Times-Advocate, 1979-01-24, Page 24Pl hi By JACK RIDDELL MPP Huron-Middlesex Our leader, Stuart Smith, recently spoke to the Empire Club of Canada on the subject of an Economic Strategy. His remarks were entitled “The Myth of Provincial Impotence”. Although some people have referred to the economy and the “national unity Issue” as twin problems, Stuart considered this too narrow a term. He felt that “most of us have tuned out that message because it’s too simplistic, and we are hearing it too often. In fact, Canada has never made economic sense because of our climate, our communication and tran­ sportation difficulties, because we are an under­ populated country, with a ribbon of communities stretch from one ocean to another. We have defied economic logic and the power of a large country to the south. Much has depended upon ‘ our remarkable natural resource inheritance. We have been able to have our nationhood, and also a high standard of living, because we have been able to live off the avails of our natural resources. Stuart noted that “our national purpose, our reason for coming together in the first place, has never had to be renewed. We never had to fight to create this country. We have never had any hardships during which we would say to ourselves, ‘Yes, things are tough, but after all this country is worth preserving’. We have never had to renew our faith in Canadianism. We have never had that faith tested and consequently, it has never been understood by a good many people.” He pointed out that we have supported enormous government expenditures, gigantic provincial and federal deficits, on the blithe assumption that future generations will be able to pay for our extravagances. But in this connection, tomorrow does indeed come, and we have to realize that in the future, there will be fewer young working people to support a far greater elderly population. Also, we have supported our habit of importing to our heart’s content, with little thought for the effects on our economy or our labour force. Clearly, those days are over. Our natural resources are not infinite. Moreover, foreign buyers are already going elsewhere. Third world nations have very large deposits of similar materials, and are willing and eager to sell them in order to obtain foreign ex­ change, Stuart expressed his belief that “We need in Ontario a willingness to curtail our demands, both private and public. We have to learn that we cannot consume if we are not producing ... we have to pay some attention to the state of national feeling, because we in Ontario stand Special events are planned Times-Advocate, January 24, 1979 . some won't * to lose the most if national feeling deteriorates in any way.” There is a vital role for government. “We hear so much, since Proposition Thirteen, that government should just go away and leave everything to the private sector. I, for one, do not believe that it’s so simple. For sure, we need less of the obstructive, burdensome kind of government that we have become used to. But we still need some government role in our economy. It must, however, be a more in­ telligent and a more selective role ... We need a government that leads by example, that sets priorities, that makes choices and fosters private initiative and a feeling of Canadianism.” Stuart spoke at some length about the importance of a manufacturing strategy. “In the first half of 1978, shipments by Ontario’s manufacturers grew more slowly than all other provinces, except New Brunswick and Saskat­ chewan. There are fewer people employed in Ontario manufacturing today than in 1974. The Science Council of Canada describes our manufacturing industry with the term “de­ industrialization”. There has been a tendency in our country to become a natural resource supported and service oriented economy. Manufacturing has become little by little a down-graded activity, and that has hurt Ontario in particular”. There is a shortage of skilled labour, which is going to become even more serious, unless drastic action is taken. “Manufacturers go begging for skilled workers while many of our young people are collecting unem­ ployment insurance.” “Government, industry and labour, working together, must pick areas of potential success” ... we must specialize . . . “We have some natural ad­ vantages. We have an educated population that has cost a fortune to put through school, and we are not now using these people to their full potential. In labour intensive areas we can be beaten by the third world with its very low wages, but we could lead the field in new technologies related to mining, forestry, energy, communication, transportation, climatology, oceanography. We need research policies, bringing together our universities, our industries, and government. We need government procurement and purchasing policies. WANTS MORE? The Exeter and District Heritage Foundation agreed at Monday night’s meeting that the prize for their re­ cent draw would be awarded as was stated on the ticket — a trip for two to Hawaii or $1,000 in cash. The agenda for the meeting indicated that winner Mel Gaiser is “holding out for credit of $1,- 400 at the travel agency.” Some members of the foundation and the travel centre said that they had been approached by Gaiser, who recently returned from a Hawaiian tour, about get­ ting credit for a different trip. Gaiser says he only asked what alternatives he might have. I FOOTBALL IN WINTER? — C ‘ _________r:_/,..s, his new electronic football game which looks more like a pocket calculator. The Cudmore family dog, Lady, joins in on many of the activities with Craig and Jarle. T-A photo Craig Cudmore can easily beat big brother Jarle Fisher playing Big Brother a godsend says one area mother By Mary Blewett About two years ago. an Exeter widow was worried that her 12 year old son wasn't getting enough adult male companionship. After several unsuccessful attempts at finding a friend for her son. she called the United Church minister, Rev. Glen Wright. Rev. Wright agreed that boys without fathers need some special attention, and contacted the Big Brothers Association. In September 1977 a local board was form­ ed, and since then.six boys who are without a father in their home have found big brothers. Rob Grant, a member of the Big Brothers board says that both little and big brothers are needed. They have to be very selective in matching up the brothers. The potential big brothers fill out applications, give references, go to interviews and have their backgrounds checked. “It’s like applying for a job," Mr. Grant says. This screening process is necessary because mothers need to be reassured they are turning over their son to someone who is going to have a good influence on them. The big and little brothers have to be careful­ ly matched. Mr. Grant wants mothers to realize that they need not be reluc­ tant in contacting Big Brothers. The aim of Big Brothers is to provide companionship for mother-led boys. Mr. Grant stresses that it is not a baby sitting service. Nor does it have to be expensive. While going on trips to the zoo, or taking in movies can be fun. it isn’t necessary to do such things all the time. Sometimes a boy will enjoy having a big brother so that he won’t have to wash the car or do other odd jobs alone. Donna Pridham calls Jeff Carroll, a big brother to her son Paul, a godsend. Paul. 14, received crosscountry skis for Christmas, and now Jeff is taking him on the trails. Mary Cudmore, whose son Craig has Jarle Fisher for a big brother, says that the most important thing they do together is talk. Craig’s father died when he was only seven, and Mrs. Cud­ more says Craig didn’t have a chance to absorb any male attitudes. She felt that Craig needed more exposure to male influence, and he has found that in Jarle. Craig. 12, gets along well with Jarle, and Mrs. Cud­ more says they are very well matched. She hopes that a big brother can be found for her younger son, Douglas. Jarle feels he is very for­ tunate to have a, little brother who doesn’t have problems. He says that sometimes the publicity for Big Brothers shows the worst — boys who have many problems — and makes being a big brother seem like a lot of work, He and Craig are very flexible in what they do. Sometimes Craig will join Jarle and his wife for dinner, and then Craig’s mother will return the in­ vitation. Other times Craig and Jarle will go toboggan­ ing, to moto-cross races, March of is on next week The week of January 29 is the starting date for Ontario March of Dimes’ 1979 Campaign. Campaign chairman in the Exeter area is Dorothy Pfaff. J During the campaign more than 45 volunteers will be knocking on doors throughout this whole area. Please make them welcome in your home and please dig in your pockets — as deep as you can. Because disability is everyone’s business. Some people think disabilities are a rare oc­ currence. In fact, one in seven Canadians is physically disabled. They may have had an accident or been hit by a crippling disease (like polio, multiple sclerosis or arthritis). They may have been born han­ dicapped. Whatever the reason, the Ontario March of Dimes is hiking in the bush, or just shopping in London for a day. Jarle says they just get together as often as he thinks Craig needs to see him. “It would be monotonous for us to get together on a schedule,” he says. Jarle is a carpenter, and lets Craig help him in his workshop from time to time. But Jarle says that it is more important that they communicate freely while they are doing different things. The big and little brothers in the South Huron area got together for a Christmas party and plans are in the making for more such out­ ings. They hope to go to a Blue Jays ball game this summer. Anyone interested in becoming a big or a little brother is asked to contact Marshall Dearing, 235-1834. there to help. Not just with wheelchairs, artificiallimbs, and other aids, but with job training and placement programs, camping and other recreational op­ portunities, self-help groups, research, mobile medical clinics, assistance with housing or transportation. Getting the physically disabled people back into the mainstream of life is what the Ontario March of Dimes is all about. You may not see much publicity locally, as the March of Dimes respects the privacy of those it assists. But your gift could affect the life of someone on your block, around the corner, or right in your apartment building. So when the Ontario March of Dimes’ volunteer calls at your home, please give generously. You might be helping someone very close to home. I a I By MARY BLEWETT Even though Exeter coun­ cil won’t endorse a “Smok­ ing Cessation Day” most citizens are willing to go along with it. I conducted a very exact and scientific poll to deter­ mine where residents of Ex­ eter and area stood on the smoking question. My methods were fairly complex — on two different occasions I walked up one side of Main Street and down the other, and asked anyone I met if he/she smoked. Well. I soon learned to iden­ tify myself, and explain that I was taking a poll for The Times-Advocate before asked if they smoked. The first two smokers spoke to offered me cigarette, assuming that was having a nicotine fit and was begging on the streets. Older ladies I questioned, would glare at me, state “no” emphatically, and walk away shaking their heads. Incidentally, I have never smoked. So my technique changed, and I approached people with “excuse me, I’m taking a poll for The Exeter Times- Advocate”. One glimpse of the camera hanging over my shoulder and I had scored them away for sure. But a few people did res­ pond, and here’s the way my statistics went: 29 non- smokers, 9 smokers, and one young gentleman who says he had just quit that mor­ ning. Of the-non-smokers, only five allowed me to take their they non- got a Bill Graham...hadn't heard about Weedless Wednesday, but thought it sounded like a good idea, and said he'd try to quit for the day, and maybe longer. Benjie Hillman...says quit for the day in honor of Weedless Wednesday. But he's quick to add that it probably won't last forever, just for the day. Benjie says "I wouldn't quit unless the doctor told me I had a bad throat or something." Jim Oesch...it was late in the afternoon the day we spoke to Jim Oesch. He had just quit smoking that day after four years. To quote Jim "It's just driving me nuts." Jim says that this time it's going to last, because he's bet with a friend. It's smoking cessation day photograph and would give their name. My “quit today" also let me take his picture. Comments from the non- smokers were varied. Some simply had never smoked, while others wanted to relate long horror stories about how it was to quit or how they used to smoke three packs a day. The majority of the non- smokers had quit within the last five years. One lady said she quit smoking to save money, and then found that she felt better after she quit. Another lady said she smoked for about 12 years, and then quit 10 years ago. Now she hates the smell of cigarette smoke, and doesn’t want smokers com­ ing in to stink up her house. Some non-smokers said they gave it up because their children had reached the age where they would start ask­ ing questions, and they had to set a good example for them. Others quit smoking for health reasons, following a heart attack or other such problems. One non-smoker observed that if God had wanted us to smoke he would have put a chimney on top of our heads. Among the nine admitted smokers, two said would quit for the Paula Zeehuisen...says to be honest she won't quit, and has no intention of quitting. Sandi Bergmann...hadnt heard about non-smoking day, and says that she isn't going to quit at all. ^Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ PUT * VOURSEIF sudden onslaught of a crippling, disabling disease. Any of these calamities could put you in this picture, maybe permanently. Overnight your world could become a room with four walls, or, if you are one of the luckier ones, a chair with four wheels No one is exempt from tragedy, smoking day, and then they would really try to quit and make it last. Four others said they would quit for the day, but it might not last too long. One lady said that she may be able to go the day without a cigarette, but she wouldn’t have the con­ fidence to quit smoking altogether. Another gentleman who admitted to “smoking like a chimney” said he’d try to give it up for a day, but it wouldn’t last any longer. Only three of the smokers said that they wouldn’t quit at all under any cir­ cumstances. An older man with a home-rolled cigarette in his mouth, said he had smoked for 40 years with no problems, and he didn’t think he’d quit now. His wife added that she had been try­ ing to make him quit for nearly 40 years. I attempted the same sur­ vey in Grand Bend, but un- Dave O'Neill...says he'll try to give up smoking for the day, and if that goes alright, he may try to quit for good. But Dave says "I've tried to quit for good a lot of times, but it doesn't work fortunately not people were on on a cold blustry too many the streets Wednesday afternoon. A few senior citizens said they had never smoked, and I could only find two smokers — a young couple. Neither one thought they could quit for the day, although they had tried to quit smoking several times. Nor would they let me take their photograph. The young man said he had once resorted to hypnotism. He made it through breakfast without his usual cigarette, but unfortunately on the way to work his car suffered an expensive breakdown, and he had to have a cigarette. Both of them thought they were being realistic when they said they wouldn’t quit. So here it is — Weedless Wednesday, January 24, 1979. All smoking Canadians are being asked to butt out, at least for the day. National Education Week on Smoking runs January 21 to 27. Last year the American Government promoted a no­ smoking day and estimated that one million Americans gave up smoking. The Cancer Society, the Heart Association, the Lung Association, and the Red Cross is hoping for similar results in Canada. They want to influence young peo­ ple not to start smoking, and persuade smokers to quit. So get your ash trays ready for that last cigarette. Exeter Scouts ride on machines Sunday the Hully Gully snowmobile club hosted 10 boys along with their leaders and five parents from the Exeter Boy Scouts to snowmobile rides and hot chocolate. Randy Collins on behalf of the club gave the boys a talk on the safe and legal regulations of snowmobile riding as well as proper clothing and weather con­ ditions. Mr. Collins went over the basic care and maintenance of the machines. The boys were given pamphlets on snowmobile regulations. Each boy was given the opportunity under the supervision of licenced drivers to try their hand at driving. The scout troupe gave the president, Lloyd Hay a $50 donation to the snowmobile club, which Mr. Hay in turn, returned to the scout troupe. The outing was enjoyed by members of both clubs. 11 The year of the child By MARY BLEWETT Special events for International Year of Child in Exeter are still in the planning stages. Lossy Fuller, chairman of Exeter council’s social services committee, says that coun­ cil will be promoting one event, but they hope that service clubs and church groups will have their own projects. In honor of the year of the child, council has decided to let children take over for a while. Senior pupils at Ex­ eter Public School and Precious Blood Separate School will have the chance to run the town for a day. Elections will be held at the schools, with the students campaigning for the various positions on council. There will also be a fife chief, a chief of police, a clerk, a works department, and a rec department. The mock council will take office for a day, the date of which is yet to be decided. This will give children insight into municipal government. the the Louise Giffin says that the local Brownies and Girl Guides will be doing something special for the year of the child. Already the Brownies and Guides have a list of directives which they plan to study this year. The directives include a bill of rights for children, children have the right to: affection, love and un­ derstanding. adequate nutri­ tion and medical care, free education, play and recrea­ tion, a name and a nationali­ ty, special care if han­ dicapped, be among the first to receive relief in disaster, learn to be a useful member of society. The girls groups plan to do special events for and about the mentally and physically handicapped children in the area. Jay Campbell, assistant district commissioner for Cubs and Scouts says that the Boy Scouts of Canada have already published a pamphlet entitled “Children are People Too”. CamDbell says that money raised in their annual tree planting will be sent to three world countries for children. The federal government has created a commission for the International Year of the Child, and grants are available to assist in developing projects. Three types of projects will be con­ sidered by the commission: Projects WITH children’s direct involvement, projects FOR children, such as ad­ vocacy groups and projects ABOUT children, such as media projects. Community based non­ profit groups can get operating grants up to $5,000 and individuals affiliated with a community group can get grants up to $1,500. Deadlines for receiving applications are February 15 and March 30. For more information write to Tom Schatsky, The Canadian Commission: 1979 - The International Year of the Child. 323 Chapel Street, Ottawa, KIN 7Z2. TX90 comes through again TX90 showed again in 1978 its ability to perform con­ sistently year after year. Look at the results of the T.S.T. plot located on the farm of John Simpson, RR 1, Kirkton. PLANTING DATE: Soil Type: Herbicide: Fertilizer: N-50 P^O-64 Kj 0-32 (plus manure) May 19, 1978 Clay Loam Lasso + Bladex Harvest Date: October 26, 1978 Row Width: Insecticide: 30" Variety % Broken Stalks % Harvest Moisture Yield @ 15.5% TS9O 1 26.8 139.0 TXS94 0 30.0 141.7 Plot average 2 26.6 128.9 For complete details about this and VkV other tests and what the results could JL mean to you, contact your local Trojan dealer, But if tragedy does strike you or some one you love and no other aid is forthcoming, the Ontario March of Dimes will be there to help. Not just with personal support services like wheelchairs, but with innova­ tive programs of sports and social recreation, camping and job training. The Ontario March of Dimes, We've been in the picture for a long, long time .,. helping Ontario's physically disabled adults live like other people. VM ’x*’ i‘Z h* 'l. 'i II lhe Marching Mother doesn't call on Monday night, she will be calling sometime Ihrougn the week. Disabled Adults Need YOUR Help... please give generously. THE ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES CAMPAIGNS WILL BEGIN THE WEEK OF JANUARY 29 IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS EXETER-HENSALL-DASHWOOD-GRAND BEND CREDITON-CENTRALIA & USBORNE & STEPHEN TOWNSHIPS