Times-Advocate, 1979-01-24, Page 196 Services B 6 Services | 6 Services H 6 Services I 9 Sports Equipment,Veh H 16 For Sale M 16 For Sale Timei-Advocate, January 24, 1979 Gene's sighs Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM LNO PHONE 238-8242 ________ 4+ DON PENNINGA General - Construction RENOVATONS, ADDITIONS REMODELLING Framing & Trimming 235-0218 4t ORNAMENTAL IRON - porch railings, column posts, in­ side vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Des- jardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. _________18+ CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — Butchering Day — Wednesday Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER’S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood _ 19t G & C SALTER, livestock trucking, Denfield, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto, RR 2, St. Marys. Phone 349-2229, call collect. 21 + Are-Dee Construction General Construction Farm, Commercial and Residential Buildings Authorized Dealer for Alcan, Aluminum products, siding, sof­ fit and fascia, doors, windows and garden sheds. Phone Roger Dougall 235.1281 3 it BUILDS EVERYTHING’ BETTER FOR BARNS *jioneyHidge ■^‘v. ™ DEVELOPMENTS INC. J. TAYLOR -]-----1— R.R.3 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO I. NOW RENTING NEW APARTMENT BUILDING HURON STREET E. EXETER Available Feb. 1st. 1979 3-2 Bedroom Apts. 1-1 Bedroom Apt. ' Laundry Facilities Call - Jack Taylor 229-6472 or 235-0674 VENTILATING, CLEANOUT and FEEDING SYSTEMS Also COW STALLS FARROWING CRATES FREE ESTIMATES Call Roger Dougall 235-1281 ________________________3 It ELECTRIC MOTORS * Rewinding * Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 51 + SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service, also radiator repairs and re-cores. Milt Rob­ bins & Sen Ltd., EXETER, 235- 2940, 263 Main St. north of light. 40f Al’s Home Improvements Paneling, Flooring Roofing, Siding Painting, Etc. Call ALBERT VANDERLAAN 235-0533 _________________________14f PROFESSIONAL Business Ser­ vices: Addressing, labeling and envelopes, printing tickets, flyers, bulletins, booklets, photocopying. ARC Industries, 237-3667.________________47+ JACK’S DECORATING — painting and papering, vinyl siding, sales and installation, ceramic tile installation. Phone Jack Cleave, 235-2031. 8f INTERIOR, exterior painting — R.H. & S. Painting. Phone Ronald Heywood, 235-2087. 30+ 1975 YAMAHA 338„GPX, ex­ cellent condition, 1,650 miles. Phone 229-6534. 4c 1975 ALLOUETTE snow­ mobile, 295 Super Brute. Phone 237-3460. 4* 1973 JOHN DEERE snow­ mobile, JDX-8, $350. Phone after 4 p.m., 293-3196. ____4c FOR SALE — 1972 Bio Ski skidoo. $250.00. Call 235- 1532._________________ 4* 1972 SKI-DOO NORDIC 440 E, very good condition. 235- 2946. 4:5c 11 Cars, Trucks 7 Livestock WANTED — Feeder heifers 600-1000 lbs. Don Glavin, 234- 6249 between 6:30 and 7:30 P-m.___ 1:2:3:4:5:6c 1966 INTERNATIONAL, cab oval, 14’ stake, new racks, 48,000 original miles, no rust. Phone 565-2476,__________ 4:5* 1973 RUPP 340 NITRO tachometer speedometer, 1,600 miles, motor recently overhaul­ ed, excellent condition. 237-3303 after 6 p.rrr.______ ________4:5c 1972 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, reasonable. Phone 235-1444 after 6 p.m.__________ __________4* 1972 SCHOOL BUS, 72 passenger, excellent condition, very reasonable. Phone 235- 0944.____________________4:5c 1972 FORD RIDEAU 500,. needs body work, engine A-l, low mileage, good tires. Phone 235-1906. 4c HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car­ dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repair­ ing guaranteed. 2+ TWO STENOGRAPHER’S chairs. Phone 235-2420 week days. _____________2+ 30” ELECTRIC RANGE and 16 cu. ft. refrigerator. Both in good condition. $250.00 com­ plete or will sell separately. Phone 237-3533 evenings. 4c TWO G78 14” tires, just like new on rims. Daisey wood stove. Phone after 6 p.m., 294-6528. 4* FOR SALE — Coleman space heater, barrel of oil and stand, pipes. Pull behind V-type snow blower. M.H. 22 tractor pully chains. Loader apd. 2 row scuffier. Phone 235-1917. 4:5* WOODEN OVAL dining room table, 2 captain chairs and 4 mates, dark walnut, finish, ex­ cellent condition, $150.00. Phone 236-4559. ________4j5c 2 — TWIN SIZE bedspreads and 1 pair of matching drapes, 75 x 63, hockey player design, asking $50.00. Phone 228- 6378.______________ 4:5c STRAW good big bales. Stored inside. Good strings. $1,50 per bale. Phone 236-7729._______ 4c FOR SALE.— H.D. axle duals, 20.8 x 38, 10 ply, like new, to fit John Deere, $1500. Farm transfer pump. Vacuum operated with hose and nozzle, $150. Phone 236-4468 after 6 p.m.______________________ 4c TWQ BELTED snow tires, H- 78-15 mounted and balanced on Ford rims, hardly used, $50.00. Phone 238-8656. 4c HOUSE PLANS DRAWN FREE ESTIMATES Reference For All Previous Work SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LISTOWEL 291-1449 8 Farm Machinery ALLIED BALE elevator runs on electric motor or P.T.O. used once, $375.00. Phone 236- 7729. ____________4c GEHL MIX MILL, 85 bushel, 5 years old. Phone 235-2218. 4c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh SNOWMOBILE — 1973 Suzuki, 340 CC, _very low mileage. Phone 235-1647, 3+ NEW 1979 Ski duo Blizzard, 9500 plus, warranty, licensed, very fast. Asking $3,250,00. Phone London 439-6864 evenings, 3f 12 Pets AMERICAN ESKIMO dog, registered, male, 2 years old. Phone 228-691’5. 4c 14 Appliances, Television DISHWASHER, Westinghouse, white, excellent condition, 225- 2844. 4:5c 15 Personal 53 MAIN STREET PAUL HOHNER Exeter 235-0302 DIRK COOLMAN Exeter 235-1950 i PHYLLIS. JOHNSON Dashwood 237-3547 | BOB JANKE Dungannon 529-7735 PAT GRAHAM Bayfield 565-2847 BILL FUSS Hensail 262-2946 CARL WALKER Bayfield 565-5393 WANTED: a “substitute daughter” to spend a few hours weekly as a companion to an elderly lady in Exeter. Box KRM._________________3:4:5c IF YOU WANT to drink that’s your business. If you want to quit that’s, our business. Phone AA 235-1202 or 235-1454. 50+ LOOKING for a meeting place? townhall auditorium is available. Phone 235-0685. 16f 16 For Sale EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 Sq. Ft. Erected on your lot. Further infor­ mation Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. ap­ proved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 Wood, Glass and Class Executive type, contemporary beauty at 229 Kingscourt Crescent, Exeter. All the most desired features: 3 Bedroom with ensuite bath, fabulous family room, loaded kitchen, recreation room, double garage. Extra lot can be sold. Asking *95,000, Must be sold, so make an offer. Call Peter Litvinchuk, Office 673-1171. Res. 471-4241. Lit- Com Realty Ltd.-Realtor City Centre Mall, London MAE FAR LAME REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR EXETER 235-0541 WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS! RANCH BUNGALOW — only two blocks from shopping area, you'll be delighted to own this two bedroom home in excellent condition, large livingroom, separate dining room, cosy kitchen, 4 piece bath, gas heat. 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235-2533 EXETER MID-FEBRUARY OCCUPANCY — L-shaped 3 bedroom brick ranch with attached garage, separate dining room. Full basement with fireplace. Quiet street. Call Dirk Coolman. IMMACULATE THROUGHOUT — Beautiful older 2 storey brick home in excellent condition near downtown. Separate dining room, 1 ’Z? baths, carpeting and hardwood floors. Family room overlooks rear yard. All rooms spacious. Call Carl Walker. 10’A % MORTGAGE — on this 3 bedroom brick ranch featuring Pella windows throughout, family size kitchen, full basement and carport. Only 2 years old. BRING US YOUR OFFER. Early possession. Call Dirk Coolman. 3 BEDROOM— storey and a half in excellent condi­ tion. Electric forced air heat, aluminum siding, single car port with large well manicured lot. Priced in lower 30s. Call Paul Hohner. INDUSTRIAL LOT — 100 x 100 with good steel shed for storage. Call Carl Walker. EXCELLENT LOCATION — 2 bedroom, 1 Vz storey on large corner lot with newer double car garage. Owners have moved and are anxious to sell. Immediate possession. Call Paul Hohner. LOVELY BRICK BUNGALOW — 3 bedrooms with good hardwood floors in bedrooms, dishwasher in­ cluded. Full finished basement with rec room, large detached garage. PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE IN UPPER 40s. High, dry lot. Call Paul Hohner. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL — 1 ’/z storey frame home with full basement, close to park. LOW TAXES. Call Carl Walker. ASKING $32,500 — for this completely renovated 3 bedroom storey and a half. Family sized kitchen, 4 pee. bath, large main floor family room, mud room. Good residential area. Call Dirk Coolman. NEW 2 STOREY — executive man's home overlook­ ing river. Quality finishing throughout, solid oak cupboards, dishwasher, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage. Loaded with extras. Custom built and must be-seen to appreciate full value. Call Paul Hohner. ASKING $32,500 — for this 1 Vz storey 3 bedroom on nice corner lot. Good condition throughout, two bedrooms on main floor, fenced back yard. Call Carl Walker. 16 ACRE HOBBY FARM — edge of town. Zoned residential and light agricultural. Great develop­ ment potential. Call Dirk Coolman. NEAR SCHOOLS — 2 storey older brick in very good condition. Quality carpeting and hardwood floors, built-in book cases, large attached garage. Good existing mortgage at 101A%, transferable. Just reduced. Call Paul Hohner. 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE —.style home, ideal as a retirement or starter house. Located near shopping centre and bank. Full basement, large garage plus wood shed. Call Paul Hohner. ASKING PRICE $35,000 for this 11/z storey 4 bedroom frame home with new FAO furnace, eat-in kitchen, 1 Vz baths, single garage. Immediate possession. Call Paul Hohner. EXETER COMMERCIAL 198' — commercial frontage on main highway, 3 ’/z acres with good 5 bedroom brick home plus other out-buildings in godd repair. This is a choice properly suitable for development in excellent loca­ tion. Call Paul Hohner. EXETER COMMERCIAL EXCELLENT 4 BEDROOM — fully modernized brick home. Also good cement block building with paved lot. Choice Main St. location. Call Carl Walker. FARMS ZURICH --.50 acres good level clay loam, 48Vi- acres workable. This is a good chance to pick up some extra land before spring. Call Carl Walker. HENSALL EXCEPTIONAL — newer 3 bedroom ranch with FULL FINISHED BASEMENT, 1 ’/z baths, queen size kitchen with dinette area plus separate dining room, spacious living room. This is a very well built home ideal for a family requiring lots of room. Also large 2 car attached garage. Call Carl Walker. MODERNIZED — 11 unit apt. bldg, showing ex­ cellent return. All units rented, 4 car garage, laun­ dry facilities. Call Dirk Coolman. GOOD OLDER — 2 bedroom frame home on 82 x 176' lot, 2 car garage. Priced for immediate sale at $25,000.00. Call Bill Fuss at 262-2946. COMMERCIAL BLDG. — on Main Street. Two storey with full basement, nicely decorated living area. Priced in low 20s. Call Dirk Coolman. EXCELLENT CONDITION — single storey 3 bedroom home with modern kitchen and bath, large garage. Good starter or retirement home. Call Paul Hohner. ZURICH ZURICH — New 4 bedroom home with numerous features on 25 acres, highway frontage. Deep well, appliances and draperies included. Call Paul Hohner. 6.7 ACRES NEAR TOWN — Good 4 bedroom house, separate living and dining room, full base­ ment, small shed. Ideal recreational property. Call Paul Hohner. COMMERCIAL BLDG. — Large lot, 2 storey brick, upper rented, lower could be used as retail outlet. Priced for immediate sale. Call Paul Hohner. AREA PROPERTIES ST. JOSEPH - LAKEFRONT — older cottage with large new addition. Lovely sandy beach with lots of privacy. Frontage is 226 feet. Priced for immediate sale. Call Dirk Coolman. CENTRALIA - NEW LISTING — older 3 bedroom backsplit in excellent condition. Vendor has own well with abundant water supply, new drain beds, new roof, 1 ’/z car garage, FA gas heat. Call Paul Hohner. CREDITON — lovely older brick home surrounded by walnut trees. Three bedrooms, PLUS income from extra large apartment, 3 car garage, corner lot. Priced for immediate sale. Call Carl Walker. BLANSHARD TWP. Older 1 ’/z storey frame home on quiet country road not far from town. Large lot, low taxes, small barn. Call Dirk Coolman. PARKHILL — completely remodelled 2 bedroom cottage, new kitchen, carpet and cushion floor. Owner anxious to sell. Call Dirk Coolman. DASHWOOD — Price reduced, owner anxious to sell this choice country acre. Three bedroom aluminum sided house with complete privacy. PhcTfii Phyllis Johnson. id, Owt tyeoAwte, ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, ren­ tals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235z 1840,____________________21 + SURVEY and Marker stakes. Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In­ dustries, Dashwood, Phone 237- 3667.____________________47+ POTATOES, ONIONS, cab­ bage, carrots, Noel Ann Farms, west of Crediton. Phone 234- 6488,____________________46+ SPY apples, $2,50 per bushel for seconds, only $5.00 per bushel for our best. 1*/i miles north of Dashwood. 2373362,________2+ GAS STOVE, 30” Kenmore, ex­ cellent condition, $50.00. Ski boots, sizs 10 with racks, Phone 227-4381.________________3:4c TWO BELTED snow tires, 878- 15 mounted and balanced on Ford rims, hardly used, $50.00, Phone 238-8656.__________3:4c 10” WOOD LATHE, complete with stand and motor, $275.00. 225-2844. 4:5c SINGER 519 sewing machine with cabinet, like new. 225- 2844.____________________4:5c ONE LADY’S Virgin Calf coat with mink collar, size 12, worn once. Make an offer. One men’s cloth coat, black lamb collar, size 40. As new. 235-1533. 4c Canada jTrust Realtor m DASHWOOD — Enjoy the luxury of this new four bedroom ranch home at No. 1 Willart Crescent in Dashwood. Large family room, fireplace, excellent broadloom and central air. Priced in the 60's. Owner transferred and must sell. Cliff Ramey Phone 673-6091 or 672-7421 Canada Trust, London I —____________J LiiiiiiiiitiiiitiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinii! MAURICE I | GARDINER I i REALESTATE LIMITED | St. David St., = Goderich, Ontario E ■ j C = ZURICH AREA — new = 2 or 3 bedroom ranch | style home. Workshop | and garage. An ex- | cellent lot in private = location. = NEW RAISED RANCH I — 3 bedroom brick = home, large lot, rec. = room, 2 fireplaces, laun- = dry room, double car = garage, patio doors to = deck. Private location. = REMODELLED SCHOOL f HOUSE •— 2 miles from | Lake Huron, double car = garage, in-ground pool | approx, 1 ’/z acres. Ideal | as summer cottage or | year round home. | LOT — serviced, f lakefront lot, 50 x 165, = close to Grand Bend. E Robert McKinley E Main St,, Zurich E Sales Representative S FAMILY HOME — in excellent condition, 4 bedrooms, livingroom with carpeting, cosy kitchen, family room on upper level, 4 piece bath, new roof, new furnace, deep lot on quiet street. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — two bedroom brick home on good sized lot, low taxes, needs some repair, full basement, zoned industrial. FOR SALE OR LEASE — 9000 sq. feet ot COMMERCIAL PROPERTY in down town area, ex­ cellent condition and great potential. CALL NOW AND LETS DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITIES. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — #4 highway, within town limits, large frontage. CALL TODAY FOR FURTHER DETAILS. ONE ACRE — plus two storey four bedroom brick home located on #4 highway, south of town, large livingroom, separate dining room, spacious kitchen, two baths, den 12 x 17, double garage, barn, SMALL ORCHARD. FARMS, ACREAGES & LOTS BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP — 75 acres farm land, all workable, Va mile from #7 Highway. EXETER — approximately 12 acres of INDUSTRIAL ZONED PROPERTY, ideally located, 550 hydro ser­ vice available, highway location. 8' water main. LUCAN — located in BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP, one acre building lot, Ya mile from paved road. LUCAN — Large beautiful building lot, 106 x 100 many mature trees. HAY TOWNSHIP — 450 ACRES over 400 workable, two home farms have 1 ’/z storey 4 bedroom homes, barns, silos, & drive sheds, set up for beef or hog operation. COULD BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY. CENTRALIA — 100 acre ultra modern pig farm, 1 16 storey brick home, large modern barn, 2 silos, one oxygen sealed for high mosture corn, modern mixing mill and related equipment. CALL TODAY FORMORE DETAILS. USBORNE TOWNSHIP — 150 acre farm, cash crop, 135 workable, 10 bush, barn set to finish for 120 pigs, recently new drive shed 40 x 68, two grain bins, 7000 bu silo, 2 storey 5 bedroom home. LUCAN AREA— ideal building lot, 135 x 170 water, gas by door, highway location. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP — 100 acres, 85 workable, clay loam soil, good for corn and beans, two year old grain bin, Ausable River through. Tnree bedroom brick home in excellent condition, large carpeted living room with Franklin stove, family room with brick fireplace, cozy kitchen, 4 piece bath. BEAUTIFUL PINE AND MAPLE TREES. LUCAN REAL BEAUTY — Three plus one bedrooms, four level back split in excellent condition, gas heat, family room, laundry room, two baths, all good siz­ ed rooms, large lot. POSSIBLE DUPLEX — Two storey brick, 5 bedrooms, double livingroom, dining room, two 3 piece baths, laundry room, pine floors, gas heat, main street location, large lot. FOR SALE OR RENT — brand new three bedroom homes, 1500 sq. feet living area, three levels, front yard soddfed, paved street, VENDOR WILL PAY 4 MONTHS MORTGAGE if purchased within 30 days. CALL NOW FOR MORE DETAILS. DO YOUR OWN THING — in this older 1 ’/z storey three bedroom home in need of some decorating, full basement, newer furnace, new roof, livingrootn, kitchen, 3 piece bath, AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. LUCAN BIG AND BEAUTIFUL — 4 bedroom ranch home, large carpeted living room, cozy family room, com­ bined dining room and kitchen, fireplace, electric heat, large Tot, 15 minutes to London. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PROPERTY IN AREA HIBBERT TOWNSHIP — older two storey frame home, four bedrooms, livingroom, separate dining room, 3 piece bath, NEEDS REPAIR, priced to sell. AILSA CRAIG — COUNTRY SETTING — adds to the beauty of this exquisite raised ranch home, 5 spacious bedrooms, charming living room, formal dining room, three fireplaces, two baths, sunken recreation room with bar, cedar deck thru patio doors, 2958 sq. ft. living space. TWO ACRES, wood­ ed lawns. CENTRALIA — over FIVE ACRES TO ROAM IN plus three bedroom modulgr home, livingroom, kitchen, carpeting, 4 piece bath, utility room, barn, 48 ft. dug well. CREDITON — two bedroom cottage on paved road, livingroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, 100 amp wiring, good lot, 16' dug well, low taxes, GOOD STARTER HOME. CREDITON — real sharp HOBBY FARM, 3 bedroom brick home, large living room with natural oak floors and fireplace, separate dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, barn 35' x 22'. On 2 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE TREES. CREDITON — two bedroom brick bungalow, elec­ tric heat, good sized livingroom, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath, laundry room, insulated workshop, 75' bored well, EXCELLENT CONDITION. BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP — Approximately 16 miles from LONDON, beautiful two storey brick 4 bedroom home, carpeting throughout, spacious livingroom, family room with Franklin Fireplace, 1 Vz baths, all large rooms completely remodelled throughout, two car garage, large irregular lot. STRATH ROY — Older three bedroom cottage, newly remodelled, gas heat, good yard, single gar­ age, A-one shape, close to down town area. SYLVAN — two bedroom home with livingroom, kitchen, utility room, 4 piece bath on SIX ACRES OF PROPERTY - small barn, spring fed stream, lots of trees, could be subdivided. DASHWOOD — a good starter home can be yours in this 2 bedroom, 1 Vz storey home on good sized irregular lot, paved road, livingroom, dining room, 3 piece bath, 8' well. PRICED TO SELL. GRAND BEND — real sharp red brick home on ap­ prox. FOUR ACRES of property, five bedrooms, liv­ ing room has fireplace witn large decorative mirror, modern kitchen, two baths, closed in sun porch. IDEAL HOBBY FARM. CLINTON — elegant 4 bedroom home, 2 marble fireplaces formal dining room, livingroom, parlor, large kitchen, 21 x 18 family room, fully carpeted, 1 Yi baths, 2 car garage, paved drive. ZURICH — one storey brick COMMERCIAL BUILDING presently office set-up could be altered to several commercial uses. Oil heat, 200 amp wirina approx. 1600 s.f. LONDON — you'll find many extras in this real sharp newer ranch home set up as 4 self contained apartments, 10 miles east of London. IDEAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RENTAL INVESTMENT. LONDON — new three bedroom brick ranch home with combination livingroom & dining room, effecient kitchen, 5 piece bath charming florida room, large lot, Highbury Ave. area. A REAL EXECUTIVE FIND. EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY CALL US TODAY LONDON OFFICE 434-8824 LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 MERT CULBERT - 227-4766 BOB THOMAS - 482-3096 DOROTHY PROUT - 235-1866 GERRY PROUT - 235-1866 SI SIMMONS - 235-0526 TIM MACFARLANE - 434-8824 MRMM Member of London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board COMPLETE REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICE AVAILABLE by J.T. "Tim" Mac Farlane, ACCREDITED MEMBER OF APPRAISAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA A.A.C.I.