .tv..,..,., •• s....aw18radNemehef1.,-.4 1,..WftdTr,gsr•R,e..inttte&an.own Iron Tana." l.ftW.. • VI MON. Asaliewit -- While liessen. Arnim o.a4 J Metier ewe •• annt ha • 611111 18 181111.180 (.144 1., •••• 181111111, pi kW/8 ..4 1.h0111 Lbws, 60116014414 V'. 18)1 WIJIWINID on 4 886. 46114 easifisty breasea siker Liva ••• 111 aays -Mr. Chew Meta Mame Kowl, 1.. remised 1.4"11. Ina wa. Manna, oisiauswe Itar sans veer a•eal lead, wel welt **wed.. has il•gb 6•1010m. i" • lir• "14 Seaway Uses. -A hoe days sea wile l. Ansa. IAA Cuseniergia lig.% was die•Wit Oro Ira la• len of les least .4 tar Aro., ulna &eased saj•sus 0 awns his livara.-astr • hat. 8 skeet diadem% telletielai. OBA/011-111-17-'14) viiirstrt. Simms. - • Mad fee 14.• Wow rereoetet 1`...e le Ito•v•,• et!! be ta•te4 W.`13 th. we( leaf .1,.ets iteelafil• •411 °Let *heat NM. Thor* vir• 4A./..00 48•/..11 at Wit' Ile *tweet Tweet, &Al te,reue el 3/441,900 urer the was 14100 last teat - ere ors of our in••1 •neriveva• tr••••••.- 18r1 lolly/0 papa/ 111 6.11 .4'•1y 144.4A0e, ".n.1 •. ..t'.• hap ; 17•" l'ereets an the theses' lee. arena.' 1..• loom.. to 11. $..o.4 01.600 teatdt Shay pay taxes, rea Tula at neute. supal and l'arharvimtary rolortsosa. flia lady • L•mi the flea. 11. 4'. C•81•61414, U. Y. r, was . hate learned •••y shortly *Lei i4.t. Weel..estett, leet week, el *wino Vvf . TIMM re ewe ilusiseadewk aim - aim pupa, in xis that gad transb 18. @Miele at I4.42.•111.• Thu s• the lett. 184 weans •eet 6.41.61, A WOO 18 II...V. Prrerso, 444 , got oat et led, the ether l04tUlll4. whil• It ••• 10111C1, -dial, sod stoplood %spotlit., daugh- ri- env. ••• aliejealg 111 an tsp.". seed on the Lax •oraektmei, ber dead 4.14.1er her 1801,..yd • A ralgr84 slum named J1441666 44al•oh sad ha ..1. Inh No4tsa 00 • tower's *Wilts 111 iftwi• •41111111411111111!, /h. 11411: TI•Tier Lrit .4014..ate awe iftftftty, sad nothing forth.. Ansitivird Matt Anaday ta4rnIng, •tidet it 1816 lowid that the ...sag w.11.....a 11- - -...., _ • !Still alovertis an tilts. MILK, MILK, WILL r . , ...,,Iir Ni I I.!. ..,:,.. :IC .,.,1•1' 1.1 tn2l, , 4, ;t -. t... ,........,...• ..•...• at 1....••te., a, •.• .0 ',row r or ••• , •••,00,1 .1.., 8T. JAMES' PARK NURSERIES, London, Ont. lag Wits. Aker essay years esperiat•Mb ream. to tie colacitasoa• that 4118 Long Credal iyaleto aow use ia a greet liberal evil, and have deSeelnined that Irma tam 1st January, 2471, 1 will thaeontanit all hog credits and sell only 4/.1 C41111 or ithOYI 1coorder the present reams • favorable ocir (..r makstig th, •iissitahle cheap, as we am noir 'capitol the twactits of • bottnli- ful hart/eat anti fear price., tam- er. awl other. Ghoul., noir be • to pay up all old accounts and buy III (untie Ger call only. N. t wishing to take undue ad- vantage of any wbo are now rutt- ing long accounts with me, 1 teem it necessary to give the. onely notice, Ito that noon might 1x.vander therrutelvc• harshly dealt with. 1 woukl Owl take thi• oppor- unity of notifying all lhoec Ol- eg:4rd h. We that all, book no - counts of keg *landing remains. taisettleti after the 1.141, Jaauary, •.1ti will lt.' eleved i,i he bti2 .f a Sol tellOf for 1ahav14re4.• kiacc to say melirat t.minerat stock 14 DOW nd'eomplete, compriaitag every ISUg uswilly kept in a geneiel on., Intending purcharelll (mud do well to giro me • t -all aelore'purchraing 1 twig; return thy ;louvre thank* . the general public for ikevery beret patroaago tendered mi. And truig by etrict attantioa to ban'. e., Law 4.84.i.4 .*4 low ream., merit a continuance in the 1,..re of those IaVor* sit itherall• bestowed on tn.' in the past. 1/. Filtursos, Opposur l'olhorne Hotel. aoderieh, Nor. 10,1875. *4'JSta. 1 0 11 41 • - a • • it 13 4, it twe 1 to 143 PONTEY ITAYLOR, 4, 1 minis Tell IAMB A • A --•'.--..... - Csaapi de and Well !rained STOOK oP PAEM TO RENTFruit & Ornamental .----- L Ara164,0 4116114 '1.• It 1.4 eeetre..... aver tie lam f 1..1:=••••"11gi18 . aammaspama- mi. 0. /0111.alt rilliinr...1)1Ciallga shrubs Roses, .....•,•••••••..... roma ••• saw aw arra 16.18••• 8•144...W8. Ike 7.,:k.VID....11/1.1•11,.....1••••••••fowsmila '8. dprI*11■•••a• Iftio• Wars Tv• b... es gss, raw *8 ondsrereddi. a is WWI I./101•108.1ki VIritaba 4,114 Vines, &c., &c. - * a 'Simla& *L141.1111014 vIIITRI81740 44. • tlftSiTOINTD: Standard and Dwarf Apples 7110•Ww• War.. tr. WOW VW WW1ile • wiper. . Allay le 111111. 7*7Ik1W1U11.1"*11411:7111411WW. NURSERY STOC. K. a e " N t 1I 1 1 r'..1 7 . The Mayoralty. 10444 Walt eat I a•1616 .,ui........W..1•rwIr0.l.,Vit4e.zr1ver,1..."::o"` iILr e .' •••''• .. -, =kW eat aaL..4 al a,.y...r:...Zm•1::f • mar 1 6II 1n8 /afda a• 14..a.M. 1011„Ye 000,1W • •• 0460 • 110ai•. ,..i.•••••••••4411Mbel,•••••••••••••••••WroikkWw.WWW01.14.1... , . r, . ,..." ,tiP.".fLtotTc 0..4'oaal. a•••i7.•1.., ex0..6.Zri,ka , eshow: **gnat the ' od allortay..Enst Slorket square "" " -I 1.',7!" •""f 0•8•••••• 1111•0‘ a aP'L'-.'. aura thas Tail ...i wi.f. b. 'NM Pr .ltlIt.11+ ill 04,11711 t 09 BUOT & SHOE STORE- IMaor.SIDIrr #44t A 1: i• MO. ' it 7,75 re per, elikto tins gesciMly seta at flier pia. 14. 4. fl (II: • Ilirr0011E ra*fgetita. 11.4.1-1.•4 d•vse • .th 11. .111,11.1 t rid ov•paselv. (1466.18168, March mr. tv7". WILLIAM Cairilinik 411044.4.10 bar solsoupg rwletwat thaV asylArsode 01111. "'"h.gh,a.1%,,fe"..L.,44 "In "i**.r."". Orilamental Trees _ e• too 14•4 the ameseati.h • 8141 .1.4.ev•V aft .11. et met,. re t re ow,: MOM* fn.al the hal 1,4 •matelatertaaa Theolo..s you ha rowan. I sopy.. its p • .1- C. DETLOR & CO. Ilan just -received 2 CASES DRE: OODS, 011111 Bought Selling at New Fu' COA7 I Lou T.4141e.4 ee.„, Ws, • so tv,e•. toe, apse.' esewaser weilawd. • .0 DIM.OR A, 00. MY Mani ...bi• ' itogrz nvir' r. poem cope., Mlan• A NNU AL AfEtTIP142 -True Vest Hiding Agricultural Sae' amoal• 841418 4. TOW* U&L staiRTIPS ItILI• • • 118 lath Jafilts 1a88re ...161 • ,0 44.0 Mal (818118 •814.• ••• ••4 fort C.* •••••• VW* WWW114.,••••••• A...6,8 A fa• •••••4 884.11448114, J. A.S. VARCOZ, *18113.47.• 1101110. Preetdont. 1110r.• Co l4601l•... jftl g e NATIONAL TRAIINGSOOOL. P E C A B G I N S ••••• - -.--a. •d•• ••i•••v .f= •• ..a.•l*de.n..1. . . - - • -. •tL-y••• .7 _ _ _ 0 THE LIME )OF ORETIMI.trrE,re N f - AND VICNITY. 11•• 1S.,111,C11 ala.thoe EIDER W00 id, T • y • pea L ' d . O e. 7nm.P•*IvPo anted NO ("one i Otspuma •L. 44 OIL " W 1 l•e e1 Ia aeescwruv •0 to aiincveu •4.ft 0.004ww I....Ora.4•*as4e.*10 t i a O r Ao.87. mt..* 4 1*.a46 1d8*.••w 6 e6..•.18 4 e •Mt.1. tedar.Imaft. Jren sa, ' .4.l6sc.66ra,...tu•44".. 6w..,.v,.•.a.L.r..4.n.s.aT...'lr....,.oot *1...a. "6y: 6.•fnPl .4.1•1.•••Aa 7..m.wN..1• .. ...o, 11I,'..la6W*"t1IQy.n.A6e•_,14...._ 1/8.Nr"_P,*1I..mC0_a6Mr4U•I,S.r•.o0*0.1Commercial o1p 4oa4na 1 •,1,ra0W ,,•.,e.•as.ft1=•.W "amla•a. a ..ada , - ., : -.'' 2 4 /k lr srIXIINCiAI, 441414 a 4'_'_ 4.*.1.•4 r 188•4 (* 1.8•14 8..l 11 M. a"a 111+41, miIrel 0* tel 644 1.4•• 8•86t, 41111* al. xVdad 0`... da884*•8a.44. an.. 108 a• 6.6,•444 •ti,,001. a• W..444 i• ww low:.•“"if•Na.0ftd rt:....:,....,.7...4=w:4; Wa.Wuala.. 1-4,u 444 it,at 41• 8...Ai.4 14* •,80.1.* 1• 64,40144tam164814fa wez.4vf,.1 oc.o.. •••8•z6. 0.UN ...11 at.biMtk., w 0,0 ss40J.: WW4 184.,4.. • (0* Ay SIP ots,W66844• Tr ••8 1411 464488.48 1' 4. 14418. 1. ...18l 4....44.,4 4. 4,8844 46. m(m; ...AA ia.bre .4th,on .4 81.14••• .00 ofwiUwe. 00WQI *7) 48 04 Wv... 18 U. 88844 0,110 :•...""t".*i.. 1,•14ro.IIT...061'F44o e88.4flo 4145. %484_. Y.. 1543 sa ra 1841.4, ••04ft4044.1814.4. •••• .406 C.048* OMIA' 8. • 6.6 1611 48.046 181861 ftb ..n., W.,. 0 04976 o We 4*444448, ovrva.. tmVW.1..:.488. .88 I. W18w1118I11a 411• R. f:Ul8 164111 7e486. 18 .8 4kt.4. ..8 1 . 11173. • f. CV.., CLASCOW .'.... a.e h t COL Goitiona 1147 aSoie'ppy.ridt _ On crAsn. ism,,MANGIN MODE OF • N E W e00-3 8 4 . , .11.4 arrived 4 lot 01.new DRESS •G000S ItmTrimmunt: latest styl 4 r . ! ..).. . •• • . LADIESTRINAED HATS Jnnall ,and MO LADIIW. MA • Anotheot ofU W IEEF HMMS, Flowering Shrubs, D. sPINUlarotv 11.044. Pond*. War mai Ckaalaag 11B 111 Hardy Herbaceous Flowering 0 Plants, Lc. • Our entire Stork is *mime Cer•. oiarsom, ..aaaristo1 v.. L. • 1..c..1 (-seri" Ornetaries dt Provision 1 y tear peesal *eel het( 1 . • 1846.400. 6.86 A I V•L1: CAREFULLY SELECTED XMAS NIL Mr1M,RIP by, an.I gmwil muter the hese. 88 48• 118811••• 0418 14646/844r, 88 4- 11868408.r. owlet. ow., arti NS Os Irk. mead IS •••••a• •111. ..•6••••• Cato ponervi.i•wi of Jr. Prorefe. MOD WI 18.08 18•1168148444•1ar•••• 1.4 LOTS FOR SALE. j o flame Um 44, ;v.41* 4. ,•••• .1.4 %red Ia... • ••. 1.. ammo ',MR lbereeeteeiat. 1.. • 1144.1 adiallailt. 411/188. 4188804 Oat 4166 • - . • *ORLY TO ISIS. te a., 'L- og .... *P., 6,4.p. sore sal Wwww mom. Pewee meet*, .41, • VOW Ala- MIMIC* WM*, • NEWMEAT MARKET Enid*. •-••• 11•41 111•44.1 r6- 1/r1•881, 86•40166/4 a; ,v1,64,14,.. sea... 044 ••••• 4.a.r4 • rravanft aft gear& 88*11143.7 • 3.48.4 ft. ...ow.. al 410411.81.11.4 Aims 1„,_,••• 4.4 "11.1188' tt414. bad 811118m1 =Namur Ma Ink nvaAd. PACKING Dom by e14erie31r.1 mictiten, so Oast sto1 ilf ('am) a:My 1111 sal part of the country., - DESCRIPTIVE !Wel tetaIngue• vent .44 84404. A 1.141• 06.11, ALEX. ADAM. •ftememeete.. -TEIIPZ/ANCILIteln, , r• abn 14. a • r••4 •1 DOING BUSIBEtsS, in r eW i e ts ,id u Leenter Ialy thst 1084 credit M 1thender oltI.. day wl isaothre 71.441114. to the gt. Nr the -eler v.. 'GS a change Is needed. rho 8,.tt 4,1 adtgr the leael April welt realer ho credo aadil•• alwasWy en th. irs k011 et/ fal by i. aa Nether iivdeata,a 4.,,n•li1 4*e11..mde. W -'111074.144041. 1011,. ing t 1.ve (.• 1.. 4;0POI 1.44. hro at .Mita tn. .,A,e• wooisi a.*Ma t• pspter '.4 pt)Ine ray l v g L I N E oil It1OVAI, WAIL STRA18 1 a n d Glasow r d el0(aPl1a ne_ 1i61,•1V•w i1bma.•184•ift4 l t8. IA n la .-m%-1i. Jv• a • r • •o . w4.,6. 1a 1ft r8 aa r r• r aia •au‘r ••.m , wft.• m • • • a•w•• •-r'- '' 068. -,61 11iilrr:"."".I*fi_;'".-:r 04104141 • . 1 . IA ... .gi 75••1'88aftiI7881848471801"=188.0a•r•r• .,wt4.4-_0 a • r06 1i•.,80166da l0111.8, 1 Al • 1t11d•i11•8 61 111l• ll1 1t "I16d•• M X 1 .1 I11 ai- k- .= . l .1 1 1 a• :Pd =wl0O 'ftI8.R •a T. r MP Liverpool. Londonderry ft4.k .„iSAO N ,o u Dw .1041ft • 001•1,8 a opal aftd bk, rprmftarrrim..r18•6 I-. a•ftT Aaoa18147 a l 4, WILY(TR n4 o,vas ITWILL 1fat •. • tes1-.dA.aI1.41..R1,are, iv .iOet v aa b1h e• lI C R " O C 0 t 1 1 i t 0 i l E 0 e 1 1 v r . 1 y41 1 t, bi .Y o , c . 1 er nt... thy wil.pnEvover o othr I''•r. Y THEIRA lb. ewertoneth• oulm-nwr ags tktell wedaOw ualaol poible proditer ptOVISIONO. welt •• at. *4.11.41.d, therrsv t l• e _ O e al in great 1 ARAIVIS. hp 90o Tweeds v lo):1111.1 %NOW a 41TIY 8PPY•04184 by PT"^n* who me,•• OLAIIIIWA Re. be CHEAP .HARDWARE. • W. J. Somerville & Co They have renewed thew Week GM ars 8111184 C. H. PARSONS Ct. 11..t*.*. Markot seam.tledvoth. . _ REDUCED PRICES 44. Order of the Day P*Jo f"i f?i4I 7V1 A It1r."1. • • 1111 718 Ming Or filiglaingli NUR HortTittal.. IlAmaftsigd 1.• II.. ln 1.1. es,•••• 41101.1 .0 111001WpW••••• .11.01 . 11••••1 16.11.1. Ye, 361.11,=...461.?"•111•04...."• aL"'.'"••••••••"...; rara04 sad elite 1~6 8804/1 '61681.4 188. • Ow 16,041. 18/88‘ sal aro rya., wok,. 011••• 76....1••••1 6868611.•• Id 111.1.64.•• •41.68.7...•• •tr•••• tar IOW. Ap.w...1 18 ft.., eel., ow.. 16.1806 • f_ 11161.1186•4 • 48 16. •••••• 104110 806111.100.4 - 116•16•1 .10 keel,* ••••• 8. a. Wit OLIO' DIM* ;riontei. 1161.1, Xmas Presents. winos, Bit, ANL% tafl•• r.••• 41, REMOVAL,. 'BOOTSAts & J. D 0 HAV*. PENIOV Crabb' s new stora cot er Market Squa AIN 88 4.1110,..m•. Where elt yr It pi. to 1.• • • 11484•4•40. 1, , „ 4.34... 18 4. the 21t1t to allele,. very 111,-* • hatet a •••,ele -4l4*..... ftl•••• 4 •••••• , •11•41.. *Awl. •1718 411 4. to,. t 7- ter1....viatwirvileemor....? ova. ""v•va • • • it Wleraf., Mardi 34111. gits LS & 1.1 tat 0.11 01(.111.'4 . a per. & itatei( 04.8416 18v 11, ('4%‘• "LITTL.1:44'111 WHOLES -AU ALFRED Hamilton St h.r.r -f*l Sofas, Conches. Beds.' Fillcw3 and c ".4)48 1'1111014t1F.111N(I DAN: D" U I 1.1 2 . istii)i.ittfitf.• • •. ..,v.44.84.4* 141•41.114.1 • 0,001 Amts• «a. 8., • ..%flitimmtv benincom: nue 4.1sr. Cheaper than *mar Volt CASti 0144 PADDCC.X. - .Ther ars inyiag *IL Stat gin. .7 Tee facet lint viesivi0e. Toe far III. • Awl mbar Taw Is peeping's. PI MIS.* r • 84v, (1••• too Y... lor ave wat• Tar faV fOr. 4441 1'... far - 404t. %8411s i &a. 1.000 t've Tries. ite. l'esok tiespakolp.,8,41 88, 4. Ma. imhetere car la • -ten •ts• Kim Illaaavaa. II Iva 1.4ff Peewee $348 kr I 01 tam a Mack*. pr, kw, ay. 18.48 (14.,.. T.• Ito I, • lie dit•An Mina elsanstilip Sot. (.42.14 A.....re..1•411 nth *Worilwanei--- Ica, I IA1884.• p.•• ege•i•ed. O. J. Sessetelli• Ce. 144.41.. at. W Cash Grocery Store, KINCSTall STRIKE 2%. _ t Lk: it 1011. 1171.F.D: SZIXIIIII.LES a Co. our Kam aweessaarems ••••••••••• 88 Wiwi; WINO gaga aftwesa tam Wry re Ns Wormed WOW" WWI WIWI 1147 111684468.1146*.0gag WorBALL, I Plonr. it I kir -"Paid aid ,11111411..r..80,118 rroir Providons. TALLENT, JUST RECAIVED IP It 15 I 'r URN IN ARASON. ,G0dClih. ..aaiwanaiatie. ir •711111tra35.8.2013 M! Furnitute rat •11./. iTS 2147)71') ASI. I tit:Irv:II A mow alewt errd.c.1",• 10 fr et pet: y 1 st,4 14:44.1 a-- rv..ev n 018.3.,.,. "4''V,4'J...,.....veavv•tv 4014 11•.1.• dned rutt•41/1 !VV. 1),..,111.1F1' , PSYCHOmA .111‘1111., illAWS SYRUP 1161 the MB .1-vvrA NT"' r r 11( r. •ro iarce;rin..-1 ••• s.austri. REti h • .• 1...•••1140M1CIIRIrejallArt aruitiv. 88111.Mar 4..aana...ar.-4.11..••••••ft • Ian/ Ira Ito** a, 414, 8164.4 ASIA =.8601144.1 Erre 8 11111•-- 1111.1 weak a f114 ilSCA 1111: ••-• 141611111181861/116111.' v HUM 114.Les leeks. 6.107......A • A...• .as per r rat tftiiora is. las. • r Is Pft .18 7(88 , . Theca Affections, Conet .1re ! UIJE trUM Mtoaog rlos i c d Asa•••Kest Boots & Wes t,s . 16.1.•Ot EXCEEDINCLY 10 PRICES. 1 I: irr is & aouiv et eie d avd Shl 1) RI GO 11 ifEirES • I 'beeper taist thapie.gL.Cod.3oval.ved SANTA CLAUS n A• 118"11 • 4 _A It .4611,:40rn..eux.7.: -8 .1'1,-- • S1 tist ' A It 1 ••••Inded Vairktir Sten, 1 , rite 6. 64.4 W"Rat84‘114...44 11 10 ia Dada. " .vr /1111,..111111. .110 h... BA • t lim111.110.•. .•411.• r••••••• C.a.. 411 Ft.. v.w.lwrik d 1h• .0,w,n •1 rims _sad Irmir yoke; WARTITO IIIIIIESIATZT.T. -- ii7..24•,.1...iett, si 4.. 0.1a. OW o.404414.. 481811*481811**7*r•s. vv to •- Toys andirasoy tieed,, •-• '. la '''111'7..;1414'. • ,., 44` ft pawn a• SP t:S.E frit 4•11nr. 4. .......... Se *„1111"1=j.e"•.1"..."weeh.rw4ee :• •-7• ••• • 1 •1.°14"1 em A dOteeeheawrse.1:.4,".47.......*"....76d11044 . 1,1. 0•6911011.11110Likresena taw. 4 .•• ' 18111, ''''.. .:.• MOORROUSE'S. - calts,•Trd, 011 - . • . .• ...aa 11-\,...40 • • • ' • ,44 ••• Site too a. v.- • )0111100 .8.144 1;iiiWALW ••• I 1 4. Daminiaa • ea* Viav.•• • 1kik, rissiv..lhey ..•••••••• 4• , ,61 US ... ..,.1444111111.1114.-- Mao re0Men. av BAKERY ar d CONFECTI ON- ERYDEPARTMET 1.• 0•••••••• g 88448 •••••••1 •••••••• lanaftma 48.18614 Mow ••• ro•g•••64 to MI 811••• e• 16••• 4.88. •116 ••••••••••• 181 Nara A Call !Solicited. RXD illt1:4 MILLER a cv a -4...k Gary 114176. lee ter TO* no COUNTY OF HURON, For 1876. 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